38 research outputs found


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    Forced bioconversion of solid organic wastes as technology for Latvia conditions is presented. Every inhabitant produces 200~300kg solid wastes, about 0,6 mind per year in Latvia. Different technologies are used for utilisation of these wastes. The most popular are: landfilling, sorting and recycling, incineration, composting and anaerobic digestion for organic wastes. As new technology? in Latvia is forced bioconversion of municipal solid organic wastes. Approximately 250000 tons solid wastes per year are coming to landfill Getlini. 24% from them are usable for anaerobic digestion. Regulating of temperature and moisture content in wastes gives possibility to optimise process of bioconversion. Forced anaerobic bioconversion proceeds 4 -7 times faster as normal bioconversion in landfill. For this technology is necessary less investment for incineraton anaerobic digestion in bioreactors and composting in tunnels or halls. It is preferable for smaller landfills in Latvia too. For big landfill, where has sorting, the best solution: approximately 30% recycling, 25% wet organic for forced bioconversion, 45% for incineration

    Anaerobic co-fermentation of molasses and oil with straw pellets

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    ArticleThe average grain and straw production in Latvia is increasing in last decade. Straw is not always managed properly and its utilisation in biogas plants can be considered as an alternative. Straw is not the best feedstock for methane production, because it has high C/N ratio. Co - fermentation with other biomass with higher N content can improve the methane production. Purpose of investigation is to evaluate the wheat straw pellets biomass suitability for production of the methane and effect of its co - fermentatio n with molasses, fried sunflower oil and catalyst Metaferm. The anaerobic digestion process for biogas production was investigated in 0.75 L digesters, operated in batch mode at temperature 38 ± 1.0°C. The average biogas yield per unit of dry organic matte r added from digestion of wheat straw pellets was 0.540 L g - 1 DOM and methane yield was 0.285 L g - 1 DOM . Average biogas yield from co - fermentation of wheat straw pellets and molasses was 0.777 L g - 1 DOM and methane yield was 0.408 L g - 1 DOM . Average biogas yie ld from fermentation of wheat straw pellets with 1ml Metaferm was 0.692 L g - 1 DOM and methane yield was 0.349 L g - 1 DOM . Average biogas yield from co - fermentation of wheat straw pellets and sunflowers oil was 1.041 L g - 1 DOM and methane yield was 0.639 L g - 1 DOM . All investigated biomasses can be used for methane production

    Use of ethanol production and stillage processing residues for biogas production

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    ArticleIn Latvia, ethanol is produced mainly from wheat grains. The production process involves the formation of the by-products of wheat bran, grains residues and stillage. By-products from production of alcohol distilling dregs (stillage) contain much organic matter therefore could be useful for the production of the biogas The product with high protein content usable for feed can be produced from the stillage too. A liquid residue is formed during the production process. Purpose of study is the assessment of the methane volume obtainable from the stillage processing residue mixed with wheat brans and grains residues in anaerobic fermentation process and from wheat brans and grains residues mixed only with inoculum. Investigation was provided in 16 bioreactors operated in batch mode at 38°C. Stillage processing residues mixed with the wheat brans and inoculum were filled into 4 bioreactors, mixed with grains residues were filled into 4 bioreactors and only inoculum was filled into two bioreactors for control. Wheat brans with inoculum were filled into 3 bioreactors. Into others 3 bioreactors were filled grains residues with inoculum. The yield of biogas from wheat brans was 1.151 L g -1 DOM and methane 0.593 L g -1 DOM after 30 days of anaerobic digestion. The yield of biogas from wheat brans with stillage processing residue was 1.098 L g -1 DOM and methane 0.600 L g -1 DOM. The yield of biogas from grains residues was 0.915 L g -1 DOM and methane 0.451 L g -1 DOM. The yield of biogas from grains residues with stillage processing residue was 1.01 L g -1 DOM and methane 0.523 L g -1 DOM. The study demonstrates that the investigated products are very good raw material for the production of methane. Stillage processing residue acted as a catalyst for the process

    The production of methane from the straw pellets with addition of enzymes

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    ArticleBiogas production requires much cheaper raw materials. The use of straw, as not always the full use of agricultural residues, increases the methane yield in pelletised form compared to non-pelletised straw. Lack is the high ratio of carbon to nitrogen content of straw, which leads to a slow and incomplete breakdown of the matter, and less producing substances from which bacteria produce methane.Variety of additives can be used to improve anaerobic digestion process. This article shows the results of the study, where the enzymes alpha amylase and xylanase and catalysts Metaferm and Melafen mixture are used for the digestion process echancement. Investigation was provided in 16 bioreactors operated in batch mode at 38 °C. Additives were filled into 14 bioreactors and only inoculum were filled into two bioreactors for control. The yield of biogas from straw pellets without additives was 0.655 L g -1 DOM and methane 0.301 L g -1 DOM after 34 days of anaerobic digestion. The yield of biogas from straw pellets with added alpha amylase was 0.652 L g -1 DOM and methane 0.318 L g -1 DOM. The yield of biogas from straw pellets with added xylanase was 0.689 L g -1 DOM and methane 0.347 L g -1 DOM. The yield of biogas from straw pellets with added Metaferm and Melafen mixture was 0.638 L g -1 DOM and methane 0.254 L g -1 DOM. The study demonstrates that the adding of enzymes increases the production of methane


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    According to increasing of prices for energy resources, increasing interest for renewable energy resources. As one of the most profitable is biogas production. In this paper is presented potential of biomass for biogas production. It is presented possibility to produce biogas and energy from different recourses and total 156,9 million m3/year. For development of biogas production is necessary financial support, increasing of research works and education

    Suitability of Common nettle (Urticadioica) and Canadian goldenrod (Solidagocanadensis) for methane production

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    ArticleSupport for biogas production in Latvia was decreased. There is an urgent need to i nvestigate the suitability of various inexpensive renewable biomass resources for energy production. Also, itis necessary to explore the possibilities to improve the anaerobic fermentation process with the help of various catalysts. Biocatalyst Metaferm pr oduced in Latvia was used in previous studies with other biomass and showed increase in biogas and methane production. The article shows the results of studies on biogas (methane) production from chopped fresh Common nettle ( Urtica dioica ) and Canadian gol denrod ( Solidago canadensis ) biomass and effect of catalyst Metaferm in anaerobic fermentation process. The anaerobic digestion process was performed in 0.75 L laboratory digesters, operated in batch mode (38 ± 1.0 °C, 35 days). The average specific biogas or methane production per unit of dry organic matter added (DOM) from Common nettle was 0.709 L g - 1 DOM or was 0.324 L g - 1 DOM respectively. Average specific biogas or methane volume produced from chopped Canadian goldenrod in anaerobic fermentation was 0.54 8 L g - 1 DOM or 0.267 L g - 1 DOM respectively. Average biogas or methane yield from digestion of chopped Common nettle with 1 mL Metaferm was 0.752 L g - 1 DOM or 0.328 L g - 1 DOM respectively. Average specific biogas or methane yield from anaerobic fermentation of c hopped Canadian goldenrod with 1 mL Metaferm was 0.624 L g - 1 DOM or 0.276 L g - 1 DOM respectively. Adding of catalyst Metaferm increases methane yield from chopped nettle or Canadian goldenrod by 1.2% or 3.4% respectively. All investigated biomass resources c an be used for methane production

    Precision Livestock Farming IT Support Model for the Poultry Industry

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    The presented work proposes a practical approach to bird weight data processing and augmentation to enable production outcome forecast model training, which contributes to higher productivity. We suggest using the parametrized model, where parameter values are found through genetic optimization and thus are closely corresponding to broiler body weight factual measurements. The proposed approach is implemented as a stand-alone software system, exposing the models through containerized web services enabling different use scenarios


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    Energy sector has been one o f the most important priorities since reestablishment o f the independence o f Latvia. The deficiency o f energy resources in Latvia has created a need to assess all the possibilities to utilize all the local enrgy resources, including the biological ones, to motivate the trends in the development of energetics in Latvia. Therefore data have been collected, calculations made and possibilities analysed to replace the imported energy resources. From the renewable energy in Latvia there are used the wind, solar, hydraulic and bioenergy. A biofuel programme has been worked out in Latvia. It is envisaged to develop the production of ethanol and rape oil for vehicle engines. For this purpose an arable area of 288 thousand ha is needed. A huge non-utilised reserve in Latvia is methane fermentation of organic agricultural and municipal residue and sewage from food industry. It is calculated that about 170 million m3 biogas can be obtained in Latvia. Implementation of the fuel programme will stimulate Latvia’s economy

    Производство метана из промышленной конопли

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    Abstract. Due to the increasing shortage of fossil fuels, the use of alternative energy sources is becoming even more popular. In Latvia, maize is predominantly used for the production of biogas, and other crops are being studied for this purpose. (Research purpose) To study the productivity of industrial hemp varieties (Cannabis sativa L.) and the possibility of obtaining biogas from hemp. (Materials and methods) Field experiments on hemp productivity were carried out on sod calcareous, heavy dusty sand clay soils in 2012-2014. Ten industrial varieties of hemp – 'Bialobrzeskie', 'Futura 75', 'Fedora 17', 'Santhica 27', 'Beniko', 'Ferimon', 'Epsilon 68', 'Tygra', 'Wojko', and 'Uso 31' – were sown with a seeding rate of 50 kilogram per hectare at the background of fertilizers: nitrogen – 120, phosphoric oxide – 90, potassium oxide – 150 kilogram per hectare. Hemp was sown on 10-square meter plots in mid-May, in triplicate. Hemp was harvested at the beginning of seed ripening phase. The whole crop of green mass was calculated on a completely dry matter. The fermentation process for the production of biogas, the average yield of methane, and other parameters were studied in the Laboratory of Bioenergetics of the Latvia University of Life Sciences and Technologies, using small-sized bioreactors. (Results and discussion) The dry matter yield of hemp obtained in the agro-climatic conditions of Latvia averaged 13.32- 17.78 tons per hectare. For an average of three years (2012-2014), higher yields of dry matter were obtained from the varieties of 'Futura 75' (17.76 tons per hectare) and 'Tygra’ (16.31 tons per hectare). The average amount of methane obtained from the 'Uso 31' leaves was 0.365 litre from one gramme of dry organic matter, which is a very good result as compared to other energy crops, for example, corn silage (0.319-0.330 litre from one gramme of dry organic matter in Latvia). (Conclusions) The research has demonstrated that hemp can be successfully used to produce biogas, and hemp leaves are the most suitable starting material.Реферат. Из-за растущей нехватки ископаемого топлива использование альтернативных источников энергии становится все более популярным. В Латвии кукуруза является доминирующей культурой, используемой для производства биогаза, однако ведутся также исследования по использованию других энергокультур. (Цель исследования) Изучить продуктивность сортов промышленной конопли (Cannabis sativa L.) и возжности получения из нее биогаза. (Материалы и методы) Полевые опыты по изучению продуктивности конопли проводили в 2012- 2014 гг. на плодородных дерново-карбонатных, среднетяжелых почвах. Десять промышленных сортов конопли – Bialobrzeskie, Futura 75, Fedora 17, Santhica 27, Beniko, Ferimon, Epsilon 68, Tygra, Wojko и Uso 31 высевали с нормой высева семян 50 килограммов на гектар на фоне удобрений: азота – 120, оксида фосфора – 90, оксида калия – 150 килограммов на гектар. Коноплю сеяли в середине мая, на учетных делянках площадью 10 квадратных метров, в трехкратной повторности. Урожай убирали в начале фазы созревания семян. Всю зеленую массу пересчитали на абсолютно сухое вещество. Процесс брожения для производства биогаза, средний выход метана и другие параметры изучали в лаборатории биоэенеретики Латвийского университета естественных наук и технологий, используя малогабаритные биореакторы. (Результаты и обсуждение) Урожайность сухого вещества конопли, полученного в агроклиматических условиях Латвии, в среднем составила 13,32-17,78 тонны с гектара. В среднем за три года (2012-2014 гг.) более высокие урожаи сухого вещества получили от сортов Futura 75 – 17,76 тонны с гектара и Tygra – 16,31 тонны с гектара. Среднее количество метана, полученного из листьев Uso 31 составило 0,365 литра на грамм сухого органического вещества. Хороший результат по сравнению с другими энергетическими культурами, например кукурузным силосом, показатель которого в Латвии равен 0,319-0,330 литра на грамм сухого органического вещества. (Выводы) Результаты исследований показали, что коноплю, особенно ее листья, с успехом можно использовать для производства биогаза

    Service oriented architecture usage in the IS development

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    Darbs ir veltīts informācijas sistēmas izstrādes iespējām, izmantojot pakalpojuma - orientētas arhitektūras (SOA) pieeju. Darba mērķis - apskatīt SOA raksturojošas īpašības, standartus un tehnoloģijas SOA realizācijai. Kā aplūkojamais piemērs izvēlēts obligātās transportlīdzekļu civiltiesiskās apdrošināšanas (OCTA) produkts un piedāvāts iespējamais SOA risinājums, kas bāzēts uz tīmekļa pakalpēm, iesaista vairākas valsts iestādes un gandrīz visas apdrošināšanas sabiedrības Latvijā. Darbā detalizēti aprakstīti biznesa procesi, kuri raksturīgi šim produktam, kā arī (sistēmas) arhitektūra, bez tam apskatītas drošības problēmas un to risinājumi. Darbu raksturojošie atslēgvārdi ir SOA, tīmekļa pakalpes un ESB.Thesis work is devoted to information systems’ developing opportunities, using Service – Oriented Architecture (SOA) approach. The goal of present thesis is to describe SOA characteristics, standards and technologies, which could be used in SOA implementation. For practice it was chosen Compulsory Third Party Insurance (OCTA) product and it was offered the possible SOA based solution, which is based on Web Service technology and involves into business some Latvian State organizations and almost all insurance companies. In thesis are described business processes, which are usual for this product and architecture itself, and also the security problem. Thesis keywords are SOA, Web Service and ESB