25 research outputs found

    Therapeutic Landscape as Value Added in the Structure of the Destination-Specific Therapeutic Tourism Product: The Case Study of Polish Spa Resorts

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    The aim of the paper is to describe how therapeutic landscape creates value added for tourists in spa resorts. Survey data were collected from 184 tourists to Swoszowice spa resort in Poland using a self-administered questionnaire. The results indicated that the way the therapeutic landscape creates value added for tourists differs concerning socio-demographic, behavioural and psychographic factors. The conclusions have important implications for scholars, allowing them to understand the importance of the therapeutic landscape and its determinants for tourists. Knowledge of how tourists assess landscape aesthetics, which constitute value added in the structure of the destination-specific therapeutic tourism product (DSTTP), is essential for local government entities and managers of treatment enterprises to develop and manage a therapeutic product that meets the needs of their customers. The present paper fills the gap in the subject literature, which lacks studies assessing the therapeutic landscape as one of the elements in the structure of DSTTP

    The development of the thermal tourism market in Poland // Rozwój rynku turystyki termalnej w Polsce

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    Thermal tourism in Poland has been gaining in popularity for over a decade now. This refers to both the supply and demand sides of the market. Therefore, the aim of this paper is to describe the current situation, as well as the prospects of formation and development of the thermal tourism market in Poland. To do that, a number of research methods had to be employed, including a critical analysis of literature on the subject, statistical data analysis, a case study (the example of Poland), methods of observation and inference by deduction within the scope of the research question asked. Based on the results of secondary research and an in-depth review of literature on the subject, one can conclude that Polish thermal tourism market is not growing steadily. On the one hand, there is considerable consumers’ interest in using geothermal pools, while on the other the geothermal potential for medicaland recreational purposes remains unexploited.//Od kilkunastu lat turystyka termalna w Polsce cieszy się coraz większą popularnością. Stąd też celem artykułu jest próba nakreślenia obecnej sytuacji oraz perspektyw powstania i rozwojurynku turystyki termalnej w Polsce. Realizacja celu pracy wymagała zastosowania kilku metod badawczych, takich jak krytyczna analiza literatury przedmiotu, analiza danych statystycznych, studium przypadku (przykład Polski), metody obserwacji, oraz wnioskowania przez dedukcję w zakresie postawionego pytania badawczego. Na podstawie wyników badań wtórnych i dogłębnego przeglądu literatury przedmiotu można stwierdzić, że rynek turystyki termalnej rozwija się nierównomiernie. Bowiem z jednej strony mamy do czynienia z dużym zainteresowaniem konsumentów korzystaniem z basenów geotermalnych z drugiej zaś obserwuje się niewykorzystany potencjał geotermalny mogący służyć do celów leczniczych i rekreacyjnych

    SPA Services Distribution and Specialization in Kujawsko-Pomorskie, Pomorskie and Podkarpackie Voivodeships Communes

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    The objective of the article is to identify and explain the relationship between spa services distribution and spa specialization in Kujawsko-Pomorskie, Pomorskie and Podkarpackie Voivodeships spa communes. Correlation and regression analysis were used based on data from the Local Data Bank and unpublished data sets from the Central Statistical Office of Poland. In order to explain the relation between spa services distribution and spa specialization, time-series analysis was used. In five of nine researched communes (Horyniec-Zdrój, Solina, Ustka, Ciechocinek and Inowrocław) there is a functional relationship between spa services distribution and spa specialization

    Central and Eastern Europe as a Medical Tourism Destination: a Case Study of Poland

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    The medical tourism has been changing the healthcare scene especially in the developing countries which offer a combination of low costs for medical services and experienced medical personnel. It gives them the potential to become a target of choice for medical tourists. Therefore, the aim of the paper is verification of Central and Eastern Europe as a medical tourism destination (MTD). Research were conducted in the light of primary and secondary research. Survey data were collected from 282 German and British tourists, using a self-administered questionnaire. The results indicated that the medical associations are most frequently chosen associations with Poland. The MTD associations are able to develop marketing strategies for medical tourism entities and destination management organisations

    Panowania pruskie w publikacjach wspomnieniowych na łamach „Dziennika Bydgoskiego” po odzyskaniu niepodległości (11.11.1918 – 20.06.1922)

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    Th e years 1918–1922 were considered as a breakthrough in Polish-German relations. Th e Poles, aft er more than a century of annexation, regained their long-awaited independence, whereas the Germans, losers in the confl ict, had to face the uncomfortable past. Aft er the end of World War I, drawing of the Polish-German border was very important for both nations. Th is transitional period was characterized by the noticeable tensions between Poland and Germany, both locally and between the states. This situation was refl ected in the local newspapers. The disputes between Poles and Germans were reported in detail by the daily “Dziennik Bydgoski” edited by Jan Teska, although editors did not limit their commentaries to their period. Th e Bydgoszcz daily constantly referred to thepast, reminding the readers about the Polish-German relations in the time when the city and region were still under Prussian rule.Przełomowe dla stosunków polsko-niemieckich okazały się lata 1918–1922. Polacy po przeszło wiekowej niewoli, odzyskali długo oczekiwaną niepodległość, natomiast Niemcy po przegranym konfl ikcie musieli zmierzyć się z niewygodną przeszłością. Po zakończeniu I wojny światowej kluczowe znaczenie dla obu narodów miało wyznaczenie polsko-niemieckiej granicy. Ów okres przejściowy charakteryzował się dostrzegalnym zaostrzeniem polsko-niemieckich stosunków zarówno w skali lokalnej, jak i państwowej. Miało to swoje odzwierciedlenie w miejscowej prasie. Spory pomiędzy Polakami a Niemcami były szczegółowo relacjonowane w redagowanym przez Jana Teskę „Dzienniku Bydgoskim”, aczkolwiek redaktorzy nie ograniczali się w swoich doniesieniach wyłącznie do czasów im współczesnych. Na łamach bydgoskiej gazety nieustannie odwoływano się do przeszłości, przypominając czytelnikom, jak wyglądały polsko-niemieckie relacje w czasie, gdy miasto i okolica znajdowały się wciąż pod pruskim panowaniem

    Ecological conditions of the statutory health resort’s development referred to the imperative of sustainable development − example from the Małopolska region

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    The aim of this paper is to analyze the ecological conditions that determine investment decisions in tourism and paratourism infrastructure of the statutory health resorts, and evaluation of the ecological infrastructure on the territoryof the statutory health resorts of the Małopolska Voivodeship (District). To achieve this formulated purpose, a diagnostic survey method was used, precisley, the technique of examination of the documents and the method of observation. However, essential research material is based on the processing of data from theCentral Statistical Office (CSO)

    Czesław Miłosz wobec malarstwa Edgara Degasa

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    CZESŁAW MIŁOSZ ON EDGAR DEGAS’S PAINTINGEdgar Degas’s art is the subject of many poetic and prose statements of Czesław Miłosz. In Degas’s painting Miłosz perceived the richness of themes relating to human customs but also—rony and pity for the human reality. The poet was especially fascinated with women from lateworks of the French artist; he wrote about them in his poem “Pastele Degasa”. In Miłosz’s reflection the women of Degas are representatives of Nature and priestess of Eros, as well as fragile human beings, who can’t be rescued by the poet from their transience nor from “the abyss”

    Znaczenie martwej natury w poezji i eseistyce Czesława Miłosza

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    The article provides a glance perspective on Miłosz’s poetry and essay writing through an issue of a relation with fine arts. The Author takes up a problem of both the method (realism; thesis of world’s reality—against nothingness) and the subject (generic scenes); she turns towards Miłosz’s interest in Chardin, Dutch still lives, Cézanne and passion for haiku, introducing a meditative motif. First of all, what is worthy of emphasizing here is the hypotyposis consideration (e.g. type of painting imagining) remaining in conflict with ecphrasis (work description itself)

    Medical tourism services and medical tourism destinations in Central and Eastern Europe - the opinion of Britons and Germans

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    The aim of this paper is to identify preferred Central and Eastern Europe (CEE) medical tourism destinations (MTD) and medical services in the context of socio-demographic determinants. The computer-assisted web interviewing (CAWI) method was used. A total of 282 completed self-administered questionnaires were collected from Britons and Germans, who constitute a large segment of medical tourists in CEE. Subsequently, the responses were analysed using the chi-square test and the method of logistic regression function. The results indicated that the chosen destinations and medical services vary depending on gender, age and nationality. The survey results have implications for scholars, allowing them to understand the way Britons and Germans evaluate MTDs and medical services in CEE, as well as for medical tourism facilitators/brokers and destination management organisations engaged in the process of creating a medical tourism product. The obtained results have also implications for further research related to the development of medical tourism in CE

    Ekologiczne uwarunkowania rozwoju uzdrowisk statutowych w kontekście imperatywu zrównoważonego rozwoju na przykładzie Małopolski

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    The aim of this paper is to analyze the ecological conditions that determine investment decisions in tourism and paratourism infrastructure of the statutory health resorts, and evaluation of the ecological infrastructure on the territory of the statutory health resorts of the Małopolska Voivodeship (District). To achieve this formulated purpose, a diagnostic survey method was used, precisley, the technique of examination of the documents and the method of observation. However, essential research material is based on the processing of data from the Central Statistical Office (CSO).Celem artykułu jest analiza ekologicznych uwarunkowań determinujących podejmowanie decyzji inwestycyjnych w infrastrukturę turystyczną i paraturystyczną uzdrowisk statutowych oraz ocena stanu infrastruktury ekologicznej na terenie uzdrowisk statutowych województwa małopolskiego. Do osiągnięcia sformułowanego celu w opracowaniu zastosowano metodę sondażu diagnostycznego, w tym technikę badania dokumentów oraz metodę obserwacji. Natomiast zasadniczy materiał badawczy stanowią wyniki wtórne oparte na danych liczbowych Głównego Urzędu Statystycznego (GUS)