138 research outputs found

    Men’s Experiences in Feminized Occupations on the Example of Selected Professions

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    The issues raised in this article concern the functioning of men in feminized professions. The aim of the study was to gather experiences of men working in jobs dominated by women. The research included twenty men and was conducted between February and April 2020 in Poland, using a narrative interview. Research problems were focused on men’s attitudes toward their jobs, the assessment of career advancement opportunities, advantages and disadvantages resulting from working in a feminine environment, relations with colleagues and employers, and reactions of their environment. The interviews revealed a relatively positive image of men’s experiences relating to working with women. The respondents did not notice any specific difficulties in their professions caused by gender stereotypes. They expressed a view that working among women was like any other job. Few difficulties mentioned by the respondents were related mostly to the issue of assistance in activities requiring strength or technical knowledge rather than competences related to a specific profession. Moreover, the interviewees treated their professions as an opportunity for self-development and for gaining experience that they would not have been able to gain in a typically male environment

    Teachers’ perception of men in the feminised occupations

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    Occupational roles in the context of gender stereotypes are subject to a growing number of research explorations. This is mainly due to ongoing changes in female and male social functioning, including occupational roles. The discussion presented in this article concerns the functioning of males in female-dominated occupations. The aim of the research was to diagnose the opinion of active teachers on the functioning of males in female-dominated occupations in the context of gender stereotypes. Attention was also drawn to the opinions of the respondents concerning the consequences of stereotypical evaluation of males’ work in professions dominated by females. &nbsp


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    The article presents findings of empirical analysis concerning the opinions on alternating custody expressed by fathers claiming custody of their children after a divorce. One form of custody that is currently gaining more and more popularity is known as alternating custody, which allows both parents to maintain contact with their child after a divorce. Nowadays, growing interest in this form of custody can be observed in many countries, including Sweden, Canada, Norway, Australia and Poland, all of which have amended regulations and introduced alternating custody to the already-existing sole and joint custody. Changing perceptions of the father’s role and his importance in the process of upbringing have triggered discussions on alternating custody among interested parties, representatives of scientific circles, and family judges. It should be emphasised that men themselves have been undergoing a transformation and they now want to be involved in their child’s life to the same extent as mothers. The study discusses the popularity of this form of custody in Poland and assesses its weak and strong sides. It also focuses on the conditions necessary for the implementation of this form of custody that is based on division of parental rights and duties and the child living with one parent and then spending similar amount of time with the other. The studies revealed that alternating custody is considered unpopular and infrequently implemented. Fathers participating in the survey recognized its importance for maintaining close bond with the child. However, they also expressed some concerns as far as the child’s sense of stability is concerned. The majority of the respondents declared the willingness to implement alternating custody after a divorce as they considered it a chance to provide the child with healthy conditions for his/her development and to maintain close contact with the child. The respondents also perceive this type of custody as a chance to be an involved, not a secondary parent

    Social Media Collaboration: a Case Study from the University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign

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    Large academic libraries with a decentralized structure can lead to individual library units creating and maintaining their own social media accounts with little standardization or cohesiveness across the library system. As a result, social media account owners often duplicate efforts, overwhelming patrons with communication channels, and lacking a consistent message. At the University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign (U of I), for example, the library system comprises nearly thirty separate library units, and maintains nearly eighty social media accounts. These accounts are spread across platforms such as Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, Pinterest, Tumblr, YouTube, and Flickr, as well as a plethora of blogs. Having a vibrant social media presence is important for libraries to be able to reach patrons in spaces where they are frequently spending time. However, social media trends and platforms are continually evolving, making it challenging for librarians to keep pace with technology while effectively engaging and communicating with patrons online. In response to these issues the U of I Library created Social Media Working Group (SMWG), which has developed templates for policies and best practices and created channels for streamlined communication. The group hosts speakers and discussion panels on topics such as content strategy, assessment, diversity, scheduler tools, crisis communication, handling negative feedback, and politically sensitive posts. Developing a consistent message about the overall mission of the library system together will result in increased impact in all areas, including engagement, collections, and services

    A Synthesized Model for Integrating Principles of Adult Learning in the Higher Education Classroom

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    The work of adult educators such as Lindeman (1961), Kolb (1974), Knowles (1980), and Caffarella (2002) indicated the needs of the adult learner that should be considered when planning educational activities. Similarly, principles of what should occur in the higher education classroom were identified in the work of Bloom (1956), Fink (2003), and Bain (2004). This research sought to synthesize these two areas of study with the intent of establishing a model by which principles of adult education can be effectively integrated into the higher education classroom. Bloom’s Taxonomy and Kolb’s model were purposefully selected as pinnacle models in the areas of classroom teaching and adult education respectively. These models were synthesized into a new model that is designed to effectively implement principles of adult education in the higher education classroom while taking the needs of non-adult learners into consideration. The model was tested to verify its effectiveness in community college and regional university settings, which included both graduate and undergraduate courses. Results indicated the model was effective in teaching adult students while also accommodating non-adult students

    Mężczyźni w zawodach sfeminizowanych – funkcjonujące stereotypy i ich konsekwencje w percepcji studentów

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    Nowadays increasingly more attention is being devoted to the changing social roles and the departure from the stereotypical division into female and male roles regarding professional life. As a result of these changes, the perception of men’s work in feminine professions has to evolve as well, mainly since men themselves have started to approach their professional and family roles differently and have begun to seek fulfillment in the those spheres of life that used to be unavailable to them due to deeply rooted gender stereotypes. The aim of the study was to investigate students’ opinions regarding popular stereotypes and their consequences affecting men in feminized professions. The results of the research revealed statistically significant differences as far as the respondents’ sex and the place of residence is concerned.Współcześnie coraz częściej zwraca się uwagę na przeobrażenia zachodzące w pełnieniu ról społecznych oraz odchodzeniu od stereotypowego podziału na role męskie i kobiece w odniesieniu do funkcjonowania zawodowego. Zmiany te powodują, że w przypadku mężczyzn zachodzi konieczność odchodzenia od stereotypowej oceny ich pracy w zawodach kobiecych przede wszystkim ze względu na zmieniające się podejście samych mężczyzn do pełnienia ról zawodowych i rodzinnych oraz możliwości spełniania się w obszarach życia dotychczas niedostępnych dla mężczyzn ze względu na silnie zakorzenione stereotypy płci. Celem podjętych badań była diagnoza opinii studentów na temat funkcjonujących stereotypów i ich konsekwencji w odniesieniu do mężczyzn w zawodach sfeminizowanych. Wyniki przeprowadzonych badań ujawniły istotne statystycznie różnice w opiniach badanych ze względu na płeć oraz miejsce zamieszkania

    Postrzeganie mężczyzn wykonujących zawód nauczyciela przez studentów kierunków nauczycielskich

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    Introduction: The study into the attitudes towards stereotypes in feminized professions has been inspired by the changing social roles, including professional roles, challenges to the stereotypical division into male and female roles, as well as the growing number of men who choose feminized professions.Research Aim: The aim of the research was to diagnose the emotional-appraisal component of the attitudes of teacher students towards men working in a feminised profession, using the teaching profession as an example.Method: The study used a diagnostic survey method, using semantic differential (Osgood et al., 1957) to investigate the attitudes of undergraduate teaching students towards men in a feminised profession using the teaching profession as an example.Results: The research revealed that students have relatively positive emotional attitudes towards men taking up work in feminised professions on the example of the teaching profession, especially towards the issue of men pursuing this profession because of their interests and the possibility of realising their aspirations. Respondents were the least positive about men in feminised professions towards the fact that they pursue this profession for lack of other opportunities and their awkwardness in life, but it is worth noting that these attitudes were at an average level.Conclusions: In the attitudes of the respondents, one can see a positive attitude towards the changes taking place in the perception of taking up roles and tasks defined by gender stereotypes. Gender and stereotypical assessment of predispositions to perform a specific job should not constitute a significant barrier to pursuing one's own career intentions.Wprowadzenie: Inspiracją do podjęcia badań nad postawami wobec stereotypów w zawodach sfeminizowanych były zmieniające się role społeczne, w tym zawodowe, wyzwania wobec stereotypowego podziału na role męskie i kobiece, a także rosnąca liczba mężczyzn wybierających zawody sfeminizowane.Cel badań: Celem badań było zdiagnozowanie komponentu emocjonalno-oceniającego postaw studentów studiów nauczycielskich wobec mężczyzn pracujących w zawodzie sfeminizowanym na przykładzie profesji nauczycielskiej.Metoda badań: W badaniach posłużono się metodą sondażu diagnostycznego, przy zastosowaniu dyferencjału semantycznego (Osgood i in., 1957) do zbadania nastawienia studentów studiów nauczycielskich wobec mężczyzn w zawodzie sfeminizowanym na przykładzie profesji nauczycielskiej.Wyniki: Badania ujawniły, że studenci wykazują relatywnie pozytywne nastawienie emocjonalne wobec mężczyzn podejmujących pracę w zawodzie nauczycielskim, szczególnie wobec kwestii wykonywania tego zawodu przez mężczyzn ze względu na zainteresowania i możliwość realizacji swoich aspiracji. Badani najgorzej ocenili mężczyzn w zawodach sfeminizowanych wobec faktu wykonywania tego zawodu z braku innych możliwości oraz ich nieporadności życiowej, warto jednak podkreślić, że postawy te były na poziomie przeciętnym.Wnioski: W postawie badanych można dostrzec pozytywne nastawienie do zachodzących zmian w odbiorze podejmowania ról i zadań wyznaczonych przez stereotypy płci. Płeć i stereotypowa ocena predyspozycji do wykonywania określonej pracy nie powinna stanowić istotnej bariery w realizowaniu własnych zamierzeń zawodowych

    “You Can\u27t Self-Care Your Way out of a Broken System”: the 2022 Urban Libraries Trauma Forum

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    The Urban Libraries Trauma Study (ULTS) conducted by Urban Librarians Unite (ULU) examines trauma that urban public library workers experience in the workforce through their work with the public and interlibrary relationships. Drawing on interviews, focus groups, and a trauma forum, this paper discusses the problem of trauma in the library. It demonstrates a grounded way to engage library staff in research and change. Finally, this paper concludes with ideas proposed by the forum participants to begin addressing trauma in the library workplace and provide areas to look to going forward

    ARM-Based Universal 1-Wire Module Solution

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    Sensory networks are part of a solution to monitor the required physical variables in the area of interest. Their type, the used communication protocol, plays an important role in the parameter of their complexity. One of the economical solutions is the usage of a 1-wire communication network that requires only 2 physical wires. The individual sensors or the nodes of the communication network are connected in parallel. The goal was to design and implement a universal low-power 1-wire bus module with a fully implemented 1-wire standard. As a platform for the development of such module, STM32-based microcontroller was chosen. The main advantage of this solution is the ability to utilize a sensor from a large variety of available sensors with a standardized communication interface. Our solution of the universal 1-wire module provides a single interface for sensors with different communication interfaces, while it still communicates with the standard 1-wire bus controller