114 research outputs found

    Report from space plasma science

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    Space plasma science, especially plasma experiments in space, is discussed. Computational simulations, wave generation and propagation, wave-particle interactions, charged particle acceleration, particle-particle interactions, radiation transport in dense plasmas, macroscopic plasma flow, plasma-magnetic field interactions, plasma-surface interactions, prospects for near-term plasma science experiments in space and three-dimensional plasma experiments are among the topics discussed

    Rhabdomyolysis attenuates activity of semicarbazide sensitive amine oxidase as the marker of nephropathy in diabetic rats

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    Amine oxidases are involved in the progression of many diseases and their complications, including renal failure, due to the generation of the three toxic metabolites (H2O2, aldehydes, and ammonia) in the course of biogenic amines oxidative deamination. The participation of the first two products in kidney pathogenesis was confirmed, whereas the role of ammonia as a potential inducer of the nitrozative stress is not yet understood. The aim of the present study was to test how further intensification of oxidative stress would affect diabetes-mediated metabolic changes. For this purpose, a rat model of glycerol-induced rhabdomyolysis, as a source of powerful oxidative stress due to the release of labile Fe3+ from ruptured myocytes, on the background of streptozotocin-induced diabetes was used. The experimental animal groups were as follows: group 1 – ‘Control’, group 2 – ‘Diabetes’, group 3 – ‘Diabetes + rhabdomyolysis’. A multifold increase in semicarbazide sensitive amine oxidase (SSAO) activity in the kidney and blood, free radicals (FR), MetHb and 3-nitrotyrosine (3-NT) levels in the blood, as well as the emergence of HbNO in plasma and dinitrosyl iron complexes (DNICs) in the liver of animals in group 2 as compared to control were revealed. An additional increase in FR, HbNO levels in the blood, and DNICs in the liver of animals in the diabetes + rhabdomyolysis group as compared to the diabetes group, which correlated with the appearance of a large amount of Fe3+ in the blood of group 3 animals, was detected. Unexpectedly, we observed the positive regulatory effects in animals of the diabetes + rhabdomyolysis group, in particular, a decreased SSAO activity in the kidney and 3-NT level in plasma, as well as the normalization of activity of pro- and antioxidant enzymes in the blood and liver compared to animals of diabetes group. These consequences mediated by rhabdomyolysis may be the result of NO exclusion from the circulation due to the excessive formation of NO stable complexes in the blood and liver. The data obtained allow us to consider SSAO activity as a marker of renal failure in diabetes mellitus. In addition, we suggest a significant role of nitrosative stress in the development of pathology, and, therefore, recommend NO-traps in the complex treatment of diabetic complications

    The chemical journey of Europium(III) through winter rye (Secale cereale L.) – Understanding through mass spectrometry and chemical microscopy

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    A combination of biochemical preparation methods with microscopic, spectroscopic, and mass spectrometric analysis techniques as contemplating state of the art application, was used for direct visualization, localization, and chemical identification of europium in plants. This works illustrates the chemical journey of europium (Eu(III)) through winter rye (Secale cereale L.), providing insight into the possibilities of speciation for Rare Earth Elements (REE) and trivalent f-elements. Kinetic experiments of contaminated plants show a maximum europium concentration in Secale cereale L. after four days. Transport of the element through the vascular bundle was confirmed with Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM) and Energy Dispersive X-ray analysis (EDS). For chemical speciation, plants were grown in a liquid nutrition medium, whereby Eu(III) species distribution could be measured by mass spectrometry and luminescence measurements. Both techniques confirm the occurrence of Eu malate species in the nutrition medium, and further analysis of the plant was performed. Luminescence results indicate a change in Eu(III) species distribution from root tip to plant leaves. Microscopic analysis show at least three different Eu(III) species with potential binding to organic and inorganic phosphate groups and a Eu(III) protein complex. With plant root extraction, further europium species could be identified by using Electrospray Ionization Mass Spectrometry (ESI MS). Complexation with malate, citrate, a combined malate-citrate ligand, and aspartate was confirmed mostly in a 1:1 stoichiometry (Eu:ligand). The combination of the used analytical techniques opens new possibilities in direct species analysis, especially regarding to the understanding of rare earth elements (REE) uptake in plants. This work provides a contribution in better understanding of plant mechanisms of the f-elements and their species uptake

    Overexpression of adaptor protein Ruk/CIN85 in mouse breast adenocarcinoma 4T1 cells induces an increased migration rate and invasion potential

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    Aim. To study the effect of adaptor protein Ruk/CIN85 overexpression on the dynamics of migration and Matrigel invasion as well as transendothelial migration of murine 4T1 breast adenocarcinoma cells. Methods. Dynamics of 4T1 cells migration/invasion was monitored in real time using the xCELLigence Real-Time Cell Analyzer (RTCA) DP Instrument equipped with a CIM-plate 16. Transendothelial migration (TEM) of 4T1 cells was performed through the layer of primary mouse lung endothelial cells seeded on gelatin-coated 24-well transwell inserts (8-μm pores).The two-tailed Student’s t-test for unequal variances was used for statistical analysis. Results. Ruk/CIN85-overexpression in 4T1 cells are indices a significantly increased motility, Matrigel invasiveness and migration through endothelial cells layer. Conclusions. The Ruk/CIN85 adaptor protein may play a potential role in the control of metastasis in vivo.Мета. Дослідити вплив надекспресії адаптерного протеїну Ruk/CIN85 на динаміку міграції й інвазії через Матригель, а також на ефективність трансендотеліальної міграції клітин аденокарциноми молочної залози миші лінії 4Т1. Методи. Динаміку міграції/інвазії клітин 4Т1 аналізували в режимі реального часу за допомогою приладу XCELLigence Real-Time Cell Analyzer (RTCA) DP Instrument, оснащеного імпедансним планшетом CIM-plate 16. Трансендотеліальну міграцію (ТЕМ) клітин 4Т1 здійснювали через шар первинних ендотеліоцитів легені миші, висіяних на мембрану (розмір пор 8 μм) камери Бойдена. Для статистичного аналізу використовували двовибірковий t-тест Ст’юдента для незалежних вибірок з нерівними дисперсіями. Результати. Встановлено, що надекспресія Ruk/CIN85 у клітинах лінії 4Т1 супроводжується значним зростанням рухливості, здатності до інвазії через Матригель та шар ендотеліальних клітин. Висновки. Отримані результати вказують на потенційну роль адаптерного протеїну Ruk/CIN85 у контролі метастазування in vivo.Цель. Исследовать влияние сверхэкспрессии адаптерного протеина Ruk/CIN85 на динамику миграции и инвазии через Матригель, а также на эффективность трансэндотелиальной миграции клеток аденокарциномы молочной железы мыши линии 4Т1. Методы. Динамику миграции/инвазии клеток 4Т1 анализировали в режиме реального времени с помощью прибора XCELLigence Real-Time Cell Analyzer (RTCA) DP Instrument, оснащенного импедансным планшетом CIM-plate 16. Трансэндотелиальную миграцию (ТЭМ) клеток 4Т1 осуществляли через слой первичных эндотелиоцитов легкого мыши, высеянных на мембрану (размер пор 8 μм) камеры Бойдена. Для статистического анализа использовали двухвыборочный t-тест Стьюдента для независимых выборок с неравными дисперсиями. Результаты. Установлено, что сверхэкспрессия адаптерного протеина Ruk/CIN85 в клетках линии 4Т1 сопровождается значительным ростом подвижности, способности к инвазии через Матригель и слой эндотелиальных клеток. Выводы. Полученные результаты указывают на потенциальную роль адаптерного протеина Ruk/CIN85 в контроле метастазирования in vivo

    The \u27Ideal\u27 Climate Change Ph.D. Program

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    The training of the next generation of climate-change researchers is of utmost importance as climate change and its associated impacts take on increasing local, regional, and global relevance. This report seeks to address this issue by highlighting aspects of a successful climate-change Ph.D. program; a program which seeks to balance traditional disciplinary training with exposure to the broader, interdisciplinary climate-change community

    Соликамский магниевый завод – стартовая площадка инноваций в России

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    The article deals with the history of the production of rare earth elements (REE) in the Soviet Union, the changes that have occurred in connection with the collapse of the Union, the role of JSC "Solikamsk Magnesium Works" (JSC "SMW") in the rare metal industry today. It is shown that the introduction of chlorine processing method of loparite concentrate allowed to include in the work cycle about a quarter of the chlorine volume produced by the electrolysis of MgCl2 and laid the foundation for the economic sustainability of the enterprise. The prospects of the development of REE production in our country are scheduled.Статья посвящена истории развития производства редкоземельных элементов (РЗЭ) в СССР, изменениям, которые произошли в связи с распадом Союза, роли ОАО «Соликамский магниевый завод» (ОАО «СМЗ») в редкометалльной промышленности сегодня. Показано, что внедрение хлорного метода переработки лопаритового концентрата позволило включить в технологический цикл порядка четверти объема производимого при электролизе MgCl2 хлора и заложило фундамент экономической устойчивости предприятия. Намечены перспективы развития производства РЗЭ в нашей стране


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    Aim. This study is focused on a comprehensive overview of mechanisms and processes involved in the acquisition of cancer cell plasticity in a manner dependent on the adapter protein Ruk/CIN85 (in rodents, Ruk — regulator of ubiquitous kinase; in human CIN85 — Cbl-interacting protein of 85 kDa, encoded by SH3KBP1 gene).. Methods. Gene expression was evaluated using RT2-PCR and Western blotting, cell proliferation and survival were analyzed using MTT and/or dye exclusion assays, motility was assessed by scratch test and Transwell assay, enzyme activities were measured using spectrophotometric assays. In vivo metastasis were studies using experimental metastasis model. Conclusion. This study discloses various aspects of cancer cells plasticity, such as EMT, stemness, metabolic changes, ECM components, and drug resistance in dependence on adaptor protein Ruk/CIN85 expression level

    Термодинамическое описание фазовых равновесий в бинарных хлоридных системах

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    The paper considers the Saint-John-Bloch model and proves that this model is applicable for describing phase equilibrium in binary systems formed by pentachlorides of d-elements of groups V, Vl, Vll of the periodic system and lanthanide chlorides. The dependence of the possibility of forming solid solutions in LnCl3-Ln'Cl3 on the atomic number of a lanthanide was found.В работе рассмотрено применение модели Сент-Джон-Блоха к описанию фазовых равновесий в бинарных системах, образованных пентахлоридами d-элементов V - VII групп Периодической системы Д.И.Менделеева (Nb, Ta, Mo, W, Re) и трихлоридами лантанидов. Показано влияние порядкового номера лантанида на возможность образования твердых растворов в системах LnCl3-Ln'Cl3

    Expression of adaptor protein Ruk/CIN85 isoforms in cell lines of various tissue origins and human melanoma

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    Aim: Development of monoclonal and polyclonal antibodies against recombinant GST-fused proteins including correspondingly N- and C-terminal parts of Ruk/CIN85 adaptor protein. Analysis of Ruk/CIN85 expression patterns in cell lines of various tissue origins and human melanoma. Methods: Recombinant GST-fused fragments of Ruk/CIN85 were expressed in bacterial system and affinity purified. Monoclonal antibodies against SH3A domain of Ruk/CIN85 were produced using hybridoma technique. The specificity of generated antibodies was examined by ELISA. Polyclonal antibodies against C-terminal coiled-coil region of Ruk/CIN85 were affinity purified from serum of immunized rabbit. Expression patterns of Ruk/CIN85 isoforms and their subcellular localization in cell lines of various tissue origins and human melanoma samples were analyzed by immunoblotting, immunoprecipitation and immunofluorescence microcopy. Results: Ruk/CIN85 is ubiquitously expressed SH3-containing adaptor/scaffold protein which plays important roles in signalling processes. N-terminal half of Ruk/CIN85 molecule, including three SH3 domains, and its C-terminal coiled-coil region were used as antigens to produce monoclonal and polyclonal antibodies, respectively. Hybridoma cell lines secreting monoclonal antibodies (mAbs) to SH3 fragment of Ruk/CIN85 were established. One of the mAbs was extensively characterized and designated as MISh-A1. It was shown that this mAb recognizes an epitope, which resides within first SH3A domain. Polyclonal anti-Ruks Abs affinity purified from serum of immunized rabbit specifically recognized main Ruk/CIN85 isoforms, both endogenous and recombinant, in lysates of HEK293 cells. Notably, produced Abs did not cross-react with CD2AP, the member of the same family of adaptor/scaffold proteins. Multiple molecular forms of Ruk/CIN85 with apparent molecular weights of 130, 80–85, 70–75, 50–56, 34–40 and 29 kD were detected in cell lyzates of NIH3T3, Cos1, L1210, HEK293, Ramos, HeLa S3, MDCK, C6, A549 and U937 using anti-Ruk antibodies. Oligomerization between p85 and p50–56 forms of Ruk/CIN85 was revealed in C6 and NIH3T3 cells, but not in HeLa S3 and HEK293 cells by immunoprecipitation using MISh-A1 antibody following anti-Ruk Western-blot analysis. Using immunofluorescent microscopy and anti-Ruk antibodies, endogenous Ruk-variates were found mostly in cytoplasm of C6, NIH3T3, HEK293 cells and at lower level — in nuclei. Conclusion: Patterns of Ruk/CIN85 molecular forms expression are cell-specific and determined by cellular context. Assembly of oligomeric complexes between p85 and p50–56 Ruk/CIN85 isoforms in C6 and NIH3T3 cells but not in HeLa S3 and HEK293 cells may reflect their specific biological roles in different cell lines. High level of full-length Rukl/CIN85 form expression was revealed in extracts of human melanoma samples. Abs described in this paper may prove useful in future studies of Ruk/CIN85 expression and function in normal and transformed cells.Цель: получение моноклональных и поликлональных антител против рекомбинантных GST-коныогированных форм белков, включающих соответственно N-концевую и С-концевую части адаптерного белка Ruk/CIN85. Авалю профилей экспрессии изоформ Ruk/CIN85 и юс субклеточной локализации в клеточных линиях различного тканевого проасхождешя н образцах меланомы человека. Методы: рекомбинантные GST-конъюгнрованные фрагменты Ruk/CIN85 (GST-3SH3/CIN85 и GST- Ruk ) экспрессировали в бактериальной системе с последующей аффинной очисткой на глутатнон-сефарозе. Для получения моноклональных антител против 3SH3 фрагмента С IN85 использовали гнбридомную технологию. Поликлоналыеле антитела против С-конневого суперсинралнзоваииого района Ruk очищали из сыворотки иммунизированного кролика аффинной хроматографией на Ruk -сефарозе. Профази экспрессии изоформ Ruk/CTN85, их олигомеризацию и субклеточную локализацию изучали метолами Вестерн-блотанализа, нммувопрецнпнгацнн и иммунофлуоресиентной микроскопии. Результаты: Ruk/CIN85, S НЗ-содержащий адаптерный “стеллажный” белок, преет важную роль в сшив мытых процессах клеток. N- конневую часть молекулы CIN85, включающую 3 SH3 домена, н С-конценой суперспирализокаиный райе» использовали в качестве антигенов для получения моноклональных и нолик.тональных антител, соответственно. Получены гибрнломы. секретнру юнше моноклональные антитела к 3SH3-фрагменту. Показано, что одно из этих антител (MISh-Al) специфически узнает эпитоп, находящийся в первом $НЗАдомеие адаптерного белка. Поликлональные анти-Ruk антитела, аффинно очищенные из сыворотки иммунизированного кроля, снецифическм узнавати основные изоформы Ruk/CIN85, как эндогенные, так и рекомбинантные, в лизатах клеток НЕК293. Важно, что полученные антитела не реагировази перекрестно с CD2AP, представителем этого же семейства атаптерных белков. Множественные молекулярные формы Ruk/CIN85 с кажущейся молекулярной массой 130. 80-85, 70-75, 50-56, 34-40 and 29 кДа были детектированы в лизатах клеток NIH3T3, Cost, 1.1210, НЕК293, Ramos, HeLa S3, MDCK, Сб, A549 и U937 с Rak антител. Олигомеризацию между р85 и р50-56 формами Ruk/CIN85 выявили в клетках С6 и NIH3T3, во не в HeLa S3 и НЕК293, с помощью антитела MISh-AI и последующего анги-Rak Вестерн-блот анализа. Иммунофлу оресиентной микроскопией с использованием анти-Ruk антител эндогенные варианты Ruk выявляли прешущественно в цитоплазме клеток С6, NIH ЗТЗ, НЕК293 и в более низкой степени в ядре. Высокий уровень экспресс» полноразмерной формы RA/C1N85 выявлен в образцах меланомы человека. Выводы: профили экспрессии множественных эндогенных вариантов Ruk/CIN85 и способность к формированию олигомерных комніексов между различными и зоформами являются характерными для каждой исследованной линии клеток. Не исключено, что выявленные особенности могут определять специфическую биологическую значимость изоформ Ruk/CEN85 в различных типах клеток в зависимости от клеточного контекста. Следствием высокого уровня экспрессии полноразмерной формы Rnk/CIN85 в образцах меланомы человека может быть нарушение согласованного контроля процессов пролиферации и апоптоза в трансформированных ме.таноцитах. Антитела, описанные в этой работе, могут быть использованы для изучения экспрессии и функций Ruk/CIN85 в опухолях человека

    Advances in Targeting Signal Transduction Pathways

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    Over the past few years, significant advances have occurred in both our understanding of the complexity of signal transduction pathways as well as the isolation of specific inhibitors which target key components in those pathways. Furthermore critical information is being accrued regarding how genetic mutations can affect the sensitivity of various types of patients to targeted therapy. Finally, genetic mechanisms responsible for the development of resistance after targeted therapy are being discovered which may allow the creation of alternative therapies to overcome resistance. This review will discuss some of the highlights over the past few years on the roles of key signaling pathways in various diseases, the targeting of signal transduction pathways and the genetic mechanisms governing sensitivity and resistance to targeted therapies