604 research outputs found

    LEF1-AS1, long non-coding RNA, inhibits proliferation in myeloid malignancy

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    LEF1 antisense RNA 1 (LEF1-AS1) is an antisense long non-coding RNA encoded in the lymphoid enhancer-binding factor 1 (LEF1) locus. LEF1-AS1 is a conserved transcript dysregulated in hematopoiesis. This study aimed to functionally characterize the role of this transcript in myeloid malignancy and explore a possible regulatory effect of LEF1-AS1 upon LEF1. We show that LEF1-AS1 is highly expressed in normal hematopoietic stem cells but barely detectable in myeloid malignant cell lines. Additionally, bone marrow cells from myelodysplastic syndrome (n=12) and acute myeloid malignancy patients (n=28) expressed significantly reduced levels of LEF1-AS1 compared to healthy controls (n=15). Artificial LEF1-AS1 over-expression inhibited proliferation in HL60 and led to an upregulation of tumor suppressors p21 and p27, and reduced ERK1/2 activation. Unexpectedly, no underlying modulation of LEF1 was detected. Ectopic expression of LEF1-AS1 also inhibited proliferation in HELA, a cell line lacking endogenous expression of LEF1, supporting a LEF1-independent mechanism. Additionally, transient over-expression of LEF1-AS1 in AML patient cells also led to reduced proliferation and colony formation capacity. We used a mass spectrometry-based proteomics approach. Proteomic quantification identified the modulation of an important metabolic regulator, Fumarase, and concomitant accumulation of the metabolite fumarate23430213025FAPESP – Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa Do Estado De São Paulo2013/17227-

    ANKHD1 regulates cell cycle progression and proliferation in multiple myeloma cells

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    ANKHD1 is a multiple ankyrin repeat containing protein, highly expressed in cancers, such as acute leukemia. the present study was undertaken to determine the expression and functional significance of ANKHD1 in human Multiple Myeloma (MM). We found that ANKHD1 is highly expressed in MM patient cells and cell lines. in vitro, lentiviral mediated ANKHD1-shRNA inhibited proliferation and delayed S to G2M cell cycle progression in glucocorticoid resistant (U266) and sensitive (MM1S) MM cells. Further ANKHD1 silencing resulted in upregulation of cyclin dependent kinase inhibitor p21 irrespective of the p53 status of the MM cell lines. These data suggest that ANKHD1 might have a role in MM cell proliferation and cell cycle progression by regulating expression of p21. (C) 2012 Federation of European Biochemical Societies. Published by Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.Instituto Nacional de Ciencia e Tecnologia do Sangue(INCTS)Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)Univ Campinas Hemoctr Unicamp, Hematol & Hemotherapy Ctr, Inst Nacl Ciencia & Tecnol Sangue, São Paulo, BrazilUniversidade Federal de São Paulo, Dept Biol Sci, São Paulo, BrazilUniversidade Federal de São Paulo, Dept Biol Sci, São Paulo, BrazilWeb of Scienc

    Meio Ambiente e natureza ao serviço do capital corporativo transnacional

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    This research article reviews the environmental regulation in the international context and its impact on the Colombian State, pointing out that it can not be guaranteed by it insofar as the neoliberal economic and political model assigns a role to the States in the that these are guarantors of private property rights when claiming the natural resources of national and multinational corporations It is observed that the Social Rule of Law does not guarantee the right to a healthy environment because its purpose is to guarantee the generation of surplus value for corporate capital that common goods claim through neo-extractivism.En este artículo de investigación se reseña la regulación ambiental en el marco  internacional y su incidencia en el Estado colombiano, señalando que no puede ser garantizada por éste en la medida en que el modelo económico y político neoliberal le asigna un papel a los Estados en el que estos son garantes de los derechos de propiedad privada a la hora de reclamar los recursos naturales de las corporaciones nacionales y multinacionales. Así como: el Estado Social de Derecho, no garantiza el derecho a un medio ambiente sano porque su fin es el de garantizar la generación de plusvalía para el capital corporativo que reclaman los bienes comunes a través del neo-extractivismo.Neste artigo de pesquisa revisa-se  a regulamentação ambiental no contexto internacional e seu impacto no Estado colombiano. Se mostra que este último   não a pode garantir, na medida em que o modelo econômico e político neoliberal atribui um papel aos Estados em que são garantes dos direitos de propriedade privada na hora de reclarmar  os recursos naturais das corporações nacionais e multinacionais.  Assim como o  Estado Social de Direito, não garante o direito a um ambiente saudável, porque seu objetivo é garantir a geração de mais-valias, para o capital corporativo que reclama os bens comuns  através do neoextrativismo

    Interação no ciberespaço e formação de professores: análise da sala de interação virtual do programa escola de gestores na Universidade Federal de Ouro Preto

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    This paper analyzes the Virtual Interaction Room to the mediation process and pedagogical supervision in the Programa Escola de Gestores (PNEG) at the Federal University of Ouro Preto (UFOP). It is one of the results of a research carried out with the program's team, whose objective was to evaluate how their teaching knowledge is mobilized. 26 professionals that worked in the program from 2013 to 2015 were interviewed. Content analysis was assisted by NVivo®, a software used in qualitative research. The results indicate that the Virtual Interaction Room is a space that promotes successive rounds of interactions with other team members, contributing to the implementation of actions in cyberspace. Este artículo analiza la contribución de la Sala de Interacción Virtual para el proceso de mediación y supervisión del trabajo pedagógico en el Programa Nacional Escola de Gestores (PNEG), en la Universidad Federal de Ouro Preto (UFOP). Uno de los resultados de una investigacíon realizada con el equipo de formación del programa, cuyo objetivo fue evaluar cómo los conocimientos docentes del equipo de formadores son movilizados y se contribuyen a la conformación de un saber polidocente, fueron entrevistados 26 profesionales del equipo polidocente que actuaron en el PNEG, de 2013 a 2015. El análisis de contenido fue asistido por el software NVivo®. Los resultados indican que la Sala de Interacción promueve sucesivas rondas de intercambios entre el equipo, contribuyendo a la implementación de las acciones de formación en el ciberespacio. Este artigo analisa a contribuição da Sala de Interação Virtual para o processo de mediação e supervisão do trabalho pedagógico no Programa Nacional Escola de Gestores (PNEG), na Universidade Federal de Ouro Preto (UFOP). É um dos resultados de uma pesquisa realizada com a equipe de formação do programa, cujo objetivo foi avaliar como os saberes docentes da equipe de formadores são mobilizados e se contribuem para a conformação de um saber polidocente; foram entrevistados 26 profissionais da equipe polidocente que atuaram no programa no período de 2013 a 2015. A análise de conteúdo foi assistida pelo software NVivo®. Os resultados indicam que a Sala de Interação Virtual é um espaço que promove rodadas de interações e trocas com outras pessoas da equipe, contribuindo para a implementação das ações de formação no ciberespaço.

    Construction and characterization of recombinant flaviviruses bearing insertions between E and NS1 genes

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>The yellow fever virus, a member of the genus <it>Flavivirus</it>, is an arthropod-borne pathogen causing severe disease in humans. The attenuated yellow fever 17D virus strain has been used for human vaccination for 70 years and has several characteristics that are desirable for the development of new, live attenuated vaccines. We described here a methodology to construct a viable, and immunogenic recombinant yellow fever 17D virus expressing a green fluorescent protein variant (EGFP). This approach took into account the presence of functional motifs and amino acid sequence conservation flanking the E and NS1 intergenic region to duplicate and fuse them to the exogenous gene and thereby allow the correct processing of the viral polyprotein precursor.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>YF 17D EGFP recombinant virus was grew in Vero cells and reached a peak titer of approximately 6.45 ± 0.4 log10 PFU/mL at 96 hours post-infection. Immunoprecipitation and confocal laser scanning microscopy demonstrated the expression of the EGFP, which was retained in the endoplasmic reticulum and not secreted from infected cells. The association with the ER compartment did not interfere with YF assembly, since the recombinant virus was fully competent to replicate and exit the cell. This virus was genetically stable up to the tenth serial passage in Vero cells. The recombinant virus was capable to elicit a neutralizing antibody response to YF and antibodies to EGFP as evidenced by an ELISA test. The applicability of this cloning strategy to clone gene foreign sequences in other flavivirus genomes was demonstrated by the construction of a chimeric recombinant YF 17D/DEN4 virus.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>This system is likely to be useful for a broader live attenuated YF 17D virus-based vaccine development for human diseases. Moreover, insertion of foreign genes into the flavivirus genome may also allow <it>in vivo </it>studies on flavivirus cell and tissue tropism as well as cellular processes related to flavivirus infection.</p

    Desenvolvimento e acúmulo de macronutrientes em plantas de milho biofertilizadas com manipueira.

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    Objetivou-se, neste estudo, avaliar o desenvolvimento vegetativo e o acúmulo de macronutrientes em plantas de milho submetidas às doses de manipueira. O experimento foi conduzido em ambiente protegido no período de março a maio de 2011. O delineamento experimental foi inteiramente casualizado em esquema fatorial 2 (tipos de solo: franco-arenoso e franco-argiloso) × 4 (doses de manipueira: 0; 11,2; 22,4 e 44,8 m3 ha-1), com oito repetições. As variáveis analisadas foram: altura das plantas, diâmetro de colmos, número de folhas, matéria fresca e matéria seca da parte aérea das plantas e teores de N, P, K, Ca e Mg no tecido foliar. O aumento das doses de manipueira elevou o conteúdo de massa fresca, o teor de nitrogênio e potássio da parte aérea das plantas, mas diminuiu a altura das plantas e o teor de magnésio na parte aérea das plantas. Os acréscimos de matéria seca e de cálcio na parte aérea das plantas foram maiores no solo franco-arenoso

    Structural and Luminescence Properties of Silica-Based Hybrids Containing New Silylated-Diketonato Europium(III) Complex

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    A new betadiketonate ligand displaying a trimethoxysilyl group as grafting function and a diketone moiety as complexing site (TTA-Si = 4,4,4-trifluoro-2-(3-trimethoxysilyl)propyl)-1-3-butanedione (C4H3S)COCH[(CH2)3Si(OCH3)3]COCF3) and its highly luminescent europium(III) complex [Eu(TTA-Si)3] have been synthesized and fully characterized. Luminescent silica-based hybrids have been prepared as well with this new complex grafted on the surface of dense silica nanoparticles (28 (+/-3 nm) or on mesoporous silica particles. The covalent bonding of Eu(TTA-Si)3 inside the core of uniform silica nanoparticles (40 (+/- 5 nm) was also achieved. Luminescence properties are discussed in relation to the europium chemical environment involved in each of the three hybrids. The general methodology proposed allowed high grafting ratios and overcame chelate release and tendency to agglomeration, and it could be applied to any silica matrix (in the core or at the surface, nanosized or not, dense or mesoporous) and therefore numerous applications such as luminescent markers and luminophors could be foreseen

    Structural signatures of water-soluble organic aerosols in contrasting environments in South America and Western Europe

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    This study describes and compares the key structural units present in water-soluble organic carbon (WSOC) fraction of atmospheric aerosols collected in different South American (Colombia – Medellín and Bogotá, Peru – Lima, Argentina – Buenos Aires, and Brazil – Rio de Janeiro, São Paulo, and Porto Velho, during moderate (MBB) and intense (IBB) biomass burning) and Western European (Portugal – Aveiro and Lisbon) locations. Proton nuclear magnetic resonance (1H NMR) spectroscopy was employed to assess the relative distribution of non-exchangeable proton functional groups in aerosol WSOC of diverse origin, for the first time to the authors’ knowledge in South America. The relative contribution of the proton functional groups was in the order H-C > H–C–C= > H-C-O > Ar-H, except in Porto Velho during MBB, Medellín, Bogotá, and Buenos Aires, for which the relative contribution of H-C-O was higher than that of H-C-C=. The 1H NMR source attribution confirmed differences in aging processes or regional sources between the two geographic regions, allowing the differentiation between urban combustion-related aerosol and biological particles. The aerosol WSOC in Aveiro, Lisbon, and Rio de Janeiro during summer are more oxidized than those from the remaining locations, indicating the predominance of secondary organic aerosols. Fresh emissions, namely of smoke particles, becomes important during winter in Aveiro and São Paulo, and in Porto Velho during IBB. The biosphere is an important source altering the chemical composition of aerosol WSOC in South America locations. The source attribution in Medellín, Bogotá, Buenos Aires, and Lima confirmed the mixed contributions of biological material, secondary formation, as well as urban and biomass burning emissions. Overall, the information and knowledge acquired in this study provide important diagnostic tools for future studies aiming at understanding the water-soluble organic aerosol problem, their sources and impact at a wider geographic scale.Fil: Duarte, Regina M.B.O.. Universidade de Aveiro; PortugalFil: Matos, João T.V.. Universidade de Aveiro; PortugalFil: Paula, Andreia S.. Universidade de Aveiro; PortugalFil: Lopes, Sónia P.. Universidade de Aveiro; PortugalFil: Pereira, Guilherme. Universidade de Sao Paulo; BrasilFil: Vasconcellos, Pérola. Universidade de Sao Paulo; BrasilFil: Gioda, Adriana. Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro; BrasilFil: Carreira, Renato. Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro; BrasilFil: Silva, Artur M.S.. Universidade de Aveiro; PortugalFil: Duarte, Armando C.. Universidade de Aveiro; PortugalFil: Smichowski, Patricia Nora. Comisión Nacional de Energía Atómica; Argentina. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas; ArgentinaFil: Rojas, Nestor. Universidad Nacional de Colombia; ColombiaFil: Sanchez Ccoyllo, Odon. No especifíca

    Estudo do complexo valvar atrioventricular cardíaco esquerdo em búfalos (Bubalus bubalis) da raça Jafarabadi

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    Atrioventricular valve complex of 30 Jafarabadi water buffaloes, adult males were studied in this research with no heart diseases. The animals were obtained from a slaughterhouse in Brazilian State of Parana. The hearts were opened at the third portion affording access to the valve complex. The complexes had its area, number and type of tendinous cords submitted to analysis. The results showed that the complex is composed by two cusps and four accessory cusps, two or three papillary muscles in which 10-25 tendinous cords fix on the cusps that face the ventricle wall. The total area of the complex was on average 38.56cm², with a minimum of 24.96cm² and a maximum of 55.54cm². Statistically, no relation between the number of cords and the cusps' area where they are inserted or with the number of papillary muscle where they originated from was observed.Foram estudados os complexos valvares atrioventricular esquerdo de 30 búfalos da raça Jafarabadi, machos e adultos, sem alterações cardíacas, provenientes de abatedouros do Estado do Paraná. Os corações foram examinados em seu terço médio para acesso ao complexo valvar, que foi submetido a estudos de área, número e tipificação de cordas tendíneas. Os resultados demonstram que este complexo é formado por duas cúspides principais e quatro cúspides acessórias, apresentam em sua formação de 2-3 músculos papilares, nos quais se inserem de 10-25 cordas tendíneas, que se fixam em cúspides voltadas para a parede do ventrículo. A área total deste complexo apresenta uma média de 38,56cm² com um mínimo de 24,96cm² e um máximo de 55,54cm². Estatisticamente não há relação entre número de cordas e a área da cúspide onde estas estão inseridas, nem com o número de músculos papilares dos quais elas provem
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