279 research outputs found

    Ameliorative measures to improve strategic development in a construction company

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    This master thesis is dealing with analysing the lack of strategy in a Romanian construction company. Making an analysis of the external environment and internal factors has revealed several issues that are analysed throughout this paper. A plan was agreed with the company to be implemented. In agreement with the company, a frame was set, and this study is limited, focusing only on burning issues for the company as internal communication, lack of strategy and lack of personnel

    The asymptotic behavior of solutions to a class of inhomogeneous problems : an Orlicz-Sobolev space approach

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    The asymptotic behavior of the sequence {vn} of nonnegative solutions for a class of inhomogeneous problems settled in Orlicz–Sobolev spaces with prescribed Dirichlet data on the boundary of domain Ω is analysed. We show that {vn} converges uniformly in Ω as n → ∞, to the distance function to the boundary of the domain

    The studies on the dynamics content of nitrates and nitrites from tomatoes and products resulting from technological flow of obtaining tomato juice

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    The purpose of this study was to monitor the level of nitrates and nitrites in raw tomatoes for industrialization in the S.C. Contec FOODS S.R.L.Tecuci. The analyses carried out to assess the dynamics of the level of nitrates and nitrites in the raw material, the technological flow samples and finished product. Concentrations of nitrates and nitrites have been quantified by molecular absorption spectrometry method. The level of nitrates tomatoes varied between 7.14-8.11 mg/kg and in tomato juice between 5.04-5.27 mg/kg, these values are under safety limit set by legislation. The level of nitrites in all cases (tomatoes, chopped tomatoes thermal treated, residue of skin and seed, tomato juice) are less than 1 mg/kg. The highest concentrations of nitrates and nitrites after processing tomatoes have been found in the skin and seed, obtained as residue from the processing of tomatoes. The values obtained were below the maximum permissible concentrations of legislation in force

    Anevrismul fistulei arterio-venoase

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    Este prezentat un caz clinic de anevrism al fi stulei arterio-venoase ca o complicaţie tardivă al AVF la un pacient afl at la hemodializă. S-a efectuat rezecţia anevrismului şi formarea cu succes a unui nou acces vascular adecvat

    Grupul infracţional organizat în contextul criminalităţii transnaţionale

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    Prioritatea actelor normative internaţionale asupra cadrului normativ naţional nu rezidă doar în forţa juridică supremă în sine, ci şi într-o practică universală, validă tuturor situaţiilor abstractizate, în afară de contextul cultural, social, economic sau politic. Definirea conceptului de grup criminal organizat, conform legislaţiei penale a Republicii Moldova, constituie o reminiscenţă perimată pe fundalul prevederilor Convenţiei împotriva criminalităţii transnaţionale organizate, fapt ce cade sub incidenţa studiului propus de autorii articolului în cauză


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    The financial reports are elaborated for the users that have enough knowledge on the business and economic activities and that study and analyse the information carefully. According to OMPF 1802 from December 29, 2014, OMPF 773/2015, OMPF 123/2016, the entities can be grouped into micro entities, small, middle and big entities. The grouping is made according to the trial balance finished at the end of the financial exercise 2014/2015. Those that have chosen a financial exercise different from the current year, determine the respective criteria, so that the end of the financial exercise can be on a date subsequent to the date of January 1, 2016, according to OMPF 123/2016

    The asymptotic behavior of solutions to a class of inhomogeneous problems: an Orlicz–Sobolev space approach

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    The asymptotic behavior of the sequence {vn} of nonnegative solutions for a class of inhomogeneous problems settled in Orlicz–Sobolev spaces with prescribed Dirichlet data on the boundary of domain Ω is analysed. We show that {vn} converges uniformly in Ω as n → ∞, to the distance function to the boundary of the domain

    Climatic teleconnections with influence on some rivers from south-eastern Europe

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