38 research outputs found

    Electronic Publishing mit SAP R/3 : Produktklassifizierung und automatisierte Produktdatenaufbereitung für die medienunabhängige Produktkatalogherstellung mit SAP R/3

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    In dieser Diplomarbeit wird die Lösung eines Standardproblems aus dem betrieblichen Umfeld behandelt. Die Aufgabenstellung ist die automatisierte Bereitstellung von Daten, die für die Produktion eines medienunabhängigen Produktkataloges notwendig sind. Ein zentraler Datenbestand soll als Quelle für Printkataloge, CD-ROM- und Internet-Präsentationen dienen


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    Hanefi mezhebinin teşekkülünde kurucu İmam Ebû Hanîfe’nin fıkıh düşüncesi ve metodu çok önemli olmakla birlikte ilk kuşak öğrencilerinin de çalışmaları önemli bir rol oynamaktadır. Ebû Hanîfe, hocasının ders metodunu geliştirerek ders halkasını bir akademi gibi çalıştırmış, bununla yetinmeyerek derslerde öğrencileriyle birlikte ulaştıkları sonuçları tedvin ettirmiştir. O, kendi zamanının alışılagelmiş ders işleme metodunun dışına çıkarak, öğrencilerinin düşüncelerine değer vermiş, onların kendilerini ifade etmelerine fırsat tanımıştır. Ebû Hanîfe’nin meşhur dört öğrencisi Züfer b. Hüzeyl (ö. 158/775), Ebû Yusuf Ya‘kûb b. İbrahim (ö. 182/798), Muhammed b. el-Hasan eş-Şeybânî (ö. 189/805) ve Hasan b. Ziyâd (ö. 204/819) Hanefi mezhebinin teşekkülünde çok önemli katkılar sunmuşlardır. Bununla birlikte meşhur olmayan ve sayıca çok daha fazla olan öğrencilerin mezhebin teşekkülünde, Ebû Hanîfe’nin metot ve fıkhî düşüncesinin özellikle uzak bölgelere yayılmasında çok önemli çabaları bulunmaktadır. Özellikle Ebû Hanîfe’nin Horasan ve Mâverâünnehir’de tanınmasını bu öğrencileri sağlamıştır. Bu öğrenciler, Belh, Merv, Semerkant, Buhara, Nîsâbûr, gibi şehirlerde ders halkaları teşekkül ettirerek Ebû Hanîfe’nin fıkhî ve kelamî görüşlerini bu ders halkalarında işlemişlerdir. Ayrıca bu öğrenciler gittikleri yerlerde Cehmiyye gibi oluşumlarla mücadele etmişlerdir. Bunun yanında çeşitli eserler telif ederek literatüre katkıda bulunmuşlardır. Bu öğrencilerden bazıları içtihat seviyesine ulaşmış, müftâ bih görüşün belirlenmesinde onların içtihatlarına da başvurulmuştur. Bunun yanında kadılık görevi üstlenerek mezhebin kurumsallaşmasına katkıda bulunmuşlardır.Although the idea of fiqh and method of founder Ebû Hanîfe is very important in_x000D_ the formation of the Hanefi sect, the works of the first-generation students also_x000D_ play an important role. As it is known, when Ebû Hanîfe was unable to answer a_x000D_ question in the fiqh area when he was interested in the subjects of the science of_x000D_ Kelam, He started the lessons of Hammâd b. Ebû Süleyman. He continued his fiqh_x000D_ collection for nearly twenty years alongside his teacher. When his teacher passed_x000D_ away, he became the head of the class by the request of his classmates. Ebû_x000D_ Hanîfe, who wanted the lessons to pass efficiently, required at least ten of his_x000D_ classmates to attend the lessons. With this request, he prevented the dispersion_x000D_ of the course ring, also had the opportunity to realize the course teaching method_x000D_ he had built with these ten experienced students. Ebû Hanîfe grouped the_x000D_ students according to their levels and formed three different course rings. Ebû_x000D_ Hanîfe introduced methods such as lesson learning brainstorming, discussion,_x000D_ debate and negotiation in his lessons. Ebû Hanîfe successfully applied the case_x000D_ study method, also called practice in today's legal education. He developed the_x000D_ course method of his teacher and operated the course ring like a fiqh academy._x000D_ Ebû Hanîfe provided a democratic educational environment for his students, and_x000D_ students were able to express their thoughts freely in this environment.Although the idea of fiqh and method of founder Ebû Hanîfe is very important in the formation of the Hanefi sect, the works of the first-generation students also play an important role. As it is known, when Ebû Hanîfe was unable to answer a question in the fiqh area when he was interested in the subjects of the science of Kelam, He started the lessons of Hammâd b. Ebû Süleyman. He continued his fiqh collection for nearly twenty years alongside his teacher. When his teacher passed away, he became the head of the class by the request of his classmates. Ebû Hanîfe, who wanted the lessons to pass efficiently, required at least ten of his classmates to attend the lessons. With this request, he prevented the dispersion of the course ring, also had the opportunity to realize the course teaching method he had built with these ten experienced students. Ebû Hanîfe grouped the students according to their levels and formed three different course rings. Ebû Hanîfe introduced methods such as lesson learning brainstorming, discussion, debate and negotiation in his lessons. Ebû Hanîfe successfully applied the case study method, also called practice in today's legal education. He developed the course method of his teacher and operated the course ring like a fiqh academy. Ebû Hanîfe provided a democratic educational environment for his students, and students were able to express their thoughts freely in this environment. "Цель данного исследования - изучить роль, функцию бюрократии в демократизации и ее отношение к этому процессу. В связи с этим в этом историческом исследовании, посвященном изучению про- цесса демократизации в Турции от провозглашения республики до перехода к многопартийной системе, с теоретической точки зрения кратко рассматриваются отношения между бюрократией и демократией. Вслед за этим исследовано формирование бюро- кратической традиции управления, занимающей важное место в политической жизни Турции, а также роль бюрократии в процессе демократизации в однопартийный период и изменения, которые произошли в этом процессе с переходом к многопартийной си- стеме. В заключении показано, что в турецком контексте наблю- дается дилемма между бюрократией и демократией, бюрократия негативно повлияла на процесс демократизации, она была более эффективной в однопартийный период, а власть бюрократии была относительно ослаблена с переходом к многопартийности. Тем не менее, традиция бюрократической опеки сохранилась до наших дней, и эта ситуация наносит ущерб процессу демократизации.;This study aims to scrutinize the role, function and the attitude of the bureaucracy in the process of democratization. In this context, this historical study examining the process of democratization in Turkey from the proclamation of the republic to the transition to a multiparty system briefly discusses the relationship between bureaucracy and democracy from a theoretical perspective. Afterwards, the formation of a bureaucratic management tradition, which has an important place in Turkish political life, has been mentioned in this historical research, which has a significant place in Turkish political life, has been addressed. The role of the bureaucracy in the process of democratization during the one-party period and the change that has occurred in this process with the transition to a multi-party system were subsequently examined. In conclusion, in the Turkish context it is observed that there is a dilemma between bureaucracy and democracy, the bureaucracy had negatively affected the process of democratization, it was more effective in one-party period, and the power of bureaucracy was relatively weakened with the transition to a multi-party system. Yet, the tradition of bureaucratic tutelage has lasted its effects to this day and this situation harm the process of democratization." "al-Asbât in Islamic thought is a controversial concept among Shia and Sunni schools. Sunni school believes that they all were the brothers of Prophet Joseph and were Prophets. Yet, Shia school rejects the idea that al-Asbât were Prophets, due to the big sins they committed. Some of Shia sholars think that al-Asbât were Wasiyy (Legatee) of Prophets. Sheikh Ali Hasan Galum adds a new idea to al-Asbât by arguing the similarity between the concept of al-Asbât in Quran with those Judges in Torah. He gives the concept of Judges and al-Asbât as a reference to Twelve Imams. This article, after explaining the concept of Judges in Judaism, will deal with the concept of al-Asbât in Sunni sources. After that it will explain the meaning of al-Asbât generally in Shia thought. Then it will touch upon the similarity of the Judges with the concept of Twelve Imams which has handled for the first time by Sheikh Galum in Shia thought.

    The local clinical validation of a new lithium heparin tube with a barrier: BD Vacutainer® Barricor LH Plasma tube

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    Introduction: Although serum-providing blood tubes with a barrier are still widely used due to their significant advantages, the use of blood tubes with a barrier to provide plasma is becoming widespread. We compared 22 analytes in a BD Vacutainer® Barricor LH Plasma tube for local clinical validation of this new lithium heparin tube with a barrier. Materials and methods: Samples from 44 volunteers were collected in different tubes (Becton Dickinson and Company): Z tube without additive (reference), clot-activator tube with gel (SST), lithium heparin tube without gel (LiH), and lithium heparin tube with barrier (Barricor). Analyte concentrations in different tubes were compared with the reference tube. All tubes were also evaluated according to additional testing (different centrifugation durations, blood-sampling techniques and individual differences). Results: Aspartate aminotransferase (AST), glucose (Glc), potassium (K), lactate dehydrogenase (LD), sodium (Na), and total protein (TP) had a significant bias in Barricor (9.19%, - 3.24%, - 4.88%, 21.60%, - 0.40%, 5.03%, respectively) relative to the reference tube. There was no statistical difference between different centrifugation durations and individual differences for AST, K and LD in LiH and/or Barricor (P > 0.05). There was a significant bias for LD between LiH and Barricor in terms of blood-sampling techniques (21.2% and 12.4%, respectively). Conclusions: Recently, the use of plasma has become prominent due to some of its advantages. In this study, plasma AST, K, LD, Glc and TP levels in Barricor were clinically different in comparison to serum. The results of additional tests showed that higher levels of LD in Barricor did not result from haemolysis, and they might be related to other factors including number of platelets, cellular fragility, or functional environment

    CO2 emissions, economic growth, energy consumption, trade and urbanization in new EU member and candidate countries: A panel data analysis

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    This paper investigates the causal relationship between energy consumption, carbon dioxide emissions, economic growth, trade openness and urbanization for a panel of new EU member and candidate countries over the period 1992-2010. Panel unit root tests, panel cointegration methods and panel causality tests are used to investigate this relationship. The main results provide evidence supporting the Environmental Kuznets Curve hypothesis. Hence, there is an inverted U-shaped relationship between environment and income for the sampled countries. The results also indicate that there is a short-run unidirectional panel causality running from energy consumption, trade openness and urbanization to carbon emissions, from GDP to energy consumption, from GDP, energy consumption and urbanization to trade openness, from urbanization to GDP, and from urbanization to trade openness. As for the long-run causal relationship, the results indicate that estimated coefficients of lagged error correction term in the carbon dioxide emissions, energy consumption, GDP, and trade openness equations are statistically significant, implying that these four variables could play an important role in adjustment process as the system departs from the long-run equilibrium. (C) 2014 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved

    Environmental technical efficiency in EU member and candidate countries: A parametric hyperbolic distance function approach

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    This paper investigates environmental technical efficiency for a panel of European Union (EU) member and candidate countries for the period 1990-2011 using parametric hyperbolic distance function. The paper also examines the environmental technical efficiency convergence among the sampled countries. The main results suggest that environmental technical efficiency scores vary among EU member and candidate countries. The EU-15 countries in contrast to the new members and the candidate countries have a greater potential for reducing CO2 emissions while increasing GDP and reducing energy use simultaneously. The results also indicate the existence of environmental technical efficiency convergence among EU member and candidate countries. (C) 2018 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved

    The Role of International Trade and Urbanization on Environmental Technical Efficiency in EU Member and Candidate Countries

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    In recent years, global attention has been devoted towards the devastating effects of high carbon emissions on the environment and economy. The Paris Agreement which was accepted by over 190 countries in December 2015 marks the beginning of a new era towards the battle against climate change. The reason for such a collective action towards a renown global phenomenon is to provide a cleaner environment and sustainable economy for the future generations. Understanding environmental efficiency is one of the most significant aspects of this endeavor. This paper uses environmental efficiency scores estimated through a parametric hyperbolic distance function for EU member and candidate countries over the years 1990-2011, and investigates its relationship with per capita income, industrial share of GDP, openness to trade, and urbanization by using a Tobit model. The results suggest that all the variables are significant determinants of environmental technical efficiency. The relation between environmental technical efficiency and economic development shows a U-shaped curve, whereas industrial share of GDP follows an inverse U-shaped curve. There is an inverse relationship between environmental technical efficiency and openness to trade, and a positive relationship with urbanization

    The role and importance of photonic sensors in seafood safety applications

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    Tokac, Adnan/0000-0002-2968-7315WOS:000605750800016Microbiological, chemical, sensory analyses known as traditional methods are used for detemrination of fish quality including many concepts such as microbiological quality, sensory quality, nutritional properties, product specific properties, freshness, species-specific physical properties. With the developing technology; these time-consuming and error-free analyzes have been replaced by sensor technology, which is very suitable for quality measurements in order to achieve the expected speed and high standard and to be open to improvement. in this study, optical sensors and their applications are emphasized and a general evaluation is made about the usability of seafood processing technology in terms of food safety

    Changes In Apoptosis-Related Gene Expression Profiles In Cancer Cell Lines Exposed To Usnic Acid Lichen Secondary Metabolite

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    The presence of uninhibited side effects of cancer drugs often used in cancer treatment has stimulated the search for alternative therapeutic approaches. Therefore, anticarcinogenic effects of synthetic, herbal, and fungal drugs have been investigated for the treatment of various cancer types in recent studies. Lichens, symbiotic organisms of fungi and algae, synthesize metabolites with significant biological activities. The aim of the current study was to screen the anticancer potential of usnic acid on various types of nonmalignant cell lines (Vero, L929) and cancer cell lines (CaCo2, RD, Hep2C, HepG2, Wehi). The growth inhibitory effect of usnic acid was determined by MTT assay. Since this study was also designed to explore mRNA expression profiles, this paper is the first to look into the effects of usnic acid on apoptotic gene expression. The effects of usnic acid on the gene expression patterns of the tumor suppressor gene p53, proapoptotic gene Bcl-2, and Bax were studied with qRT-PCR. There was an approximately ninefold decrease in the p53 and Bcl-2 expression for usnic acid in the Wehi cancer cell line. Consequently, it is concluded that usnic acid has tumor inhibitory properties, and if indicated by further works like animal studies and clinical trials, it may be used therapeutically in the future.WoSScopu

    Tuberculosis cases presenting with spontaneous hemopneumothorax and hypotension

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    Sir, Tuberculosis (TB) is the second most common fatal infectious disease, following human immunodeficiency virus/ acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (HIV/AIDS), in the adult population. Socio-economic deprivation, immigration, wars, omission of tuberculosis control programs, and HIV/AIDS epidemics have led to an increase in the incidence of tuberculosis. The World Health Organization (WHO) publishes a global tuberculosis report annually. The 2013 report stated that, in 2012, 8.6 million people developed TB, and 1.3 million people died from the disease, including 320,000 deaths among HIV-positive individuals

    The Efficacy of Flow Diverter Stents in the Treatment of Wide-Necked Intracranial Aneurysms

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    Background: To present our findings obtained from the treatment of wide-necked intracranial neurysms with flow diverter stents. Patients and Methods: Intracranial aneurysms were determined in 19 patients (14 females, 5 males; mean age, 56.6 years) between May 2011 and June 2014, and the patients were treated using flow diverter stents. A total of 28 flow diverter stents, including 9 Silk and 19 Pipeline stents were used. Occlusion rates evaluated with computed tomography at the end of month 6 and digital subtraction angiography after one year, intraoperative success, morbidity and mortality rates were determined. Results: A total of 20 endovascular interventions, including two interventions in two different aneurysms in one patient were performed in 19 patients. Flow diverter stents were successfully implemented for wide-necked aneurysms at a success rate of 100%. Coil treatment had previously been performed in four patients. Aneurysm occlusion rates were 77.2% at month 6 and 90.9% at the end of month 12. Conclusion: The use of flow diverter stents is a reliable and effective method in the treatment of wide-necked intracranial aneurysms with high aneurysm occlusion, and low morbidity and mortality rates