51 research outputs found

    A Delay-Tolerant Asynchronous Two-Way-Relay System over Doubly-Selective Fading Channels

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    We consider design of asynchronous orthogonal frequency division multiplexing (OFDM) based diamond two-way-relay (DTWR) systems in a time-varying frequency-selective (doubly-selective) fading channel. In a DTWR system, two users exchange their messages with the help of two relays. Most of the existing works on asynchronous DTWR systems assume only small relative propagation delays between the received signals at each node that do not exceed the length of the cyclic-prefix (CP). However, in certain practical communication systems, significant differences in delays may take place, and hence existing solutions requiring excessively long CPs may be highly inefficient. In this paper, we propose a delay-independent CP insertion mechanism in which the CP length depends only on the number of subcarriers and the maximum delay spread of the corresponding channels. We also propose a symbol detection algorithm that is able to tolerate very long relative delays, that even exceed the length of the OFDM block itself, without a large increase in complexity. The proposed system is shown to significantly outperform other alternatives in the literature through a number of specific examples. © 2015 IEEE

    Lower bounds on the error probability of turbo codes

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    We present lower bounds on the error probability of turbo codes under maximum likelihood (ML) decoding. We focus on additive white Gaussian noise (AWGN) channels, and consider both ensembles of codes with uniform interleaving and specific turbo codes with fixed interleavers. To calculate the lower bounds, instead of using the traditional approach that only makes use of the distance spectrum, we propose to utilize the exact second order distance spectrum. This approach together with a proper restriction of the error events results in promising lower bounds. © 2014 IEEE

    Physical Layer Security for Space Shift Keying Transmission with Precoding

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    We investigate the effect of transmitter side channel state information on the achievable secrecy rates of space shift keying. Through derivation of the gradient of the secrecy rate, we formulate an iterative algorithm to maximize the achievable secrecy rates. We also introduce two lower complexity signal design algorithms for different scenarios based on the number of antennas at the eavesdropper. Our results illustrate the effectiveness of the proposed precoding techniques in attaining positive secrecy rates over a wide range of signal to noise ratios. © 2016 IEEE

    Code design for binary energy harvesting channel

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    We consider a binary energy harvesting communication system with a finite battery transmitter over a noisy channel, and design explicit and implementable codes based on concatenation of a nonlinear trellis code (NLTC) with an outer low density parity check (LDPC) code. We propose two different decoding methods where the simplified one ignores the memory in the battery state while the more sophisticated one utilizes the memory. Numerical results demonstrate that the designed codes outperform other reference schemes. The results also show the superiority of the improved decoding approach over the naive solution. © 2017 IEEE

    On Code Design for Joint Energy and Information Transfer

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    Harvesting energy from radio frequency signals along with transmitting data through them is appealing for different wireless communication scenarios, such as radio frequency identification (RFID) systems and implantable devices. In this paper, we propose a technique to design nonlinear codes for the use in such systems taking into account both energy transmission and error rate requirements. In particular, we propose using concatenation of a nonlinear trellis code (NLTC) with an outer low-density parity-check (LDPC) code. We design the NLTC based on maximization of its free distance. We give necessary and sufficient conditions for its catastrophicity; in order to avoid catastrophic codes, we connect each designed NLTC to a corresponding linear convolutional code allowing for the use of simpler conditions for verification. Furthermore, we use EXIT charts to design the outer LDPC code while fixing the inner NLTC. Via examples, we demonstrate that our designed codes operate at ∼ 0.8 dB away from the information theoretic limits, and they outperform both regular LDPC codes and optimized irregular LDPC codes for additive white Gaussian noise (AWGN) channels. In addition, we show that the proposed scheme outperforms the reference schemes of concatenating LDPC codes with nonlinear memoryless mappers and using classical linear block codes in a time switching mode. © 2016 IEEE

    On the capacity of fading channels with amplitude-limited inputs

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    We address the problem of finding the capacity of fading channels under the assumption of amplitude-limited inputs. Specifically, we show that if the fading coefficients have a finite support and the channel state information is only available at the receiver side, there is a unique input distribution that achieves the channel capacity and this input distribution is discrete with a finite number of mass points. © 2016 IEEE

    Exchange of Correlated Binary Sources in Two-Way Relay Networks Using LDPC Codes

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    We consider the problem of exchanging messages in two-way relay (TWR) systems when the sources are correlated binary sequences. In a TWR system, two users communicate simultaneously in both directions to exchange their messages with the help of a relay. Harnessing the fact that the users have access to their own non-compressed messages as side information, each user can compress its message according to the Slepian-Wolf coding strategy by using low-density parity-check codes, particularly, the syndrome approach. Through numerical examples, we show that the proposed scheme offers significant improvements in compression rates compared to the existing solutions in the literature. © 2012 IEEE

    Low complexity precoding for MIMOME wiretap channels based on cut-off rate

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    We propose a low complexity transmit signal design scheme for achieving information-theoretic secrecy over a MIMO wiretap channel driven by finite-alphabet inputs. We assume that the transmitter has perfect channel state information (CSI) of the main channel and also knows the statistics of the eavesdropper's channel. The proposed transmission scheme relies on jointly optimizing the precoder matrix and the artificial noise so as to maximize the achievable secrecy rates. In order to lower the computational complexity associated with the transmit signal design, we employ a design metric using the cut-off rate instead of the mutual information. We formulate a gradient-descent based optimization algorithm and demonstrate via extensive numerical examples that the proposed signal design scheme can yield an enhanced secrecy performance compared with the existing solutions in spite of its relatively lower computational complexity. The impacts of the modulation order as well as the number of antennas at the transmitter and receiver ends on the achievable secrecy rates are also investigated. © 2016 IEEE

    On the capacity of multiple-antenna systems and parallel Gaussian channels with amplitude-limited inputs

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    We propose upper and lower bounds on the capacity of multiple-input multiple-output (MIMO) systems with amplitude-limited inputs. The results are derived by considering an equivalent channel via singular value decomposition, and by enlarging and reducing the corresponding feasible region of the channel input vector, for the upper and lower bounds, respectively. We analytically characterize the asymptotic behavior of the derived bounds for high and low noise levels, and study the gap between them. We also consider parallel Gaussian channels with peak and average power-constrained inputs. For such channels, the capacity-achieving distribution has been reported in the literature to be discrete, which can be computed using numerical optimization techniques. However, there is no closed-form expression and finding the capacity-achieving distribution is computationally tedious. With this motivation, we derive approximate expressions for the capacity at low and high noise variance levels. We illustrate our findings on both MIMO channels and parallel Gaussian channels via several numerical examples. © 1972-2012 IEEE

    Cooperative Precoding and Artificial Noise Design for Security over Interference Channels

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    We focus on linear precoding strategies as a physical layer technique for providing security in Gaussian interference channels. We consider an artificial noise aided scheme where transmitters may broadcast noise in addition to data in order to confuse eavesdroppers. We formulate the problem of minimizing the total mean-square error at the legitimate receivers while keeping the error values at the eavesdroppers above target levels. This set-up leads to a non-convex problem formulation. Hence, we propose a coordinate block descent technique based on a tight semi-definite relaxation and design linear precoders as well as spatial distribution of the artificial noise. Our results illustrate that artificial noise can provide significant performance gains especially when the secrecy levels required at the eavesdroppers are demanding. © 1994-2012 IEEE