107 research outputs found

    Flux qubit as a sensor for a magnetometer with quantum limited sensitivity

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    We propose to use the quantum properties of a superconducting flux qubit in the construction of a magnetometer with quantum limited sensitivity. The main advantage of a flux qubit is that its noise is rather low, and its transfer functions relative to the measured flux can be made to be about 10mV/Φ0\Phi_0, which is an order of magnitude more than the best value for a conventional SQUID magnetometer. We analyze here the voltage-to-flux, the phase-to-flux transfer functions and the main noise sources. We show that the experimental characteristics of a flux qubit, obtained in recent experiments, allow the use of a flux qubit as magnetometer with energy resolution close to the Planck constant.Comment: 3 pages, 6 figure

    Thin-film microsusceptometer with integrated nanoloop

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    Trabajo presentado al 14th International Superconductive Electronics Conference (ISEC), celebrado en Cambridge, Massachusetts (EE. UU.) del 7 al 11 de julio de 2013.-- et al.We report the design and performance of thin-film microsusceptometers intended for magnetic measurements on samples at variable temperature down to the low mK range and excitation frequencies of up to about 1 MHz. The devices are realized as first-order gradiometers with two circular loops of 60 μm or 30 μm average diameter resulting in a total inductance of 360 pH or 250 pH, respectively. An integrated excitation coil generates a magnetic field with a sensitivity of 0.1 T/A at the sample position, whereas the Josephson junctions are located in a field-reduced area. The susceptometers are fabricated by a conventional Nb/AlOx/Nb trilayer process. In order to enhance the sensitivity to the level required for the measurement of sub-μm samples, an extra detection loop of about 450 nm inner diameter was integrated into one of the pickup loops by using a focused ion beam (FIB). We show that this device is able of detecting signals from very small permalloy samples. An improved susceptometer design for equipment with integrated nanoloops is also presented, for which a total inductance of 50 pH is predicted.This work was partly funded by the European Microkelvin Collaboration within the 7th Framework Programme of the European Commission (Grant number 228464), by the Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness (Grant MAT2012-38318-C03), and by the EMRP (EMRP: European Metrology Research Programme) project MetNEMS NEW08. The EMRP is jointly funded by the EMRP participating countries within EURAMET and the European Union.Peer reviewe

    Ac magnetic susceptibility of a molecular magnet submonolayer directly patterned onto a microSQUID sensor

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    We report the controlled integration, via Dip Pen Nanolithography, of monolayer dots of ferritin-based CoO nanoparticles (12 Bohr magnetons) into the most sensitive areas of a microSQUID sensor. The nearly optimum flux coupling between these nanomagnets and the microSQUID improves the achievable sensitivity by a factor 100, enabling us to measure the linear susceptibility of the molecular array down to very low temperatures (13 mK). This method opens the possibility of applying ac susceptibility experiments to characterize two-dimensional arrays of single molecule magnets within a wide range of temperatures and frequencies.Comment: 4 pages 3 figure

    Non-perturbative measurement of low-intensity charged particle beams

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    Non-perturbative measurements of low-intensity charged particle beams are particularly challenging to beam diagnostics due to the low amplitude of the induced electromagnetic fields. In the low-energy antiproton decelerator (AD) and the future extra low energy antiproton rings at CERN, an absolute measurement of the beam intensity is essential to monitor the operation efficiency. Superconducting quantum interference device (SQUID) based cryogenic current comparators (CCC) have been used for measuring slow charged beams in the nA range, showing a very good current resolution. But these were unable to measure fast bunched beams, due to the slew-rate limitation of SQUID devices and presented a strong susceptibility to external perturbations. Here, we present a CCC system developed for the AD machine, which was optimised in terms of its current resolution, system stability, ability to cope with short bunched beams, and immunity to mechanical vibrations. This paper presents the monitor design and the first results from measurements with a low energy antiproton beam obtained in the AD in 2015. These are the first CCC beam current measurements ever performed in a synchrotron machine with both coasting and short bunched beams. It is shown that the system is able to stably measure the AD beam throughout the entire cycle, with a current resolution of 30nA30\,\mathrm{nA}

    Magnetic Resonance Force Microscopy of paramagnetic electron spins at millikelvin temperatures

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    Magnetic Resonance Force Microscopy (MRFM) is a powerful technique to detect a small number of spins that relies on force-detection by an ultrasoft magnetically tipped cantilever and selective magnetic resonance manipulation of the spins. MRFM would greatly benefit from ultralow temperature operation, because of lower thermomechanical noise and increased thermal spin polarization. Here, we demonstrate MRFM operation at temperatures as low as 30 mK, thanks to a recently developed SQUID-based cantilever detection technique which avoids cantilever overheating. In our experiment, we detect dangling bond paramagnetic centers on a silicon surface down to millikelvin temperatures. Fluctuations of such kind of defects are supposedly linked to 1/f magnetic noise and decoherence in SQUIDs as well as in several superconducting and single spin qubits. We find evidence that spin diffusion plays a key role in the low temperature spin dynamics.Comment: 7 pages, 5 figure

    Demonstration of Time Domain Multiplexed Readout for Magnetically Coupled Calorimeters

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    Magnetically coupled calorimeters (MCC) have extremely high potential for x-ray applications due to the inherent high energy resolution capability and being non-dissipative. Although very high energy-resolution has been demonstrated, until now there has been no demonstration of multiplexed read-out. We report on the first realization of a time domain multiplexed (TDM) read-out. While this has many similarities with TDM of transition-edge-sensors (TES), for MGGs the energy resolution is limited by the SQUID read-out noise and requires the well established scheme to be altered in order to minimize degradation due to noise aliasing effects. In cur approach, each pixel is read out by a single first stage SQUID (SQ1) that is operated in open loop. The outputs of the SQ1 s are low-pass filtered with an array of low cross-talk inductors, then fed into a single-stage SQUID TD multiplexer. The multiplexer is addressed from room temperature and read out through a single amplifier channel. We present results achieved with a new detector platform. Noise performance is presented and compared to expectations. We have demonstrated multiplexed X-ray spectroscopy at 5.9keV with delta_FWHM=10eV. In an optimized setup, we show it is possible to multiplex 32 detectors without significantly degrading the Intrinsic detector resolution

    First Results from the AMoRE-Pilot neutrinoless double beta decay experiment

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    The Advanced Molybdenum-based Rare process Experiment (AMoRE) aims to search for neutrinoless double beta decay (0νββ\nu\beta\beta) of 100^{100}Mo with \sim100 kg of 100^{100}Mo-enriched molybdenum embedded in cryogenic detectors with a dual heat and light readout. At the current, pilot stage of the AMoRE project we employ six calcium molybdate crystals with a total mass of 1.9 kg, produced from 48^{48}Ca-depleted calcium and 100^{100}Mo-enriched molybdenum (48depl^{48\textrm{depl}}Ca100^{100}MoO4_4). The simultaneous detection of heat(phonon) and scintillation (photon) signals is realized with high resolution metallic magnetic calorimeter sensors that operate at milli-Kelvin temperatures. This stage of the project is carried out in the Yangyang underground laboratory at a depth of 700 m. We report first results from the AMoRE-Pilot 0νββ0\nu\beta\beta search with a 111 kg\cdotd live exposure of 48depl^{48\textrm{depl}}Ca100^{100}MoO4_4 crystals. No evidence for 0νββ0\nu\beta\beta decay of 100^{100}Mo is found, and a upper limit is set for the half-life of 0νββ\nu\beta\beta of 100^{100}Mo of T1/20ν>9.5×1022T^{0\nu}_{1/2} > 9.5\times10^{22} y at 90% C.L.. This limit corresponds to an effective Majorana neutrino mass limit in the range mββ(1.22.1)\langle m_{\beta\beta}\rangle\le(1.2-2.1) eV