34 research outputs found

    Christian missions and the emergence of Nationalism in Angola

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    LSE’s Iracema Dulley examines the links between Christian missions and the rise of liberation leaders in Africa. Read in Portugues

    The Case and the Signifier:Generalization in Freud’s Rat Man

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    Exploring Freud’s Rat Man case, this piece analyses the chain of signification that emerges in Freud’s articulation of the rat-related signifiers through which his patient’s neurosis is expressed. Two central concerns guide my reflection: (i) to question the divide between the individual and the social by showing how signifiers are one of the ways in which the symbolic inscribes itself onto the subject; (ii) to discuss how the case study as method proposes generalizations based on a singularity.Iracema Dulley, ‘The Case and the Signifier: Generalization in Freud’s **Rat Man/**’, in The Case for Reduction, ed. by Christoph F. E. Holzhey and Jakob Schillinger, Cultural Inquiry, 25 (Berlin: ICI Berlin Press, 2022), pp. 13-37 <https://doi.org/10.37050/ci-25_02

    As missões cristãs e o surgimento do nacionalismo em Angola

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    Iracema Dulley da LSE examina as ligações entre as missões cristãs e a ascensão dos líderes dos movimentos de libertação na África. Read in Englis

    How to Bake X Cake:Notes on the Recipe

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    What kind of reduction does a recipe perform? This short piece considers the recipe as a purpose-oriented list. Based on a recipe for baking cakes of different flavours by following a similar procedure, it reflects on experience, time, chance, generalization, and secrecy.Iracema Dulley, ‘How to Bake X Cake: Notes on the Recipe’, in The Case for Reduction, ed. by Christoph F. E. Holzhey and Jakob Schillinger, Cultural Inquiry, 25 (Berlin: ICI Berlin Press, 2022), pp. 277-79 <https://doi.org/10.37050/ci-25_17

    WAGNER, Roy, Coyote Anthropology, Lincoln e Londres, University of Nebraska Press, 2010, 199pp.

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    The historiography of “conversions” in Portugal’s African colonies and the trajectory of Jesse Chiula Chipenda

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    L’article évoque la trajectoire de Jesse Chiula Chipenda (1903-1969) dans le contexte colonial du Planalto central de l’Angola. Fils du chef du village de Lomanda et né au Bailundo la dernière année de la guerre de “pacification” de la région (1902-1903), Jesse Chipenda se rapprocha de la mission congrégationnaliste de l’American Board of Commissioners for Foreign Missions (ABCFM), se convertit au protestantisme et devint catéchiste puis un pasteur de renom. En analysant sa trajectoire, on cherche ici à comprendre la constitution de l’habitus chrétien sur le Planalto central par la prise en compte des divers éléments de la structure sociale locale. On montre aussi comment, de par sa scolarisation et son insertion dans l’univers missionnaire, Jesse Chipenda a acquis les atouts qui lui permirent de passer du statut d’“indigène” à celui de “citoyen” grâce à son “assimilation”, à savoir la constatation de son intégration aux modèles de comportement et aux capacités attendus d’un “civilisé”O texto a seguir articula a trajetória de Jesse Chiula Chipenda (1903-1969) ao contexto colonial no Planalto Central de Angola. Filho do chefe da aldeia de Lomanda e nascido no Bailundo no ano de término da guerra de “pacificação” da região (1902-1903), Jesse Chipenda aproximou-se da missão congregacionalista da American Board of Commissioners for Foreign Missions (ABCFM) e converteu-se ao protestantismo, tendo-se tornado catequista e pastor de destaque. Ao analisar sua trajetória, busca-se compreender a constituição do habitus cristão no Planalto Central a partir da indexação de elementos da estrutura social local. Mostra-se, ainda, como a partir de sua escolarização e inserção no universo missionário, Jesse Chipenda adquiriu disposições que lhe permitiram passar do estatuto de “indígena” ao de “cidadão” mediante sua “assimilação”, ou seja, a constatação de sua incorporação dos padrões de comportamento e habilidades esperados de um “civilizado”The text below relates the trajectory of Jesse Chiula Chipenda (1903-1969) to the colonial context in the Central Highlands of Angola. Born in Bailundo in the last year of the region’s ‘pacification’ war (1902-1903) and the chief of Lomanda’s son, Jesse Chipenda was introduced to the missions of the Congregationalist American Board of Commissioners for Foreign Missions (ABCFM) and converted into Protestantism. He became a catechist and a prominent pastor. In analyzing Jesse Chipenda’s trajectory, one seeks to understand the constitution of a Christian habitus in the Central Highlands based on the indexing of elements from the local social structure. It is also shown how, due to his schooling and insertion into the missionary context, Jesse acquired dispositions that allowed him to leave the status of ‘indígena’ (native) for that of a ‘citizen’ upon his ‘assimilation,’ that is, his display of the behavior standards and skills expected from a ‘civilized’ perso

    Naming Touch

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    What is the relationship between naming and touching? This symposium explores the haptic effects of names as well as the attempt to name haptic experience through the lens of anthropology, performance studies, philosophy, and psychoanalysis. The experience of language, specifically of names, shapes subjectivity by impacting one’s relationship to one’s body and the bodies of others. Designators indexing race, class, gender, religion, and status configure haptic relations. How do given names affect the ways one is touched from infancy onwards? How are other names received throughout one’s life — such as nicknames, slurs, or praises — inscribed upon the skin? How do these names open up or constrain the kinds of haptic experiences one can have with other subjects or collectives? Naming touch can bring visibility to different kinds of haptic experiences, presumably allowing for greater protection, knowledge, communication, and heightened sensations and emotions. Yet naming touch can also stigmatize, normalize, and suppress haptic desires and experiences. What is the effect of naming touch? Are there kinds of touch that evade being named, such as those related to violence, trauma, or intense pleasure? What does the attempt to translate these haptic experiences do to language itself?Naming Touch, symposium, ICI Berlin, 28–29 June 2022 <https://doi.org/10.25620/e220628

    Imbricações entre o ordinário e o excêntrico: literatura, feminismo e política na África do Sul nascente

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    Resenha do livroGOMES, Raquel. Uma feminista na contramão do colonialismo: Olive Schreiner, literatura e a construção da nação sul-africana, 1880-1902. São Paulo: Annablume, 2013

    Cristianismo e distinção: uma análise comparativa da recepção da presença missionária entre os «Ovimbundu» e os «Ovakwanyama» de Angola

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    O presente trabalho propõe-se a realizar uma comparação entre a recepção do cristianismo no Planalto Central e na porção sul do território angolano pré-Guerra de Libertação (1961) de um ponto de vista relacional. Para tanto, busco, trazendo algumas situações encontradas nos registos dos missionários, de historiadores e antropólogos, entender como as macro categorias de classificação dos habitantes dessas regiões no período colonial, tais como «indígena», «cristão», «branco», «negro», «assimilado», constituíram uma convenção de significação mobilizada pelos diversos agentes em sua prática comunicativa. A relação manifesta-se tanto do ponto de vista da interacção entre os agentes no processo histórico de construção da convenção quanto na significação das categorias a partir de critérios de oposição e contraste.This paper aims to make a comparative analysis of the reception of Christianity in the Central and Southern area of Angola before the period of the Liberation War (1961). Therefore, bringing some situations found in the records of the missionaries, historians and anthropologists, I seek to understand how the macro categories used to classify the inhabitants of these areas during the the colonial period, such as «indigenous», «Christian», «white», «black», «assimilated», constituted a meaning convention mobilized by the various agents in communicative practice. The relationship manifests itself both from the point of view of the interaction between the agents in the historical process of the convention building, as well as the meaning criteria used as categories of opposition and contrast

    Roy Wagner e a fractalidade: considerações sobre o gesto êmico

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    Com base em uma leitura detida de “A pessoa fractal”, de Roy Wagner, pretende-se pensar a questão da nomeação da diferença e sua vinculação ao gesto êmico na antropologia. A partir da proposta de fractalidade wagneriana, coloca-se em pauta uma questão de ordem filosófico-metodológica: como fundamentar a ideia de uma conceitualização nativa circunscrita por um nome? Para enfrentá-la, o texto a seguir acompanha o tratamento dado por Wagner à nomeação, à moeda e à liderança melanésias e argumenta que para aceitar o suposto da instanciação e retenção de escala fractal seria preciso abrir mão da diferença no interior da diferença