20 research outputs found

    Vehicle Routes Optimization for the Purpose of Mobile Network Quality Research by Applying Algorithms for Travelling Salesman Problem

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    Cilj ovog diplomskog rada je pronaći rješenje po kojem se može minimizirati ukupna prijeđena udaljenost za poduzeće P3 Communications, koje se bavi istraživanjem kvalitete mobilne mreže. Da bi se dala generalna slika kvalitete mobilne mreže na nekom geografskom području, potrebno je provesti mjerenja različitih parametara na različitim mjestima, ali i na prometnicama koja povezuju ta mjesta. Često se radi o velikom broju mjesta koje treba posjetiti. Kako bi se obišla sva mjesta u što kraćem vremenu, poduzeće P3 Communications koristi više vozila. U svrhu minimiziranja prijeđene udaljenosti, izrađeno je programsko rješenje koje koristi algoritme za rješavanje problema trgovačkog putnika. Programsko rješenje koristi ukupno dva algoritma za rješavanje problema trgovačkog putnika i jedan algoritam za grupiranje. Prvi korišteni algoritam je algoritam k-srednjih vrijednosti, koji spada u algoritme particijskog grupiranja. Druga dva algoritma su algoritam najbližeg susjeda, koji spada u skupinu heurističkih algoritama, i 2-Opt algoritam koji poboljšava inicijalno rješenje dobiveno algoritmom najbližeg susjeda. Rješenja dobivena programskim rješenjem prikazana su slikama sučelja na kojem je iscrtana ruta kojom se svako vozilo treba kretati.The aim of this Master's Thesis is to find a way how to minimize the total distance traveled by P3 Communications company, a company that conducts mobile network quality research. In order to give a general picture of the quality of a mobile network for some geographic area, it is necessary to perform measurements of different parameters at different places but also on the roads linking these places. It is often a great number of places that needs to be visited. To visit all places in the shortest amount of time, company P3 Communications uses more than one vehicle. For the purpose of minimizing the total traveled distance, a software solution has been developed using algorithms based on solving traveling salesman problem. The solution uses a total number of three algorithms, two which are used for solving traveling salesman problem and one algorithm used for clustering. Algorithm used for clustering is called K-means algorithm, which is one of the partitions algorithms. The other two algorithms are nearest neighbour algorithm, a heuristics algorithm, and 2-Opt algorithm, which improves the initial solution obtained by the nearest neighbour algorithm. The solutions provided by the software are shown on a graphical user interface on which different routes are drawn, for each vehicle separately

    Relationships Between Climatic Variables and Tree-Ring Width of Silver Fir (Abies alba Mill.) in Kozara National Park (Bosnia and Herzegovina)

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    Silver fir (Abies alba Mill.) is the most common conifer species in Bosnia and Herzegovina. The paper describes the development of a silver fir master tree-ring chronology from Kozara National Park and analyzes the influence of the climate conditions on tree-ring widths. The knowledge concerning the effect of climate on cambium activity and, as a result, on tree growth is of great importance for silviculture, which is particularly complex in terms of deterioration of health condition. Four sites were selected for sampling at Kozara National Park. At each sampling site, 15 dominant trees were drilled with Pressler’s increment borer at breast height. The development of chronology included three steps: i) cross-dating of a series of tree-ring width and checking of their quality using the COFECHA program, ii) data standardization in the ARSTAN program, and iii) master chronology development. Correlation analysis was performed in order to determine the links between tree-ring width and climate (primarily temperature and precipitation). In the 88-year-long master chronology, pointer years analysis identified five positive and nine negative years. Correlation analysis revealed that precipitation had stronger and more significant impact on silver fir radial growth, particularly at the beginning of the growing season, in April and May (r=0.175 and r=0.318, respectively), and in the crucial July−September period (r in the range of 0.143−0.222). The highest negative correlation coefficient with temperature was determined for September of the previous year (r=-0.282) and then for summer months (July and August) of the current year (r=-0.184 and r=-0.272, respectively). In addition, statistically significant correlation between radial growth and the Forestry Aridity Index was determined (r=-0.390). The results of tree-ring width climate analysis obtained in this study are in accordance with other studies carried out in Bosnia and Herzegovina and in the surrounding area

    Javnozdravstvene akcije prevencije kroničnih nezaraznih bolesti u Zadarskoj županiji 2010/2011

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    Kronične nezarazne bolesti posljednjih godina u Zadarskoj županiji bilježe kontinuirani porast u broju oboljelih koji su zabilježeni u djelatnosti opće medicine, broju hospitaliziranih i broju umrlih.Projekt pod nazivom "Predstavljanje nacionalnih programa ranog otkrivanja kroničnih nezaraznih bolesti u Zadarskoj županiji" organizirala je Služba za socijalnu medicinu i javno zdravstvo Zavoda za javno zdravstvo Zadar, kao nositelj projekta. Edukativna predavanja o najučestalijim kroničnim nezaraznim bolestima i faktorima rizika za njihov nastanak održana su u 26 jedinica lokalne samouprave u Zadarskoj županiji. Nakon predavanja organizirana su prigodna mjerenja krvnog tlaka, šećera u krvi, kolesterola u krvi, opsega struka, visine i težine (odnosno indeksa tjelesne mase-ITM). Partneri u provedbi projekta bile su jedinice lokalne samouprave, Patronažna služba Doma zdravlja Zadarske županije, liječnici obiteljske medicine Zadarske županije, Društvo Crvenog križa Zadarske županije i Sveučilišna klinika za dijabetes, endokrinologiju i bolesti metabolizma "Vuk Vrhovac" iz Zagreba


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    During the past two decades a considerable effort has been made to develop radio-frequency (RF) resonators which are fabricated using the micro/nanoelectro-mechanical systems (MEMS/NEMS) technologies, in order to replace conventional large off-chip components in wireless transceivers and other high-speed electronic systems.The first part of the paper presents an overview of RF MEMS and NEMS resonators, including those based on two-dimensional crystals (e.g. graphene). The frequency tuning in MEMS/NEMS resonators is then analyzed. Improvements that would be necessary in order for MEMS/NEMS resonators to meet the requirements of wireless systems are also discussed.The analysis of noise of RF MEMS/NEMS resonators and oscillators is especially important in modern wireless communication systems due to increasingly stringent requirements regarding the acceptable noise level in every next generation. The second part of the paper presents the analysis of adsorption-desorption (AD) noise in RF MEMS/NEMS resonators, which becomes pronounced with the decrease of components' dimensions, and is not sufficiently elaborated in the existing literature about such components. Finally, a theoretical model of phase noise in RF MEMS/NEMS oscillators will be presented, with a special emphasize on the influence of the resonator AD noise on the oscillator phase noise


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    Analiza planova gazdovanja šumama predstavlja četvrti rad i posljednji je dio ukupne analize kvalitetašumskoprivrednih osnova za šume u svojini Republike Srpske. Analizom su obuhvaćeni: plan sječa, planiskorišćavanja šuma, plan šumskouzgojnih radova, plan zaštite šuma i ekonomsko-finansijska analiza.Težište razmatranja bilo je na ekonomski vrijednijim šumama. Pokazalo se da planovi imaju samo formalnikarakter i da nisu upotrebljivi u praksi. Rad je baziran na podacima iz devet šumskoprivrednih osnova

    Adsorption-desorption phase noise in RF MEMS/NEMS resonators

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    In this paper the analysis is presented of the dependence of adsorption-desorption phase noise in MEMS/NEMS resonators of their resonant frequency, operating pressure and temperature. Results of the analysis are useful for optimization of parameters and operating conditions of such components in order to fulfill the requirements of existing and future telecommunication systems