66 research outputs found

    A systematic revision of the vulnerable mangrove genus Pelliciera (Tetrameristaceae) in equatorial America

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    Pelliciera is a genus of mangrove trees with distinct showy flowers with five petals subtended by two large foliaceous bracts. The genus, thought to be monotypic, only containing P. rhizophorae, was classified recently in the small diverse family, the Tetrameristaceae. This distinctive genus occurs in a relatively restricted distribution in Central and northern South America in the Atlantic-East Pacific region. In this recent decade, two varietal forms have been reported across its range, of which one appears to be a colour morph referred to much earlier as P. rhizo-phorae var. benthamii. The taxonomic status of the earlier morph was, however, insufficient to warrant individual recognition at the time, so the genus remained monotypic with no varietal forms. The aim of this treatment has been to review the systematic history of the genus, to thoroughly re-assess available observations and to re-evaluate the current taxonomic status. In conclusion, the genus is recognised now as having two closely related species, described here as P. benthamii along with a redefined P. rhizophorae. Characters such as leafy bract colour, leaf dentition and petal shape used in their discrimination are provided, along with notes on the ecology, phenology, a diagnostic key, and a revised distribution map that displays the oddly overlapping occurrences

    Seagrass spatial data synthesis from north-east Australia, Torres Strait and Gulf of Carpentaria, 1983 to 2022

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    The Gulf of Carpentaria and Torres Strait in north-eastern Australia support globally significant seagrass ecosystems that underpin fishing and cultural heritage of the region. Reliable data on seagrass distribution are critical to understanding how these ecosystems are changing, while managing for resilience. Spatial data on seagrass have been collected since the early 1980s, but the early data were poorly curated. Some was not publicly available, and some already lost. We validated and synthesized historical seagrass spatial data to create a publicly available database. We include a site layer of 48,612 geolocated data points including information on seagrass presence/absence, sediment, collection date, and data custodian. We include a polygon layer with 641 individual seagrass meadows. Thirteen seagrass species are identified in depths ranging from intertidal to 38 m below mean sea level. Our synthesis includes scientific survey data from 1983 to 2022 and provides an important evidence base for marine resource management

    Desenvolvimento de um roteiro conceitual para a gestão da biodiversidade e dos serviços ecossistêmicos no Caribe mexicano

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    Coral reefs and mangroves support rich biodiversity and provide ecosystem services that range from food, recreational benefits and coastal protection services, among others. They are one of the most threatened ecosystems by urbanization processes. In this context, we developed a conceptual framework for the management of biodiversity and ecosystem services for these coastal environments. We based our workflow on two sections: “Information base” and “Governance” and use the Puerto Morelos Coastal region as a case study for coastal protection. Puerto Morelos is between two of the most touristic destinations of Mexico (Playa del Carmen and Cancun) that has experienced an increase of population in the past four decades resulting in an intensification of multiple threats to its ecosystems. We characterized the two ecosystems with a “Management Units” strategy. An expert-based ecosystem services matrix was also described in order to connect mangroves and coral reef ecosystems with the multiple beneficiaries. Then an ecosystem model (conceptual model and Global Biodiversity model) was developed. The conceptual model was useful in understanding the interplay processes between systems regarding the ecosystem service of “Coastal Protection”. The Global Biodiversity model evidenced the human-induced shifts in the biodiversity for mangrove and coral reefs ecosystems. Also, a projection for 2035 of “best” and “worst” scenarios was applied using GLOBIO3. A DPSIR conceptual framework was used to analyze environmental problems regarding ecosystem services maintenance. Finally, we evaluated a set of policies associated with these ecosystems that favor coastal protection integrity. This framework facilitates the identification of the most relevant processes and controls about the provision of coastal protection service. It can also be useful to better target management actions and as a tool to identify future management needs to tackle the challenges preventing more effective conservation of coastal environments.Recifes de coral e manguezais possuem rica biodiversidade e fornecem serviços ecossistêmicos, tais como, alimento, recreação, proteção costeira, entre outros. Esses ecossistemas encontram-se entre os mais ameaçados pelos processos de urbanização. Nesse contexto, desenvolvemos um roteiro conceitual para a gestão da biodiversidade e dos serviços ecossistêmicos desses ambientes costeiros. Organizamos nossa sequência de passos de trabalho em duas seções: “Base de informações” e “Governança” e usamos a região costeira da cidade de Puerto Morelos (México) como um estudo de caso para analisar o serviço de proteção de costa. Puerto Morelos encontra-se entre dois dos destinos mais turísticos do México (Playa del Carmen e Cancún), e portanto sua população vem aumentando nas últimas quatro décadas, resultando na intensificação de múltiplas ameaças para os ecossistemas. Primeiramente, caracterizamos os dois ecossistemas identificando-os como “Unidades de Gestão”, detalhando seus principais componentes e processos. Através de uma “Matriz de serviços ecossistêmicos”, construída com base na opinião de especialistas, foram sistematizados os principais serviços ecossistêmicos prestados pelos manguezais e recifes de corais aos múltiplos beneficiários. Em seguida, foi desenvolvida uma modelagem do sistema (e ecossistemas) através de sua representação na forma de um modelo conceitual e um modelo numérico de Biodiversidade Global. O modelo conceitual facilitou a compreensão dos processos de interação entre sistemas em relação ao serviço “Proteção Costeira”. O modelo numérico evidenciou as mudanças induzidas pelo homem na biodiversidade dos ecossistemas de manguezal e recifes de coral. Além disso, uma projeção dos cenários “melhor” e “pior” foi desenvolvida para 2035 usando GLOBIO3. A Estrutura conceitual DPSIR foi aplicada para analisar problemas ambientais relacionados à manutenção dos serviços ecossistêmicos. Finalmente, avaliamos um conjunto de políticas públicas associadas a esses ecossistemas e que favorecem a integridade da proteção costeira. Portanto, o roteiro facilitou a identificação dos principais processos e controles para a provisão de um serviço ecossistêmico. Além disso, pode ser útil para direcionar melhor as ações de gerenciamento, bem como, uma ferramenta para identificar necessidades futuras de planejamento e gestão para enfrentar desafios que permitam uma conservação mais eficaz dos ambientes costeiros.Fil: Sánchez Quinto, Andrés. Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México; MéxicoFil: Costa, Julliet Correa da. Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina; BrasilFil: Zamboni, Nadia Selene. Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Norte; BrasilFil: Sanches, Fábio H. C.. Universidade Federal de Sao Paulo; BrasilFil: Principe, Silas C.. Universidade de Sao Paulo; BrasilFil: Viotto, Evangelina del Valle. Provincia de Entre Ríos. Centro de Investigaciones Científicas y Transferencia de Tecnología a la Producción. Universidad Autónoma de Entre Ríos. Centro de Investigaciones Científicas y Transferencia de Tecnología a la Producción. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Conicet - Santa Fe. Centro de Investigaciones Científicas y Transferencia de Tecnología a la Producción; ArgentinaFil: Casagranda, Maria Elvira. Universidad Nacional de Tucumán. Instituto de Ecología Regional. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Conicet - Tucumán. Instituto de Ecología Regional; ArgentinaFil: Lima, Francisco A. da Veiga. Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina; BrasilFil: Possamai, Bianca. Universidade Federal Do Rio Grande.; BrasilFil: Faroni Perez, Larisse. Universidade Federal de Juiz de Fora; Brasi

    Variações espaço-temporais no estoque de sementes do solo na floresta amazônica

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    A dispersão eficiente, a longevidade e a capacidade das sementes de permanecer em estado latente a espera de condições adequadas de germinação no banco de sementes do solo da floresta garantem a presença de espécies arbóreas pioneiras nas áreas perturbadas. As variações estacionais e espaciais na densidade e na composição florística do banco de sementes em Florestas Tropicais Úmidas são assuntos ainda pouco compreendidos. Este trabalho verificou a existência de modificações espaço-temporais do banco de sementes presente em áreas de Floresta Tropical úmida localizadas próximas a Manaus, AM. Em cada uma das seis áreas estudadas, foram coletadas 40 amostras circulares de solo superficial (10 cm de diâmetro e 2 cm de profundidade) ao acaso. Essas amostras foram coletadas a cada dois meses, entre agosto/2004 e junho/2005,. As amostras de solo foram distribuídas em bandejas em casa de vegetação e a emergência das sementes presentes no solo foi acompanhada por 4 meses. Houve uma redução significativa (H: 14,09, p < 0,05) na densidade média de sementes no solo em junho (início da estação seca) em relação a fevereiro (meio da estação chuvosa). Houve também diferença significativa (H: 188,72, p < 0,05) na densidade média de sementes do solo presente nas diferentes áreas amostradas. Assim como para outras áreas de florestas tropicais, o banco de sementes permanente da floresta foi dominado por espécies pioneiras, principalmente da família Melastomataceae, enquanto as espécies típicas da Floresta Tropical madura foram raras no solo florestal

    The structural heterogeneity of an urbanised mangrove forest area in southeastern Brazil: Influence of environmental factors and anthropogenic stressors

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    Abstract The objective of this study is to evaluate the characteristics of the forest in an urbanised mangrove using vegetation structure and abiotic conditions to distinguish habitat heterogeneity/quality. A total of 16 points in Vitória Bay were selected in the fringe and basin forests. The variables evaluated were height and diameter of the individual trees, basal area, density, dominance, interstitial water, litter mass, grain size, organic matter and anthropogenic influences. The results indicated that the mangrove area, due to suffering intensely from various anthropogenic effects, forests with varying degrees of maturity. Areas more distant from direct human effects had a higher degree of development and environmental quality relative to points closer to urban pressures. Intermediate development levels were also observed, which indicated pulses of environmental change. Human interventions caused alterations in the development of the forest which increased the mortality rate and reduced the diameter and height of the trees. The environmental variables of salinity, organic matter, litter mass, grain size and anthropogenic stressors contributed to the structural patterns. Our data suggest that an analysis of the vegetation structure and the abiotic factors are useful indicators to evaluate habitat quality, thus providing a basis for future management

    The Cholecystectomy As A Day Case (CAAD) Score: A Validated Score of Preoperative Predictors of Successful Day-Case Cholecystectomy Using the CholeS Data Set

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    Background Day-case surgery is associated with significant patient and cost benefits. However, only 43% of cholecystectomy patients are discharged home the same day. One hypothesis is day-case cholecystectomy rates, defined as patients discharged the same day as their operation, may be improved by better assessment of patients using standard preoperative variables. Methods Data were extracted from a prospectively collected data set of cholecystectomy patients from 166 UK and Irish hospitals (CholeS). Cholecystectomies performed as elective procedures were divided into main (75%) and validation (25%) data sets. Preoperative predictors were identified, and a risk score of failed day case was devised using multivariate logistic regression. Receiver operating curve analysis was used to validate the score in the validation data set. Results Of the 7426 elective cholecystectomies performed, 49% of these were discharged home the same day. Same-day discharge following cholecystectomy was less likely with older patients (OR 0.18, 95% CI 0.15–0.23), higher ASA scores (OR 0.19, 95% CI 0.15–0.23), complicated cholelithiasis (OR 0.38, 95% CI 0.31 to 0.48), male gender (OR 0.66, 95% CI 0.58–0.74), previous acute gallstone-related admissions (OR 0.54, 95% CI 0.48–0.60) and preoperative endoscopic intervention (OR 0.40, 95% CI 0.34–0.47). The CAAD score was developed using these variables. When applied to the validation subgroup, a CAAD score of ≤5 was associated with 80.8% successful day-case cholecystectomy compared with 19.2% associated with a CAAD score >5 (p < 0.001). Conclusions The CAAD score which utilises data readily available from clinic letters and electronic sources can predict same-day discharges following cholecystectomy