100 research outputs found

    Kelionių grandinėmis pagrįsto susisiekimo poreikių modelio kūrimas ir taikymas miestų susisiekimo tinklo planavimui

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    This thesis is devoted to the analysis of the advanced and innovative tour-based travel demand modelling approach. Tour-based models explicitly recognise traffic as a derived demand for undertaking activities between homes and destinations. Travel demand of urban residents is modelled as trip sequences, which allows precise modelling of trip origin and destination points. The tour-based approach is deemed as a key step forwards towards even more complex agent-based modelling systems. The thesis is structured around three main chapters that can be summarised succinctly as a revision of the state of the practice and research, description of empirical research of travel behaviour, and tour-based model development. The 1st chapter revises the current state of practice and the research on travel demand modelling. All the building blocks that comprise transport models are discussed, and this lays the theoretical foundation for the following chapters. 1st chapter also gives a thorough comparison of trip-based and tour-based model-ling approaches and presents modelling environment. The 2nd chapter defines the process of conducting an empirical research of the travel behaviour patterns of urban residents. The 2nd chapter defines survey methodology and important mobility parameters such as activity sequences and their probabilities of homogeneous urban population segments. The outputs from the 2nd chapter are not only important and interesting on their own, but they also flow into the final third part of the work. The final 3rd chapter defines tour-based travel demand model development steps and showcases their practical application to the real-world scenario. Demand model quality assessment efforts and results are presented and discussed together with necessary explanations for significant deviations from reality. The resulting model is applied to investigate the performance of Siaurine Street in Vilnius, which is to be built in the coming years. At the very end of 3rd chapter a compre-hensive urban travel demand modelling framework is formulated and serves as a best practice guide. General conclusions summarises the whole study. These are followed by an extensive list of references that were mentioned or relied upon to some extent in the work. Finally, separate lists of scientific publications and conference presen-tations conclude the thesis. Overall, there have been five scientific articles published on the topic of the thesis. Four articles were published in scientific journals that are referenced in Clarivate Analytics Web of Science database, and one article was published in a scientific journal that is referenced in other databases

    Įstatymiškumo dvasia: Hegelio įstatymo kritika ir posūkis į ontologiją Frankfurto fragmentuose

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    This paper is an attempt to investigate the relation between George Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel’s critique of law in his early Frankfurt fragments, most notably in the treatise Spirit of Christianity and Its Fate and his turn towards an ontological conception of the unity of life and love as its modification. It will be argued that Hegel’s ontological turn can only be understood in light of his rejection of law as the form of absolute opposition. The form of law, moreover, will be treated as the thread to understand the initial movement of Hegel’s profound rejection of Kantian morality. Nevertheless, in following the Christian concept of pleroma that promises to fulfil law and proposing to think unification ontologically, Hegel discovers that law cannot be simply rejected, but pertains or arises out of the very unity that was said to surmount it. If Hegel begins from an opposition of law and being, these fragments reveal the extent to which he will have to think their relationship dialectically, as a contradiction pertaining to the Absolute.Šis straipsnis yra bandymas nužymėti santykį tarp jaunojo Georgo Wilhelmo Friedricho Hegelio Frankfurto laikotarpio veikale Krikščionybės dvasia ir jos likimas pateikiamos įstatymo kritikos ir ontologinės gyvenimo vienovės bei meilės kaip gyvenimo modifikacijos koncepcijų. Siekiama parodyti, kad jaunojo Hegelio posūkis į ontologiją gali būti suvoktas tik iš įstatymo kaip absoliučios opozicijos formos atmetimo perspektyvos. Be to, įstatymo formos kritika čia pasirodo kaip pagrindinė linija, leidžianti apibrėžti pirmuosius Hegelio Kanto moralės kritikos žingsnius. Kita vertus, įsivesdamas krikščionišką sąvoką pleroma, žadančią išpildyti įstatymo formą, ir siūlydamas suprasti suvienijimą ontologiškai, jaunasis Hegelis, kaip bus bandoma atskleisti, atranda, jog įstatymas negali būti paneigiamas, bet randasi ar iškyla iš pačios ontologinės vienovės, turėjusios jį įveikti. Hegelis pradeda nuo opozicijos tarp įstatymo ir būties, o šie fragmentai atskleidžia, kodėl jis prieina prie dialektinės jų santykio sampratos kaip prieštaravimo pačiame Absoliute

    Application of Google-based Data for Travel Time Analysis: Kaunas City Case Study

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    Recently, new traffic data sources have emerged raising new challenges and opportunities when applying novel methodologies. The purpose of this research is to analyse car travel time data collected from smartphones by Google Company. Geographic information system (GIS) tools and Python programming language were employed in this study to establish the initial framework as well as to automatically extract, analyse, and visualize data. The analysis resulted in the calculation of travel time fluctuation during the day, calculation of travel time variability and estimation of origin-destination (OD) skim matrices. Furthermore, we accomplished the accessibility analysis and provided recommendations for further research.</p

    Santuokos ir šeimos ryšys

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    The group matrimony has replaced promiscuity but has not produced family. The latter has originated only on the base of pair matrimony as the cell for care and education of children. Matrimony and family were at first closely linked together. Later they have separated themselves. Two factors have led to this result. Firstly, the breeding of children has overstepped the bounds of matrimony, thus producing a non-matrimonial family. Secondly, children have ceased to make a necessary component of matrimony. As a result, the modem connection between matrimony and family has got looser. Matrimony not necessarily leads to a family as a breeding group, and the outset of a family not necessarily must coincide with a marriage. In a traditional family (parents plus children) the connection between matrimony and family may acquire the form of the opposition between the right of parents not to live with an unloved partner. That is, the right of divorce and the right of children to live with both parents.Straipsnyje parodoma santuokos ir šeimos tarpusavio sąveika, jų bendrumas ir skirtumai. Šios sąvokos dažnai visiškai sutapatinamos. Teigiama, kad santuokos sąvoka suponuoja šeimos sąvoką. Analogiškai ir šeimos sąvoka suponuoja santuokos sąvoką, nes šeimos turinį įprasta detalizuoti tėvų ir vaikų sąvokomis, sutuoktinių pora yra pilnos šeimos branduolys. Santuoka atsirado daug anksčiau už šeimą. Pirmoji santuokos forma buvo grupinė santuoka, kuri uždraudė santykius giminės viduje ir reiškė vienos giminės vyrų santuoką su kitos giminės moterimis. Šeima atsiranda tik iš grupinės santuokos išsivysčius porinei santuokai. Porinė šeima susikūrė porinės santuokos pagrindu ir jų egzistavimas viena be kitos buvo neįmanomas. Aptariamos ištuokos, bevaikės sutuoktinių poros, vienišos mamos sąvokos. Daroma išvada, kad absoliutaus ryšio tarp santuokos ir šeimos nėra, šios socialinės institucijos gali egzistuoti ir kartu, ir atskirai viena nuo kitos. Šiuo metu santuoka ima netekti turėtos reikšmės dėl savo nepatvarumo ir dėl to, kad lyčių santykiai išėjo už jos ribų. Visuomeniškai reikšmingesnė lieka šeima, bet santuokos vaidmens pasikeitimas atsiliepė ir šeimos vidaus santykiams

    Santuokos ir šeimos ryšys

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    Straipsnyje parodoma santuokos ir šeimos tarpusavio sąveika, jų bendrumas ir skirtumai. Šios sąvokos dažnai visiškai sutapatinamos. Teigiama, kad santuokos sąvoka suponuoja šeimos sąvoką. Analogiškai ir šeimos sąvoka suponuoja santuokos sąvoką, nes šeimos turinį įprasta detalizuoti tėvų ir vaikų sąvokomis, sutuoktinių pora yra pilnos šeimos branduolys. Santuoka atsirado daug anksčiau už šeimą. Pirmoji santuokos forma buvo grupinė santuoka, kuri uždraudė santykius giminės viduje ir reiškė vienos giminės vyrų santuoką su kitos giminės moterimis. Šeima atsiranda tik iš grupinės santuokos išsivysčius porinei santuokai. Porinė šeima susikūrė porinės santuokos pagrindu ir jų egzistavimas viena be kitos buvo neįmanomas. Aptariamos ištuokos, bevaikės sutuoktinių poros, vienišos mamos sąvokos. Daroma išvada, kad absoliutaus ryšio tarp santuokos ir šeimos nėra, šios socialinės institucijos gali egzistuoti ir kartu, ir atskirai viena nuo kitos. Šiuo metu santuoka ima netekti turėtos reikšmės dėl savo nepatvarumo ir dėl to, kad lyčių santykiai išėjo už jos ribų. Visuomeniškai reikšmingesnė lieka šeima, bet santuokos vaidmens pasikeitimas atsiliepė ir šeimos vidaus santykiams


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    Straipsnyje bandoma atsakyti į klausimą, kodėl šiuolaikiniai tyrinėtojai laikosi priešingų normatyvinių požiūrių į tai, kas ką turi kontroliuoti – politikai biurokratus ar biurokratai politikus. Atsakymas grindžiamas politikų ir biurokratų tarpusavio kova dėl viešosios politikos kontrolės. Šioje kovoje dominuoja tai vieni, tai kiti, nes dominavimas yra kintantis, priklauso nuo įvairių veiksnių. Tyrinėtojai, įžvelgiantys valstybės tarnybos dominavimą, pabrėžia būtinybę politiškai kontroliuoti biurokratiją, o įžvelgiantieji politikų dominavimą, biurokratijoje mato jėgą, galinčią neleisti politikams piktnaudžiauti galia

    The impact of cost-benefit analysis on decision making concerning the development of the urban transport system: case of Kaunas City

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    The formulation of scenarios for developing the urban transport infrastructure requires decisions mainly based on the intuition of experts in transport and highly influenced by public interest groups, business entities and political opinions. However, the reached decisions sometimes fail to be the most efficient. Therefore, to avoid errors and ensure the development of a sustainable transport system, the economical appraisal of infrastructure development scenarios is necessary. The economic evaluation of the developed scenarios can be carried out through macro-simulation and cost-benefit analysis. This paper deals with the Kaunas City Master Plan providing solutions to transport infrastructure development. According to the Master Plan, solutions can be classified considering 3 cathegories (priorities), although the detailed sequence of implementation is not given. With the help of macro-simulation, this study arranged Master Plan solutions into scenarios, checked all 20 scenarious and established an implementation order based on the theory of cost benefit analysis. The identified order substantially differs from the priorities set in the Master Plan

    Modelling a passenger car system based on the principles of sustainable mobility in Vilnius City

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    The growing rate of motorization and the use of passenger cars have a worsening effect on traffic conditions in the streets of Vilnius City. Moreover, adverse urbanisation processes (i.e. migration to suburban areas) make a huge effect on the behaviour of travelling. A deeper analysis of these processes requires large data amounts and techniques for analysing transportation. The study is aimed at preparing and assessing the scenarios of developing passenger car transport through the prism of sustainability indicators. A plan for case study-based hypothetical mobility management explores a series of future scenarios improving transportation diversity and changes in modes for travellers. These scenarios are developed with respect to developments anticipated in the Master Plan of the City of Vilnius and aims at identifying the effect of a new public transport network on the motorized transport system during the morning peak in the hypothetical year 2025. Mobility management through transportation diversity increases travelling options, encourages travellers to choose the most efficient mode and tends to eliminate car dependency that otherwise occurs in urban areas. The development of a public transport route network in Vilnius City creates real preconditions for implementing a sustainable transport system thus giving a priority to the development of a new and fast transport mode. The planned routes of the new transport mode allows significantly reducing the necessity for the use of private motorized transport and influencing the total structure of travels thus making it possible for a large number of people to reach destination by public transport

    Regulation and Role of Arabidopsis CUL4-DDB1A-DDB2 in Maintaining Genome Integrity upon UV Stress

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    Plants use the energy in sunlight for photosynthesis, but as a consequence are exposed to the toxic effect of UV radiation especially on DNA. The UV-induced lesions on DNA affect both transcription and replication and can also have mutagenic consequences. Here we investigated the regulation and the function of the recently described CUL4-DDB1-DDB2 E3 ligase in the maintenance of genome integrity upon UV-stress using the model plant Arabidopsis. Physiological, biochemical, and genetic evidences indicate that this protein complex is involved in global genome repair (GGR) of UV-induced DNA lesions. Moreover, we provide evidences for crosstalks between GGR, the plant-specific photo reactivation pathway and the RAD1-RAD10 endonucleases upon UV exposure. Finally, we report that DDB2 degradation upon UV stress depends not only on CUL4, but also on the checkpoint protein kinase Ataxia telangiectasia and Rad3-related (ATR). Interestingly, we found that DDB1A shuttles from the cytoplasm to the nucleus in an ATR-dependent manner, highlighting an upstream level of control and a novel mechanism of regulation of this E3 ligase

    Arabidopsis CULLIN3 Genes Regulate Primary Root Growth and Patterning by Ethylene-Dependent and -Independent Mechanisms

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    CULLIN3 (CUL3) together with BTB-domain proteins form a class of Cullin-RING ubiquitin ligases (called CRL3s) that control the rapid and selective degradation of important regulatory proteins in all eukaryotes. Here, we report that in the model plant Arabidopsis thaliana, CUL3 regulates plant growth and development, not only during embryogenesis but also at post-embryonic stages. First, we show that CUL3 modulates the emission of ethylene, a gaseous plant hormone that is an important growth regulator. A CUL3 hypomorphic mutant accumulates ACS5, the rate-limiting enzyme in ethylene biosynthesis and as a consequence exhibits a constitutive ethylene response. Second, we provide evidence that CUL3 regulates primary root growth by a novel ethylene-dependant pathway. In particular, we show that CUL3 knockdown inhibits primary root growth by reducing root meristem size and cell number. This phenotype is suppressed by ethylene-insensitive or resistant mutations. Finally, we identify a function of CUL3 in distal root patterning, by a mechanism that is independent of ethylene. Thus, our work highlights that CUL3 is essential for the normal division and organisation of the root stem cell niche and columella root cap cells