81 research outputs found

    The Art of Questioning in Instruction

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    Are you a seasoned instructor that wants to take your questioning skills to the next level? Or maybe you want to start asking more questions during instruction, but aren’t sure where to start? In June of 2007, the ACRL Board approved the Standards for Proficiencies for Instruction Librarians and Coordinators. One of the points in the Teaching Skills standard is to participate in constructive student-teacher exchanges by encouraging students to ask and answer questions. Research has shown that effective teachers ask more questions during instruction and that the frequency of questions is positively related to student achievement. With so much content to cover librarians may think that there is no time for questions, but questioning can create rich and unique teaching moments. In this session participants will acquire different techniques for establishing trust during instruction. They will also develop a mental set to establish a tone conducive for questioning. Participants will then work in small groups diagramming their instruction spaces and examining their questioning patterns. As a conclusion, the group will create examples of effective questions to use in common library instruction scenarios. Interactive Sessio

    Comparative of React and Svelte programming frameworks for creating SPA web applications

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    The aim of the article is to perform a comparative analysis of two programming frameworks on the example of one of the most popular currently React v17 and Svelte, which is gaining considerable popularity. Two applications with the same functionalities in both analyzed frameworks were implemented to conduct the research. The analysis mainly concerns the rendering times of views, but the application structures and their size are also compared. As a result of the research, it was found that the Svelte application is much more efficient compared to the React application

    Adrenal incidentaloma (AI) - a puzzle not only for endocrinologists

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    An adrenal incidentaloma (AI) is any lesion ≥ 1 cm in diameter detected during radiological diagnostics unrelated to suspected adrenal pathology. Each case of an AI requires extended hormonal and imaging assessments to accurately determine the nature of the tumor and its hormonal activity. The frequency of this tumor’s diagnostics has increased exponentially due to the continuous progress in the development of imaging methods, especially computed tomography and magnetic resonance imaging. The most common etiology of AIs are hormonally inactive adenomas of the adrenal cortex, but there are also adrenal cortex carAIcinomas, phaeochromocytoma, metastatic or infectious lesions. In the case of confirmation of the type of lesion, the management involves adrenalectomy or a sufficiently long clinical observation. In recent years, new markers of the malignancy of AI tumors have been discovered, both in imaging and biochemical diagnostics, which is associated with improvements in the accuracy of diagnosis and patient management. The aim of this study was to describe the definition, etiology and epidemiology of AIs and to draw attention to the complexity of diagnostics and therapy of accidentally diagnosed adrenal tumors. Current publications and guidelines from scientific societies around the world were reviewed, using keywords that were compatible with MeSH

    Medullary sponge kidney - the mysterious name of a simple disease

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    Medullary sponge kidney (renal spongiosis), (MSK) is a rare developmental anomaly of the kidney of unknown cause. It is presumed, that people with a genetic predisposition (<5% family occurrence) are prone to the disease. The peak of diagnosis is between the ages of 20-50, usually by chance (due to lack of symptoms) during an abdominal X-ray, where the so-called nephrocalcinosis (calcifications in the kidney) can be observed. Another radiologic test, that may suggest the condition in question is abdominal ultrasound, where cysts up to 8 mm in diameter in the medullary part of the kidney and calcifications can be seen. Diagnosis may also be based on the diagnosis of pre-existing stones and urinary tract infections, or hematuria. Urography has the highest sensitivity to sponge kidney. Symptoms, if already present, are characterized by low back pain, hematuria, hematuria, recurrent urinary tract infections, proteinuria, sterile purulence. Ultimately, the aforementioned pathologies can lead to kidney failure. To date, no causal treatment has been developed; only symptomatic treatment of lithiasis foci and urinary tract infections is possible. The purpose of the following paper was to describe the definition, epidemiology and etiology of MSK and to highlight the randomness of diagnosis and the problem in the lack of specific therapy for this renal developmental disorder. Current publications and guidelines from scientific societies around the world were reviewed, using MeSH-compliant keywords

    Wpływ nasilenia lęku jako cechy na siłę mięśni pacjentów poddanych operacyjnej rekonstrukcji więzadła krzyżowego przedniego stawu kolanowego

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    Założenia: Izolowane zerwanie więzadła krzyżowego przedniego kolana ACL jest trzecim co do częstości urazem więzadłowym stawu kolanowego. Postępowanie obejmuje rekonstrukcję i rehabilitację pooperacyjną. Wyniki leczenia ocenia się m.in. na podstawie testów ortopedycznych, badań siły mięśniowej i pomiarów obwodów, porównywanych do nogi przeciwnej. Stan kliniczny operowanego więzadła nie zawsze jest zbieżny z odczuciami pacjenta co do własnego zdrowia. Wpływ na samoocenę zdrowia przez pacjenta i przebieg rehabilitacji ma między innymi nasilenie lęku. Cel: Ocena wpływu predyspozycji do reagowania lękiem na skuteczność rehabilitacji, ocenianej w oparciu o pomiary siły mięśni, po operacyjnym leczeniu przerwanego więzadła krzyżowego przedniego kolana. Materiał i metoda: Badano 201 pacjentów z rozpoznanym zerwaniem więzadła krzyżowego przedniego kolana (113 kobiet i 88 mężczyzn). Wszyscy pacjenci zostali poddani rekonstrukcji więzadła krzyżowego przedniego oraz sześciomiesięcznemu leczeniu rehabilitacyjnemu. Do oceny nasilenia lęku jako cechy badanego przed zabiegiem operacyjnym zastosowano Kwestionariusz STAI, a do dwukrotnego badania siły mięśni (tydzień przed i po 6 miesiącach od operacji) zastosowano dynamometr. Wyniki: Badani wykazujący małe nasilenie lęku-cechy (poniżej 3,5 stena) istotnie częściej niż badani wykazujący duże nasilenie lęku-cechy (powyżej 7,5 stena) uzyskiwali po rehabilitacji zwiększenie siły mięśni przywodzicieli stawu biodrowego i prostowników stawu kolanowego, oraz poprawę w teście leg press operowanej kończyny dolnej. Wnioski: Zwiększona predyspozycja do reagowania lękiem może być przyczyną gorszych wyników rehabilitacji pacjentów po operacyjnej rekonstrukcji więzadła krzyżowego przedniego. W przypadku pacjentów o nasilonym lęku, rehabilitowanych po operacyjnej rekonstrukcji więzadła krzyżowego przedniego, należy rozważyć zastosowanie indywidualnego programu rehabilitacji, uwzględniającego psychoterapię.Background: The rupture of the anterior cruciate ligament (ACL) constitutes the third most frequent ligament injury of the knee joint. The approach involves its reconstruction and post-operational rehabilitation. The results of treatment are evaluated on the basis of, among other things, orthopaedic tests, tests of muscle strength and circumference measurements when compared to the other leg. The clinical state of the ligament is not always in accordance with the patient’s perceptions as to their state of health. An influence on the self evaluation of health on the part of the patient is brought about by, among other things, an intensification in fear and anxiety. Objective: An evaluation of the influence of a predisposition for an anxiety reaction on the effectiveness of rehabilitation, evaluated in relation to the measurement of muscle strength, following operational treatment of the injured ACL. Materials and Methods: 201 patients (113 women and 88 men) were tested who had a diagnosed of the ACL injury. All the patients were subjected to a reconstruction of the ACL as well as a period of six months of rehabilitation treatment. The STAI questionnaire was used in the evaluation of the trait-anxiety prior to the operational procedure, while twice a dynamometer was used in the testing of muscle strength (a week before and six months after the operation). Results: Those patients displaying a small intensification in trait-anxiety (lower than 3.5) significantly more often than those patients displaying a large intensification in trait-anxiety (over 7.5) gained increased muscle strength following rehabilitation of the hip joint adductor and the extensors of the knee joint, as well as an improvement in the leg press test of the lower limb operated on. Conclusions: An increased predisposition for an anxiety reaction may be the reason for poorer rehabilitation results in patients following an operational reconstruction of the ACL. It may be necessary in the case of patients undergoing rehabilitation after an operational reconstruction of the ACL and who display an intensive anxiety of the said to consider the application of an individual programme of rehabilitation, one incorporating elements of psychotherapy

    Influenza season - is there anything to worry about?

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    Influenza (the flu) is an acute infectious disease caused by viruses of the Orthomyxoviridae family, causing a wide variety of symptoms in humans, ranging from mildly disturbing daily activities to life-threatening pneumonia, depending on the state of their immune system. The annual increase in the incidence of this disease is called "the flu season", which is a periodic epidemic that affects people all around the world. Despite the individual, economic and epidemiological risks associated with infection with the influenza virus, the disease is often underestimated by people. The aim of this study was to present influenza as a threat to the health of individuals and society by describing the pathomechanisms of its formation and spread, available diagnostic and therapeutic options, as well as annual vaccinations as the most effective method of disease prevention. The current publications available in online scientific databases from many countries around the world were reviewed. Despite the large number of widely available research results on influenza, it is necessary to update them every year, as well as vaccines against this disease, to popularize knowledge about it, which will enable more effective epidemiological control of influenza

    Small intestinal bacterial overgrowth - small intestine, big struggle

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    The gut microbiota plays an important role in the proper functioning of the human body. The microbes present in the intestines are important for the correct functioning of the digestive tract as well as other, often distant, organs of the human body. Unfavorable conditions may lead to an imbalance of intestinal microorganisms, leading to unfavorable consequences. Under physiological conditions, the large intestine is inhabited by a significant amount of bacteria, while the small intestine contains only a small amount of them. The appearance of pathological conditions in the gastrointestinal tract may lead to the colonization of the small intestine by an excessive amount of bacteria, which, in combination with gastrointestinal symptoms, is called small intestinal bacterial overgrowth. The most common symptoms associated with this disease are abdominal pain, diarrhea, and gas. It is difficult to diagnose this disease due to the lack of specific symptoms and imperfect diagnostic methods. The highest quality test is the microbiological test, however, due to the invasiveness of the method and the difficulties with precise collection of the material, less invasive tests are used, primarily the hydrogen breath test. The mainstay of treatment of bacterial overgrowth is antibiotic therapy, which aims to reduce the amount of bacteria to the extent that the patient does not feel the disease. It is also important to eat a diet rich in fiber and low in fermenting oligo-, di- and monosaccharides and polyols. Patients with the small intestinal bacterial overgrowth rarely develop symptoms of a severe course of the disease, however, due to the unpleasant symptoms and relatively easy treatment methods, the disease should be included in the differential diagnosis in people with risk factors and present symptoms

    Test Results Management System Complementing the tmt Tool

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    Diplomová práca sa zoberá oblasťou testovania softvéru, presnejšie témou správy výsledkov testov. Cieľom práce je nájdenie, nastavenie a implementácia systému dopĺňajúceho chýbajúcu funkcionalitu nástroja TMT, ktorý má v spoločnosti Red Hat nahradiť nástroj Nitrate ako systému pre správu testov a ich výsledkov. Obsahom tejto práce je základné predstavenie nástrojov Nitrate, TMT a technológií používaných v spoločnosti Red Hat. Ďalej je v~práci predstavený súčasný stav testovacej infraštruktúry a zozbierané požiadavky užívateľov na nový systém pre správu výsledkov testov. Následne je predstavený nástroj ReportPortal ako systém pre správu výsledkov testov a definovaná  chýbajúca funkcionalita. Zvyšok práce sa venuje samotnému nastaveniu systému a implementácii chýbajúcej funkcionality spolu s implementáciou infraštruktúry potrebnej na importovanie výsledkov testovania do ReportPortalu. V práci je taktiež popísaný spôsob nasadenia systému do užívania a spätná väzba od užívateľov. Nasadený systém je vyhodnotený a sú diskutované jeho ďalšie možnosti rozšírenia.This diploma thesis deals with the area of software testing, more precisely with the topic of managing test results. The aim of this work is to find, set up and implement a system that complements the missing functionality of the TMT tool, which is going to replace the Nitrate tool in Red Hat as a test management system. The content of this work is a basic introduction to the tools Nitrate, TMT and other technologies used in Red Hat. Furthermore, the work presents the current state of the test infrastructure and collected user requirements for a new system for managing test results. Subsequently, the ReportPortal tool is introduced as a system for test results management and the missing functionality is defined. The rest of the work is devoted to setting up the system itself and implementing the missing functionality, along with implementing the infrastructure needed to import test results into ReportPortal. The work describes the method of deploying the system in use and feedback from users. The deployed system is evaluated and its further possible improvements are discussed.

    Turismo embarcado: uma oportunidade educativa ambiental vinculada ao turismo na Área de Proteção Ambiental (APA) do Anhatomirim, Santa Catarina.

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    TCC(graduação) - Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina. Centro de Ciências Biológicas. Biologia.O presente trabalho buscou entender a dinâmica de funcionamento que envolve a atividade dos condutores ambientais atuantes nas embarcações turísticas operantes na Área de Proteção Ambiental do Anhatomirim (APAA). Esta que é uma unidade de conservação marinho-costeira criada no ano de 1992, compreendendo uma área de 4.750 hectares situada entre a baía norte da Ilha de Florianópolis e o município de Governador Celso Ramos, em Santa Catarina. O turismo realizado a bordo das escunas no local transcende a data de criação da APAA e, todos os anos, atrai visitantes de diversas nacionalidades procurando pela contemplação do patrimônio natural, cultural e histórico da região. Tal modalidade de turismo oferece também a possibilidade de observação de cetáceos durante o percurso. Entretanto, a atividade representa potenciais impactos para a espécie bandeira da referida unidade de conservação, o boto-cinza (Sotalia guianensis; Van Beneden, 1864). Uma forma de tornar o passeio mais proveitoso, no que se refere à conservação ambiental, consiste em refletir, tanto sobre as potencialidades educativas proporcionadas por esta modalidade de turismo, quanto sobre a qualidade de informações apresentada aos visitantes em relação à APAA e seus objetivos de criação. Considerando o intenso fluxo dessas embarcações turísticas em um ambiente com alto valor de conservação, cuja dinâmica proporciona uma série de oportunidades didáticas para trabalhar a Educação e a Interpretação Ambiental, é esperado pelo órgão gestor da APAA, que esses condutores contemplem em seu discurso, apresentado aos visitantes, informações sobre a importância da APAA e seus eixos de conservação. Diante desse cenário, buscou-se compreender qual o papel da gestão do Instituto Chico Mendes de Conservação da Biodiversidade (ICMBio) sobre a capacitação desses condutores compilando o material didático disponibilizado às três edições dos cursos de capacitação; identificar o perfil das pessoas que atuam como condutores ambientais na APAA, e como essas pessoas percebem sua atividade, através da análise de questionários; observar quais informações estão sendo trabalhadas a bordo e de que forma as oportunidades proporcionadas pelo passeio estão sendo, ou não, aproveitadas pelos condutores ambientais por meio de visitas técnicas em 10 de 22 embarcações habilitadas. Com isso, foi percebido que a informação ambiental não está chegando aos visitantes com qualidade, devido às limitações impostas pela dinâmica vigente do passeio que sobrecarrega os condutores com outras funções, que não, informar os visitantes. E foram explicitadas sugestões de alterações na estrutura da atividade visando mitigar tais efeitos

    VEXAS syndrome — long recognised, recently named

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    VEXAS syndrome was first described in 2020. It is a syndrome of autoimmune and haematological manifestations and is caused by a somatic mutation of the UBA1 gene of bone marrow progenitor cells. This mutation results in abnormal protein ubiquitination and systemic inflammatory process. The main symptoms of the syndrome include recurrent fever, polychondritis, neutrophilic dermatosis, vasculitis, ophthalmic and haematological manifestations with myelodysplastic syndrome. The treatment of VEXAS syndrome has proven to be effective with high-dose corticosteroids, monoclonal antibodies directed against interleukin 1, interleukin 6, tyrosine kinase inhibitors — JAK inhibitors and allogeneic haematopoietic stem-cell transplantation. The prognosis is unfavourable, many patients do not improve after treatment and die