243 research outputs found

    Prevalence of Terminal Renal Disease in Lupus Nephritis Patients

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    Systemic erythematosus lupus is a chronic inflammatory disease of autoimmune nature. This illness can affect all organs, but one of the most common illnesses is lupus nephritis. Patients with renal impairment, despite aggressive immunosuppressive medication carry the risk of developing terminal renal disease and doing dialysis or renal transplant.The purpose of this study is to reflect global statistics on the frequency of the development of terminal renal disease in lupus nephritis patients as an awareness-raising way to stimulate studies that present a successful treatment or screening protocol in preventing this complication.This study is a review based on the research of world studies and literature regarding the prevalence of terminal renal disease in lupus nephritis patients.Over 50% of patients with LES, depending on different regions of the world, race / ethnicity develop lupus nephritis. 10-30% of lupus nephritis cases develop terminal renal disease where among the major risk factors are new age, nephrotic proteinuria, disease activity index, histological class of renal impairment, high creatinine, lack of remission, etc. Performing as early as possible the renal transplant increases the lifespan of patients with terminal renal disease.It is very difficult to prevent renal impairment in patients with LES, more so when some of them have lupus nephritis as the initial manifestation. However, since more than 50% of LES patients develop lupus nephritis and 10 to 30% of lupus nephritis cases develop terminal renal disease, studies should be encouraged to determine a successful treatment or screening protocol in preventing this complication

    Data transfers between the EU and US : the impact of schrems I and schrems II for cross-border data flows, privacy, and national security

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    This dissertation seeks to outline the implications of the CJEU judgment in Case C-311/18 Data Protection Commissioner v. Facebook Ireland Ltd and Maximillian Schrems (Schrems II) on international data transfers, particularly for data transfers between the European Union and the United States. The Schrems II judgment has invalidated the Privacy Shield, making it the second data transfer mechanism between the EU and the US that the CJEU strikes down. It also leaves Standard Contractual Clauses (SCCs) as one of the only options for data transfers, creating significant burdens for companies/organizations to assess the laws and practices of third countries to be able to transfer data. The Schrems II decision, without a doubt, will change the relationship between global data flows and national security, and we have already started to see the legal uncertainties brought forward by the case. This dissertation aims to give an overview of the history of data protection laws in both the EU and the US, including differences in their approaches to data protection. It then examines the two Schrems cases and the invalidated transfer mechanisms, as well as the legal landscape for transfers after CJEU's last decision. Lastly, it discusses the impact of the decision on cross-border data flows, data privacy, surveillance, and national security, while trying to chart a path forward by examining possible solutions for the continuance of data transfers

    Morphometric And Genetic Variability Of River Terrapin, (Batagur Baska) And Painted Terrapin, (Batagur Borneonsis).

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    Maklumat tentang struktur genetik populasi adalah penting untuk pemuliharaan spesies-spesies terancam. Ini merupakan penyelidikan pertama ke atas genetik populasi tuntung air tawar di Malaysia. Information on the population genetic structure is pivotal to the conservation of endangered species. This is the first investigation on the population genetics of the Malaysian freshwater terrapins, Batagur baska and Batagur borneoensis

    MPI and Pthreads in parallel programming

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    By programming in parallel, large problem is divided in smaller ones, which are solved concurrently. Two of techniques that makes this possible are Message Passing Interface (MPI) and POSIX threads (Pthreads). In this article is highlighted the difference between these two different implementation of parallelism in a software by showing their main characteristics and the advantages of each of them

    Think-Pair-Share: Teaching Strategy Unravels Uncertainty

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    Think-Pair-Share and Uncertainty in general situations intersects several similarities with each other such as: thinking, communication, teamwork and creativity. Think-Pair-Share teaching strategy proceeds with three steps. Usually, it applies in all academic subjects; nonetheless, I employed it in algebra class when we analyzed open ended questions. As a teacher, I gave the question (real world situation question) to students, as a first step students read the question and analyzed the question individually. Second step, students paired in groups of four to five students; they discussed their thoughts (ideas how to solve the problem) about the question within their group. Step three, each group selects the best answer of their group; moreover, they share the answer with the class. Finally, students compared and contrast answers, then they evaluated the best answer that made a better sense (The best logical answer). Think-Pair-Share is closely related to uncertainty in new jobs. In the case, a worker faces an uncertain job; as a first step, he or she will think (analyze) the job. After the worker comes up with an answer, the worker will deliver the answer to other workers (to get a second opinion about the answer). Furthermore, all workers will share their ideas within the teamwork or company. Above all, workers with a consensus will select the best answers that might be practical during running their activities at the work- place


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    Sebuah lembaga pendidikan akan dipercaya oleh masyarakat jika memiliki kinerja yang unggul. Kinerja yang unggul hanya dapat terjadi jika sumber daya manusia yang dimiliki memiliki kompetensi. Undang-undang mensyaratkan kompetensi yang harus dimiliki oleh pendidik dan tenaga kependidikan. Kompetensi tidak hanya sekedar amanat undang-undang, tetapi harus melekat dalam diri pendidik dan tenaga kependidikan, diolah dan dikembangkan terus menerus agar menghasilkan luaran yang bermutu.  Hal ini juga tergantung pada gaya kepemimpinan yang diterapkan. Karena itu fokus penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui pengaruh gaya kepemimpinan direktif, suportif dan partisipatif terhadap kinerja secara langsung, atau melalui kerja tim. Dengan menggunakan seluruh populasi yang ada yaitu sebanyak 129 pendidik dan tenaga kependidikan, penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa hanya variabel gaya kepemimpinan direktif yang berpengaruh negatif terhadap kinerja, baik secara langsung meupun secara tidak langsung. Sedangkan variabel gaya kepemimpinan suportif dan partisipatif mempunyai pengaruh terhadap kinerja baik langsung maupun tidak langsung. Kerja tim juga mempunyai pengaruh terhadap kinerja pendidik dan tenaga kependidikan.&nbsp


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    Indonesia is currently facing a covid-19 pandemic. The situation  is increasingly difficult,positive cases of covid-19 are increasing. Various efforts were made to prevent covid-19 transmission. Each region reaps the pros and cons and have different problems and require different ways of dealing with it. Each local leadershas a different strategy and socialization so that what is conveyed can be heard and done by the community. Submission of communication messages built by the Government of the City of Bandar Lampung through Diskominfotik to control the social system of the community seems to be still weak because there are still many hoaxes that are trusted by the community that cause excessive panic. This is where the role of public communication is needed, to provide information to the community, calm the community, to unite together against covid-19. In addition, a very important thing to do is to strengthen public communication on the role of local governments in informing and providing education to the local community. So that the social system remains balanced and does not experience inequality in the face of the current covid-19 pandemic. United against covid-19

    Differential Diagnosis between the Variety of Vasculitis Forms

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    Vasculitis is an inflammation of the blood vessels. It can affect any blood vessel in the body by manifesting a variety of systemic, non-specific symptoms that make difficult the diagnosis of this pathology and especially its specific form. In front of any patient suspected of being affected by vasculitis, some questions are asked: Is the vasculitis or other pathology that camouflages, whether it is primary or secondary vasculitis, in which vessels this pathology extends, how can the diagnosis be confirmed and how can it be determined the type of vasculitis?The purpose of this study is to inform about the protocols to be followed to perform differential diagnosis of vasculitis types.This study is a review based on the research of world studies and literature regarding the recommendations for performing differential diagnosis among the variety of vasculitis forms.Primary patient assessment involves taking the history of the medications it uses, risk factors for infectious pathology, history of cardiac valve pathologies, and autoimmune pathologies. Then laboratory and imaging studies are carried out, aiming at setting the diagnosis, determining the affected organ and the degree of disease activity. And recently we refer to algorithms to make differential diagnosis between the varieties of vasculitis forms.Despite the diagnostic difficulties of vasculitis, the variety of its forms, the separation of responsibilities among many specialities, there are protocols that need to be followed rigorously to arrive at a safe diagnosis as well as auxiliary algorithms to distinguish the type of vasculitis


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    Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui : (1). Pengaruh permainan perorangan terhadap kesegaran jasmani siswa putra kelas IV dan V SD Negeri Mipitan Jebres Surakarta. (2). Pengaruh permainan beregu terhadap kesegaran jasmani siswa putra kelas IV dan V  SD Negeri Mipitan Jebres Surakarta. (3). Pengaruh yang lebih baik pengaruhnya antara  permainan perorangan dan permainan beregu terhadap peningkatan kesegaran jasmani pada siswa putra kelas IV dan V  SD Negeri Mipitan Jebres Surakarta. Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah metode eksperimen. Subyek penelitian ini adalah semua siswa putra kelas IV dan V SD Negeri Mipitan Jebres Surakarta  yang berjumlah  30  siswa. Teknik pengumpulan data menggunakan tes dan pengukuran.. Tes yang digunakan sesuai dengan judul penelitian ini adalah Tes Kesegaran Jasmani yang berhubungan dengan keterampilan.Kesimpulan dari penelitian ini adalah: (1). Ada perbedaan pengaruh permainan perorangan  terhadap peningkatan kesegaran jasmani pada siswa putra kelas IV dan V  SD Negeri Mipitan Jebres Surakarta, dengan thitung = 2,1621  > ttabel = 2,14. (2). Ada perbedaan pengaruh permainan beregu terhadap peningkatan kesegaran jasmani pada siswa putra kelas IV dan V  SD Negeri Mipitan Jebres Surakarta, dengan thitung = 3,053341 > ttabel = 2,14. (3). Permainan  Beregu lebih baik pengaruhnya terhadap peningkatan kesegaran jasmani pada siswa putra kelas IV dan V SD Negeri Mipitan Jebres Surakarta dibandingkan dengan permainan perorangan, dengan prosentase peningkatannya adalah K2 (Permainan Beregu) sebesar 4,919048% > dari pada K1(Permaianan Perorangan)  sebesar 2,289894 %. Kata Kunci : Permainan Perorangan dan Beregu, Kesegaran Jasman

    Differential Diagnosis between the Varieties of Vasculitis Forms

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    Vasculitis is an inflammation of the blood vessels. It can affect any blood vessel in the body by manifesting a variety of systemic, non-specific symptoms that make difficult the diagnosis of this pathology and especially its specific form. In front of any patient suspected of being affected by vasculitis, some questions are asked: Is the vasculitis or other pathology that camouflages, whether it is primary or secondary vasculitis, in which vessels this pathology extends, how can the diagnosis be confirmed and how can it be determined the type of vasculitis?The purpose of this study is to inform about the protocols to be followed to perform differential diagnosis of vasculitis types.This study is a review based on the research of world studies and literature regarding the recommendations for performing differential diagnosis among the variety of vasculitis forms.Primary patient assessment involves taking the history of the medications it uses, risk factors for infectious pathology, history of cardiac valve pathologies, and autoimmune pathologies. Then laboratory and imaging studies are carried out, aiming at setting the diagnosis, determining the affected organ and the degree of disease activity. And recently we refer to algorithms to make differential diagnosis between the varieties of vasculitis forms.Despite the diagnostic difficulties of vasculitis, the variety of its forms, the separation of responsibilities among many specialities, there are protocols that need to be followed rigorously to arrive at a safe diagnosis as well as auxiliary algorithms to distinguish the type of vasculitis