747 research outputs found

    Constructive solution of highly effective photoenergy module: development and experimental testing

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    Based on experimental study and computermodeling of working temperature influence on the efficiency of Chinese production silicon solar cells identified temperature dependence of efficiency shows the feasibility of using Chinese production Si-SC in the construction of photovoltaic thermal system, which together with the heat pump is part of a combined system for hot water supply, heating and air conditioning. Based on a detailed analysis of the working temperature influence on the efficiency of photovoltaic processes that determine the solar cells work, it has been developed the optimal construction and technological solution of hybrid solar generated module, the main feature ofwhich is the heat exchange block, designed to reduce the solar cells working temperature. The experimental testing of hybrid modules samples equipped with developed cooling system, high-voltage part of power take-off system demonstrates their reliability and high efficiency which allow to achieve the such module efficiency up to 18.5 %.На основе экспериментального исследования в комплексе с компьютерным моделированием влияния рабочей температуры на эффективность кремниевых солнечных элементов китайского производства выявлена температурная зависимость их эффективности. Температурная зависимость показывает целесообразность использования солнечных элементов китайского производства в составе фотоэлектрической тепловой системы, которая вместе с тепловым насосом является частью комбинированной системы горячего водоснабжения, отопления и кондиционирования воздуха. На основе детального анализа влияния рабочей температуры на эффективность фотоэлектрических процессов, определяющих работу солнечных элементов, было разработано оптимальное конструктивно-технологическое решение гибридного солнечного генерирующего модуля, основной особенностью которого является теплообменный блок, предназначен для снижения рабочей температуры солнечных элементов. Экспериментальные испытания образцов таких модулей, оснащенных разработанной системой охлаждения и высоковольтной системой отбора мощности, демонстрируют их надежность и высокую эффективность, позволяющие достичь КПД гибридного модуля до 18,5 %

    Theoretical and experimental substantiation of receiving a pharmaceutical composition in the form of a cryogel with lidocain hydrochloride and decametoxin

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    Modern medicines for the treatment of wounds are developed on the basis of knowledge about their phase healing. The main principle of wound treatment is the creation and maintenance of a moist environment, stable temperature, absorption of excess exudate, minimization of the risk of sensitization, increased intervals between dressings, easy removal of coatings from the surface of the wound. The implementation of this principle is the basis of our research on the creation of a cryogel – a supermacroporous hydrogel that is formed at subzero temperatures by polymerization of monomers or cryogel formation of oligomers without the use of toxic organic solvents and with controlled textural and structural characteristics. A comprehensive study of cryogels has like theoretical as practical interest, because they can serve as a perspectiving new material in pharmacy for obtaining new medicines. The purpose of our research was to substantiate the composition of the cryogel with lidocaine hydrochloride and decamethoxine based on the conducted pharmacotechnological, physicochemical and biopharmaceutical research methods. Model samples (№№ 1–10) with different contents of lidocaine hydrochloride, decamethoxine, and auxiliary substances were selected as research objects. Pharmacotechnological, physicochemical and biopharmaceutical research methods were used. The technological and biopharmaceutical factors of development pharmaceutical composition in the form of a cryogel with lidocaine hydrochloride and decamethoxine were studied. Based on the results of the research, we found that samples (№№ 1–10) are homogeneous without signs of delamination, no changes are observed (aggregation of particles, sediment, odor). Samples №№ 3, 9 and 10 differ in the presence/absence of API. It was shown that APIs do not affect the absorption capacity of the studied samples. Comparative studies confirm our assumption that the presence of PG in the cryogel increases the absorption of liquid by the samples. The prolongation of the action in the composition depends on the presence of PG in the sample of composition. The prolonged effect of pharmaceutical composition was established. For further research, sample № 10 (lidocaine hydrochloride – 0.4; decamethoxine – 0.03; PVA 15% – 20.0; PG – 10.0) was chosen

    Study of structural-mechanical properties for choosing the basis of pharmaceutical composition in ointment form

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    Rational treatment of wounds is a pressing problem of our time, especially during hostilities. Practice has shown that currently there is no universal method of local wound healing. Therefore, a differentiated approach to the development of drugs for the local treatment of the wound process is needed. Among the dosage forms for topical use, soft drugs are a convenient dosage form for topical use. Thanks to the excipients which are a part of soft medicines, it is possible to regulate release of active pharmaceutical ingredients that, in turn, provides medical action of drug. The technology of drug preparation, which includes the substantiation of the temperature regime of drug production, the study of their physico-chemical and structural-mechanical properties affects the therapeutic efficacy of the drug. The aim of the work was to study the structural and mechanical properties of model samples for choosing the basis of the pharmaceutical composition in the form of an ointment. The object of the study were model samples of bases made on the basis of oil/water emulsion and water/oil. Measurements of rheological parameters of ointment bases and their homogeneity were performed according to the methods of the State Pharmacopoeia of Ukraine (2.2.10 and SPU 1 in Annex I). Studies of thermal stability and colloidal stability were performed according to DSTU 4765: 2007. Cosmetic creams. General technical conditions. [Effective from 2009-01-01]. Rheological studies of model samples of ointment bases immediately after their manufacture and their physicochemical properties (homogeneity, thermal stability and colloidal stability) both after fabrication and during 6 months of storage at room temperature. It is proved that all samples have elastic-plastic-viscous properties, thixotropy and ability to lubricate well, homogeneity and thermal and colloidal stability. The study of the structural and mechanical properties of model bases has shown that these samples of bases can be used as carriers of drugs in the development of soft drugs. The prospect of this study is to study the osmotic properties of model samples in order to choose the basis that the medical and biological requirements will meet a certain phase of the wound process

    Rheological studies of some model samples of bases for manufacturing soft drugs

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    Wound treatment is complex and differentiated depending on the nature and origin of the wound. Comprehensive treatment of wounds includes both local and general therapeutic measures. Local and general wound healing complement each other and accelerate the achievement of a positive result. Local treatment of wounds is carried out with antiseptics according to the phases of the wound process. Not only medical but also pharmaceutical components are important in the development of a drug for the treatment of wounds, in particular the compliance of a mild drug to the phase of the wound process. The aim of the work was to study the structural and mechanical properties of some model bases for the creation of a mild antimicrobial drug for the treatment of wound processes. The object of the study were model samples of bases made on the basis of polymers (gel) and emulsions of the first kind (oil/water) – cream. In order to create stable emulsions, the surfactant N 1 emulsifier in the maximum amount of 8% and vaseline oil – up to 20% were selected. 10 model samples in the form of gel (samples 1–5) and cream (samples 6–10) were processed and rheological studies were performed. Measurement of rheological parameters of ointment bases was performed using a rotary viscometer Reotest-2 according to the method of the State Pharmacopoeia of Ukraine. Based on the research, it was found that the samples of cream and gel bases belong to the dispersed structured systems, which are characterized by elastic-plastic-viscous properties. Model bases are dispersed systems with coagulation type structure. It is proved that all model samples have a non-Newtonian type of flow. Their fluidity begins after the application of a certain mechanical stress. Lubrication and extrusion of tubes characterize the consumer properties of the samples. It is shown that the flow curves fit within the rheological optimum, which allows us to conclude that the test specimens are satisfactorily lubricated and extruded from tubes. Based on the conducted rheological studies, it was found that the presented model samples can be used as carriers for the creation of pharmaceutical compositions with active pharmaceutical ingredients. The prospects of this study are the study of structural and mechanical parameters of model samples – thixotropy, mechanical stability

    Визначення фізико-механічних показників полімерної основи та оптимального способу введення активних фармацевтичних інгредієнтів до складу основи

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    Treatment of wounds and wound infection remains an urgent medical problem today, especially in conditions of constant hostilities. Hydrogel bandages are quite effective means for local treatment of wounds, which are able to have a complex therapeutic effect and do not require frequent replacement in the process of medical supply to military personnel. Taking into account the relevance of this topic, our research is aimed at developing a hydrogel bandage with lidocaine hydrochloride, ceftriaxone and metronidazole. Aim. To study the physical and mechanical parameters of the polymer base and determine the optimal method for introducing active pharmaceutical ingredients (APIs) into the base composition. Materials and methods. The study materials were APIs (lidocaine hydrochloride, ceftriaxone, metronidazole) and excipients. Physical and mechanical research methods were used in the work. Results and discussion. In order to develop the optimal technology for obtaining the polymer mass and determining technological indicators, we studied the indicators of physical and mechanical properties. Indicators of breaking force and relative elongation depend on such technological characteristics as homogeneity, uniformity of application on the substrate, the absence of air bubbles. It was found that the higher the physical and mechanical parameters, the higher the quality of the polymer mass applied to the substrate. Therefore, after obtaining a homogeneous mass it is necessary to deaerate air bubbles by centrifugation (No. 1-5) at 3000 rpm for 5-10 min. During the study of the ease of application of the polymer mass on the polyethylene terephthalate substrate, it was found that the drying process was affected by the thickness of the layer. It was proven that samples No. 1-5 had a uniform, adhesive layer and could be used for further research. The main technological indicators were the layer thickness of 0.40 mm, the centrifugation time of 5-10 min at 3000 rpm, homogeneity (mixing for 15 min at 36 rpm, an anchor stirrer). It was experimentally found that to obtain a layer thickness of 0.40 mm, it was necessary to apply 0.03 g of the sample per 1 cm2 of the substrate. We proved that polymers in the concentration of 10 % provided the optimal technological indicators. To confirm this, the dependence of the viscosity of the forming solution on the concentration / ratio of polymers was studied. We found that the technological indicators of homogeneity and uniformity directly affected the quality of the resulting product. Taking into account the fact that it was possible to introduce poorly soluble substances into the composition of model samples we conducted an experiment on their sedimentation in a polymer solution. It was found that APIs introduced into the polymer solution had different values of the sedimentation rate (time), which was probably related to the degree of solubility. In addition, the polymer concentration in the forming solutions also affected the sedimentation rate of API. The higher the viscosity, the slower the API particles settled. Conclusions. It has been found in the course of the study that satisfactory indicators of physical and mechanical parameters can ensure the quality of the polymer mass production technology as the base for choosing a polymer coating for obtaining a hydrogel with anesthetic, antibacterial, and antimicrobial effects. The main technological indicators determined are the layer thickness (0.40 mm), the centrifugation time (5-10 min at 3000 rpm), homogeneity (mixing for 15 min at 36 rpm, anchor stirrer). The results obtained will be used to develop the composition and the manufacturing technology for a pharmaceutical composition with lidocaine hydrochloride, ceftriaxone and metronidazole.Лікування ран та ранової інфекції залишається актуальною медичною проблемою сьогодення, особливо в умовах постійних бойових дій. Досить ефективними засобами для місцевого лікування ран є гідрогелеві пов’язки, які здатні здійснювати комплексний терапевтичний ефект і не вимагають частої заміни в процесі медикаментозного забезпечення військовослужбовців. З огляду на актуальність цієї тематики наше дослідження спрямоване на розроблення гідрогелевої пов’язки з лідокаїну гідрохлоридом, цефтриаксоном та метронідазолом. Мета роботи – дослідити фізико-механічні показники полімерної основи та визначити оптимальний спосіб введення активних фармацевтичних інгредієнтів (АФІ) до складу основи. Матеріали та методи. Матеріалами дослідження слугували АФІ (лідокаїну гідрохлорид, цефтриаксон, метронідазол) та допоміжні речовини. У роботі використано фізико-механічні методи дослідження. Результати та їх обговорення. Для розробки оптимальної технології отримання полімерної маси та визначення технологічних показників нами вивчено фізико-механічні властивості. Показники зусилля на розрив та відносне видовження залежать від таких технологічних характеристик, як однорідність, рівномірність нанесення на підложку, відсутність бульбашок повітря. Що вищі фізико-механічні показники, то якісніша полімерна маса, яку наносять на підложку. Тому після отримання гомогенної маси необхідно проводити деаерацію пухирців повітря шляхом центрифугування (№№ 1-5) за 3000 об./хв протягом 5-10 хв. У ході вивчення легкості нанесення полімерної маси на підложку поліетилентерефталатну з’ясовано, що на процес сушіння впливає товщина шару. Доведено, що зразки №№ 1-5 мають рівномірний, адгезивний шар і можуть бути використані для подальших досліджень. Основними технологічними показниками є товщина шару 0,40 мм, час центрифугування 5-10 хв за 3000 об./хв, однорідність (перемішування 15 хв за 36 об./хв, якірна мішалка). Експериментально з’ясовано, щодля отримання товщини шару 0,40 мм треба наносити 0,03 г зразка на 1 см2 підложки. Полімери в концентрації 10 % забезпечують оптимальні технологічні показники. Для підтвердження цього було вивчено залежність в’язкості формувального розчину від концентрації / співвідношення полімерів. Доведено, що технологічні показники гомогенність, однорідність безпосередньо впливають на якість отриманого продукту. З огляду на те, що до складу модельних зразків можливе введення важкорозчинних речовин, нами проведено експеримент щодо седиментації їх у полімерному розчині. З’ясовано, що введені до розчину полімеру АФІ мають різні значення швидкості (часу) седиментації, що, ймовірно, пов’язано зі ступенем розчинності. Крім того, концентрація полімеру у формувальних розчинах також впливає на швидкість седиментації АФІ. Що вища в’язкість, то повільніше осідають частинки АФІ. Висновки. У ході дослідження з’ясовано, що задовільні показники фізико-механічних властивостей здатні забезпечити якість технології одержання полімерної маси як основи вибору полімерного покриття для отримання гідрогелю з анестезувальною, антибактеріальною та антимікробною дією. Основними технологічними показниками було визначено товщину шару (0,40 мм), час центрифугування (5-10 хв за 3000 об./хв), однорідність (перемішування 15 хв за 36 об./хв, якірна мішалка). Отримані результати будуть використані для розроблення складу й технології одержання фармацевтичної композиції з лідокаїну гідрохлоридом, цефтриаксоном та метронідазолом

    Morphological features of bovine placenta in case of viral, bacterial and protozoal infections

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    The problem of the intrauterine  infection of fetus is one of the most critical ones in veterinary obstetrics and in perinatology due to the high level of infection in pregnant  cows, the risk of developmental disorder of fetus and the birth of sick calves. Complications of pregnancy occur in case of viral, bacterial and protozoal infections, when the pathogen  enters the uterus in an ascending or descending way with further transplacental  infection of the fetus. Morphological studies of placenta  of Black Pied cattle infected with bovine viral diarrhea, chlamydia and neosporosis were carried out. The presence of the pathogen was confirmed by serological and molecular genetic methods. The material used for histological studies was the fetal part of placenta. After sampling, the material was fixed in a 10% neutral formalin solution, then xylene-free method  for histological preparation  was used. Afterwards, samples were embedded in paraffin. In order to study morphological structures, samples were sectioned at 5–6 µm, and stained with hematoxylin and eosin. Histological sections were analyzed using a Leica DM 1000 light microscope at a magnification of 100×,  200×,  400×,  630×.  On the basis of the conducted studies, it was established that bovine viral diarrhea-associated morphofunctional changes in the “mother – placenta – fetus” system are characterized by involutive-dystrophic changes with microcirculation disorders and the development of an immunity-associated inflammatory process. Chlamydia abortus intrauterine  infection in the “mother – placenta – fetus” system in cows causes a complex of destructive morphological and functional changes of an infectious and toxic nature with a pronounced inflammatory reaction, involvement of blood vessels in the pathological process, and endothelial dysfunction development,  alongside with tissue necrosis in case of a chronic process. The presence of cellular structures in the placenta and the inner part of the umbilical cord is a pathognomonic sign of chlamydia. The role of transplacental transmission of Neospora caninum in cattle was confirmed, the Neospora parasites subjected to basophilic staining were detected not only in the tissues of the placenta, but also in histological sections of the fetus heart and liver. The main characteristic diagnostic sign is the presence of basophilic stained Neospora parasites  in the organs of the mother  and fetus, placenta, and intervillous space. As part of the study morphological features of placenta, one of the most unique histohematic barriers and the basic element of the intrauterine infectious process, were determined

    Optical coherence tomography angiography for choroidal neovascularization in pathological myopia and neovascular age-related macular degeneration in combination with axial myopia in comparative analysis

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    Background. Optical coherence tomography angiography (OCTA) is currently an important method of visualization and assessment of fundus pathology in various diseases. The study of combined pathologies is not well covered.The aim: to compare OCTA features during choroidal neovascularization (CNV) in pathological myopia (PM) and in neovascular age-related macular degeneration in combination with axial myopia (nAMD + M) against the background of anti-VEGF therapy.Materials and methods. A prospective study included 70 eyes with active CNV. Comparative analysis of parameters was carried out between two groups: with PM – 47 eyes; with nAMD + M – 23 eyes.Results. 4 OCTA patterns were established in both groups: dense, loose, mixed and unidentifi able. With PM, dense pattern was found in 28 (59.57 %) eyes, loose pattern – in 16 (34.04 %), mixed pattern– in 2 (4.26 %), unidentifi able pattern – in 1 (2.13 %). In the nAMD + M group, dense pattern was rare – in 1 (4.35 %) eye, loose pattern – in 7 (30.44 %), mixed pattern – in 9 (39.13 %), unidentifi able pattern – in 6 (26.08 %). The fi rst group was characterized by a dense pattern that was found at a younger age, the second group was characterized by dense and mixed patterns. The greatest area and density of CNV were found with a loose pattern in both groups (p < 0.05). The observation period until the stabilization of CNV was achieved was longer in the loose and mixed patterns in the PM group, and in the loose and unidentifi able – in the nAMD + M group (p < 0.05). Loose and unidentifi able patterns require more injections. The halo was determined by the presence of intraretinal fluid in the retina. Conclusion. OCTA showed common features and distinctive features in the course of CNV in patients with PM and nAMD + M during anti-VEGF therapy. OCTA can be useful in assessing CNV activity and predicting the eff ect of treatment


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    Based on experimental study and computer modeling of working temperature influence on the efficiency of Chinese production silicon solar cells identified temperature dependence of efficiency shows the feasibility of using Chinese production Si-SC in the construction of photovoltaic thermal system, which together with the heat pump is part of a combined system for hot water supply, heating and air conditioning. Based on a detailed analysis of the working temperature influence on the efficiency of photovoltaic processes that determine the solar cells work, it has been developed the optimal construction and technological solution of hybrid solar generated module, the main feature of which is the heat exchange block, designed to reduce the solar cells working temperature. The experimental testing of hybrid modules samples equipped with developed cooling system, high-voltage part of power take-off system demonstrates their reliability and high efficiency which allow to achieve the such module efficiency up to 18.5 %. На основе экспериментального исследования в комплексе с компьютерным моделированием влияния рабочей температуры на эффективность кремниевых солнечных элементов китайского производства выявлена температурная зависимость их эффективности. Температурная зависимость показывает целесообразность использования солнечных элементов китайского производства в составе фотоэлектрической тепловой системы, которая вместе с тепловым насосом является частью комбинированной системы горячего водоснабжения, отопления и кондиционирования воздуха. На основе детального анализа влияния рабочей температуры на эффективность фотоэлектрических процессов, определяющих работу солнечных элементов, было разработано оптимальное конструктивно-технологическое решение гибридного солнечного генерирующего модуля, основной особенностью которого является теплообменный блок, предназначен для снижения рабочей температуры солнечных элементов. Экспериментальные испытания образцов таких модулей, оснащенных разработанной системой охлаждения и высоковольтной системой отбора мощности, демонстрируют их надежность и высокую эффективность, позволяющие достичь КПД гибридного модуля до 18,5 %.

    Modern trends of Salmonella epidemic process

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    Modifications in the technology of foodstuff producing, storage and realization, the change of eating behavior along with the endless globalization process are followed by the intensive growth of salmonellosis, thus the permanent epidemiologic monitoring of this group of infections is necessary. The manifestations of the epidemic process of salmonellosis have been studied by an epidemic retrospective analysis and a random retrospective survey of “case – control” type. This article illustrates the analyzed data from Kemerovo region: 41820 cases of salmonellosis disease (1992-2012 г.г.), 1759 cards of the epidemiological study from the disease center (2011-2012 г.г.), the results of bacteriological monitoring (94790 samples of materials of animal origin and objects of the environment). Two periods of salmonellosis morbidity have been identified, which had significant differences in the intensity of epidemic process (the first one – from 1995 to 2004, the second one – from 2005 to 2012). During the first period the morbidity sharply decreased (Тпр. = 9.24%), in the second period, on the contrary, it raised (Тпр. = 9.60%). The growth of the number of the disease cases provoked by salmonella of serogroup D (Salmonella enteritidis) has been discovered. The maximum rate of the salmonellosis morbidity in the annual dynamics has been detected in August, the minimum one – in December. The special group of high risk is babies from 0 to 2 years old. It has been discovered that the majority of morbidities have been caused by a nutritional factor. There is a high rate of correlation between salmonella diseases and eating eggs and poultry products (OR = 4.27). It is obvious that the preventive measures for salmonellosis should be improved

    Prognostic markers in patients with thymus-independent and thymus-dependent myasthenia gravis

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    МИАСТЕНИЯ ГРЭВИС /ТЕРМИАСТЕНИЯ ТЯЖЕЛАЯ ПСЕВДОПАРАЛИТИЧЕСКАЯ /ТЕРЭРБА-ГОЛЬДФЛАМА БОЛЕЗНЬ /ТЕРТИМУСА ГИПЕРПЛАЗИЯТИМОМАТИМУСНАЯ КАРЦИНОМААНТИЯДЕРНЫЕ АНТИТЕЛАКЛАСТЕРНЫЙ АНАЛИЗБИОЛОГИЧЕСКИЕ МАРКЕРЫЦель. Оценить наличие специфических маркеров у пациентов с тимуснезависимой и тимусзависимой миастенией для выбора тактики лечения. Материал и методы. Обследовано 138 пациентов с тимуснезависимой (М – миастения без морфо-функциональных изменений тимуса) и тимусзависимой (МГ – миастения на фоне гиперплазии тимуса, МТ – миастения на фоне тимомы) миастенией. Использовали методы иммуноферментного анализа (содержание антител к a1 и a7 субъединицам нАХР в сыворотке, к a7 субъединице нАХР в митохондриях тимоцитов, уровень антиядерных антител ANA), иммунофлуоресценции (тип свечения ANA), проточной цитометрии (экспрессия CD14+CD11c+ и CD14+HLA-DR+). Результаты. Выявлена взаимосвязь клинических фенотипов миастении с вариантами диплотипов лейкоцитарных антигенов HLA: у молодых пациентов с тимуснезависимой миастенией (М) выявили высокую гетерогенность генотипических маркеров HLA-DR (DR1, DR2, DR3, DR5, DR7). Пациенты с тимусзависимой миастенией (МТ) имели только дипло- и гаплотипы HLA DR2 и HLA DR7. Наличие гаплотипов HLA DR2 и HLA DR7 у части молодых пациентов с М при прогрессировании заболевания приводило к развитию миастении на фоне тимомы (МТ) в старшем возрасте. Патогенетическая роль также принадлежит инфекции (СMV, EBV, HBV, HCV, HSV-1, HSV-2, HHV-6, микоплазма) и пищевой непереносимости (IgE и IgG4) в развитии и прогрессировании миастении. В качестве дополнительной мишени аутоагрессии при миастении выявили четырехкратное преобладание a7 субъединицы никотиновых ацетилхолиновых рецепторов в митохондриях клеток тимомы. Специфические антинуклеарные антитела к центромерам хромосом были визуализированы у пациентов старшей группы с миастенией на фоне тимомы. Заключение. Прогноз прогрессирования миастении и развития ремиссии может быть осуществлен с помощью геномных (наличие определенных гаплотипов HLA-DR) и молекулярных (антитела ANA к центромерным белкам хромосом, экспрессия СD20+, CD14+CD11c+, CD14+HLA-DR+) биомаркеров, которые могут быть применены для выбора тактики лечения.Objective. To assess the presence of specific markers in patients with thymus-independent and thymus-dependent myasthenia gravis for choosing treatment tactics. Methods. The presence of specific markers was assessed in 138 patients with thymus-independent (M – myasthenia gravis without thymus changes) and thymus-dependent (MH – myasthenia gravis with thymus hyperplasia, MT – myasthenia gravis with thymoma). The method ELISA (the content of antibodies to subunits 1 and 7 nAChR in blood serum, to 7 nAChR subunit in thymocyte mitochondria, a detectable level of antinuclear antibody (ANA), immunofluorescence (ANA glow) and flow cytometry (expression of CD14+CD11c+and CD14 + HLA-DR +) has been used. Results. The relationship between the clinical phenotypes of myasthenia gravis and the variants of HLA diplotypes was revealed: in young patients with thymus-independent myasthenia gravis (M), a high heterogeneity of the genotypic markers HLA-DR (DR1, DR2, DR3, DR5, DR7) was detected. Patients with thymus-dependent myasthenia (MT) had only the HLA DR2 and HLA DR7 diplo- and haplotypes. The presence of HLA DR2 and HLA DR7 haplotypes in some young patients with progressive thymus-independent myasthenia gravis (M) led to the development of myasthenia gravis with thymoma (MT) in the elderly people. The pathogenic role also belongs to infection (СMV, EBV, HBV, HCV, HSV-1, HSV-2, HHV-6, mycoplasma) and food intolerance (IgE and IgG4) in the development and progression of myasthenia gravis. A four-fold prevalence of a7 subunit nicotinic acetylcholine receptors on the thymocyte mitochondria as an additional targets of autoimmune aggression in myasthenia gravis was determined. Specific antinuclear antibodies to centromere chromosome proteins were visualized in the elderly people with thymoma. Conclusion. The prognosis of the myasthenia gravis progression and the development of remission can be made using genomic (the presence of certain HLA-DR haplotypes) and molecular (ANA antibodies to centromere chromosome proteins, expression of CD20+, CD14+CD11c+, CD14+HLA-DR+) biomarkers, that can be used for the choice of treatment tactics