2,764 research outputs found

    Análise da intensificação da agricultura no Mato Grosso à partir de dados TRMM 3B42 e de series temporais MODIS/EVI.

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    The Brazilian state of Mato Grosso (southern Amazonia) is one of the main national producer of agricultural products such as soybean, cotton and corn. After having based its development on the expansion of arable lands through deforestation for thrity years, the agricultural sector is now increasing its productive potential through the adoption of new agricultural management practices such as double cropping systems. Remote sensing tehcniques such as classification of MODIS/TERRA EVI times series are efficient tools for monitoring this phenomena. It appears that double cropping systems with wo comercial crops (soybean and corn or soybean and cotton) improved from 6% to 26% of the total cultivated area in Mato Grosso between 2000- 2001 and 2006-2007 harvests. However, when studying at a county level, those rates vary from 1 to more than 50%, attesting that it exists a strong spatial variability concerning the application of this agricultural management practice. It is argued that this rate is in part drove by the importance of total agricultural areas in a place and by pluviometric conditions. This hypothesis is confirmed by crossing MODIS data with rainfall data. These data are issue from the TRMM 3B42 products, which are computed into parameters such as duration, onset, end of the rain season and total annual rainfalls. Those parameters are found to explain 42% of the spatial variability of the application of double cropping systems in Mato Grosso. O objetivo deste artigo é de mapear as áreas cultivadas com duas safras e de estimar se o grau de intensificação encontrado em uma área pode ser relacionado às condições pluviométricas

    Indicadores para a avaliação da disponibilidade hídrica para o desenvolvimento sustentável da atividade canavieira irrigada.

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    Para a racionalização do uso dos recursos hídricos e promoção do desenvolvimento sustentável da atividade canavieira na região Centro-Oeste torna-se importante o desenvolvimento de procedimentos metodológicos que possam fornecer subsídios técnicos para o planejamento e gestão setorial - agricultura e recursos hídricos. O presente trabalho apresenta dois indicadores concebidos para a avaliação do potencial da disponibilidade hídrica para atender a demanda projetada de água para o desenvolvimento da atividade canavieira

    Sistema de indicadores para a avaliação da sustentabilidade hídrica da atividade canaviera.

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    O objetivo deste trabalho é apresentar um estudo de caso realizado na Bacia Hidrográfica do Rio Verde (BHRV) para demonstrar a aplicabilidade do Sistema de Indicadores - SISHidro-Cana - para a avaliação da sustentabilidade hídrica da cultura canavieira, proposta por Ferraz (2012), como uma metodologia para avaliar a disponibilidade de água de bacias hidrográficas para subsidiar a proposição de políticas setoriais, ordenação territorial, planejamento agrícola e gestão dos recursos hídricos

    Field-oriented assessment of agricultural crops through temporal segmentation of modis VI data.

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    Monitoring agricultural crops constitutes a vital task for the general understanding of land use spatio-temporal dynamics. This paper presents an approach for the enhancement of current crop monitoring capabilities on a regional scale, in order to allow for the analysis of environmental and socio-economic drivers and impacts of agricultural land use. This work discusses the advantages and current limitations of using 250m VI data from the Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer (MODIS) for this purpose, with emphasis in the difficulty of correctly analyzing pixels whose temporal responses are disturbed due to certain sources of interference such as mixed or heterogeneous land cover. It is shown that the influence of noisy or disturbed pixels can be minimized, and a much more consistent and useful result can be attained, if individual agricultural fields are identified and each field's pixels are analyzed in a collective manner. As such, a method is proposed that makes use of image segmentation techniques based on MODIS temporal information in order to identify portions of the study area that agree with actual agricultural field borders. The pixels of each portion or segment are then analyzed individually in order to estimate the reliability of the temporal signal observed and the consequent relevance of any estimation of land use from that data. The proposed method was applied in the state of Mato Grosso, in mid-western Brazil, where extensive ground truth data was available. Experiments were carried out using several supervised classification algorithms as well as different subsets of land cover classes, in order to test the methodology in a comprehensive way. Results show that the proposed method is capable of consistently improving classification results not only in terms of overall accuracy but also qualitatively by allowing a better understanding of the land use patterns detected. It thus provides a practical and straightforward procedure for enhancing crop-mapping capabilities using temporal series of moderate resolution remote sensing data

    Detecting outliers and asserting consistency in agriculture ground truth information by using temporal VI data from modis.

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    Collecting ground truth data is an important step to be accomplished before performing a supervised classification. However, its quality depends on human, financial and time ressources. It is then important to apply a validation process to assess the reliability of the acquired data. In this study, agricultural infomation was collected in the Brazilian Amazonian State of Mato Grosso in order to map crop expansion based on MODIS EVI temporal profiles. The field work was carried out through interviews for the years 2005-2006 and 2006-2007. This work presents a methodology to validate the training data quality and determine the optimal sample to be used according to the classifier employed. The technique is based on the detection of outlier pixels for each class and is carried out by computing Mahalanobis distances for each pixel. The higher the distance, the further the pixel is from the class centre. Preliminary observations through variation coefficent validate the efficiency of the technique to detect outliers. Then, various subsamples are defined by applying different thresholds to exclude outlier pixels from the classification process. The classification results prove the robustness of the Maximum Likelihood and Spectral Angle Mapper classifiers. Indeed, those classifiers were insensitive to outlier exclusion. On the contrary, the decision tree classifier showed better results when deleting 7.5% of pixels in the training data. The technique managed to detect outliers for all classes. In this study, few outliers were present in the training data, so that the classification quality was not deeply affected by the outliers

    Особенности развития гаптофитовых и динофитовых водорослей в олигоценовых бассейнах Северного Перитетиса

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    На основании изучения наннопланктона и диноцист проведены палеоэкологические реконструкции разных типов олигоценовых бассейнов Северного Перитетиса. Установлены ассоциации фитопланктона морских глубоководных, мелководных, относительно холодно- и тепловодных, а также лагунных палеобассейнов. Гаптофитовые (наннопланктон) присутствуют только в карбонатных прослоях пород, наиболее благоприятные условия для их развития были в Карпатском бассейне кросненского типа, в бассейнах самого раннего рюпеля Германии и юга Украины. Диноцисты представлены во всех типах олигоценовых бассейнов. Установлены корреляционные уровни по нанно- и динопланктону, позволяющие обосновать нижнюю и верхнюю границы олигоцена и уровень опреснения в середине рюпеля.Вивчення нанопланктону та диноцист з різних типів олігоценових басейнів Північного Перитетіса дозволило провести палеоекологічні реконструкції. Встановлені асоціації фітопланктону морських глибоководних, прибережно-мілководних відносно холодно- и тепловодних, лагунних, напівізольованих з ендеміками. Нанопланктон виявлено лише в карбонатних прошарках, найбільш сприятливі умови для його розвитку були у Карпатському басейні кросненського типу, у самому ранньому рюпелі Німеччини та півдня України. Диноцисти виявлені у всіх типах олігоценових басейнів. Встановлені корелятивні рівні за нано- та динопланктоном, які дозволяють обґрунтувати нижню і верхню границі олігоцену та рівень розпріснення в середині рюпелю.A study of nannofossils and dinocysts from different types of Oligocene basins of the Northern Peri-Thetys resulted in paleoecological reconstructions. The following phytoplankton associations were recognized: cold-water; littoral shallow-water relatively cold- and warm-water; lagoon; semi-isolated with endemics. Nannofossils were present in carbonaceous sediments, with more favorable conditions for them being in the Carpathian basin of Krosnensky type, in the earliest Rupelian of Germany and Southern Ukraine. Dinocysts were identified in all types of Oligocene basins. Correlation levels identified by nannofossils and dinocysts allowed us to substantiate the lower and upper Oligocene boundaries and degree of desalination in the Middle Rupelian

    Ternary combination of irinotecan, fluorouracil-folinic acid and oxaliplatin: results on human colon cancer cell lines

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    A marked antitumour efficacy is currently obtained by oxaliplatin (LOHP)–fluorouracil (FU)–folinic acid (FA) combination and by CPT11–FU–FA combination. Logically, the triple association LOHP, CPT11 and FUFA will be soon tested in cancer patients. The aim of the present study was to compare two schedules combining SN38 (the active metabolite of CPT11, irinotecan) with FU–FA and LOHP. The two schedules differed by the SN38 position. The relative contribution of each drug in the resulting global cytotoxicity was evaluated. Two human colon cancer cell lines were used (WIDR and SW620 both p53 mutated). LOHP plus FA were applied for 2 h, just before a 48 h FU exposure. The SN38 sequence was applied for 24 h, starting either 48 h before LOHP-FA (schedule A), or just after LOHP-FA exposure (schedule B). Cytotoxicity was assessed by the 3-(4,5-demethylthiazol-2-yl)-2,5 diphenyltetrazolium bromide (MTT) test and drug interactions were analysed according to the Chou and Talalay method, based on the computation of a combination index (CI). The SN38 position significantly induces a shift from additivity-antagonism when SN38 was applied after LOHP, towards additivity-synergism when SN38 was applied first (P = 0.03). The relative contribution (RC) of each drug in the overall cytotoxicity of the triple combination was defined as the drug concentration giving 50% cell lethality (IC 50) of the double association without that drug divided by the IC 50 of the triple association. Whatever the SN38 position, the larger contribution was made by LOHP (median RC = 2.4) and the smaller by SN38 (median RC = 1.1). In addition, the contribution of FUFA was improved when SN38 was applied first (median RC = 2.2) as compared to the opposite schedule (median RC = 1.2). Results were in agreement between the two explored cell lines. The present data should be taken into account when establishing the rationale of future trials combining CPT11, LOHP and FU–FA. © 2001 Cancer Research Campaign http://www.bjcancer.co

    Managing Resources by Grazing in Grasslands Dominated by Dominant Shrub Species

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    The European natural grasslands are attracting new attention because of their environmental value as habitats for threatened fauna and flora species and their contribution to the diversity of landscapes. Those responsible for the implementation of the European agri-environmental policy are hence encouraging livestock farmers to adopt grazing practices that contribute to the conservation of grassland biodiversity especially by limiting encroachment by dominant shrubs. However, current scientific knowledge and technical information are often insufficient to connect flock feeding and the impact of grazing on shrub dynamics and livestock farmers are not very enthusiastic about restoring or conserving “plant mosaics” including shrubs that support biodiversity in their fields. This paper presents results of an interdisciplinary study on interactions between small ruminant feeding strategy and population dynamics of dominant shrub species with the objective of managing by grazing the structure of plant community and thus to provide the renewal of resources on a multi-year scale