20 research outputs found

    From maps between coloured operads to Swiss-Cheese algebras

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    In the present work, we extract pairs of topological spaces from maps between coloured operads. We prove that those pairs are weakly equivalent to explicit algebras over the one dimensional Swiss-Cheese operad SC_{1}. Thereafter, we show that the pair formed by the space of long knots and the polynomial approximation of (k)-immerions from R^{d} to R^{n} is an SC_{d+1}-algebra assuming the Dwyer-Hess'conjecture

    On Operadic Actions on Spaces of Knots and 2-Links

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    In the present work, we realize the space of string 2-links L\mathcal{L} as a free algebra over a colored operad denoted SCL\mathcal{SCL} (for "Swiss-Cheese for links"). This result extends works of Burke and Koytcheff about the quotient of L\mathcal{L} by its center and is compatible with Budney's freeness theorem for long knots. From an algebraic point of view, our main result refines Blaire, Burke and Koytcheff's theorem on the monoid of isotopy classes of string links. Topologically, it expresses the homotopy type of the isotopy class of a string 2-link in terms of the homotopy types of the classes of its prime factors.Comment: Comments are welcom

    On the delooping of (framed) embedding spaces

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    It is known that the bimodule derived mapping spaces between two operads have a delooping in terms of the operadic mapping space. We show a relative version of that statement. The result has applications to the spaces of disc embeddings fixed near the boundary and framed disc embeddings.Comment: arXiv admin note: text overlap with arXiv:1704.0706

    A model for configuration spaces of points

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    The configuration space of points on a DD-dimensional smooth framed manifold may be compactified so as to admit a right action over the framed little DD-disks operad. We construct a real combinatorial model for these modules, for compact smooth manifolds without boundary

    From maps between coloured operads to Swiss-Cheese algebras

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    Projective and Reedy model category structures for (infinitesimal) bimodules over an operad

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    We construct and study projective and Reedy model category structures for bimodules and infinitesimal bimodules over topological operads. Both model structures produce the same homotopy categories. For the model categories in question, we build explicit cofibrant and fibrant replacements. We show that these categories are right proper and under some conditions left proper. We also study the extension/restriction adjunctions.Comment: All comments on this work are welcom

    The Swiss-Cheese operad and applications to the space of long knots

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    L’objectif de ce travail est l’étude de l’opĂ©rade Swiss-Cheese SCd qui est une version relative del’opĂ©rade des petits cubes Cd. On montre que les thĂ©orĂšmes classiques dans le cadre des opĂ©rades non colorĂ©es admettent des analogues dans le cas relatif. Il est ainsi possible d’extraire d’une opĂ©rade pointĂ©e O (i.e. un opĂ©rade colorĂ©e sous π₀(SC₁) ) un couple d’espaces semi-cosimpliciaux (Oc ; O₀) dont les semitotalisations sont faiblement Ă©quivalentes Ă  une SC₂-algĂšbre explicite. En particulier, on prouve que le couple (ℒ1 ; n ; ℒm ; n), composĂ© de l’espace des longs nƓuds et de l’espace des longs entrelacs Ă  m brins, est faiblement Ă©quivalent Ă  une SC₂-algĂšbre explicite. Dans un second temps, on s’intĂ©resse aux couples d’homologies singuliĂšres et d’homologies de Hochschild associĂ©s Ă  une paire d’espaces semi-cosimpliciaux provenant d’une opĂ©rade pointĂ©e. Dans ce contexte, les couples (H∗ (sTot(Oc)) ; H∗ (sTot(O₀))) et (HH∗(Oc) ; HH∗(O₀)) possĂšdent tous deux une structure de H∗(SC₂)-algĂšbre explicite. On montre alors que le morphisme de Bousfield entre ces deux couples prĂ©serve les structures de H∗(SC₂)-algĂšbres. Cela nous permet de mieux apprĂ©hender le couple de suites spectrales de Bousfield calculant (H∗(sTot(Oc)) ; H∗(sTot(O₀))). En particulier, on Ă©nonce un critĂšre permettant de faire le lien entre le couple d’homologies singuliĂšres issu d’une opĂ©rade symĂ©trique multiplicative topologique et la page EÂČ des suites spectrales de Bousfield. La derniĂšre Ă©tape de notre Ă©tude consiste Ă  gĂ©nĂ©raliser les prĂ©cĂ©dents rĂ©sultats. Pour cela, on se base sur une conjecture de Dwyer et Hess qui vise Ă  identifier une Cd₊₁-algĂšbre Ă  partir d’un morphisme d’opĂ©rades Cd → O. En admettant ce rĂ©sultat, on introduit une opĂ©rade colorĂ©e CCd telle que l’on peut extraire une SCd₊₁-algĂšbre Ă  partir d’un morphisme d’opĂ©rades colorĂ©es CCd→ O. On montre ainsi que le couple d’espaces (ℒᔈ₁ ; n ; T∞Imm(Ꮇ))(Rᔈ ; Rⁿ), composĂ© de l’espace des longs nƓuds en dimension d et de l’approximation polynomiale des (k)-immersions, est faiblement Ă©quivalent Ă  une SCd₊₁-algĂšbre explicite.The aim of this work is to study the Swiss-Cheese operad, denoted by SCd, which is a relative version of the little cubes operad Cd.We show that the classical theorems in the context of uncolored operads can begeneralized to the relative case. From a pointed operad O (i.e. a two colored operad under π0(SC₁) ), webuild two semi-cosimplicial spaces (Oc ; Oo) such that the pair of semi-totalizations is weakly equivalentto an explicit SC₂-algebra. In particular, we prove that the pair (ℒ₁ ; n ; ℒm; n), composed of the space oflong knots and the space of long links, is weakly equivalent to an explicit SC₂-algebra.We study two homology theories, namely singular and Hochschild homology, of a pair of semicosimplicialspaces arising from a pointed operad. In this context, (H∗(sTot(Oc)) ; H∗(sTot(Oo))) and (HH∗(Oc) ; HH∗(Oo)) are equipped with an explicit H∗(SC₂)-algebra structure. We show that the mapintroduced by Bousfield between these two pairs is a morphism of H∗(SC₂)-algebras. This result helps us to understand the pair of spectral sequences computing (H∗(sTot(Oc)) ; H∗(sTot(Oo))). In particular wegive some conditions on a multiplicative symmetric operad so that the EÂČ pages of the Bousfield spectral sequences are weakly equivalent to H∗(sTot(Oc)) and H∗(sTot(Oo)) as H∗(SC₂)-algebras. Finally we generalize our previous results, relying on a conjecture by Dwyer and Hess. We define acolored operad CCd and obtain an SCd₊₁-algebra from an operad morphism CCd → O. As a consequence, we prove that the couple of topological spaces (ℒᔈ₁ ; n ; T∞Imm(Ꮇ))(Rᔈ ; Rⁿ)), where Ld₁;n is the space of long knots from Rd to Rⁿ and where T∞Imm(k)(Rᔈ ; Rⁿ) is the polynomial approximation of the (k)-immersions,is weakly equivalent to an explicit SCd+₁-algebra