36 research outputs found

    Florestan Fernandes e os aspectos socio-históricos de uma integração híbrida no Brasil

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    Objetiva-se, neste texto, resgatar elementos da teoria sociológica utilizados por Florestan Fernandes para o estudo da sociedade brasileira, associando à explicação as especificidades do percurso histórico com os mecanismos ambíguos de inclusão social de seus membros. Trata-se de reconstruir interpretativamente o conceito sociológico de integração a partir da leitura imanente dos textos de Florestan Fernandes que abordam a questão da formação e desenvolvimento da sociedade brasileira. No exame das obras que tratam dos Tupinambá, dos Negros e da Revolução Burguesa, tem-se perceptível que, se no Brasil a ordem social foi mantida estável, apesar da exclusão e marginalização sistemática de grande parte de seus membros, isto se deve, segundo o autor, a um tipo especial de integração que operou e ainda opera entre os brasileiros, e que muito tem contribuído para impedir qualquer tipo de transformação ou revolução mais profunda da ordem social

    Systematic Review on the Theme of Sustainability in Industry 4.0

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    On the recent process of reflection on the values ​​of a based-on consumption society, the analyst put in check the global capacity to attend the demand for capital goods and consumption combined with the simultaneous quality of life. Sustainability, in turn, as a field of disputes, seeks to extend practices in the industrial environment as a carrier of dimensions beyond the environmental, and also seeks to present new paradigms of production and consumption for the creation of new industrial value, seeking to mitigate impacts and externalities of the production process, through sustainable development. This article proposes to understand that interactions can be established between the fourth industrial revolution and the dimensions of sustainability, presenting their characteristics and their interconnections in the literature search. Through a systematic review of the literature, using the PRISMA method, the leading publications on the levels of integrated technologies of the so-called Industry 4.0 that are related to the dimensions of sustainability and its main trends in the academic field were analyzed

    Formação em serviço social: articulação entre expressões da “questão social”, políticas sociais e território

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    O artigo, de maneira reflexiva, apoiado na bibliografia sobre o tema e na experiência docente no ensino superior, aponta para a diversidade de elementos que concorre para que, tanto no âmbito da formação, quanto na esfera da intervenção do Serviço Social, as vivências e experiências de estudantes estagiários em campo de estágio, sejam acompanhadas de uma leitura crítica com vistas à intervenção pertinente que busque, antes de tudo, compreender os nexos e os sentidos das relações sociais materializadas no território. A discussão é apresentada em três partes. No primeiro momento, discute-se o território como espaço de relações, portanto, além de seus limites puramente espaciais, naturais ou geográficos. Em seguida, aponta-se para alguns dos elementos contraditórios que emergem quando o território vivido separa ou é separado do território administrativo-legal. Por fim, discute-se como o processo da busca de compreensão do território impacta no processo de formação e, portanto, está intimamente relacionado ao processo de intervenção no campo do Serviço Social. Conclui-se afirmando que a complexidade que envolve a realidade social está presente de modo inelutável nas demandas da atualidade; e que esse encontro com fragilidades e potências explicitam as riquezas do processo formativo da e na profissão na contemporaneidade

    Contribution of Rural Non-Farm Enterprises to Buen Vivir in Protected Areas in the Amazon

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    Rural non-farm activities are adaptation strategies that local communities develop as socioeconomic alternatives for facing imposed restrictions in protected areas To highlight these strategies this study aimed to relate the socioeconomic variables of social agents SAs with their perceptions about the impact of rural non-farm enterprises RNFEns on the Buen Vivir of their community as residents of the Sustainable Development Reserve of Tup Manaus Amazonas In this exploratory research through semi-structured interviews and participatory observations the perceptions of the SAs about the dimensions of Buen Vivir Psychological Well-Being Time Use Community Vitality Culture Environment and others were evaluated and how these perceptions relate to the socioeconomic variables of the RNFEns In the perception of the SAs the RNFEns positively impact Buen Vivir in the dimensions with the strongest collective tendency and negatively in the dimensions with the strongest private tendency with pluriactivity being the explanatory variabl

    Culture, education and water resources management: a literature review highlighting new research opportunities

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    Given that water is a conditioning and irreplaceable element to the existence of life on Earth, equally present and future populations also depend on water to ensure their continuity and economic activities, biological and sociocultural factors that develop. Based on a review of the scientific literature available in EBSCO and Web of Science databases, this study aimed to investigate and discuss the existing relationships between culture and education in the context of water resources management. We conducted a systematic literature review technique in conjunction with a bibliometric analysis with the support of Rayyan, Microsoft Excel, and VOSviewer software. For the data collection, we evaluated the sample regarding the number of annual publications, the mapping of publications, and the relations network between the keywords created to identify new trends and a research agenda. The results highlighted the complexity of the relationship between culture, education, and water resources, revealing the need to deepen and advance research on the subject. In the analysis, we identified the need to consider man as the leading actor in a new structure in which education will be the leading mobilizer for constructing a new cultural perspective on water resource management

    Perception of the Vulnerability and the Resilience Status of Local Economic Enterprises: The Case Study of the Sao Joao Do Lago Do Tupe Community

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    The traditional inhabitants of the Amazon settled on the banks of the several rivers and streams that cut through the forest and from there they take their daily livelihood through hunting fishing and handicrafts made from the materials found around them The actions of protection preservation care and conservation are imperative to guarantee the survival of the place Especially when disruptive events affect the local balance such as the effects of climate change or the economic and health crises such as the COVID pandemic19 By restricting the movement of people to avoid contagion and the spread of the disease it also restricted the spectrum of daily activities for a good portion of the population which caused disruption in the system Based on semi-open interview techniques and direct observation of economic entrepreneurs the S o Jo o do Lago do Tup riverside community located in the Tup Development Reserve Manaus Amazonas the study aims to analyze the perception of the vulnerability of these enterprises in the market finance organization and cooperation dimensions and assess the state of resilience in the face of the adverse conditions that may reach the

    Big Data and IoT applications: the use of Information and Communication Technologies to obtain a competitive advantage

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    Currently, the search for a competitive advantage is a reality in all business sectors. While several reports in the literature that address this theme, only a few discuss the relationship between competitive advantages and the implementation of Information and Communication Technologies. Thus, in the present study, we sought to investigate how the application of emerging ICTs, such as the IoT and Big Data, can provide a competitive advantage to organizations. To achieve this goal, we conducted a qualitative bibliographic survey of the literature, to identify and analyze the presently available publications on the subject of ICTs and organizational management. Additionally, we defined the elements that corroborated the conceptual construction of the results. Based on the literature, we were able to demonstrate that organizations that utilize Big Data and IoT applications can gain a competitive advantage over their competitors

    Economic Crises and Pandemics: A Path to the Sustainability of Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises

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    The COVID-19 pandemic may have destabilized the functioning of Small and Medium-sized Enterprises SMEs in particular being the principal cause for their closure in almost every country worldwide Despite its specific current cause this problem is recurrent and it will continue to happen throughout history For such reason the main purpose of this research is to present a set of guidelines for implementing a Resilient Strategic Management Such procedures should help Small and Medium-Sized Companies to face situations of economic crises or pandemics in the future by consolidating alternatives for preparing for or mitigating risks This work is exploratory research based on literature and documents and it uses qualitative techniques for data collection and investigation The research addresses current issues that still need to be explored in the literature consolidating the concept of resilience in the context of the recent economic and pandemic crises As a result in the analysis carried out within the chosen theoretical framework the main impacts caused by economic crises and pandemics were identified and related to sustainable actions arising from the characteristics of resilience The strategic guidelines derived from the analysis undertaken in this study can serve as a basis for SMEs to mitigate the risks threats and vulnerabilities present in economic or pandemic crisis scenario

    A Agenda 2030 e o saneamento como indicador de sustentabilidade

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    O acesso ao fornecimento de água potável e às condições adequadas de saneamento faz parte da Agenda 2030 para o Desenvolvimento Sustentável. Visto como medida higienizadora do ambiente, capaz de torná-lo salubre, atendendo às necessidades humanas, o saneamento é um serviço que se presta a um público, a um coletivo, independente da natureza jurídica de sua organização. O objetivo do presente estudo é identificar o comportamento das principais variáveis que compõem o item saneamento em uma comunidade ribeirinha localizada em área ambientalmente protegida na Amazônia brasileira. Trata-se de estudo longitudinal, de natureza descritiva e ecológica, baseado em pesquisa de campo, com aplicação de questionários estruturados e observação direta. As condições de saneamento encontradas mostraram-se precárias ou minimamente garantidas. O uso disseminado de “fossas negras” para lançamento do esgoto e a dificuldade no abastecimento de água potável mostraram-se preocupantes, indicando a necessidade de alguma forma de intervenção que possa corrigir essa tendência. Conclui-se que a análise das condições de saneamento da comunidade, examinadas em escala temporal, permite a observação do comportamento das variáveis que compõem o indicador utilizado e, dessa forma, a detecção de riscos ou vulnerabilidades que podem, ao persistirem as tendências negativas encontradas, comprometer aspectos econômicos, sociais e ambientais que caracterizam a sustentabilidade daquelas comunidades