343 research outputs found

    SUSY-QCD Effect on Top-Charm Associated Production at Linear Collider

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    We evaluate the contribution of SUSY-QCD to top-charm associated production at next generation linear colliders. Our results show that the production cross section of the process e+etcˉortˉce^+e^-\to t\bar c{or}\bar t c could be as large as 0.1 fb, which is larger than the prediction of the SM by a factor of 10810^8.Comment: version to appear in PR

    Linkage mapping, comparative genome analysis, and QTL detection for growth in a non-model teleost, the meagre Argyrosomus regius, using ddRAD sequencing

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    Meagre (Argyrosomus regius), is a benthopelagic species rapidly emerging in aquaculture, due to its low food to biomass conversion rate, good fillet yield and ease of production. Tracing a species genomic background along with describing the genetic basis of important traits can greatly influence both conservation strategies and production perspectives. In this study, we employed ddRAD sequencing of 266 fish from six F1 meagre families, to construct a high-density genetic map comprising 4529 polymorphic SNP markers. The QTL mapping analysis provided a genomic appreciation for the weight trait identifying a statistically significant QTL on linkage group 15 (LG15). The comparative genomics analysis with six teleost species revealed an evolutionarily conserved karyotype structure. The synteny observed, verified the already well-known fusion events of the three-spine stickleback genome, reinforced the evidence of reduced evolutionary distance of Sciaenids with the Sparidae family, reflected the evolutionary proximity with Dicentrarchus labrax, traced several putative chromosomal rearrangements and a prominent putative fusion event in meagre’s LG17. This study presents novel elements concerning the genome evolutionary history of a non-model teleost species recently adopted in aquaculture, starts to unravel the genetic basis of the species growth-related traits, and provides a high-density genetic map as a tool that can help to further establish meagre as a valuable resource for research and production.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Phenomenology of non-standard Z couplings in exclusive semileptonic b -> s transitions

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    The rare decays BK()+B\to K^{(*)}\ell^+\ell^-, BK()ννˉB\to K^{(*)}\nu\bar\nu and Bsμ+μB_s\to\mu^+\mu^- are analyzed in a generic scenario where New Physics effects enter predominantly via ZZ penguin contributions. We show that this possibility is well motivated on theoretical grounds, as the sˉbZ\bar sbZ vertex is particularly susceptible to non-standard dynamics. In addition, such a framework is also interesting phenomenologically since the sˉbZ\bar sbZ coupling is rather poorly constrained by present data. The characteristic features of this scenario for the relevant decay rates and distributions are investigated. We emphasize that both sign and magnitude of the forward-backward asymmetry of the decay leptons in BˉKˉ+\bar B\to \bar K^*\ell^+\ell^-, AFB(Bˉ){\cal A}^{(\bar B)}_{FB}, carry sensitive information on New Physics. The observable AFB(Bˉ)+AFB(B){\cal A}^{(\bar B)}_{FB}+{\cal A}^{(B)}_{FB} is proposed as a useful probe of non-standard CP violation in sˉbZ\bar sbZ couplings.Comment: Minor modifications; version to appear in Phys. Rev.

    b -> s gamma in the left-right supersymmetric model

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    The rare decay bsγb \to s \gamma is studied in the left-right supersymmetric model. We give explicit expressions for all the amplitudes associated with the supersymmetric contributions coming from gluinos, charginos and neutralinos in the model to one-loop level. The branching ratio is enhanced significantly compared to the standard model and minimal supersymmetric standard model values by contributions from the right-handed gaugino and squark sector. We give numerical results coming from the leading order contributions. If the only source of flavor violation comes from the CKM matrix, we constrain the scalar fermion-gaugino sector. If intergenerational mixings are allowed in the squark mass matrix, we constrain such supersymmetric sources of flavor violation. The decay bsγb \to s \gamma sets constraints on the parameters of the model and provides distinguishing signs from other supersymmetric scenarios.Comment: 12 figure

    Towards a Model-Independent Analysis of Rare BB Decays

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    Motivated by the experimental accessibility of rare BB decays in the ongoing and planned experiments, we propose to undertake a model-independent analysis of the inclusive decay rates and distributions in the processes \bgamaxs~ and \Bsell ~(B=B±B=B^\pm or Bd0B^0_d). We show how measurements of the decay rates and distributions in these processes would allow us to extract the magnitude and sign of the dominant Wilson coefficients of the magnetic moment operator \mb \bar{s}_L \sigma_{\mu \nu} b_R F^{\mu \nu } and the four-fermion operators (sˉLγμbL)(ˉγμ)(\bar{s}_L \gamma_\mu b_L)(\bar{\ell} \gamma^{\mu} \ell) and (sˉLγμbL)(ˉγμγ5)(\bar{s}_L \gamma_\mu b_L)(\bar{\ell} \gamma^{\mu}\gamma^5 \ell). Non-standard-model effects could thus manifest themselves at low energy in rare BB decays through the Wilson coefficient having values distinctly different from their standard-model counterparts. We illustrate this possibility using the examples of the two-doublet Higgs models and the minimal supersymmetric models. The dilepton invariant mass spectrum and the forward-backward asymmetry of +\ell^+ in the centre-of-mass system of the dilepton pair in the decay \Bsell ~are also worked out for the standard model and some representative solutions for the other two models.Comment: LaTeX, 36 pages, 11 figures appended after \end{document} as uu-encoded and compressed .eps files, uses epsf, CERN-TH.7346/9

    The UK Centre for Astrobiology:A Virtual Astrobiology Centre. Accomplishments and Lessons Learned, 2011-2016

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    Authors thank all those individuals, UK research councils, funding agencies, nonprofit organisations, companies and corporations and UK and non-UK government agencies, who have so generously supported our aspirations and hopes over the last 5 years and supported UKCA projects. They include the STFC, the Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council (EPSRC), the Natural Environmental Research Council (NERC), the EU, the UK Space Agency, NASA, the European Space Agency (ESA), The Crown Estate, Cleveland Potash and others. The Astrobiology Academy has been supported by the UK Space Agency (UKSA), National Space Centre, the Science and Technology Facilities Council (STFC), Dynamic Earth, The Royal Astronomical Society, The Rotary Club (Shetlands) and the NASA Astrobiology Institute.The UK Centre for Astrobiology (UKCA) was set up in 2011 as a virtual center to contribute to astrobiology research, education, and outreach. After 5 years, we describe this center and its work in each of these areas. Its research has focused on studying life in extreme environments, the limits of life on Earth, and implications for habitability elsewhere. Among its research infrastructure projects, UKCA has assembled an underground astrobiology laboratory that has hosted a deep subsurface planetary analog program, and it has developed new flow-through systems to study extraterrestrial aqueous environments. UKCA has used this research backdrop to develop education programs in astrobiology, including a massive open online course in astrobiology that has attracted over 120,000 students, a teacher training program, and an initiative to take astrobiology into prisons. In this paper, we review these activities and others with a particular focus on providing lessons to others who may consider setting up an astrobiology center, institute, or science facility. We discuss experience in integrating astrobiology research into teaching and education activities.Publisher PDFPeer reviewe

    Dynamics of spherically symmetric spacetimes: hydrodynamics and radiation

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    Using the 3+1 formalism of general relativity we obtain the equations governing the dynamics of spherically symmetric spacetimes with arbitrary sources. We then specialize for the case of perfect fluids accompanied by a flow of interacting massless or massive particles (e.g. neutrinos) which are described in terms of relativistic transport theory. We focus in three types of coordinates: 1) isotropic gauge and maximal slicing, 2) radial gauge and polar slicing, and 3) isotropic gauge and polar slicing.Comment: submitted to Phys. Rev. D, 46 pages, RevTex file, no figure

    The delivery of personalised, precision medicines via synthetic proteins

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    Introduction: The design of advanced drug delivery systems based on synthetic and su-pramolecular chemistry has been very successful. Liposomal doxorubicin (Caelyx®), and liposomal daunorubicin (DaunoXome®), estradiol topical emulsion (EstrasorbTM) as well as soluble or erodible polymer systems such as pegaspargase (Oncaspar®) or goserelin acetate (Zoladex®) represent considerable achievements. The Problem: As deliverables have evolved from low molecular weight drugs to biologics (currently representing approximately 30% of the market), so too have the demands made of advanced drug delivery technology. In parallel, the field of membrane trafficking (and endocytosis) has also matured. The trafficking of specific receptors i.e. material to be recycled or destroyed, as well as the trafficking of protein toxins has been well characterized. This, in conjunction with an ability to engineer synthetic, recombinant proteins provides several possibilities. The Solution: The first is using recombinant proteins as drugs i.e. denileukin diftitox (Ontak®) or agalsidase beta (Fabrazyme®). The second is the opportunity to use protein toxin architecture to reach targets that are not normally accessible. This may be achieved by grafting regulatory domains from multiple species to form synthetic proteins, engineered to do multiple jobs. Examples include access to the nucleocytosolic compartment. Herein the use of synthetic proteins for drug delivery has been reviewed

    Coherent π0 photoproduction on the deuteron up to 4 GeV

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    The differential cross section for 2H(γ,d)π0 has been measured at deuteron center-of-mass angles of 90° and 136°. This work reports the first data for this reaction above a photon energy of 1 GeV, and permits a test of the apparent constituent counting rule and reduced nuclear amplitude behavior as observed in elastic ed scattering. Measurements were performed up to a photon energy of 4.0 GeV, and are in good agreement with previous lower energy measurements. Overall, the data are inconsistent with both constituent-counting rule and reduced nuclear amplitude predictions