68 research outputs found

    O izradi strategije

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    Promatrači (pa među njima i La Vigie) redovito promišljaju o strategijama vjerujući da zamjećuju obrise njihova postojanja. Što je neka odluka? Znači li ona i postojanje prethodno ustanovljene strategije? Je li tu ipak prije riječ o nekoj besmislenoj situaciji, nepovezanosti, ili ta odluka najavljuje neku promjenu? Nadalje, tko razvija, tko odlučuje, a tko je taj koji stavlja u funkciju te strategije za koje vjerujemo da zamjećujemo njihove učinke? Tko, naime, stvara strategiju? To su dakle prava pitanja, naizgled teorijska, koja je otrebno analizirati kako bismo „razumjeli to što mislimo da razumijemo”. Razmislimo stoga o riječi „strategija” koja se posvuda zlorabi, a ponajprije to činimo i mi sami

    Study of structure and orientation of mesentericin Y105, a bacteriocin from Gram-positive Leuconostoc mesenteroides, and its Trp-substituted analogues in phospholipid environments

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    AbstractMesentericin Y105 (Mes-Y105) is a bacteriocin secreted by Leuconostoc mesenteroides which is particularly active on Listeria. It is constituted by 37 residues and reticulated by one disulfide bridge. It has two W residues, W18 and W37, which can be studied by fluorescence. Two single substituted W/F analogues were synthesized (Mes-Y105/W18 and Mes-Y105/W37) to differentiate the local environment around each W and to study their changes in the presence of lipid vesicles.Fluorescence experiments show that, for the pure Trp-analogues, W18 and W37 are fully exposed to solvent whatever pH and buffer conditions. In the presence of lipid vesicles, both became buried. Lipid affinities were estimated: they are weak for zwitterionic phospholipids but an order of magnitude higher for negatively charged phosphatidylserine (PS) and phosphatidylglycerol (PG) lipids. On negatively charged PG lipids, Mes-Y105 and Mes-Y105/W37 display comparable lipid affinities. A decrease in lipid affinity is observed for Mes-Y105/W18 compared to Mes-Y105, which means that W37 would seem to be required for increased lipid selectivity. In the lipid-bound state W18 is strongly dehydrated, probably embedded into the acyl chains, while W37 stands more at the interface.Mes-Y105 was also studied by polarization modulation infrared reflection absorption spectroscopy (PMIRRAS), alone and in various phospholipid environments, to obtain structural information and to assess lipid perturbations. At nanomolar concentrations close to those required for anti-Listeria activity, Mes-Y105 forms films at the air/water interface and inserts into negatively charged lipid monolayers. In situ infrared data show that Mes-Y105 binding only affects the polar head group vibrations while the lipid order of the acyl chains remains unaffected. The PMIRRAS show that Mes-Y105 folds into an N-terminal antiparallel β-sheet followed by an α-helix, both structures being tilted (40°) compared to the normal at the interface, which is in agreement with the thickness estimated by Brewster angle microscopy (BAM). All these data support the proposal of a new model for Mes-Y105 at the membrane interface

    Unravelling copper effect on the production of varietal thiols during Colombard and Gros Manseng grape juices fermentation by Saccharomyces cerevisiae

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    Nowadays the rapidly increasing organic vineyard management with the utilization of copper as sole fungal control pesticide against downy mildew raises once again the question of copper impact on varietal thiols in wine. For this purpose, Colombard and Gros Manseng grape juices were fermented under different copper levels (from 0.2 to 3.88  mg/l) to mimic the consequences in must of organic practices. The consumption of thiol precursors and the release of varietal thiols (both free and oxidized forms of 3-sulfanylhexanol and 3-sulfanylhexyl acetate) were monitored by LC–MS/MS. It was found that the highest copper level (3.6 and 3.88  mg/l for Colombard and Gros Manseng respectively) significantly increased yeast consumption of precursors (by 9.0 and 7.6% for Colombard and Gros Manseng respectively). For both grape varieties, free thiol content in wine significantly decreased (by 84 and 47% for Colombard and Gros Manseng respectively) with the increase of copper in the starting must as already described in the literature. However, the total thiol content produced throughout fermentation was constant regardless of copper conditions for the Colombard must, meaning that the effect of copper was only oxidative for this variety. Meanwhile, in Gros Manseng fermentation, the total thiol content increased along with copper content, resulting in an increase up to 90%; this suggests that copper may modify the regulation of the production pathways of varietal thiols, also underlining the key role of oxidation. These results complement our knowledge on copper effect during thiol-oriented fermentation and the importance of considering the total thiol production (reduced+oxidized) to better understand the effect of studied parameters and differenciate chemical from biological effects

    Poder marítimo no século XXI: desafios para uma força naval moderna

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    Palestra realizada durante o Ciclo de ConferĂŞncias Internacionais da Escola de Guerra Naval no ano de 2011

    A la charnière ?

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    France at a Turning Point, by Jean Dufourcq Rediscovering the strategie advantages of its traditional pivotal position, France is at a decisive juncture: the convergence between a still preserved uniqueness and a European commitment which had become more and more demanding. This dilemma is the strategie reincarnation of an old geopolitical position that placed France at the junction of Europe's major Unes and from which it has always taken advantage. From now on, questions for France's leaders are: should a choice be made for a new framework, if yes, what choice to make -and how to choose?En redécouvrant les avantages stratégiques de sa position traditionnelle de charnière, la France se retrouve aujourd'hui devant une bifurcation décisive, à la croisée historique entre une singularité jusqu'ici préservée et un engagement collectif européen de mieux en mieux assumé. Ce dilemme apparaît comme l'avatar stratégique moderne d'une position géopolitique ancienne qui l'avait placée au carrefour des grands axes qui organisaient l'Europe et dont elle avait su, presque toujours, tirer parti. Avec les attentats terroristes du 11 septembre aux Etats-Unis, de nouvelles pistes de réflexion s'ouvrent au pays. Aujourd'hui plus que jamais, les questions qui se posent aux dirigeants français sont celles-ci : faut-il choisir un nouveau cadre d'action, lequel choisir, comment choisir ?Dufourcq Jean. A la charnière ?. In: Politique étrangère, n°2 - 2002 - 67ᵉannée. pp. 471-486

    Vers un espace stratégique euromaghrébin

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    dans cette promotion d’un véritable espace stratégique euromaghrébin, laboratoire de la mondialisation, l’auteur dresse un parallèle avec l’intégration européenne, explore les défs du XXIe siècle à relever de concert et montre que la saison arabe que connait la Méditerranée, loin d’être un obstacle pourrait créer les conditions d’une nouvelle nécessité euromaghrébine, facteur clé de son développement.en la búsqueda de un verdades espacio Euro-Magreb estratégico, laboratorio de una mundialización, el autor establece un paralelismo con la integración europea, explora los retos del Siglo XXI y muestra que la orilla árabe mediterránea, lejos de ser un obstáculo, podría crear las condiciones para una nueva necesidad Euro-Magreb, factor clave de su desarrollo.this contribution explores and promotes a pure euromaghrebin strategic space, real laboratory of globalization in order to face challenges of the XXIst century. Based on European integration’ experience and taking into account the Arabic season of the Med a new euromaghrebin necessity appears as a key factor for regional development

    O izradi strategije

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