70 research outputs found

    Theory of Necessary Energy for Electron to Exit from conductor

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    A model of a conductor consisting of a positive charge that uniformly fills a certain volume and is absent outside it, and an electron gas whose total charge is equal to a positive charge are considered. The electron density outside the conductor should tend to zero, while remaining a continuous function of coordinates. It is assumed that the electron density is proportional to some continuous function, which depends on the coordinate perpendicular to the surface of the conductor. This function depends on the parameter, which is determined from the requirement of a minimum of additional energy arising as a result of the exit of a certain number of electrons outside the conductor. The inhomogeneous density of the negative charge does not compensate for the homogeneous density of the positive charge. As a result, an electrostatic potential is created inside the conductor. Above the Fermi level, an exponential potential well is formed. Zero of this potential well is located in the center of the conductor. Under the boundary condition that the eigenfunctions vanish at the conductor boundary, a discrete energy spectrum is obtained for an electron above the Fermi level. To go beyond the surface of a conductor, an electron from the Fermi level must receive energy no less than the lowest level of the energy spectrum of a potential well. This explains the laws of the photoelectric effect. The problem is considered for a spherical particle and a flat plate. The smoothing parameter and the minimum energy for the electron exit turn out to be different

    Inhomogeneous Density and Energy Spectrum of Elementary Excitations of Electron Liquid of Conductors in Magnetic Field

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    It is shown that the conventional theory of electron liquid in a magnetic field is based on the model that is incorrecting mathematically and contradicting to experiments. On the foundation of statistical mechanics that takes into account angular momentum conservation law is obtained the effective Hamiltonian of the electron liquid in a magnetic field that includes the quasielectrostatic potential proportional to the square of the magnetic field. As result, the electron liquid is inhomogeneous, and together with the homogeneous neutralizingbackground generates an electrostatic potential. The sum of these potentials is the residual potential that forms an energetically spectrum of elementary excitations of the electron liquid in the homogeneousmagnetic field. This spectrum is quasicontinuous, and itsbeginning issomewhat higher than the value of the potential energy at the boundary. The graph of the dependence of the density of states on energy has the form of a staircasewith horizontal steps.The density of states in the mean is proportional to the square root from energy

    Energy Spectrum of Elementary Excitations of Electron Liquid of Conductors in Magnetic Field (II)

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    This article is a continuation of the article Ref.[1]. In the article Ref.[1]  was introduced an effective mass of the elementary excitation in the plane, which is perpendicular to the magnetic field, but the dependence of it on the parameters of the task was not be determined.In this work we make a reasonable assumption about this dependence, and the energy spectrum is investigated on this base. A dependence the density of states on the energy is obtained. It has form of astaircase, parameters of which depend from the magnetic field. The Fermi energy also dependson the magnetic field. The dependence of energy of the elementary excitation on the spin orientation that stipulates the Pauli paramagnetism is taken into account

    Density of one-particle states for 2-D electron gas in magnetic field

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    The density of states of a particle in a 2D area is independent both of the energy and form of the area only at the region of large values of energy. If energy is small, the density of states in the rectangular potential well essentially depends on the form of the area. If the bottom of the potential well has a potential relief, it can define the small eigenvalues as the discrete levels. In this case, dimensions and form of the area would not have any importance. If the conservation of zero value of the angular momentum is taken into account, the effective one-particle Hamiltonian for the 2D electron gas in the magnetic field in the circle is the Hamiltonian with the parabolic potential and the reflecting bounds. It is supposed that in the square, the Hamiltonian has the same view. The 2D density of states in the square can be computed as the convolution of 1D densities. The density of one-particle states for 2D electron gas in the magnetic field is obtained. It consists of three regions. There is a discrete spectrum at the smallest energy. In the intervening region the density of states is the sum of the piecewise continuous function and the density of the discrete spectrum. At great energies, the density of states is a continuous function. The Fermi energy dependence on the magnetic field is obtained when the field is small and the Fermi energy is located in the region of continuous spectrum. The Fermi energy has the oscillating correction and in the average it increases proportionally to the square of the magnetic induction. Total energy of electron gas in magnetic field also oscillates and increases when the magnetic field increases monotonously.Comment: 10 pages, 1 figur

    Теорія рівноваги і самоорганізації систем О. О. Богданова та М. І. Бухаріна

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    Дубровський І. М. Теорія рівноваги і самоорганізації систем О. О. Богданова та М. І. Бухаріна / І. М. Дубровський // Право і безпека. - 2009. - № 3. - С. 117-120Розглянуто розроблену на початку XX ст. О. О. Богдановим та М. І. Бухаріним і маловідому сьогодні теорію рухливої рівноваги, в якій уперше сформульовані основні положення системного підходу і теорії самоорганізації систем. Вказано, що виступаючи теоретичною основою сучасної концепції стійкого розвитку, вона є важливим інформаційним джерелом для її подальшого поглиблення і вдосконалення. Рассмотрена разработанная в начале XX в. А. А. Богдановым и Н. И. Бухариным и малоизвестная сегодня теория подвижного равновесия, в которой впервые сформулированы основные положения системного подхода и теории самоорганизации систем. Указано. что выступая теоретической основой нынешней концепции устойчивого развития, она служит важным информационным источником для ее дальнейшего углубления и совершенствования. Nowadays little-known «Theory of dynamic equilibrium», elaborated in the beginning of XX century by A. A. Bogdanov and N. I. Buharyn, is considered in the article. They formulated the basic tenets of the theory of self-organizing systems for the first time. The theory of dynamic equilibrium like a foundation of modern Concepts of Sustainable Development is an important information source for its further deepening and improvement

    Patient-Derived Tumor Xenografts Are Susceptible to Formation of Human Lymphocytic Tumors

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    AbstractPatient-derived xenograft (PDX) tumor models have emerged as a new approach to evaluate the effects of cancer drugs on patients’ personalized tumor grafts enabling to select the best treatment for the cancer patient and providing a new tool for oncology drug developers. Here, we report that human tumors engrafted in immunodeficient mice are susceptible to formation of B-and T-cell PDX tumors. We xenografted human primary and metastatic tumor samples into immunodeficient mice and found that a fraction of PDX tumors generated from patients’ samples of breast, colon, pancreatic, bladder and renal cancer were histologically similar to lymphocytic neoplasms. Moreover, we found that the first passage of breast and pancreatic cancer PDX tumors after initial transplantation of the tumor pieces from the same human tumor graft could grow as a lymphocytic tumor in one mouse and as an adenocarcinoma in another mouse. Whereas subcutaneous PDX tumors resembling human adenocarcinoma histology were slow growing and non-metastatic, we found that subcutaneous PDX lymphocytic tumors were fast growing and formed large metastatic lesions in mouse lymph nodes, liver, lungs, and spleen. PDX lymphocytic tumors were comprised of B-cells which were Epstein-Barr virus positive and expressed CD45 and CD20. Because B-cells are typically present in malignant solid tumors, formation of B-cell tumor may evolve in a wide range of PDX tumor models. Although PDX tumor models show great promise in the development of personalized therapy for cancer patients, our results suggest that confidence in any given PDX tumor model requires careful screening of lymphocytic markers

    Scientific and methodological approaches to the analysis of efficiency of the enterprise production potential use

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    Виробничий потенціал як базова складова потенціалу підприємства потребує обґрунтованого, всебічного й комплексного аналізу ефективності використання. Актуальність організації аналізу ефективності використання виробничого потенціалу підприємства особливо підвищується в умовах жорсткої конкуренції, економічної кризи та невизначеності. Розглянуто, опрацьовано й розвинуто методичні підходи до аналізу ефективності використання виробничого потенціалу підприємства. Аналіз ефективності використання виробничого потенціалу підприємства передбачає організацію комплексного, системного й багатоетапного аналітичного дослідження кількісних і якісних параметрів виробничого потенціалу та ефективності його використання. Представлено концептуальні засади аналізу виробничого потенціалу підприємства, зокрема визначено мету, завдання, предмет, об’єкт, суб’єкти, методи, інформаційне забезпечення й принципи такого аналізу. На основі узагальнення сучасних підходів, запропоновано алгоритм аналізу ефективності використання виробничого потенціалу підприємства. Досліджено сучасні методики аналізу ефективності використання виробничого потенціалу підприємства. Встановлено, що у питанні аналізу ефективності використання виробничого потенціалу підприємства дослідники більш одностайні, ніж у питаннях його трактування й структуризації та, здебільшого, дотримуються ресурсного підходу. Розгляд сучасних методичних підходів до аналізу ефективності використання виробничого потенціалу підприємства показав, що вони взаємодоповнюють один одного, а не взаємовиключають. У результаті опрацювання економічної літератури й дослідження показників ефективності використання виробничого потенціалу підприємства систематизовано такі показники у розрізі складових елементів виробничого потенціалу підприємства, які у сукупності дадуть змогу отримати об’єктивну агреговану кількісно-якісну оцінку фактичному рівню ефективності використання виробничого потенціалу підприємства. На основі отриманих результатів аналізу ефективності використання виробничого потенціалу підприємства приймаються раціональні, економічно обґрунтовані й реально необхідні управлінські рішень. Аналіз ефективності використання виробничого потенціалу підприємства є інструментом не лише нарощування такого потенціалу, а й інструментом формування конкурентних переваг і забезпечення стійкого розвитку суб’єкта господарювання.Production potential as a basic component of the enterprise's potential requires comprehensive, multi-criteria and detailed analysis of the use efficiency. The relevance of organizing the analysis of efficiency of the enterprise production potential use is increasing especially under the conditions of fierce competition, economic crisis and uncertainty. Methodological approaches to the analysis of efficiency of the enterprise production potential use are discussed, processed and developed in this paper. Analysis of efficiency of the enterprise production potential use is based on the organization of comprehensive, systematic and multi-stage analytical investigation of quantitative and qualitative parameters of production potential and the efficiency of its use. The conceptual foundations of analysis of the enterprise production potential; particularly, the goals, tasks, subject, object, methods, information support and principles of such analysis are presented in this paper. Based on the generalization of modern approaches, an algorithm for analyzing the efficiency of the enterprise production potential use is proposed. The modern methods of analyzing the efficiency of the enterprise production potential use are investigated. It is determined that in the problem of analyzing the efficiency of the enterprise production potential use, researchers are more unanimous than in the problems of its interpretation and structuring and, in general, follow the resource approach. Consideration of modern methodological approaches to the analysis of the efficiency of the enterprise production potential use showed that they are complementary, but not eliminated. Based on the review of economic literature and research of indicators of the efficiency of the enterprise production potential use, such indicators are systematized in this paper in the context of the constituent elements of the enterprise production potential, that in conjunction they make it possible to obtain the objective aggregated quantitative and qualitative assessment of the actual level of efficiency of the enterprise production potential use. On the basis of the obtained analysis results concerning the efficiency of the enterprise production potential use, rational, economically justified and necessary management decisions are made. Analysis of the efficiency of the enterprise production potential use is a tool not only for such potential building, but also for creating competitive advantages and ensuring sustainable enterprise development

    Understanding mechanobiology in cultured endothelium: A review of the orbital shaker method

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    A striking feature of atherosclerosis is its highly non-uniform distribution within the arterial tree. This has been attributed to variation in the haemodynamic wall shear stress (WSS) experienced by endothelial cells, but the WSS characteristics that are important and the mechanisms by which they lead to disease remain subjects of intensive investigation despite decades of research. In vivo evidence suggests that multidirectional WSS is highly atherogenic. This possibility is increasingly being studied by culturing endothelial cells in wells that are swirled on an orbital shaker. The method is simple and cost effective, has high throughput and permits chronic exposure, but interpretation of the results can be difficult because the fluid mechanics are complex; hitherto, their description has largely been restricted to the engineering literature. Here we review the findings of such studies, which indicate that putatively atherogenic flow characteristics occur at the centre of the well whilst atheroprotective ones occur towards the edge, and we describe simple mathematical methods for choosing experimental variables that avoid resonance, wave breaking and uncovering of the cells. We additionally summarise a large number of studies showing that endothelium cultured at the centre of the well expresses more pro-inflammatory and fewer homeostatic genes, has higher permeability, proliferation, apoptosis and senescence, and shows more endothelial-to-mesenchymal transition than endothelium at the edge. This simple method, when correctly interpreted, has the potential to greatly increase our understanding of the homeostatic and pathogenic mechanobiology of endothelial cells and may help identify new therapeutic targets in vascular disease