6 research outputs found

    Impacts of air pollutants from rural Chinese households under the rapid residential energy transition

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    Rural residential energy consumption in China is experiencing a rapid transition towards clean energy, nevertheless, solid fuel combustion remains an important emission source. Here we quantitatively evaluate the contribution of rural residential emissions to PM2.5 (particulate matter with an aerodynamic diameter less than 2.5 μm) and the impacts on health and climate. The clean energy transitions result in remarkable reductions in the contributions to ambient PM2.5, avoiding 130,000 (90,000-160,000) premature deaths associated with PM2.5 exposure. The climate forcing associated with this sector declines from 0.057 ± 0.016 W/m2 in 1992 to 0.031 ± 0.008 W/m2 in 2012. Despite this, the large remaining quantities of solid fuels still contributed 14 ± 10 μg/m3 to population-weighted PM2.5 in 2012, which comprises 21 ± 14% of the overall population-weighted PM2.5 from all sources. Rural residential emissions affect not only rural but urban air quality, and the impacts are highly seasonal and location dependent

    Stronger Global Warming on Nonrainy Days in Observations From China

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    Nonrainy days have rather different hydrologic and radiative conditions than rainy days, but few investigations considered how these different conditions contribute to the observed global warming. Here, we show that global warming is considerably stronger on nonrainy days using observations from China. We find that trends in mean temperature on nonrainy days are about 0.1 ° C/10 yr higher than on rainy days, and that about 80% of the total temperature increase is contributed by nonrainy days. The main reason is likely to be a stronger sensitivity of downwelling longwave radiation to greenhouse forcing on nonrainy days due to fewer clouds and water vapor compared with rainy days, which is not a hydrological effect but mainly a radiative effect. Our findings are consistent with the stronger mean temperature trends in drier regions and imply that the different temperature sensitivities on nonrainy and rainy days may have profound effects on natural and social systems

    Evaluation and machine learning improvement of global hydrological model-based flood simulations

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    A warmer climate is expected to accelerate global hydrological cycle, causing more intense precipitation and floods. Despite recent progress in global flood risk assessment, the accuracy and improvement of global hydrological models (GHMs)-based flood simulation is insufficient for most applications. Here we compared flood simulations from five GHMs under the Inter-Sectoral Impact Model Intercomparison Project 2a (ISIMIP2a) protocol, against those calculated from 1032 gauging stations in the Global Streamflow Indices and Metadata Archive for the historical period 1971–2010. A machine learning approach, namely the long short-term memory units (LSTM) was adopted to improve the GHMs-based flood simulations within a hybrid physics- machine learning approach (using basin-averaged daily mean air temperature, precipitation, wind speed and the simulated daily discharge from GHMs-CaMa-Flood model chain as the inputs of LSTM, and observed daily discharge as the output value). We found that the GHMs perform reasonably well in terms of amplitude of peak discharge but are relatively poor in terms of their timing. The performance indicated great discrepancy under different climate zones. The large difference in performance between GHMs and observations reflected that those simulations require improvements. The LSTM used in combination with those GHMs was then shown to drastically improve the performance of global flood simulations (especially in terms of amplitude of peak discharge), suggesting that the combination of classical flood simulation and machine learning techniques might be a way forward for more robust and confident flood risk assessment