230 research outputs found

    Nutriepigenetics and cardiovascular disease

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    Purpose of review: We present a current perspective of epigenetic alterations that can lead to cardiovascular disease (CVD) and the potential of dietary factors to counteract their actions. In addition, we discuss the challenges and opportunities of dietary treatments as epigenetic modifiers for disease prevention and therapy. Recent findings: Recent epigenome-wide association studies along with candidate gene approaches and functional studies in cell culture and animal models have delineated mechanisms through which nutrients, food compounds and dietary patterns may affect the epigenome. Several risk factors for CVD, including adiposity, inflammation and oxidative stress, have been associated with changes in histone acetylation, lower global DNA methylation levels and shorter telomere length. A surplus of macronutrients such as in a high-fat diet or deficiencies of specific nutrients such as folate and other B-vitamins can affect the activity of DNA methyltransferases and histone-modifying enzymes, affecting foetal growth, glucose/lipid metabolism, oxidative stress, inflammation and atherosclerosis. Bioactive compounds such as polyphenols (resveratrol, curcumin) or epigallocatechin may activate deacetylases Sirtuins (SIRTs), histone deacetylases or acetyltransferases and in turn the response of inflammatory mediators. Adherence to cardioprotective dietary patterns, such as the Mediterranean diet (MedDiet), has been associated with altered methylation and expression of genes related to inflammation and immuno-competence. Summary: The mechanisms through which nutrients and dietary patterns may alter the cardiovascular epigenome remain elusive. The research challenge is to determine which of these nutriepigenetic effects are rev

    Towards Privacy in Personal Data Management

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    We present a personal data management framework called Polis, which abides by the following principle: Ev-ery individual has absolute control over her personal data, which reside only at her own side. Preliminary results in-dicate that beyond the apparent advantages of such an en-vironment for users ’ privacy, everyday transactions remain both feasible and straightforward.

    Effects of Spaceflight on Human Induced Pluripotent Stem Cell-Derived Cardiomyocyte Structure and Function.

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    With extended stays aboard the International Space Station (ISS) becoming commonplace, there is a need to better understand the effects of microgravity on cardiac function. We utilized human induced pluripotent stem cell-derived cardiomyocytes (hiPSC-CMs) to study the effects of microgravity on cell-level cardiac function and gene expression. The hiPSC-CMs were cultured aboard the ISS for 5.5 weeks and their gene expression, structure, and functions were compared with ground control hiPSC-CMs. Exposure to microgravity on the ISS caused alterations in hiPSC-CM calcium handling. RNA-sequencing analysis demonstrated that 2,635 genes were differentially expressed among flight, post-flight, and ground control samples, including genes involved in mitochondrial metabolism. This study represents the first use of hiPSC technology to model the effects of spaceflight on human cardiomyocyte structure and function

    Nutriepigenetics and cardiovascular disease

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    Purpose of review: We present a current perspective of epigenetic alterations that can lead to cardiovascular disease (CVD) and the potential of dietary factors to counteract their actions. In addition, we discuss the challenges and opportunities of dietary treatments as epigenetic modifiers for disease prevention and therapy. Recent findings: Recent epigenome-wide association studies along with candidate gene approaches and functional studies in cell culture and animal models have delineated mechanisms through which nutrients, food compounds and dietary patterns may affect the epigenome. Several risk factors for CVD, including adiposity, inflammation and oxidative stress, have been associated with changes in histone acetylation, lower global DNA methylation levels and shorter telomere length. A surplus of macronutrients such as in a high-fat diet or deficiencies of specific nutrients such as folate and other B-vitamins can affect the activity of DNA methyltransferases and histone-modifying enzymes, affecting foetal growth, glucose/lipid metabolism, oxidative stress, inflammation and atherosclerosis. Bioactive compounds such as polyphenols (resveratrol, curcumin) or epigallocatechin may activate deacetylases Sirtuins (SIRTs), histone deacetylases or acetyltransferases and in turn the response of inflammatory mediators. Adherence to cardioprotective dietary patterns, such as the Mediterranean diet (MedDiet), has been associated with altered methylation and expression of genes related to inflammation and immuno-competence. Summary: The mechanisms through which nutrients and dietary patterns may alter the cardiovascular epigenome remain elusive. The research challenge is to determine which of these nutriepigenetic effects are reversible, so that novel findings translate into effective dietary interventions to prevent CVD or its progression

    A conceptual architecture for empowering responsible online gambling with predictive, real- time, persuasive and interactive intervention

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    Online gambling, unlike other mediums of addiction and problematic behaviour, such as tobacco and alcohol, offers unprecedented opportunities for monitoring and understanding an addict's behaviour in real-time and adapting persuasive messages and interactions that would fit their usage and personal context. Online gambling sites usually provide Application Programming Interfaces (APIs) mainly to enable third party applications to enhance the gambling experience. In this work, we propose that gamblers' online data, such as navigation path and available offers, can be used to enable a more intelligent and proactive responsible gambling care in a real-time persuasive style. To this end, we propose a conceptual architecture of persuasive responsible online gambling technology. The novelty in our approach is indeed reliant on the real time and interactivity aspects as the intervention and the persuasion can happen in the same time as the gamblers’ behaviour is taking place

    DNA Checkpoint and Repair Factors Are Nuclear Sensors for Intracellular Organelle Stresses-Inflammations and Cancers Can Have High Genomic Risks.

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    Under inflammatory conditions, inflammatory cells release reactive oxygen species (ROS) and reactive nitrogen species (RNS) which cause DNA damage. If not appropriately repaired, DNA damage leads to gene mutations and genomic instability. DNA damage checkpoint factors (DDCF) and DNA damage repair factors (DDRF) play a vital role in maintaining genomic integrity. However, how DDCFs and DDRFs are modulated under physiological and pathological conditions are not fully known. We took an experimental database analysis to determine the expression of 26 DNA D

    Analysis of pharmaceutical companies’ social media activity during the COVID-19 Pandemic and its impact on the public

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    The COVID-19 pandemic, a period of great turmoil, was coupled with the emergence of an “infodemic”, a state when the public was bombarded with vast amounts of unverified information from dubious sources that led to a chaotic information landscape. The excessive flow of messages to citizens, combined with the justified fear and uncertainty imposed by the unknown virus, cast a shadow on the credibility of even well-intentioned sources and affected the emotional state of the public. Several studies highlighted the mental toll this environment took on citizens by analyzing their discourse on online social networks (OSNs). In this study, we focus on the activity of prominent pharmaceutical companies on Twitter, currently known as X, as well as the public’s response during the COVID-19 pandemic. Communication between companies and users is examined and compared in two discrete channels, the COVID-19 and the non-COVID-19 channel, based on the content of the posts circulated in them in the period between March 2020 and September 2022, while the emotional profile of the content is outlined through a state-of-the-art emotion analysis model. Our findings indicate significantly increased activity in the COVID-19 channel compared to the non-COVID-19 channel while the predominant emotion in both channels is joy. However, the COVID-19 channel exhibited an upward trend in the circulation of fear by the public. The quotes and replies produced by the users, with a stark presence of negative charge and diffusion indicators, reveal the public’s preference for promoting tweets conveying an emotional charge, such as fear, surprise, and joy. The findings of this research study can inform the development of communication strategies based on emotion-aware messages in future crises

    Gambling Behaviour Data and Modalities of Persuasive Interaction for Enabling Responsible Online Gambling

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    Online gambling, unlike offline forms of gambling and other mediums of problematic and addictive behaviours such as alcohol and tobacco, offers unprecedented opportunities for monitoring and understanding users’ behaviour in real-time, along with the ability to adapt persuasive messages and interactions that would fit the gamblers usage and personal context. This opens a whole new avenue for research on the monitoring and interactive utilization of gambling behavioural data. To this end, in this paper we explore the range of data and modalities of interaction which can facilitate richer interactive persuasive interventions and offer additional support to goal setting, with ultimate aim of aiding gamblers to stay in control of their gambling experience. The exploration is based on our previous research on online addiction and interviews with experts from different relevant multidisciplinary backgrounds and different points of view. We also interviewed gamblers about their perception of the utilization of their data for aiding more conscious gambling. We finally explored the barriers to such data provision as expressed by personnel in the gambling industry through another set of interviews. This is a position paper aimed at multiple stakeholders including software industry and well-being personnel as well as policymakers. This paper aims to map the road for an online space which is transparent and practicing a high degree of corporate social responsibility and duty of care in relation to the potential of hosting a problematic and addictive usage

    Empowering Responsible Online Gambling by Real-time Persuasive Information Systems

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    Online gambling, unlike other mediums of problem- atic and addictive behaviours, such as tobacco and alcohol, offers unprecedented opportunities for building information systems that are able to monitor and understand a user’s behaviour in real-time and adapt persuasive messages and interactions that would fit their personal profile and usage context. Online gambling industry usually provides Application Programming Interfaces (APIs) meant mainly to enable third-party applications to network with their gambling services and enhance a user’s gambling experience. In this industrial practice and experience paper, we advocate that such API’s can also be used to retrieve gamblers’ online data, such as browsing and betting history, promotions and available offers and use it to build more intel- ligent and proactive responsible gambling information systems. We report on our industrial experience in this field and make the argument that data available for persuasive marketing and usability should, under specific usage conditions, also be made available for responsible gambling information systems. This principle would provide equal opportunities for both directions. We discuss the psychological foundations of our proposed solution and the risks and challenges typically found when building such a software-assisted intervention, persuasion and emotion regulation technology. We also shed light on its potential implications from the perspectives of social corporate responsibility and data protection. We finally propose a conceptual architecture to demonstrate our vision and explain how it can be implemented. In the wider context, the paper is meant to provide insights on building behavioural awareness and regulation information systems in relation to problematic digital media usage

    Prevalence of Overweight and Obesity Among Greek Army Recruits

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    OBJECTIVE Obesity poses a major public health issue whose prevalence is reaching epidemic proportions, especially among younger ages. Our aim was to determine the prevalence of overweight and obesity among Greek men recruited in the army, and to evaluate potential associations with place of residence and educational level. SUBJECTS & METHODS Height and weight were measured in 3,684 men, aged 23.2±2.8 (mean ± standard deviation) years. Body mass index (BMI, kg/m2) was used as measure of adiposity. Associations between BMI categories and level of education (≤9 school years, >9 years) and between BMI categories and place of residence (urban, rural) were evaluated using chi-square test. RESULTS Average BMI was 25.2±4 kg/m2. The prevalence of overweight (25<BMI<30) was 33.7% and associated positively with a higher educational level (p<0.001), whereas the prevalence of obesity (BMI>30) was 10.0% and was not associated with educational level. Obesity was associated with place of residence; individuals from rural areas were more obese than those from urban areas (p=0.04). Our results, when compared to those of similar studies conducted in 1969, 1990, and 2006 showed a significant increase in mean BMI. CONCLUSION Overall, we documented a high and increasing prevalence of overweight and obesity (43.7%) among younger Greek men
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