69 research outputs found

    ModĂ©lisation dynamo des cycles d’activitĂ© stellaire

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    Des dĂ©cennies d’observation ont permis d’obtenir diffĂ©rentes relations liĂ©es Ă  l’activitĂ© stellaire. Cependant, il est difficile de reproduire numĂ©riquement celles-ci Ă  partir de modĂšles dynamo, puisqu’il n’y a pas de consensus sur le processus rĂ©ellement prĂ©sent dans les Ă©toiles. Nous tentons de reproduire certaines de ces relations avec un modĂšle global 3D hydrodynamique qui nous fournit le profil de rotation diffĂ©rentielle et le tenseur-α utilisĂ©s en entrĂ©e dans un modĂšle de dynamo αΩ. Nous reproduisons ainsi efficacement la corrĂ©lation positive entre le rapport P_cyc⁄P_rot et P_rot^(-1). Par contre, nous Ă©chouons Ă  reproduire les relations liant ω_cyc⁄Ω et l’énergie magnĂ©tique au nombre de Rossby. Cela laisse croire que la variation de P_cyc⁄P_rot avec la pĂ©riode de rotation est une caractĂ©ristique robuste du modĂšle αΩ, mais que l’effet-α ne serait pas le processus principal limitant l’amplitude du cycle. Cette saturation dĂ©coulerait plutĂŽt de la rĂ©action magnĂ©tique sur l’écoulement Ă  grande Ă©chelle.Decades of stellar observations established various relationships related to stellar activity cycles. However, these are difficult to numerically reproduce using dynamo models, since flows important for dynamo action cannot be measured in stars other than the Sun. We model these relationships by extracting the differential rotation profile and the α-tensor from a global 3D hydrodynamical simulation and use them as an input into a αΩ dynamo model. We succeed in reproducing the observed positive correlation between the ratio P_cyc⁄P_rot and P_rot^(-1). On the other hand, we fail to do so for the relationship linking ω_cyc⁄Ω and the magnetic energy to the Rossby number. This indicates that the variation of P_cyc⁄P_rot with the rotation period is a robust feature of the αΩ model, but that the α-effect is probably not the main process limiting cycle amplitude. This saturation is most likely related to the magnetic backreaction on large-scale flows

    De l'évolution du motif de discrimination illicite "handicap" compris à l'article 10 de la Charte québécoise aux différentes tendances et perspectives de la conception dualiste de cette expression

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    RĂ©sumĂ©: En 1978, le lĂ©gislateur quĂ©bĂ©cois introduisit dans l'article 10 de la Charte quĂ©bĂ©coise un nouveau motif de discrimination, celui de "personne handicapĂ©e". Le fait d'ĂȘtre une personne handicapĂ©e allait enfin permettre Ă  ceux qui rĂ©pondaient aux critĂšres de l'article lg) de la Loi assurant l'exercice des droits des personnes handicapĂ©es d'ĂȘtre protĂ©gĂ©s contre ce type de discrimination. En 1983, le lĂ©gislateur amenda la Charte quĂ©bĂ©coise pour substituer la notion de "handicap" Ă  celle de "personne handicapĂ©e". Toutefois, il ne prĂ©cisa pas ce qu'il entendait par cette expression. Comment peut-on dĂ©finir le "handicap"? Ce travail rĂ©pond Ă  cette question et Ă  d'autres qui concernent cette terminologie et son Ă©volution. L'auteure analyse d'abord les prĂ©mices des expressions "personne handicapĂ©e" et "handicap". Elle aborde ensuite une dĂ©cision de la Cour supĂ©rieure afin d'exposer et de critiquer les diffĂ©rentes positions qui s'affrontent prĂ©sentement au Tribunal des droits de la personne concernant l'expression "handicap". Elle propose, pour terminer, une dĂ©finition de cette notion en dĂ©montrant que le concept de handicap repose essentiellement sur un traitement social des caractĂ©ristiques individuelles.||Abstract: ln 1978, the Quebec legislator introduced a new concept within article 10 of Quebec Charter: "handicapped person". The fact that you were a handicapped person would finally allow those meeting the criterias listed in article 1g) of the legislation guaranteeing rights to handicapped person, to be protected againts any types of discrimination. In 1983, the legislator amended the Quebec Charter to substitute the notion of "handicap" to "handicappped person". However, this expression was not defined. How can one define "handicap"? Who'can profit from the protection of this notion? This thesis answers these questions and others concerning this terminology and its evolution. The autor first analyses premisses related to the expressions "handicapped persons" and "handicap". Then she tackles a Superior court affair in order to expose and criticize different positions presently dealt with at the Persons Rights Tribunal and its also related to the expression "handicap". At the end, she proposes a definition of this notion in demonstrating that the concept of handicap is based essentially on the social perception of individual characteristics

    Impacts des emprises de lignes électriques sur la végétation des tourbiÚres

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    Les infrastructures linĂ©aires sont reconnues pour faciliter la dispersion de plantes indĂ©sirables dans leur emprise et les habitats adjacents. Toutefois, les impacts des emprises de lignes Ă©lectriques ont Ă©tĂ© peu Ă©tudiĂ©s, particuliĂšrement en milieux humides. Cette Ă©tude a examinĂ© la vĂ©gĂ©tation des emprises de lignes Ă©lectriques et de leurs habitats adjacents dans 23 tourbiĂšres ombrotrophes (bogs) et 11 minĂ©rotrophes (fens). Dans les fens, la dispersion des espĂšces indĂ©sirables est facilitĂ©e le long des emprises et certaines espĂšces peuvent se propager Ă  plus de 43 m dans les habitats adjacents. Au contraire, ces infrastructures ne semblent pas favoriser la dispersion des espĂšces indĂ©sirables dans les bogs puisque leur prĂ©sence Ă©tait limitĂ©e Ă  la marge des sites et Ă©tait nĂ©gligeable dans les habitats tourbeux adjacents. Finalement, les caractĂ©ristiques intrinsĂšques des tourbiĂšres, telles leur degrĂ© de minĂ©rotrophie (bog ou fen) et leur structure vĂ©gĂ©tale (tourbiĂšre ouverte, semi-forestiĂšre ou forestiĂšre) semblent grandement influencer l’envahissement.Linear infrastructures are known to facilitate the spread of undesirable plants within their right-of-way (ROW) as well as in adjacent habitats. However, the impacts of power-lines ROWs have been weakly studied, particularly in wetlands. This study examined the vegetation of 23 ombrotrophic (bogs) and 11 minerotrophic (fens) peatlands intersected by a power-line ROW. The results showed that the spread of undesirable species along the feature is possible in fens and that some of those species could disperse into the adjacent habitat to more than 43 m from the ROW. Inversely, those features seemed to be inefficient dispersal vectors in bogs, because undesirable species were restricted to the bog margin in the ROW, and almost none dispersed in the adjacent habitats. Finally, intrinsic characteristics of peatlands, such as their degree of minerotrophy (bog or fen) and their vegetation type (open, semiforested or wooded peatland) seem to be important factors influencing invasion

    Unusual duplication of the insulin-like receptor in the crustacean Daphnia pulex

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    Background: The insulin signaling pathway (ISP) has a key role in major physiological events like carbohydrate metabolism and growth regulation. The ISP has been well described in vertebrates and in a few invertebrate model organisms but remains largely unexplored in non-model invertebrates. This study is the first detailed genomic study of this pathway in a crustacean species, Daphnia pulex. Results: The Daphnia pulex draft genome sequence assembly was scanned for major components of the ISP with a special attention to the insulin-like receptor. Twenty three putative genes are reported. The pathway appears to be generally well conserved as genes found in other invertebrates are present. Major findings include a lower number of insulin-like peptides in Daphnia as compared to other invertebrates and the presence of multiple insulin-like receptors (InR), with four genes as opposed to a single one in other invertebrates. Genes encoding for the Dappu_InR are likely the result of three duplication events and bear some unusual features. Dappu_InR-4 has undergone extensive evolutionary divergence and lacks the conserved site of the catalytic domain of the receptor tyrosine kinase. Dappu_InR-1 has a large insert and lacks the transmembranal domain in the b-subunit. This domain is also absent in Dappu_InR-3. Dappu_InR-2 is characterized by the absence of the cystein-rich region. Real-time q-PCR confirmed the expression of all four receptors. EST analyses of cDNA libraries revealed that the four receptors were differently expressed under various conditions. Conclusions: Duplications of the insulin receptor genes might represent an important evolutionary innovation in Daphnia as they are known to exhibit extensive phenotypic plasticity in body size and in the size of defensive structures in response to predation

    Epidemiological and evolutionary inference of the transmission network of the 2014 highly pathogenic Avian Influenza H5N2 outbreak in British Columbia, Canada

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    The first North American outbreak of highly pathogenic avian influenza (HPAI) involving a virus of Eurasian A/goose/Guangdong/1/1996 (H5N1) lineage began in the Fraser Valley of British Columbia, Canada in late November 2014. A total of 11 commercial and 1 non-commercial (backyard) operations were infected before the outbreak was terminated. Control measures included movement restrictions that were placed on a total of 404 individual premises, 150 of which were located within a 3 km radius of an infected premise(s) (IP). A complete epidemiological investigation revealed that the source of this HPAI H5N2 virus for 4 of the commercial IPs and the single non-commercial IP likely involved indirect contact with wild birds. Three IPs were associated with the movement of birds or service providers and localized/environmental spread was suspected as the source of infection for the remaining 4 IPs. Viral phylogenies, as determined by Bayesian Inference and Maximum Likelihood methods, were used to validate the epidemiologically inferred transmission network. The phylogenetic clustering of concatenated viral genomes and the median-joining phylogenetic network of the viruses supported, for the most part, the transmission network that was inferred by the epidemiologic analysis

    Ecology, Biology and Genetics of <em>Millepora</em> Hydrocorals on Coral Reefs

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    Coral reefs are one of the most productive and diverse ecosystems on Earth. However, climate warming is occurring at an unprecedented rate and has negatively affected coral reefs worldwide. Evaluating the life history of reef-building species carries important implications for coral reef conservation. This chapter examines the taxonomy, biogeography, ecology, symbiosis, morphology and reproductive biology of Millepora hydrocorals, an important but relatively unstudied component of coral reefs. An emphasis is also placed on the influence of variable reef environments on Millepora life history traits, providing a fascinating opportunity to study the interplay between ecology and evolution. Special attention is given to ecological and evolutionary benefits of asexual versus sexual reproduction in the maintenance of genetic and phenotypic diversity. Lastly, this chapter discusses whether life-history strategies of Millepora hydrocorals and tolerance to different stressors can influence their ability to adapt and survive to future climate change, and other natural and anthropogenic disturbances

    Eliciting Awe in the Spectator: The Case of a Dhrupad-Based Dance Performance

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    This paper describes “Kalos, eüdos, skopeün,” an immersive Dhrupad-based dance installation designed to elicit feelings of awe in the spectators, in a real-life artistic context. This study used a mixed-methods approach in order to explore spectators’ awe experience (N=45), using specific scales and interpretative phenomenological analysis. Results suggested that “Kalos, eüdos, skopeün,” with its combination of nature motifs and the slow dance-walk associated with the Dhrupad music in the choreography, was able to produce awe-related moments in some spectators and inspire a degree of positive emotions. Our qualitative results viewed awe explicitly as a positive emotion and showed that generally the spectator narratives, involving the whole performance, were based on modified states of consciousness. Three themes emerged: the main theme is “A rich experience of modified states of consciousness” involving the whole performance, and two interconnected sub-themes “Captivated by the slowness of the dancers” associated with the slow movement and “I can still hear the mantra in my head” in rapport with Dhrupad music. This study was carried out as part of the Canadian FRQSC/FCI Project (2019-RC2-260306)

    Eliciting Awe in the Spectator: The Case of a Dhrupad-Based Dance Performance

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    This paper describes “Kalos, eüdos, skopeün,” an immersive Dhrupad-based dance installation designed to elicit feelings of awe in the spectators, in a real-life artistic context. This study used a mixed-methods approach in order to explore spectators’ awe experience (N=45), using specific scales and interpretative phenomenological analysis. Results suggested that “Kalos, eüdos, skopeün,” with its combination of nature motifs and the slow dance-walk associated with the Dhrupad music in the choreography, was able to produce awe-related moments in some spectators and inspire a degree of positive emotions. Our qualitative results viewed awe explicitly as a positive emotion and showed that generally the spectator narratives, involving the whole performance, were based on modified states of consciousness. Three themes emerged: the main theme is “A rich experience of modified states of consciousness” involving the whole performance, and two interconnected sub-themes “Captivated by the slowness of the dancers” associated with the slow movement and “I can still hear the mantra in my head” in rapport with Dhrupad music. This study was carried out as part of the Canadian FRQSC/FCI Project (2019-RC2-260306)
