2,136 research outputs found

    Inflation and Unemployment In EMU and the United States. ACES Working Papers No. 10, 2008

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    The original purpose of this paper was to see why the Phillips Curve numbers seem to be so much worse for the EMU countries than the United States since EMU was began operation in 1990. The problem is that there is no evidence of a Phillips curve relationship in EMU or in the United States during this seventeen year period. As can be seen in Figures 1 and 2, it just is not there. In about half the years unemployment and inflation moved in the opposite direction, as Phillips would predict, but in other half of the years they moved in the same direction. This may be a matter of time lags, with unemployment lagging inflation, but it seems clear that the Phillips curve is a poor tool for explaining these year to year outcomes in Europe or the United States

    Observational manifestations of solar magneto-convection -- center-to-limb variation

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    We present the first center-to-limb G-band images synthesized from high resolution simulations of solar magneto-convection. Towards the limb the simulations show "hilly" granulation with dark bands on the far side, bright granulation walls and striated faculae, similar to observations. At disk center G-band bright points are flanked by dark lanes. The increased brightness in magnetic elements is due to their lower density compared with the surrounding intergranular medium. One thus sees deeper layers where the temperature is higher. At a given geometric height, the magnetic elements are cooler than the surrounding medium. In the G-band, the contrast is further increased by the destruction of CH in the low density magnetic elements. The optical depth unity surface is very corrugated. Bright granules have their continuum optical depth unity 80 km above the mean surface, the magnetic elements 200-300 km below. The horizontal temperature gradient is especially large next to flux concentrations. When viewed at an angle, the deep magnetic elements optical surface is hidden by the granules and the bright points are no longer visible, except where the "magnetic valleys" are aligned with the line of sight. Towards the limb, the low density in the strong magnetic elements causes unit line-of-sight optical depth to occur deeper in the granule walls behind than for rays not going through magnetic elements and variations in the field strength produce a striated appearance in the bright granule walls.Comment: To appear in ApJL. 6 pages 4 figure

    Functional Analysis of Subunit e of the F\u3csub\u3e1\u3c/sub\u3eF\u3csub\u3eo\u3c/sub\u3e-ATP Synthase of the Yeast \u3cem\u3eSaccharomyces cerevisiae\u3c/em\u3e: Importance of the N-Terminal Membrane Anchor Region

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    Mitochondrial F1Fo-ATP synthase complexes do not exist as physically independent entities but rather form dimeric and possibly oligomeric complexes in the inner mitochondrial membrane. Stable dimerization of two F1Fo-monomeric complexes involves the physical association of two membrane-embedded Fo-sectors. Previously, formation of the ATP synthase dimeric-oligomeric network was demonstrated to play a critical role in modulating the morphology of the mitochondrial inner membrane. In Saccharomyces cerevisiae, subunit e (Su e) of the Fo-sector plays a central role in supporting ATP synthase dimerization. The Su e protein is anchored to the inner membrane via a hydrophobic region located at its N-terminal end. The hydrophilic C-terminal region of Su e resides in the intermembrane space and contains a conserved coiled-coil motif. In the present study, we focused on characterizing the importance of these regions for the function of Su e. We created a number of C-terminal-truncated derivatives of the Su e protein and expressed them in the Su e null yeast mutant. Mitochondria were isolated from the resulting transformant strains, and a number of functions of Su e were analyzed. Our results indicate that the N-terminal hydrophobic region plays important roles in the Su e-dependent processes of mitochondrial DNA maintenance, modulation of mitochondrial morphology, and stabilization of the dimer-specific Fo subunits, subunits g and k. Furthermore, we show that the C-terminal coiled-coil region of Su e functions to stabilize the dimeric form of detergent-solubilized ATP synthase complexes. Finally, we propose a model to explain how Su e supports the assembly of the ATP synthase dimers-oligomers in the mitochondrial membrane

    Male Genital Self-Mutilation with Maggot Infestation in an Intoxicated Individual

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    We present the case of a 55-year-old homeless male who presented with penis and scrotal maggot infestation secondary to genital self-mutilation. The patient gave a history consistent with gender identity disorder and indicated that he was intoxicated during the event. The patient had no history of psychosis. He sought medical attention only after he was no longer welcome on public transportation due to the odor emanating from this infection. Untreated gender identity disorder with alcohol dependence in this case led to a drastic behavior with significant consequences

    Human indoor climate preferences approximate specific geographies

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    Root mean square error analysis (between indoor and outdoor climates) and results for temperature and vapor pressur

    Diffusion of organic and inorganic solutes through macrofaunal mucus secretions and tube linings in marine sediments

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    Transport models in sediments commonly assume that diffusion occurs through water saturated pore space and that diffusive properties are largely homogeneous and isotropic. The bioturbated zone of marine sediments is characterized by sediment pores filled with mucus gel and criss-crossed by organic membranes that line macrofaunal tubes and burrows. Diffusion experiments utilizing pedal mucus from the naticid snails, Neverita (=Polinices) duplicata and Euspira (=Lunatia) heros, and organic tube linings from the polychaetes Onuphis jenneri, Diopatra cupria, and Chaetopterus variopedatus, demonstrated that the diffusion of both organic and inorganic solutes is inhibited by these common biogenic components. Diffusion of porewater DOC and Br− tracer through mucus is reduced by factors typically 3–8X relative to free solution. Diffusion rates of DOC and Br− through mucus and tube linings demonstrate that both charge and size inhibition commonly occur, however, charge discrimination was not observed for a range of inorganic solutes within mucus cements formed by the polychaete Melinna cristata. Diffusion of polystyrene sulphonates having varied molecular weights shows that inhibition of diffusion by mucus gel increases regularly with molecular size. No size exclusion or cutoff was observed up to molecular weights of at least 100 kDa. Although increases of solution viscosity by mucus (up to ∼ 170 mpoise), could explain solute diffusion inhibition to some extent, size and charge inhibition patterns imply that both mucus and tube linings behave as polyelectrolyte, fibrous meshworks with species specific properties (e.g. open channel patterns) rather than as polyelectrolyte solutions per se. The measured diffusion rates of bulk porewater DOC (0.387 cm2 d−1, 5°C) and of specific polystyrene sulphonates in sea water are substantially higher than predicted by extrapolation from measurements in distilled water, presumably as a result of ionic strength effects on molecular conformations. The transport of solutes, particularly DOC, in the bioturbated zone is greatly complicated by the presence of semipermeable mucus secretions and tube linings. Differential inhibition by biogenic secretions of the transport of specific classes of organic molecules such as exoenzymes, may be especially important to understanding faunal adaptations, processes governing the remineralization of organic matter, and linkages between macrofauna and microbial activities

    Dual detection high-speed capillary electrophoresis for simultaneous serum protein analysis and immunoassays

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    Serum protein electrophoresis (SPE) separates serum proteins into bands whose shape and amplitude can alert clinicians to a range of disorders. This is followed by more specific immunoassays to quantify important antigens and confirm a diagnosis. Here we develop a high-speed capillary electrophoresis (HSCE) platform capable of simultaneous SPE and immunoassay measurements. A single laser excitation source is focused into the detection zone of the capillary to measure both refractive index (SPE) and fluorescence signals (immunoassays). The refractive index signal measures characteristic SPE profiles for human serum separated in 100 mM boric acid (pH 10), 100 mM arginine (pH 11), and 20 mM CHES (pH 10). For the immunoassay, the fluorescence electropherograms reveal that CHES provides the optimal buffer for measuring the immunocomplex and separating it from the free antigen. Immunoassays in CHES yield a LOD of 23 nM and a LOQ of 70 nM for the detection of fluorescein. The high pH reduces protein adsorption but reduces antibody affinity. Preliminary studies carried out in 50 mM barbital at pH 8 show improved stability of the immunocomplex and better separation for immunoassay quantification. Further optimization will open new capabilities for measuring orthogonal diagnostic signals in seconds with HSCE

    Single molecule detection and underwater fluorescence imaging with cantilevered near-field fiber optic probes

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    This is the published version, also available here: http://dx.doi.org/10.1063/1.121505.Tapping-mode near-field scanning optical microscopy (NSOM) employing a cantilevered fiber optic probe is utilized to image the fluorescence from single molecules and samples in aqueous environments. The single molecule fluorescenceimages demonstrate both the subdiffraction limit spatial resolution and low detection limit capabilities of the cantilevered probe design. Images taken as a function of tip oscillation drive amplitude reveal a degradation in the resolution as the amplitude is increased. With all cantilevered probes studied, however, a minimum plateau region in the resolution is reached as the drive amplitude is decreased, indicating that the tapping mode of operation does not reduce the optical resolution. Images of fluorescently dopedlipid films illustrate the ability of the probe to track small height changes (<1.5 nm) in ambient and aqueous environments, while maintaining high resolution in the fluorescenceimage. When the tip is immersed in water (1.3 mm), the cantilevered NSOM tip resonance, 25–50 kHz, shifts approximately 100–150 Hz, the amplitude dampens less than 40% and the Q factor is reduced from 300–500 to 100–200

    Attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder medication and seizures

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    OBJECTIVE: Individuals with attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) are at increased risk of seizures, but there is uncertainty about whether ADHD medication treatment increases risk among patients with and without preexisting seizures. METHODS: We followed a sample of 801,838 patients with ADHD who had prescribed drug claims from the Truven Health MarketScan Commercial Claims and Encounters databases to examine whether ADHD medication increases the likelihood of seizures among ADHD patients with and without a history of seizures. First, we assessed overall risk of seizures among patients with ADHD. Second, within-individual concurrent analyses assessed odds of seizure events during months when a patient with ADHD received ADHD medication compared with when the same individual did not, while adjusting for antiepileptic medications. Third, within-individual long-term analyses examined odds of seizure events in relation to the duration of months over the previous 2 years patients received medication. RESULTS: Patients with ADHD were at higher odds for any seizure compared with non-ADHD controls (odds ratio [OR] = 2.33, 95% confidence interval [CI] = 2.24-2.42 males; OR = 2.31, 95% CI = 2.22-2.42 females). In adjusted within-individual comparisons, ADHD medication was associated with lower odds of seizures among patients with (OR = 0.71, 95% CI = 0.60-0.85) and without (OR = 0.71, 95% CI = 0.62-0.82) prior seizures. Long-term within-individual comparisons suggested no evidence of an association between medication use and seizures among individuals with (OR = 0.87, 95% CI = 0.59-1.30) and without (OR = 1.01, 95% CI = 0.80-1.28) a seizure history. CONCLUSIONS: Results reaffirm that patients with ADHD are at higher risk of seizures. However, ADHD medication was associated with lower risk of seizures within individuals while they were dispensed medication, which is not consistent with the hypothesis that ADHD medication increases risk of seizures
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