47 research outputs found

    Contrasting phylogeographic structures between freshwater lycopods and angiosperms in the British Isles

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    Aquatic plants face many novel challenges compared to their terrestrial counterparts. The habitat they occupy is typically highly fragmented, with isolated water bodies surrounded by swathes of “dry desert”. This can result in reduced gene flow, inbreeding, and potentially local extinction. The level of gene flow and degree of genetic structure in these species is also likely to be influenced by the mating system they adopt. To test this hypothesis we compare the phylogeographic structure of two freshwater plants in the British Isles, the largely clonal angiosperm Littorella uniflora, and the heterosporous lycopod Isoetes lacustris. We sampled both plants from lakes where they co-occur, and used restriction site-associated DNA sequencing (RAD-Seq) to infer their relationships. Genetic structure among lakes is higher in the angiosperm, which we associate with reduced sexual reproduction, and hence lower levels of gene flow between lakes. Furthermore, we found evidence of lineage-specific association to certain lake nutrient types in L. uniflora, which might result from environmental filtering of specific ecotypes. Overall, we conclude that the reproductive system of lycopods, which is less specialized to terrestrial conditions, provides an advantage following the secondary colonization of aquatic habitats by enabling frequent genetic exchanges between populations and potentially facilitating faster adaptation

    Extrachromosomal circular DNA as a vehicle to gene transfer in plants

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    Highly expressed genes are preferentially co-opted for C4 photosynthesis

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    Novel adaptations are generally assembled by co-opting pre-existing genetic components, but the factors dictating the suitability of genes for new functions remain poorly known. In this work, we used comparative transcriptomics to determine the attributes that increased the likelihood of some genes being co-opted for C4 photosynthesis, a convergent complex trait that boosts productivity in tropical conditions. We show that independent lineages of grasses repeatedly co-opted the gene lineages that were the most highly expressed in non-C4 ancestors to produce their C4 pathway. While ancestral abundance in leaves explains which genes were used for the emergence of a C4 pathway, the tissue specificity has surprisingly no effect. Our results suggest that levels of key genes were elevated during the early diversification of grasses and subsequently repeatedly used to trigger a weak C4 cycle via relatively few mutations. The abundance of C4-suitable transcripts therefore facilitated physiological innovation, but the transition to a strong C4 pathway still involved consequent changes in expression levels, leaf specificity, and coding sequences. The direction and amount of changes required for the strong C4 pathway depended on the identity of the genes co-opted, so that ancestral gene expression both facilitates adaptive transitions and constrains subsequent evolutionary trajectories

    The mechanisms underpinning lateral gene transfer between grasses

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    Societal Impact Statement Lateral gene transfer (LGT) refers to the transmission of genetic material without sexual reproduction. LGT is widespread in a number of plant species, including grasses. But how these genes of foreign origin got there is presently unknown. In this review, we show that transformation techniques used to genetically modify organisms could occur in the wild and be responsible for the frequently observed grass-to-grass LGTs. The distinction between natural evolutionary processes and genetic engineering might be arbitrary, and its validity will be further debated as agricultural biotechnology becomes more widely used and examples of “natural genetic engineering” through LGT increase. Summary Lateral gene transfer (LGT) is the transmission of genetic material among species without sexual reproduction. LGT was initially thought to be restricted to prokaryotes, but it has since been reported in a wide range of eukaryotes, including plants. Grasses seem to be particularly prone to LGT and frequently exchange genes among species. However, the mechanism(s) facilitating these transfers in this economically and ecologically important group of plants are debated. Here, we review vector-mediated, direct tissue-to-tissue contact, wide-crossing and reproductive contamination LGT mechanisms and discuss the likelihood of each in light of recent studies. Of particular relevance are transformation approaches that require minimal human intervention to transfer DNA among grasses in the lab that could mimic the mechanisms facilitating grass-to-grass LGT in the wild. These approaches include relatively simple techniques, such as pollen tube pathway-mediated transformation, that take advantage of the permeability of the reproductive process to introduce alien genetic material from a third individual into an embryo. This process could be easily mirrored in the wild where pollen from one species lands on the stigma of another, acting as a source of alien DNA that can ultimately contaminate the reproductive process. This contamination is likely to be prevalent in wind pollinated species such as grasses, where the rates of illegitimate pollination will be high. In conclusion, plant transformation methods requiring minimal intervention are likely paralleled in the wild where they act as the mechanism underpinning LGT between distantly related grass species

    Positive selection in glycolysis among Australasian stick insects

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    Background: The glycolytic pathway is central to cellular energy production. Selection on individual enzymes within glycolysis, particularly phosphoglucose isomerase (Pgi), has been associated with metabolic performance in numerous organisms. Nonetheless, how whole energy-producing pathways evolve to allow organisms to thrive in different environments and adopt new lifestyles remains little explored. The Lanceocercata radiation of Australasian stick insects includes transitions from tropical to temperate climates, lowland to alpine habitats, and winged to wingless forms. This permits a broad investigation to determine which steps within glycolysis and what sites within enzymes are the targets of positive selection. To address these questions we obtained transcript sequences from seven core glycolysis enzymes, including two Pgi paralogues, from 29 Lanceocercata species. Results: Using maximum likelihood methods a signature of positive selection was inferred in two core glycolysis enzymes. Pgi and Glyceraldehyde 3-phosphate dehydrogenase (Gaphd) genes both encode enzymes linking glycolysis to the pentose phosphate pathway. Positive selection among Pgi paralogues and orthologues predominately targets amino acids with residues exposed to the protein’s surface, where changes in physical properties may alter enzyme performance. Conclusion: Our results suggest that, for Lancerocercata stick insects, adaptation to new stressful lifestyles requires a balance between maintaining cellular energy production, efficiently exploiting different energy storage pools and compensating for stress-induced oxidative damag

    Widespread lateral gene transfer among grasses

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    Lateral gene transfer (LGT) occurs in a broad range of prokaryotes and eukaryotes, occasionally promoting adaptation. LGT of functional nuclear genes has been reported among some plants, but systematic studies are needed to assess the frequency and facilitators of LGT. We scanned the genomes of a diverse set of 17 grass species that span more than 50 Ma of divergence and include major crops to identify grass-to-grass protein-coding LGT. We identified LGTs in 13 species, with significant variation in the amount each received. Rhizomatous species acquired statistically more genes, probably because this growth habit boosts opportunities for transfer into the germline. In addition, the amount of LGT increases with phylogenetic relatedness, which might reflect genomic compatibility among close relatives facilitating successful transfers. However, genetic exchanges among highly divergent species indicates that transfers can occur across almost the entire family. Overall, we showed that LGT is a widespread phenomenon in grasses that has moved functional genes across the grass family into domesticated and wild species alike. Successful LGTs appear to increase with both opportunity and compatibility

    Identifying genomic regions associated with C4 photosynthetic activity and leaf anatomy in Alloteropsis semialata

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    C4 photosynthesis is a complex trait requiring multiple developmental and metabolic alterations. Despite this complexity, it has independently evolved over 60 times. However, our understanding of the transition to C4 is complicated by the fact that variation in photosynthetic type is usually segregated between species that diverged a long time ago. Here, we perform a genome-wide association study (GWAS) using the grass Alloteropsis semialata, the only known species to have C3, intermediate, and C4 accessions that recently diverged. We aimed to identify genomic regions associated with the strength of the C4 cycle (measured using δ13C), and the development of C4 leaf anatomy. Genomic regions correlated with δ13C include regulators of C4 decarboxylation enzymes (RIPK), nonphotochemical quenching (SOQ1), and the development of Kranz anatomy (SCARECROW-LIKE). Regions associated with the development of C4 leaf anatomy in the intermediate individuals contain additional leaf anatomy regulators, including those responsible for vein patterning (GSL8) and meristem determinacy (GIF1). The parallel recruitment of paralogous leaf anatomy regulators between A. semialata and other C4 lineages implies the co-option of these genes is context-dependent, which likely has implications for the engineering of the C4 trait into C3 species

    Ecological speciation in sympatric palms: 2. Pre- and post-zygotic isolation

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    We evaluated reproductive isolation in two species of palms (Howea) that have evolved sympatrically on Lord Howe Island (LHI, Australia). We estimated the strength of some pre- and post-zygotic mechanisms in maintaining current species boundaries. We found that flowering time displacement between species is consistent across in and ex situ common gardens and is thus partly genetically determined. On LHI, pre-zygotic isolation due solely to flowering displacement was 97% for Howea belmoreana and 80% for H. forsteriana; this asymmetry results from H. forsteriana flowering earlier than H. belmoreana and being protandrous. As expected, only a few hybrids (here confirmed by genotyping) at both juvenile and adult stages could be detected in two sites on LHI, in which the two species grow intermingled (the Far Flats) or adjacently (Transit Hill). Yet, the distribution of hybrids was different between sites. At Transit Hill, we found no hybrid adult trees, but 13.5% of younger palms examined there were of late hybrid classes. In contrast, we found four hybrid adult trees, mostly of late hybrid classes, and only one juvenile F1 hybrid in the Far Flats. This pattern indicates that selection acts against hybrids between the juvenile and adult stages. An in situ reciprocal seed transplant between volcanic and calcareous soils also shows that early fitness components (up to 36 months) were affected by species and soil. These results are indicative of divergent selection in reproductive isolation, although it does not solely explain the current distribution of the two species on LHI

    Lateral gene transfer generates accessory genes that accumulate at different rates within a grass lineage

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    Summary Lateral gene transfer (LGT) is the movement of DNA between organisms without sexual reproduction. The acquired genes represent genetic novelties that have independently evolved in the donor's genome. Phylogenetic methods have shown that LGT is widespread across the entire grass family, although we know little about the underlying dynamics. We identify laterally acquired genes in five de novo reference genomes from the same grass genus (four Alloteropsis semialata and one Alloteropsis angusta). Using additional resequencing data for a further 40 Alloteropsis individuals, we place the acquisition of each gene onto a phylogeny using stochastic character mapping, and then infer rates of gains and losses. We detect 168 laterally acquired genes in the five reference genomes (32–100 per genome). Exponential decay models indicate that the rate of LGT acquisitions (6–28 per Ma) and subsequent losses (11–24% per Ma) varied significantly among lineages. Laterally acquired genes were lost at a higher rate than vertically inherited loci (0.02–0.8% per Ma). This high turnover creates intraspecific gene content variation, with a preponderance of them occurring as accessory genes in the Alloteropsis pangenome. This rapid turnover generates standing variation that can ultimately fuel local adaptation