152 research outputs found

    Prevalence and characteristics of gastrointestinal infections in men who have sex with men diagnosed with rectal chlamydia infection in the UK: an 'unlinked anonymous' cross-sectional study.

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    INTRODUCTION: Gastrointestinal infections (GII) can cause serious ill health and morbidity. Although primarily transmitted through faecal contamination of food or water, transmission through sexual activity is well described, especially among men who have sex with men (MSM). METHODS: We investigated the prevalence of GIIs among a convenience sample of MSM who were consecutively diagnosed with rectal Chlamydia trachomatis (CT) at 12 UK genitourinary medicine clinics during 10 weeks in 2012. Residual rectal swabs were coded, anonymised and tested for Shigella, Campylobacter, Salmonella, shiga toxin-producing Escherichia coli and enteroaggregative E. coli (EAEC) using a real-time PCR. Results were linked to respective coded and anonymised clinical and demographic data. Associations were investigated using Fisher's exact tests. RESULTS: Of 444 specimens tested, overall GII prevalence was 8.6% (95% CI 6.3% to 11.6%): 1.8% (0.9% to 3.6%) tested positive for Shigella, 1.8% (0.9% to 3.6%) for Campylobacter and 5.2% (3.5% to 7.7%) for EAEC. No specimens tested positive for Salmonella or other diarrhoeagenic E. coli pathotypes. Among those with any GII, 14/30 were asymptomatic (2/7 with Shigella, 3/6 with Campylobacter and 9/17 with EAEC). Shigella prevalence was higher in MSM who were HIV-positive (4.7% (2.1% to 10.2%) vs 0.5%(0.1% to 3.2%) in HIV-negative MSM; p=0.01). CONCLUSIONS: In this small feasibility study, MSM with rectal CT appeared to be at appreciable risk of GII. Asymptomatic carriage may play a role in sexual transmission of GII

    Planetary population synthesis

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    In stellar astrophysics, the technique of population synthesis has been successfully used for several decades. For planets, it is in contrast still a young method which only became important in recent years because of the rapid increase of the number of known extrasolar planets, and the associated growth of statistical observational constraints. With planetary population synthesis, the theory of planet formation and evolution can be put to the test against these constraints. In this review of planetary population synthesis, we first briefly list key observational constraints. Then, the work flow in the method and its two main components are presented, namely global end-to-end models that predict planetary system properties directly from protoplanetary disk properties and probability distributions for these initial conditions. An overview of various population synthesis models in the literature is given. The sub-models for the physical processes considered in global models are described: the evolution of the protoplanetary disk, the planets' accretion of solids and gas, orbital migration, and N-body interactions among concurrently growing protoplanets. Next, typical population synthesis results are illustrated in the form of new syntheses obtained with the latest generation of the Bern model. Planetary formation tracks, the distribution of planets in the mass-distance and radius-distance plane, the planetary mass function, and the distributions of planetary radii, semimajor axes, and luminosities are shown, linked to underlying physical processes, and compared with their observational counterparts. We finish by highlighting the most important predictions made by population synthesis models and discuss the lessons learned from these predictions - both those later observationally confirmed and those rejected.Comment: 47 pages, 12 figures. Invited review accepted for publication in the 'Handbook of Exoplanets', planet formation section, section editor: Ralph Pudritz, Springer reference works, Juan Antonio Belmonte and Hans Deeg, Ed

    Massive black hole science with eLISA

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    The evolving Laser Interferometer Space Antenna (eLISA) will revolutionize our understanding of the formation and evolution of massive black holes (MBHs) along cosmic history, by probing massive black hole binaries (MBHBs) in the 10(3) - 10(7) M-circle dot range out to redshift z greater than or similar to 10. High signal-to-noise ratio detections of similar to 10 - 100 MBHB coalescences per year will allow accurate measurements of the parameters of individual MBHBs (such as their masses, spins and luminosity distance), and a deep understanding of the underlying cosmic MBH parent population. This wealth of unprecedented information can lead to breakthroughs in many areas of physics, including astrophysics, cosmology and fundamental physics. We review the current status of the field, recent progress and future challenges

    Planetary Migration in Protoplanetary Disks

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    The known exoplanet population displays a great diversity of orbital architectures, and explaining the origin of this is a major challenge for planet formation theories. The gravitational interaction between young planets and their protoplanetary disks provides one way in which planetary orbits can be shaped during the formation epoch. Disk-planet interactions are strongly influenced by the structure and physical processes that drive the evolution of the protoplanetary disk. In this review we focus on how disk-planet interactions drive the migration of planets when different assumptions are made about the physics of angular momentum transport, and how it drives accretion flows in protoplanetary disk models. In particular, we consider migration in discs where: (i) accretion flows arise because turbulence diffusively transports angular momentum; (ii) laminar accretion flows are confined to thin, ionised layers near disk surfaces and are driven by the launching of magneto-centrifugal winds, with the midplane being completely inert; (iii) laminar accretion flows pervade the full column density of the disc, and are driven by a combination of large scale horizontal and vertical magnetic fields

    iCollections – Digitising the British and Irish Butterflies in the Natural History Museum, London

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    This is an open access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License (CC BY 4.0), which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author and source are credited. The attached file is the published version of the article.NHM Repositor

    Giant Planet Formation and Migration

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    © 2018, The Author(s). Planets form in circumstellar discs around young stars. Starting with sub-micron sized dust particles, giant planet formation is all about growing 14 orders of magnitude in size. It has become increasingly clear over the past decades that during all stages of giant planet formation, the building blocks are extremely mobile and can change their semimajor axis by substantial amounts. In this chapter, we aim to give a basic overview of the physical processes thought to govern giant planet formation and migration, and to highlight possible links to water delivery.S.-J. Paardekooper is supported by a Royal Society University Research Fellowship. A. Johansen is supported by the Knut and Alice Wallenberg Foundation, the Swedish Research Council (grant 2014-5775) and the European Research Council (ERC Starting Grant 278675-PEBBLE2PLANET)

    Connecting Planetary Composition with Formation

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    The rapid advances in observations of the different populations of exoplanets, the characterization of their host stars and the links to the properties of their planetary systems, the detailed studies of protoplanetary disks, and the experimental study of the interiors and composition of the massive planets in our solar system provide a firm basis for the next big question in planet formation theory. How do the elemental and chemical compositions of planets connect with their formation? The answer to this requires that the various pieces of planet formation theory be linked together in an end-to-end picture that is capable of addressing these large data sets. In this review, we discuss the critical elements of such a picture and how they affect the chemical and elemental make up of forming planets. Important issues here include the initial state of forming and evolving disks, chemical and dust processes within them, the migration of planets and the importance of planet traps, the nature of angular momentum transport processes involving turbulence and/or MHD disk winds, planet formation theory, and advanced treatments of disk astrochemistry. All of these issues affect, and are affected by the chemistry of disks which is driven by X-ray ionization of the host stars. We discuss how these processes lead to a coherent end-to-end model and how this may address the basic question.Comment: Invited review, accepted for publication in the 'Handbook of Exoplanets', eds. H.J. Deeg and J.A. Belmonte, Springer (2018). 46 pages, 10 figure

    The Radio to GeV Afterglow of GRB 221009A

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    GRB 221009A (z = 0.151) is one of the closest known long γ-ray bursts (GRBs). Its extreme brightness across all electromagnetic wavelengths provides an unprecedented opportunity to study a member of this still-mysterious class of transients in exquisite detail. We present multiwavelength observations of this extraordinary event, spanning 15 orders of magnitude in photon energy from radio to γ-rays. We find that the data can be partially explained by a forward shock (FS) from a highly collimated relativistic jet interacting with a low-density, wind-like medium. Under this model, the jet’s beaming-corrected kinetic energy (E K ∼ 4 × 1050 erg) is typical for the GRB population. The radio and millimeter data provide strong limiting constraints on the FS model, but require the presence of an additional emission component. From equipartition arguments, we find that the radio emission is likely produced by a small amount of mass (≲6 × 10−7 M ⊙) moving relativistically (Γ ≳ 9) with a large kinetic energy (≳1049 erg). However, the temporal evolution of this component does not follow prescriptions for synchrotron radiation from a single power-law distribution of electrons (e.g., in a reverse shock or two-component jet), or a thermal-electron population, perhaps suggesting that one of the standard assumptions of afterglow theory is violated. GRB 221009A will likely remain detectable with radio telescopes for years to come, providing a valuable opportunity to track the full lifecycle of a powerful relativistic jet
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