9,384 research outputs found

    Supersymmetric Flavor-Changing Sum Rules as a Tool for b -> s gamma

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    The search for supersymmetry (SUSY) and other classes of new physics will be tackled on two fronts, with high energy, direct detection machines, and in high precision experiments searching for indirect signatures. While each of these methods has its own strengths, even more can be gained by finding ways to combine their results. In this paper, we examine one way of bridging these two types of experiments by calculating sum rules which link physical squark masses to the flavor-violating squark mixings. These sum rules are calculated for minimally flavor-violating SUSY theories at both high and low tan(beta). We also explore how the sum rules could help to disentangle the relative strengths of different SUSY contributions to b -> s gamma, a favored channel for indirect searches of new physics. Along the way, we show that the gluino contributions to b -> s gamma can be very sizable at large tan(beta).Comment: 27 pages, 3 figure

    Boat electrofishing survey of common smelt and common bullies in the Ohau Channel

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    We conducted a boat electrofishing survey of the Ohau Channel, which flows from Lake Rotorua to Lake Rotoiti, on 13 December 2007. The purpose of the survey was to investigate the longitudinal pattern in densities of common smelt (Retropinna retropinna) and common bullies (Gobiomorphus cotidianus) along the Ohau Channel. We caught 1,267 fish comprising three native fish species and two introduced fish species in 1.58 km of fished distance at a total of 10 sites. Native species caught were the common smelt, common bully and longfinned eel (Anguilla dieffenbachii) and introduced species were rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss) and goldfish (Carassius auratus). Assuming that the bow-mounted anodes effectively fished a 4 m swath then the total area fished was 6,328 m2 (0.632 ha). Common smelt densities varied among the 10 different sites in the Ohau Channel ranging from 0 to 10.6 fish 100 m-2. Smelt density was higher at the upstream end of the channel near the weir at the Lake Rotorua outlet, decreasing with increasing distance from the weir. Smelt were found in the littoral zones but were not caught in mid-channel habitats. In the upstream reaches of the Ohau Channel, directly below the weir, a high number of juveniles (4.4 fish 100 m-2) were captured compared to the amount of juveniles captured at the other sites (0 – 1.2 fish 100 m-2). Common bully densities varied among the 10 different sites in the Ohau Channel ranging from 0.2 to 58.3 fish 100 m-2. No longitudinal pattern in the distribution of common bullies was evident along the channel. The highest densities were found halfway along the Ohau Channel where there was an abundance of dense macrophyte beds. Common bully densities were found to be much higher in the edge habitats with macrophyte beds compared to the mid-channel habitats and the willow edge habitat where there were relatively low densities. Size frequency data shows that there is generally a higher proportion of small bullies than larger ones suggesting that recruitment is occurring. Both adult and juvenile rainbow trout were observed in the Ohau Channel. Most of these individuals were found in the upstream section of the channel below the weir and ranged from a 75 mm juvenile to a fully grown adult about 500 mm long. Large longfinned eels were also captured and were only found in the downstream section of the Ohau Channel in willow-dominated edges. In the bottom third section of the channel, near the possible artificial embayment, goldfish were present

    Characterization of high-dimensional entangled systems via mutually unbiased measurements

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    Mutually unbiased bases (MUBs) play a key role in many protocols in quantum science, such as quantum key distribution. However, defining MUBs for arbitrary high-dimensional systems is theoretically difficult, and measurements in such bases can be hard to implement. We show experimentally that efficient quantum state reconstruction of a high-dimensional multi-partite quantum system can be performed by considering only the MUBs of the individual parts. The state spaces of the individual subsystems are always smaller than the state space of the composite system. Thus, the benefit of this method is that MUBs need to be defined for the small Hilbert spaces of the subsystems rather than for the large space of the overall system. This becomes especially relevant where the definition or measurement of MUBs for the overall system is challenging. We illustrate this approach by implementing measurements for a high-dimensional system consisting of two photons entangled in the orbital angular momentum (OAM) degree of freedom, and we reconstruct the state of this system for dimensions of the individual photons from d=2 to 5.Comment: 8 page

    Creepy (not KREEPy) Gold-Indium Intermetallic Compounds on Secondary Ion Mass Spectrometry Samples

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    A series of Secondary Ion Mass Spectrometry (SIMS) sessions to measure hydrogen (H) in Martian meteorite minerals was completed using the Cameca 6f SIMS and NanoSIMS 50L at Arizona State University (ASU). During these sessions, a creeping phenomenon has occurred, where the edges of samples pressed in indium are covered by a metal alloy. We summarize these observations herein, present a collection of preliminary data, and discuss explanations and concerns for future SIMS work. We conclude the report with a research plan for further study

    Determination of renewable energy yield from mixed waste material from the use of novel image analysis methods

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    Two novel techniques are presented in this study which together aim to provide a system able to determine the renewable energy potential of mixed waste materials. An image analysis tool was applied to two waste samples prepared using known quantities of source-segregated recyclable materials. The technique was used to determine the composition of the wastes, where through the use of waste component properties the biogenic content of the samples was calculated. The percentage renewable energy determined by image analysis for each sample was accurate to within 5% of the actual values calculated. Microwave-based multiple-point imaging (AutoHarvest) was used to demonstrate the ability of such a technique to determine the moisture content of mixed samples. This proof-of-concept experiment was shown to produce moisture measurement accurate to within 10%. Overall, the image analysis tool was able to determine the renewable energy potential of the mixed samples, and the AutoHarvest should enable the net calorific value calculations through the provision of moisture content measurements. The proposed system is suitable for combustion facilities, and enables the operator to understand the renewable energy potential of the waste prior to combustion

    Modulation instability, Akhmediev Breathers and continuous wave supercontinuum generation

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    Numerical simulations of the onset phase of continuous wave supercontinuum generation from modulation instability show that the structure of the field as it develops can be interpreted in terms of the properties of Akhmediev Breathers. Numerical and analytical results are compared with experimental measurements of spectral broadening in photonic crystal fiber using nanosecond pulsesComment: 22 pages, 6 figure

    Describing the Flora of the United States: Botanies at Libraries in Syracuse

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    The first written descriptions of the flora of North America were those of sixteenth-century Europeans who marvelled at the botanical treasures brought to them by explorers of the New World. The earliest account of American natural history was that of the English botanical explorer Thomas Hariot who wrote his Briefe and True Re, port of the New Found Land of Virginia in 1590 after returning from an expedition arranged by Sir Walter Raleigh. Hariot carried to En, gland tubers, fruits, and seeds of plants previously unknown in Europe. Perhaps thirty different plant species had been introduced into Europe from the New World by 1600, most of these valued for their practical uses or unusual properties. Pumpkin, persimmon, potato, sunflower, mulberry, sassafras, arborvitae, maize, chestnut, black walnut, and tobacco found their way to Old World gardens

    Intoxication as a Defense to an Express Contract

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