339 research outputs found

    The inaugural australian centre for hepatitis virology public panel discussion on viral hepatitis research—lessons in scientific community outreach

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    Viral hepatitis remains one of the most significant health issues globally, directly responsible for over 1 million deaths each year and affecting almost 300 million people around the world. Scientific research in recent decades has brought about improvements in the lives of people living with chronic viral hepatitis. On the 29 July 2021, the Australian Centre for Hepatitis Virology (ACHV) for the first time held a public educational forum for the general public. The main aim of this event was to inform the affected community about the importance of scientific research and give an overview of upcoming developments in the field. Here, we provide a detailed report of the panel discussion (including its organisation, execution, and lessons learned to incorporate into future events) and provide strategies that can be used by other scientific societies to hold similar events in their own communities

    Direct Ionic Liquid Extractant Injection for Volatile Chemical Analysis - A Gas Chromatography Sampling Technique

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    A green sampling approach by direct injection of ionic liquid (IL) solvent containing a variety of analytes using programmable temperature vaporisation (PTV) injection with gas chromatography (GC) is presented. The method was developed using test mixtures of n-alkanes, n-alcohols and polyaromatic compounds, whilst back extraction of isolated compounds from the IL with organic solvent is not required. In the final method, 2 μL of IL, 1-butyl-3 methylimidazolium bis(trifluoromethylsulfonyl)amide containing analytes, was diluted to different volumes (ranging from 10 to 70%) with solvent then injected into the system. Several PTV injector parameters were investigated to ensure analyte volatilisation and transfer into the GC column. Concentration calibration curves (10–150 μg mL−1 and 10–100 μg mL−1 for n-alkanes and n-alcohols, respectively) were constructed, and showed addition of IL increased the peak area of each analyte, with good precision, and acceptable linearity with correlation coefficient, r2 > 0.93. This method was successfully applied in analysis of a polynuclear aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) mixture, with addition of IL in the mixture and suitable operation of the PTV injector. The method was also applied to eucalyptus leaf essential oil compounds as a test sample in a single drop microextraction experiment

    Alcohol and marijuana use while driving-an unexpected crash risk in Pakistani commercial drivers: a cross-sectional survey

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    Background:A significant proportion of road traffic crashes are attributable to alcohol and marijuana use while driving globally. Sale and use of both substances is illegal in Pakistan and is not considered a threat for road traffic injuries. However literature hints that this may not be the case. We did this study to assess usage of alcohol and marijuana in Pakistani commercial drivers.Methods:A sample of 857 commercial bus and truck drivers was interviewed in October 2008 at the largest commercial vehicle station in Rawalpindi and Islamabad, Pakistan. Time location cluster sampling was used to select the subjects and a structured questionnaire was used to assess the basic demographic profile, substance abuse habits of the drivers while on the road, and reasons for usage of illicit substances while driving were recorded. Self reported information was collected after obtaining informed consent. Chi square and fisher exact tests were used to assess differences between groups and logistic regression was used to identify significant associations between driver characteristics and alcohol and marijuana use.Results:Almost 10% of truck drivers use alcohol while driving on Pakistani roads. Marijuana use is almost 30% in some groups. Statistically different patterns of usage are seen between population subgroups based on age, ethnicity, education, and marital status. Regression analysis shows association of alcohol and marijuana use with road rage and error behaviours, and also with an increased risk of being involved in road crashes. The reported reasons for using alcohol or marijuana show a general lack of awareness of the hazardous nature of this practice among the commercial driver population.Conclusion:Alcohol and marijuana use is highly prevalent in Pakistani commercial drivers. The issue needs to be recognized by concerned authorities and methods such as random breath tests and sobriety check points need to be employed for proper law enforcement

    Vibrational Microfeeding of Polymer and Metal Powders for Locally Graded Properties in Powder-Based Additive Manufacturing

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    Subject of this work is the contact mechanical properties and flowability of polymer and metal powders when they are dispensed on the surface of a powder bed for use in laser-based powder bed fusion in additive manufacturing. Generating local part properties in metal as well as polymer-based powder bed fusion processes is of high interest, so an approach is made to locally add additives by a vibrational microfeeding system for metal and polymer powders. To realize a controlled powder discharge, the behavior of additives, which are dropped on a surface and on a powder bed is analyzed. Influencing factors for mass flow of the powders will be excitation frequency, excitation amplitude and capillary diameter on the side of experimental setup as well as particle size distribution and physical properties on the material side

    Določanje benzodiazepinov v urinu preko benzofenonskih derivatov z uporabo tekočinske kromatografije sklopljene s tandemsko masno spektrometrijo

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    The aim of this study was to validate a new method for determining benzodiazepines in urine via their benzophenone derivatives, based on liquid chromatography-tandem mass spectrometry (LC-MS/MS). Selected benzodiazepines were analysed after acid hydrolysis of urine and extraction by ethyl acetate in the presence of an internal standard. Samples were analysed using electrospray ionization LC-MS/MS in a multiple reaction monitoring mode. The chromatographic run time on a reversed phase C18 analytical column was set for 9 min. This method was validated in 21 patients receiving methadone. Benzodiazepines intake was established in two out of three patients. LC-MS/MS results were also compared with the rapid immunoassay and the methods showed good agreement. However, in three cases benzodiazepines were detected by LC-MS/MS, but not by the immunoassay. The sensitivity of the developed LC-MS/MS method is comparable to or even higher than of previously reported methods, which makes it suitable as a confi rmatory method.Razvili smo selektivno in občutljivo metodo za določanje nekaterih benzodiazepinov v urinu preko določanja njihovih benzofenonov. Metoda temelji na tekočinski kromatografi ji, sklopljeni s tandemsko masno spektrometrijo (LC-MS/MS). Izbrane benzodiazepine smo analizirali po kisli hidrolizi urinskih vzorcev in ekstrakciji z etilacetatom v prisotnosti internega standarda. Vzorce smo analizirali z elektrorazprševalno ionizacijo z MRM načinom detekcije. Čas kromatografske ločbe na reverznofazni (C18) analitski koloni je bil 9 min. Metoda je bila validirana in preizkušena na 21 pacientih, ki so prejemali metadonsko terapijo. Pri dveh tretjinah primerov je bil vnos benzodiazepinov tudi potrjen. Vzorce smo testirali tudi s hitro imunokemijsko metodo in rezultate primerjali z rezultati pridobljenimi z LC-MS/MS metodo. Ugotovili smo dobro ujemanje med rezultati pridobljenimi z obe a metodama. Kljub temu smo v treh primerih določili prisotnost benzodiazepinov z LC-MS/MS metodo, ki je z imunokemijsko metodo nismo. Občutljivost razvite metode je primerljiva ali celo boljša od predhodno opisanih metod, zato jo lahko uporabimo kot potrditveno metodo

    Effects of end-stage osteoarthritis on markers of skeletal muscle Long INterspersed Element-1 activity

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    Objective: Long INterspersed Element-1 (L1) is an autonomous transposable element in the genome. L1 transcripts that are not reverse transcribed back into the genome can accumulate in the cytoplasm and activate an inflammatory response via the cyclic GMP-AMP (cGAS)-STING pathway. We examined skeletal muscle L1 markers as well as STING protein levels in 10 older individuals (63 ± 11 y, BMI= 30.2 ± 6.8 kg/m2) with end-stage osteoarthritis (OA) undergoing total hip (THA, n= 4) or knee (TKA, n= 6) arthroplasty versus 10 young, healthy comparators (Y, 22 ± 2 y, BMI= 23.2 ± 2.5 kg/m2). For OA, muscle was collected from surgical (SX) and contralateral (CTL) sides whereas single vastus lateralis samples were collected from Y. Results: L1 mRNA was higher in CTL and SX compared to Y (p \u3c 0.001 and p= 0.001, respectively). Protein expression was higher in SX versus Y for ORF1p (p= 0.002) and STING (p= 0.022). While these data are preliminary due to limited n-sizes and the lack of a BMI-matched younger control group, higher L1 mRNA expression, ORF1p and STING protein are evident in older versus younger adults. More research is needed to determine whether cGAS-STING signaling contributes to heightened muscle inflammation during aging and/or OA