173 research outputs found

    The Byzantine apocalyptic tradition a fourteenth-century Serbian version of the Apocalypse of Anastasia

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    Early translations of the Apocalypse of Anastasia into Old Church Slavonic appear in several versions incorporated into miscellanies of the zbornik (collection) type. These texts belong to various genres of religious prose and are usually assembled in apocryphal collections about journeys to the other world. The earliest known Serbian version of the Apocalypse of Anastasia is the fourteenth-century manuscript dated to about 1380 (MS 29). The present paper gives an analysis of this narrative

    Patterns of martyrial sanctity in the royal ideology of medieval Serbia continuity and change

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    Especially important for the development of the holy king concept with the Serbs appears to be the early period of Serbian sovereignty, initially in Zeta, and subsequently in Raška under Stefan Nemanja and his descendants. During the eleventh century, cults of royal martyrs arise across the Slavic world, receiving a most enthusiastic response connected with the spread of the martyrial and monastic ideals in Byzantium. The cult of St Vladimir is the earliest royal saint's cult with the Serbs, and it is rightfully set apart from the ideologically consistent whole encompassing the subsequent cults of the Nemanjić rulers. The cult of this royal saint undergoes a change in the twelfth century as regards the image of the exemplary ruler. The martyrial cults of holy kings emerge in medieval Serbia only in the fifteenth century, under the influence of completely different motives. The cults of national royal saints associate domestic dynasties with the Old Testament-based traditions of God-chosenness, which play a central role in the processes of securing political legitimation for ruling houses. At the turn of the fourteenth and fifteenth centuries, we can see both the national and universal relics being used for raising an awareness of chosen ness observable in expanding the sacred realm as the fatherland's prayerful shield. In that sense, all-Christian relics, especially those of Constantinopolitan provenance, become integrated into domestic traditions

    The Byzantine apocalyptic tradition a fourteenth-century Serbian version of the Apocalypse of Anastasia

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    Early translations of the Apocalypse of Anastasia into Old Church Slavonic appear in several versions incorporated into miscellanies of the zbornik (collection) type. These texts belong to various genres of religious prose and are usually assembled in apocryphal collections about journeys to the other world. The earliest known Serbian version of the Apocalypse of Anastasia is the fourteenth-century manuscript dated to about 1380 (MS 29). The present paper gives an analysis of this narrative

    Planting date effects on oil yield in sunflower (Helianthus annuus L.)

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    Oil yield per unit area is the ultimate target in growing high-oil sunflower genotypes. A research was carried out to determine planting date effects on oil yield, using three sunflower hybrids (Miro, Rimi, Pobednik), eight planting dates and two vegetation periods. The experiment used the RCB design with four replications. Oil yield as product of grain yield and oil concentration was expressed in kg/ha. Oil yield was predominantly influenced by the year of growing (91.5%). The influence of planting date on yield amounted to 4.3%. All sources of variation were highly significant, except hybrid and interaction hybrid × year. On average, the hybrid Rimi had the highest mean value for oil yield. Oil yield was higher in 2004 than in 2005

    Uticaj podloge na klijavost tretiranog semena suncokreta

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    Results of the examination of Rimi hybrid seed showed the existence of a highly significant effect of different substratum on germination energy and germination. Also, a highly significant influence was detected between treatments, while the substratum x treatments interaction was significant. On average, germination energy was the highest on filter paper and it was 90.10%. Also, the germination was the best on filter paper (92.05%). This value was statistically significantly higher (by 13.60%) with respect to germination determined in sand and by 4.00% concerning germination determined in compost.Rezultati ispitivanja energije klijanja i klijavosti semena hibrida Rimi na različitim podlogama za ispitivanje klijavosti ukazali su na postojanje visoko značajnog uticaja podloge na energiju klijanja i klijavost semena. Takođe, visoko značajna razlika utvrđena je i kod primenjenih tretmana, dok se značajna razlika ispoljila kod interakcije podloga x tretmani. U proseku, energija klijanja bila je najveća kod semena koje je naklijavano na filter papiru i iznosila je 90,10%. Ispitivanje klijavosti semena pokazalo je u proseku, takođe, najveću vrednost kod naklijavanja na filter papiru (92,05%). Ova vrednost bila je statistički visoko značajna u odnosu na rezultat ispitivanja u pesku za 13,60%, a u odnosu na ispitivanje u kompostu za 4,00%

    Fiction as testimony: The First World War in modern fiction (Miloš Crnjanski, Ivo Andrić and Rastko Petrović)

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    У раду се разматрају књижевнотеоријске импликације приказивања Првог светског рата у фикционалној прози европског и српског модернизма. Како проучавање књижевности посвећене Првом светском рату отвара више тема које по својој природи захтевају интердисциплинарни приступ, увиди из новије културне историје Првог светског рата, студије памћења, сведочења и трауме, као и теорије фикције, жанра и приповедања, употребљени су да би се указало на повезаност између различитих појава које су обележиле европску културну историју после 1918. године...This thesis seeks to reconsider some implications - mainly those that hold a particular interest for literary theory - of the representation of World War I in European and Serbian modernist fiction. Given that any study of World War I literature opens itself to a variety of topics which, by their very nature, require an interdisciplinary approach, insights derived from the New Cultural History of the First World War, Memory, Testimony and Trauma Studies, as well as theories of fiction, genre and narrative, are summoned up in order to emphasize the connection between some distinct, though interrelated, features of post-1918 European cultural history. Various phenomena emerging during the interwar period, such as the appearance of the war veteran as a “moral witness”, the flourishing of war literature, and the advent of postwar modernism, are situated in their context and considered synchronically. This contextualization has a double aim. On the one hand, it invites us to consider the specificity of the modernist representation of World War I, as opposed to other contemporary modes of literary representation, some of which were modern, some traditional. For the purpose of contrast, the war novels of Henri Barbusse, Roland Dorgelès, and Erich Maria Remarque are frequently singled out and analyzed in this context. On the other hand, its aim is to trace the beginnings of a significant transformation, occurring towards the end of the Twenties, within the relationship between the fictional literary genres (mainly the novel) and the nonfictional ones (testimonies, autobiographies, and memoirs). This transformation would in many respects turn out to be hallmark of the second half of the 20th century. The insights derived from this preliminary survey are then tested by analyzing the representation of World War I in the narrative fiction and critical prose of three modernist authors - Miloš Crnjanski, Ivo Andric and Rastko Petrovic. Focusing on Crnjanski’s novel The Journal of Charoevich and his short stories, the early prose of Ivo Andric and The Bridge Over Drina, as well as the successive versions of Petrovic’s novel the Sixth Day, this analysis seeks to contribute to a better understanding of the attitudes towards literature, history and the First World War which these authors shared with one another and with other prominent modernists

    Effect of time of desiccation on oil content in different sunflower hybrids

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    Chemical desiccation with Reglone Forte has been tried in production fields under four sunflower hybrids. Reglone Forte (2 l/ha) was applied at 7-day intervals from the end of pollination till maturity. Seed moisture was determined prior to each treatment. Seed oil content was determined at maturity, using the method of nuclear magnetic resonance. The highest oil content was found in the control, the lowest in the treatment 7 days after flower (DAF). The absence of significant differences among treatments 21 DAF, 28 DAF and the control was an indication that there was no large increment in oil content in the period after the average seed moisture reached 44.34% and maturity. Considering individual hybrids, there was no large oil content increase already from treatment 14 DAF, with the exception of hybrid NS-H-43 which evidently required a later treatment. Considering the time of treatment in relation to seed moisture, this hybrid achieved maximum oil content when treated at 31% seed moisture. In hybrid NS-H-26 RM, however, maximum oil content was achieved with treatment at 25% seed moisture

    Prenošenje otpornosti prema sclerotinia iz divljeg u gajeni suncokret - ocena divljih vrsta suncokreta

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    Accessions of H. mollis, H. maximiliani, H. rigidus and H. tuberosus were screened for resistance to Sclerotinia, during the two-year period (2001-2002). Artificial inoculation methods were used for that purpose. In the first year, only a stem resistance to Sclerotinia infection was observed, while in the second year, heads and stems of tested plants were infected by mycelia and sclerotia of this pathogen. Some differences in the response to mycelium and sclerotia infection within the same species were observed, as well as, differences in the response to sclerotial stem infection in different years. The H. mollis accession 1298 was found to be of a special interest for breeding as it was resistant to both head and stem infections with sclerotia.Populacije H. mollis, H. maximiliani, H. rigidus i H. tuberosus su testirane na otpornost prema Sclerotinia, tokom dvogodišnjeg perioda, upotrebom metoda veštačke inokulacije. U prvoj godini ispitivana je samo otpornost prema infekciji stabla sklerocijama, dok su u drugoj godini glave i stabla testiranih biljaka zaražavane i micelijom i sklerocijama ovog patogena. Tokom ispitivanja su uočene razlike u reakciji na infekciju micelijom i sklerocijama u okviru iste vrste, kao i razlike u reakciji na zaražavanje sklerocijama u različitim godinama. Populacija 1298 H. mollis se pokazala interesantnom za oplemenjivanje, pošto je bila otporna i na infekciju glave i na infekciju stabla sklerocijama