503 research outputs found


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    The purpose of the paper is to determine the key strategies for applying the methodology of philosophical hermeneutics in social sciences, which is realized in solving of the following tasks: 1)to determine theoretical conditions for the turn of philosophical hermeneutics towards applied social research; 2)to identify key concepts and techniques of philosophical hermeneutics, relevant to the measurement of actual social phenomena; 3) to outline the logic of application of the elements of philosophical hermeneutics within social science. Methodology of the research is formed by methods of immanent critique of philosophical discourse, adapted to the subject horizon of social studies. Scientific originality of the paper is expressed in the following statements: 1) the theoretical conditions for the applied turn of philosophical hermeneutics include the pragmatic critique of ontologization of the hermeneutic circle, that is, the reinterpretation of philosophical hermeneutics contrary to the key guidelines of its founders (M. Heidegger, H.-G. Gadamer); 2) key concepts and techniques of philosophical hermeneutics, relevant to the measurement of actual social phenomena, are the hermeneutic circle and self-understanding, hermeneutical reduction and destruction; 3) the logic of the applied use of the elements of philosophical hermeneutics in the context of social science involves correlation of the structure of the research with the hermeneutic structure of self-understanding, inherent in the subject under investigation. Conclusion: The study of the conditions of the applied turn of philosophical hermeneutics proved the fundamental importance of setting the problem of the synthesis of fundamental and applied science.The purpose of the paper is to determine the key strategies for applying the methodology of philosophical hermeneutics in social sciences, which is realized in solving of the following tasks: 1)to determine theoretical conditions for the turn of philosophical hermeneutics towards applied social research; 2)to identify key concepts and techniques of philosophical hermeneutics, relevant to the measurement of actual social phenomena; 3) to outline the logic of application of the elements of philosophical hermeneutics within social science. Methodology of the research is formed by methods of immanent critique of philosophical discourse, adapted to the subject horizon of social studies. Scientific originality of the paper is expressed in the following statements: 1) the theoretical conditions for the applied turn of philosophical hermeneutics include the pragmatic critique of ontologization of the hermeneutic circle, that is, the reinterpretation of philosophical hermeneutics contrary to the key guidelines of its founders (M. Heidegger, H.-G. Gadamer); 2) key concepts and techniques of philosophical hermeneutics, relevant to the measurement of actual social phenomena, are the hermeneutic circle and self-understanding, hermeneutical reduction and destruction; 3) the logic of the applied use of the elements of philosophical hermeneutics in the context of social science involves correlation of the structure of the research with the hermeneutic structure of self-understanding, inherent in the subject under investigation. Conclusion: The study of the conditions of the applied turn of philosophical hermeneutics proved the fundamental importance of setting the problem of the synthesis of fundamental and applied science

    Концептуалізація освіти в історико-філософському контексті. Античність і Середньовіччя (Conceptualization of Education in Historical and Philosophical Context. Antiquity and the Middle Ages)

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    Розглянуто проблеми вивчення статусу та ролі освіти в історико-філософському контексті. З’ясовано співвідношення античної, середньовічної та сучасної освіти. Проаналізовано проблематику світоглядних конструкцій у контексті культурно-історичних трансформацій освіти. Підкреслено значущість освіти як динамічної системи суспільства, яка є неодмінною частиною всієї культурної спадщини. Аргументовано висновок, що освіта є фундаментальною антропологічною категорією, яка відіграє роль у сучасній культурі, виконуючи світоглядну, соціально-регулятивну функції. З’ясовано, що залишаються невизначеними такі чинники культури, які впливають на формування системи освіти, та недостатня виявленість закономірностей, які зумовлюють трансформацію освіти. (The article deals with the problem of study of the role and status of education in historical and philosophical context. It focuses on the relationship of the ancient, medieval and modern education. The issue of ideological construction in the context of cultural-historical transformation of education was analyzed. It emphasized the importance of education as a dynamic system of society which is an integral part of the cultural heritage. The conclusion is made that education is a fundamental anthropological category; it plays the main role in modern culture, performing ideological, social and regulatory functions. It was proved that there remain outstanding issues of the development of education such as uncertainty of cultural factors that influence the formation of the educational system and the lack of detection of regularities that lead to the transformation of education. The urgency of the appeal to the issue of education is proved due to a number of objective reasons of the contemporary reality. One of them is related to the crisis situation of national education. Today resolving the issue of the crisis of education in Ukraine has been the subject of much debate. The education system, as well as any dynamic system is adequately responding to changes taking place in society. However, the realities of today suggest that education in the form in which it is established by the end of XX century, does not consider global crisis. Considering education in the context of the current socio-cultural reality, it is necessary first of all to appeal to antiquity and the Middle Ages, namely the cultural and historical rudiments of education as cultural and historical transformations occurring to educational schools and universities. Important role in the context of the Ancient World takes education, whose content focuses on the essence of human nature, namely its ability to self-education and education of others. The emergence of universities in the Middle Ages is quite natural. Institute appears in a context where the backbone of the cultural and philosophical outlook is the mind which indicates the value of the common and universal. One of the main factors of the university is to find a universal beginning. Forerunner universities include schools, Lyceum, Academy of Ancient Greece who served as educational centers and were based on the science of pedagogy. However, as a social institution University originated in the Middle Ages and was theocentric expression of culture, which, by its nature and content was extremely rationalist. Classical university education appears as a summary of a particular individual to the general and absolute spirit. Universities serve there for the sake of science and the search for truth.

    The Art of Understanding and the Testing Cosmological Models

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    In the proposed study, the author explored the modern meanings of the term “art of understanding”. The conducted research allowed: a) to explain the relevance of creating a “universal language”; b) to explore the art of understanding as an ontological orientation towards understanding the Other. It has been proven that understanding the Other is an innate quality inherent in man; c) to prove that understanding the Other as an innate quality needs to be developed. Education and educational technologies are a society-created environment in which “understanding of the Other” passes into a new qualitative state of “the art of understanding of the otherness of the Other”; d) prove that the “art of understanding” can be used as an indicator of the correspondence of cosmological models with criterion of falsifiability. The proposed study extends the existing boundaries of the use of art of understanding and opens up the additional possibility of testing cosmological models. As an example, the author tested the model “Evolving Matter


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    The paper gives an assessment of biochemical composition of various types of returnable baking waste, pregrouped into five groups depending on recipe and bakery products production method, in comparison with traditional types of starch-containing raw materials — wheat and rye. It has been established that returnable baking waste has significant advantages over grain raw materials in terms of starch content and structural and mechanical properties, which will eliminate grinding cost. An analysis of carbohydrate complex of returnable baking waste showed that waste groups that include rye flour contain more glucose than groups derived from wheat flour, which can positively affect the fermentation process. The study of protein complex revealed that mass fraction of soluble protein was determined by type of raw material used to produce products. It is shown that the best raw materials for distillates production, from standpoint of protein complex evaluating, are samples of returnable baking waste products obtained from rye-wheat bread. The mineral composition (K+, Na+, Ca++, Mg++) of ash of various waste types was studied and it was found that products from wheat flour contain less potassium, calcium and magnesium than from rye-wheat, and no significant differences were found in sodium content. Identified distinctive features in biochemical composition of certain groups of returnable baking waste products are recommended to be taken into account when developing optimal technological regimes for their processing in distillates production.The paper gives an assessment of biochemical composition of various types of returnable baking waste, pregrouped into five groups depending on recipe and bakery products production method, in comparison with traditional types of starch-containing raw materials — wheat and rye. It has been established that returnable baking waste has significant advantages over grain raw materials in terms of starch content and structural and mechanical properties, which will eliminate grinding cost. An analysis of carbohydrate complex of returnable baking waste showed that waste groups that include rye flour contain more glucose than groups derived from wheat flour, which can positively affect the fermentation process. The study of protein complex revealed that mass fraction of soluble protein was determined by type of raw material used to produce products. It is shown that the best raw materials for distillates production, from standpoint of protein complex evaluating, are samples of returnable baking waste products obtained from rye-wheat bread. The mineral composition (K+, Na+, Ca++, Mg++) of ash of various waste types was studied and it was found that products from wheat flour contain less potassium, calcium and magnesium than from rye-wheat, and no significant differences were found in sodium content. Identified distinctive features in biochemical composition of certain groups of returnable baking waste products are recommended to be taken into account when developing optimal technological regimes for their processing in distillates production

    Foreign trade and marketing processes in the context of sustainable development

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    Purpose: The article aims to study foreign economic and trade relations between the countries of Central and Eastern Europe, the CIS and the Western European countries. In addition, the study improves forms of foreign economic cooperation between the countries and suggests the stages of its implementation in the integration group. Design/Methodology/Approach: Central and Eastern European countries are experiencing the increase and acceleration of the labour migration to Western European countries, which has a negative impact on their medium-and long-term development. As a theoretical and methodological basis, the article uses historical-logical, dialectical principles and contradictions, the method of the scientific abstraction. The process-system approach, which was used in the study of foreign economic relations between the partner countries, gained special importance in the argument of the need to implement stages. Findings: Authors presented the form of the foreign economic cooperation between the countries as the geostrategic economic block and the stages of its implementation. As the study shows, these stages will help to smooth out the economic inequality between the Central and Eastern regions of Europe and Western European countries. Practical implications: In practice, authors investigate the phased implementation of the geostrategic economic bloc form, which will reduce inequality between the partner countries of the European Union. Originality/Value: The economic inequality between developed and developing countries of the European Union is increasing every year, which can lead to the transformation of the integration group, so it is necessary to develop new forms and mechanisms of foreign economic relations between the partner countries.peer-reviewe


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    The processes that take place upon saccharified wort obtaining from the returnable baking waste and its fermentation was the research subject of this work. The development of operational parameters at the stage of returnable baking waste preparation for distillation, which provides a high-quality product is the purpose of the work. The samples of saccharified and fermented wort obtained from various bread and bakery products types produced by large enterprises in Moscow were the objects of the study. To characterize the composition of saccharified and fermented wort, the indicators to assess the quality of the wort from grain raw materials were used. The mass concentration of individual sugars in the wort was determined using high performance liquid chromatography on an Agilent Technologies 1200 Series device. The qualitative composition and volatile components concentration in the fermented wort was determined using gas chromatography on a Thermo Trace GC Ultra device. It was established that the percentage of solids transition to a soluble state does not depend on a returnable waste type and is in the range from 87.6% to 90.7%, and the starch transition to a soluble state, on the contrary, is determined by the processed raw materials type. It is shown that the use of rye-wheat bread after its preliminary enzymatic treatment with thinning and cytolytic drugs in a mixture with wheat bread in a ratio of 1÷1 to 1÷2 can improve the wort rheological characteristics and transfer from 98.1% to 99.3% starch of raw materials in a soluble state. It has been shown that for the efficient process of saccharified wort fermentation from returnable baking waste, the Fermiol and Turbo‑24 alcohol yeast races are most suitable, which ensure a high yield of ethanol and an optimal composition of volatile components in the fermented wort


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    One of the promising raw materials types for alcoholic beverages production, which have a peculiar aroma and taste, is the ashberry (red), widespread throughout the Russian Federation. The aim of the research was to develop an innovative technology for alcoholic beverages from the red ashberry based on the study of the raw materials biochemical composition transformation during its processing, maceration, fermentation, distillation, as well as its effect on the volatile components composition of distillate and the processing conditions of the finished alcoholic beverage. Fermented pulp of red ashberry, distillates and alcoholic beverage blends from ashberry were used as objects of the study. To determine the organoleptic and physico-chemical indicators in the work, standardized analysis methods and certified methods were used. The effect of various yeast races and fermentation conditions on the change in biochemical composition of the red ashberry pulp was studied. For this raw material type fermentation, recommended Siha 3 yeast race. The positive effect of the Vitamon Combi fermentation activator on the fermentation efficiency and the formation of qualitative characteristics of the fermented pulp, including its amino acid composition, is shown. It was established that the optimal conditions for fermentation is the anaerobic regimen at a temperature of no higher than 22 ºС. The effect of fractional distillation operating parameters in a direct distillation unit on the volatile components’ composition and concentration in ashberry distillate is studied. It is recommended to obtain a high-quality distillate to carry out the selection of the head fraction in the amount of 2.5% of the distilled pulp volume, and the selection of the tail fraction to start when the strength in distillate reaches 45% vol. It is shown that within 30 days of exposure in the distillate, a certain chemical equilibrium is achieved and its taste and aromatic characteristics are harmonized. The blending conditions of the alcoholic beverage are determined and the technological processing modes are established to ensure its high consumer properties. The conducted studies have allowed to develop innovative technology for a new alcoholic beverage from red ashberry.One of the promising raw materials types for alcoholic beverages production, which have a peculiar aroma and taste, is the ashberry (red), widespread throughout the Russian Federation. The aim of the research was to develop an innovative technology for alcoholic beverages from the red ashberry based on the study of the raw materials biochemical composition transformation during its processing, maceration, fermentation, distillation, as well as its effect on the volatile components composition of distillate and the processing conditions of the finished alcoholic beverage. Fermented pulp of red ashberry, distillates and alcoholic beverage blends from ashberry were used as objects of the study. To determine the organoleptic and physico-chemical indicators in the work, standardized analysis methods and certified methods were used. The effect of various yeast races and fermentation conditions on the change in biochemical composition of the red ashberry pulp was studied. For this raw material type fermentation, recommended Siha 3 yeast race. The positive effect of the Vitamon Combi fermentation activator on the fermentation efficiency and the formation of qualitative characteristics of the fermented pulp, including its amino acid composition, is shown. It was established that the optimal conditions for fermentation is the anaerobic regimen at a temperature of no higher than 22 ºС. The effect of fractional distillation operating parameters in a direct distillation unit on the volatile components’ composition and concentration in ashberry distillate is studied. It is recommended to obtain a high-quality distillate to carry out the selection of the head fraction in the amount of 2.5% of the distilled pulp volume, and the selection of the tail fraction to start when the strength in distillate reaches 45% vol. It is shown that within 30 days of exposure in the distillate, a certain chemical equilibrium is achieved and its taste and aromatic characteristics are harmonized. The blending conditions of the alcoholic beverage are determined and the technological processing modes are established to ensure its high consumer properties. The conducted studies have allowed to develop innovative technology for a new alcoholic beverage from red ashberry

    Hermeneutics as the Methodology of Interpretation of Languages and Texts of Extraterrestrial Intelligence

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    In the paper, the authors emphasized the growth of number of publications in the authoritative scientific journals in which the fact of existence of extraterrestrial intelligence is approved and the features of communication with it are considered as well. All incoming information, which may relate to manifestations of extraterrestrial intelligence, a candidate SETI signal, is evaluated according to the Rio scale. The authors proposed to call a candidate SETI signal, which had reached according to the Rio scale maximum assessment — the SETI signal. The SETI signal is the established and scientifically proved fact of receiving a fragment of the text or the text of extraterrestrial intelligence. To interpret the SETI signal, the authors proposed to use the possibilities of hermeneutics. In the paper, the authors answered two questions: “Is it appropriate to use hermeneutics to interpret the SETI signal?” and “Does hermeneutics have any ability to interpret the SETI signal?” The authors showed briefly how to use the hypothetico-deductive method, or in what way it is possible to carry out interpretation of the SETI signal in five steps using the example. As a basis, the authors used the ideas of Chrysostomos Mantzavinos