25 research outputs found

    About Radiation of Short Pulses by Wire Antenna of Finite Length

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    The problem of short pulse radiation by the wire antenna of finite length is considered in time domain. Physical peculiarities of the change of a pulse form in all space of observation are investigated without any limitation on the antenna length and the form of pulse. The influences of the vibrator length and the spatial duration of pulse on a wave process are studied. The model of a slowly decaying pulse propagating in a long line is used as a base of the solution to the problem. The parameter of the decay is chosen from experimental data. The influence of the high order effects concerning with mismatch between antenna and fider line as well as fider line and ultrawideband pulse generator is studied.Задача излучения коротких импульсов проволочной антенной конечной длины рассматривается во временной области. Физические закономерности изменения формы импульса во всем пространстве наблюдения исследуются без ограничений на длину антенны и на форму импульса. Изучается влияние длины вибратора и пространственной длительности импульса на волновой процесс. Как основа решения используется модель медленно затухающего импульса, распространяющегося вдоль длинной линии. Параметр затухания выбирается из экспериментальных данных. Изучается влияние эффектов высокого порядка, связанных с рассогласованием между антенной и фидерной линией, а также между фидерной линией и генератором.Задача випромінювання коротких імпульсів дротяною антеною скінченої довжини розглядається у часовій області. Фізичні закономірності зміни форми імпульсу в усьому просторі спостереження досліджуються без обмежень на довжину антени та на форму імпульсу. Вивчається вплив довжини вібратора та просторової тривалості імпульсу на хвильовий процес. Як основа розв’язку використовується модель повільно затухаючого імпульсу, що розповсюджується вздовж довгої лінії. Параметр затухання вибирається з експериментальних даних. Вивчається вплив ефектів високого порядку, пов’язаних з непогодженням між антеною та фідерною лінією, а також між фідерною лінією та генератором

    2019 ACC/AHA guideline on the primary prevention of cardiovascular disease: Executive summary: A report of the American College of Cardiology/American Heart Association Task Force on Clinical Practice Guidelines

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    [Extract] Top 10 Take-Home Messages for the Primary Prevention of Cardiovascular Disease 1. The most important way to prevent atherosclerotic vascular disease, heart failure, and atrial fibrillation is to promote a healthy lifestyle throughout life. 2. A team-based care approach is an effective strategy for the prevention of cardiovascular disease. Clinicians should evaluate the social determinants of health that affect individuals to inform treatment decisions. 3. Adults who are 40 to 75 years of age and are being evaluated for cardiovascular disease prevention should undergo 10-year atherosclerotic cardiovascular disease (ASCVD) risk estimation and have a clinician–patient risk discussion before starting on pharmacological therapy, such as antihypertensive therapy, a statin, or aspirin. In addition, assessing for other risk-enhancing factors can help guide decisions about preventive interventions in select individuals, as can coronary artery calcium scanning. 4. All adults should consume a healthy diet that emphasizes the intake of vegetables, fruits, nuts, whole grains, lean vegetable or animal protein, and fish and minimizes the intake of trans fats, red meat and processed red meats, refined carbohydrates, and sweetened beverages. For adults with overweight and obesity, counseling and caloric restriction are recommended for achieving and maintaining weight loss. 5. Adults should engage in at least 150 minutes per week of accumulated moderate-intensity physical activity or 75 minutes per week of vigorous-intensity physical activity. 6. For adults with type 2 diabetes mellitus, lifestyle changes, such as improving dietary habits and achieving exercise recommendations, are crucial. If medication is indicated, metformin is first-line therapy, followed by consideration of a sodium-glucose cotransporter 2 inhibitor or a glucagon-like peptide-1 receptor agonist. 7. All adults should be assessed at every healthcare visit for tobacco use, and those who use tobacco should be assisted and strongly advised to quit. 8. Aspirin should be used infrequently in the routine primary prevention of ASCVD because of lack of net benefit. 9. Statin therapy is first-line treatment for primary prevention of ASCVD in patients with elevated low-density lipoprotein cholesterol levels (≥190 mg/dL), those with diabetes mellitus, who are 40 to 75 years of age, and those determined to be at sufficient ASCVD risk after a clinician–patient risk discussion. 10. Nonpharmacological interventions are recommended for all adults with elevated blood pressure or hypertension. For those requiring pharmacological therapy, the target blood pressure should generally be <130/80 mm Hg

    The case of a large left atrial myxoma complicated by a cardioembolic cerebral infarction

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    With the advent of echocardiography significantly increased frequency of in vivo diagnosis of cardiac myxomas. Needs awareness of cardiologists and experts of related specialties regarding the polymorphism of clinical manifestations, morphology, complications and other features of cardiac myxomas is the key to early diagnosis and successful treatment, because it is one of the few potentially curable tumors of the heart. Although a myxoma of the heart belongs among the most studied tumors, ongoing research on etiology, morphology, histogenesis mix, and given us a clinical case indicate the need for improved knowledge about mixomas in order to improve the diagnosis and treatment of patients with cardiac tumors.С появлением эхокардиографии существенно увеличилась частота прижизненной диагностики миксом сердца. Должная осведомленность кардиологов и специалистов смежных специальностей касательно полиморфизма клинических проявлений, морфологии, осложнений и других характеристик миксомы сердца является залогом ранней диагностики и успешного лечения, поскольку это одна из немногих потенциально излечимых опухолей сердца. Хотя миксома сердца принадлежит к наиболее изученным опухолям, продолжающиеся исследования в области этиологии, морфологии, гистогенеза миксом, а также приведенный нами клинический случай указывают на необходимость совершенствования знаний о миксомах в целях улучшения диагностики и лечения пациентов с опухолями сердца

    Unwanted events in healthcare proces

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    Proces zdravstvene njege definiran je kao aktivni pristup u otkrivanju i rješavanju pacijentovih problema iz područja zdravstvene njege. Provoditelj zdravstvene njege jest medicinska sestra koja je samostalni zdravstveni djelatnik, a specifični sadržaji njezina rada kao i okolnosti profesionalnog djelovanja uvjetovani su brojnim vrlo promjenjivim činiteljima. Kao i u svakoj drugoj djelatnosti i prilikom provedbe procesa zdravstvene njege moguća je pojava neželjenih događaja i propusta u radu. Neželjenim događajem u zdravstvenoj njezi smatra se incident u kojem je pacijent ne namjerno povrijeđen ili pati zbog neadekvatne zdravstvene njege. Sukladno dostupnoj relevantnoj literaturi čak 1 od 300 pacijenata tijekom primanja zdravstvene zaštite doživi propust ili neželjen događaj. Najčešće su u literaturi navedeni: dekubitus, pad, bolnička infekcija, te neželjena nuspojava primijenjenog lijeka. Nadalje, nerijetko se kao neželjeni događaj ističe i propuštena zdravstvena skrb ili propuštena zdravstvena njega. Dostupna istraživanja ukazuju kako pojavu neželjenih događaja u zdravstvenom sustavu nerijetko prati i manjak komunikacije između zdravstvenih djelatnika, kao i strah od kažnjavanja od strane nadređenih uslijed nastanka neželjenog događaja. Unatoč prisutnoj visokoj razini svijesti medicinskih sestara da pojavnost i prijava neželjenih događaja konačno može producirati pozitivne promjene u procesu rada, upravo navedene okolnosti objašnjavaju manjak prijavljenih neželjenih događaja. Cilj ovoga rada je pružiti detaljniji uvid u dosadašnje spoznaje o pojavnosti neželjenih događaja prilikom pružanja zdravstvene njege.Healthcare process is defined as an active approach in discovering and solving patient's problems in the field od nursing care. Provider of health care is a nurse who is an independent health care worker, and the specific contents of theirwork as well as the circumstances of her professional activity are conditioned by numerous highly variable factors. As in any other activity, during the implementation of the health care process, the occurrence of unwanted events and omissions in work is possible. An adverse event in healthcare is an incident in which a patient is unintentionally injured or suffers due to inadequate healthcare. According to the relevant literature, as many as 1 in 300 patients experience an error or adverse event while receiving health care. The most frequently mentioned in the literature are: bedsores, falls, hospital infection and unwanted side effect of the administered medicine. Furthermore, missed health care is often highlighted as an unwanted event. Available research indicates that the occurrence of unwanted events in the healthcare system is accompanied by a lack of communication between employes, as well as the fear of punishment by superiors in the middle of the occurrence of an unwanted event. The aforementioned circumstances explain the lack of reported adverse events, despite the nurses' awareness that the occurrence and reporting of adverse events can ultimately produce positive changes in the work process. The aim of this paper is to provide a more detailed insight into the current knowledge about the occurrence of unwanted events during the provision of health services

    Promotion of creative activity in handcraft classes in the second stage of pre-school education

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    Darba nosaukums: „Radošās darbības veicināšana rokdarbu nodarbībās pirmsskolas izglītībā otrajā posmā”. Darba autore: Larisa Dumina Darba zinātniskā vadītāja: Dr. paed., asociētā profesore Māra Urdziņa-Deruma Darba saturs: ievads, divas daļas ar apakšnodaļām, nobeigums, izmantotās literatūras un avotu saraksts, pielikumi. Darba apjoms ir 73 lappuses, 6 tabulas, 21 attēli, 55 literatūras avoti, 29 pielikumi. Pētījuma mērķis: izpētīt radošo darbības veicināšanas iespējas rokdarbu nodarbībās pirmsskolas izglītībā otrajā posmā. Diplomdarba ievaddaļā autore definē pētījuma pamatkategorijas: pētījuma mērķi, pētījuma priekšmetu, pētījuma objektu, pētījuma uzdevumus, pētījuma hipotēzi, pētījuma metodes, pētījuma bāzi. Lai sasniegtu izvirzīto mērķi, darba pirmajā – teorētiskajā daļā tiek pētīta pedagoģiski psiholoģiskā literatūra par bērnu radošo darbību pirmsskolas izglītībā otrajā posmā. Darba otrajā – empīriskajā daļā iekļauta pētījuma norise, apkopoti un analizēti radošās darbības veicinošie faktori rokdarbu nodarbībās pirmsskolas izglītībā otrajā posmā. Pētījums tika veikts X pirmsskolas izglītības iestādē, kurā piedalījās 8 bērni vecumā no 4 līdz 5 gadiem, vecāki, skolotājas. Galvenie autori, uz kuriem diplomdarba izstrāde balstās: Albrehta, D., Batņa, V., Bebre, R., Briška, I, Geske, A., Grīnfelds, A., Golubina, V., Kalēja – Gasparoviča, D., Iljins., E., Karpova, Ā., Kalvāns, Ē., Lubarts, T., Puškarevs, I., Stangaine, I., Špona, A., Hibnere, V., Vigotskis, Ļ. u. c. Balstoties uz literatūras atlasi, autore veica pedagoģisko pētījumu par radošas darbības veicināšanu rokdarbu nodarbībās pirmsskolas otrajā posmā. Pētījumā tika pārbaudīta un apstiprināta izvirzītā hipotēze: Radošās darbības veicināšana rokdarbu nodarbībās pirmsskolas izglītībā otrajā posmā norit veiksmīgāk, ja: -tiek nodrošināta radošā mācību vide; -rokdarbu nodarbības ir regulāras; -bērniem tiek piedāvāti brīvai izvēlei daudzveidīgi rokdarbu materiāli; -netiek ierobežota bērna fantāzija; -bērniem ir laiks pabeigt darbu. Atslēgas vārdi: radošums, radoša darbība, rokdarbu nodarbības, pirmsskolas izglītība, pirmsskolas izglītības otrais posms.The title of work: „Promotion of creative activity in handcraft classes in the second stage of pre-school education”. The author of work: Larisa Dumina The head of scientific work: Dr. paed., asociētā profesore Māra Urdziņa-Deruma Contents of research: introduction, two parts with subsections, The volume of work: introduction, two parts with subsections, conclusion, list of used literature and sources, and appendices comprise the thesis material. The work has 73 pages, 6 tables, 21 figures, 55 literature sources, 29 appendices. The study's goal is to look into the potential for encouraging creative activity in handicraft lessons in the second stage of pre-school education. The author identifies the key categories of research in the introductory section of the diploma thesis: research aims, research subject, research object, research tasks, research hypothesis, research techniques, and research base. In order to achieve the goal, the pedagogical - psychological literature on children's creative activity in the second stage of pre - school education is investigated in the first - theoretical portion of the work. The second - empirical section of the paper summarizes and analyses the characteristics that promote creative activity in handicraft lessons in the second stage of pre - school education. The study was carried out at X pre-school educational institution, which was attended by 8 children aged 4 to 5 years, as well as their parents and teachers. The following authors contributed to the development of the diploma thesis: Albrecht, D., Batna, V., Bebre, R., Brishka, I, Geske, A., Grnfelds, A., Golubina, V., Kalja - Gasparovia, D., Ilyin., E., Karpova, A., Kalvans, E., Lubarts, T., Pushkarev, I., Stangaine, I., Shpona, A., Hibnere, V., Vigotsky, L. The author conducted a pedagogical study on the promotion of creative activities in handicrafts in the second stage of preschool based on a selection of literature. The study tested and confirmed the hypothesis: Promoting creative activity in handicrafts in pre-school education in the second stage is more successful if: - a creative learning environment is provided; - handicraft classes are regular; - children are offered a variety of handicraft materials for free choice; - the child's imagination is not limited; - children have time to complete work. Keywords: creativity, creative activity, handicraft lessons, pre-school education, second stage of pre-school education

    The use of sensory mats in developing children's tiny finger muscles at the age 1, 5 - 3 years

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    Darba nosaukums: „Sensoro paklājiņu izmantošana sīkās pirkstu muskulatūras attīstībā 1,5 līdz 3 gadus veciem bērniem” Darba autore: Larisa Dumina Darba zinātniskā vadītāja: Dr. paed., asociētā profesore Māra Urdziņa-Deruma Darba saturs: ievads, četras daļas, secinājumi, nobeigums, pielikumi. Darba apjoms ir 49 lappuses, 8 tabulas, 11 attēli, 31 literatūras avots, 6 pielikumi. Pētījuma mērķis: izpētīt un noskaidrot sīkās pirkstu muskulatūras attīstības iespējas nodarbojoties ar sensorajiem paklājiņiem 1,5–3 gadus veciem bērniem. Atslēgas vārdi: sīkās pirkstu muskulatūras attīstība, sensorais paklājiņš, 1,5–3 gadus veci bērni. Darba pirmajā daļā: -pētītas un apkopotas pedagoģijas un psiholoģijas zinātnieku teorētiskās atziņas par bērnu vispārējo, runas attīstību agrā bērnībā. Darba otrajā daļā: -pētītas un apkopotas pedagoģijas un psiholoģijas zinātnieku teorētiskās atziņas par bērnu sīko pirkstu muskulatūras attīstību. Darba trešajā daļā: -tiek atbildēts uz izvirzīto pētījuma jautājumu: kā iespējams veicināt 1,5–3 gadus veciem bērniem sīkās pirkstu motorikas attīstību, nodarbojoties ar sensorajiem paklājiņiem. Darba ceturtajā daļā: -analizēta darba autores pedagoģiskā izmēģinājuma darbība, strādājot ar 1,5–3 gadus veciem bērniem, izmantojot sensoros paklājiņus.The theme of work: “The use of sensory mats in developing children’s tiny finger muscles at the age of 1,5–3 years” The author of work: Larisa Dumina The head of scientific work: Dr. paed., associated professor Māra Urdziņa-Deruma Contents of research: introduction, four parts, observation, conclusion and appendices The volume of work: 49 pages, 8 tables, 11 pictures, 31 sources of literature and 6 appendices The purpose of research: inquire information about a 1,5–3 year old child’s detailed finger muscularity and their development using sensory rugs. Key words: tiny finger muscles development, sensory mats, 1,5–3 year old children. First part of the research: -Gathering and researching theoretical quotes of several pedagogical and psychological professors, regarding a child’s overall development in speech early in their growth. Second part of the research: -Gathering and researching several theoretical quotes on a child’s detailed muscularity development from several scientists. Third part of the research: -An answer is given to the created hypothesis: how can a 1,5–3 year old child’s specific finger motor skills be improved using sensory rugs. Fourth part of the research: -The author’s scientific, as well as pedagogical, experiment working with 1,5–3 year old children using sensory rugs is then analyzed

    Unwanted events in healthcare proces

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    Proces zdravstvene njege definiran je kao aktivni pristup u otkrivanju i rješavanju pacijentovih problema iz područja zdravstvene njege. Provoditelj zdravstvene njege jest medicinska sestra koja je samostalni zdravstveni djelatnik, a specifični sadržaji njezina rada kao i okolnosti profesionalnog djelovanja uvjetovani su brojnim vrlo promjenjivim činiteljima. Kao i u svakoj drugoj djelatnosti i prilikom provedbe procesa zdravstvene njege moguća je pojava neželjenih događaja i propusta u radu. Neželjenim događajem u zdravstvenoj njezi smatra se incident u kojem je pacijent ne namjerno povrijeđen ili pati zbog neadekvatne zdravstvene njege. Sukladno dostupnoj relevantnoj literaturi čak 1 od 300 pacijenata tijekom primanja zdravstvene zaštite doživi propust ili neželjen događaj. Najčešće su u literaturi navedeni: dekubitus, pad, bolnička infekcija, te neželjena nuspojava primijenjenog lijeka. Nadalje, nerijetko se kao neželjeni događaj ističe i propuštena zdravstvena skrb ili propuštena zdravstvena njega. Dostupna istraživanja ukazuju kako pojavu neželjenih događaja u zdravstvenom sustavu nerijetko prati i manjak komunikacije između zdravstvenih djelatnika, kao i strah od kažnjavanja od strane nadređenih uslijed nastanka neželjenog događaja. Unatoč prisutnoj visokoj razini svijesti medicinskih sestara da pojavnost i prijava neželjenih događaja konačno može producirati pozitivne promjene u procesu rada, upravo navedene okolnosti objašnjavaju manjak prijavljenih neželjenih događaja. Cilj ovoga rada je pružiti detaljniji uvid u dosadašnje spoznaje o pojavnosti neželjenih događaja prilikom pružanja zdravstvene njege.Healthcare process is defined as an active approach in discovering and solving patient's problems in the field od nursing care. Provider of health care is a nurse who is an independent health care worker, and the specific contents of theirwork as well as the circumstances of her professional activity are conditioned by numerous highly variable factors. As in any other activity, during the implementation of the health care process, the occurrence of unwanted events and omissions in work is possible. An adverse event in healthcare is an incident in which a patient is unintentionally injured or suffers due to inadequate healthcare. According to the relevant literature, as many as 1 in 300 patients experience an error or adverse event while receiving health care. The most frequently mentioned in the literature are: bedsores, falls, hospital infection and unwanted side effect of the administered medicine. Furthermore, missed health care is often highlighted as an unwanted event. Available research indicates that the occurrence of unwanted events in the healthcare system is accompanied by a lack of communication between employes, as well as the fear of punishment by superiors in the middle of the occurrence of an unwanted event. The aforementioned circumstances explain the lack of reported adverse events, despite the nurses' awareness that the occurrence and reporting of adverse events can ultimately produce positive changes in the work process. The aim of this paper is to provide a more detailed insight into the current knowledge about the occurrence of unwanted events during the provision of health services

    Thermo-L-Asparaginases: From the Role in the Viability of Thermophiles and Hyperthermophiles at High Temperatures to a Molecular Understanding of Their Thermoactivity and Thermostability

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    L-asparaginase (L-ASNase) is a vital enzyme with a broad range of applications in medicine, food industry, and diagnostics. Among various organisms expressing L-ASNases, thermophiles and hyperthermophiles produce enzymes with superior performances—stable and heat resistant thermo-ASNases. This review is an attempt to take a broader view on the thermo-ASNases. Here we discuss the position of thermo-ASNases in the large family of L-ASNases, their role in the heat-tolerance cellular system of thermophiles and hyperthermophiles, and molecular aspects of their thermoactivity and thermostability. Different types of thermo-ASNases exhibit specific L-asparaginase activity and additional secondary activities. All products of these enzymatic reactions are associated with diverse metabolic pathways and are important for mitigating heat stress. Thermo-ASNases are quite distinct from typical mesophilic L-ASNases based on structural properties, kinetic and activity profiles. Here we attempt to summarize the current understanding of the molecular mechanisms of thermo-ASNases’ thermoactivity and thermostability, from amino acid composition to structural–functional relationships. Research of these enzymes has fundamental and biotechnological significance. Thermo-ASNases and their improved variants, cloned and expressed in mesophilic hosts, can form a large pool of enzymes with valuable characteristics for biotechnological application

    Teaching Writing In A Foreign Language To Law Students Using Authentic Internet Resources

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    The article is devoted to the development of foreign language writing skills of students of the direction of training “Jurisprudence” in the framework of professional education. The features of the process of teaching written business communication in a foreign language as an important component of the professional competence of a practicing lawyer are shown. The study suggests that with the help of authentic Internet resources, optimal conditions are created not only for acquaintance with written forms of communication adopted in the professional legal community: within the framework of the discipline “Foreign language in the field of professional communication” intercultural foreign language communicative competence of students is formed and improved