1,964 research outputs found

    Sex and the Workplace: Consenting Adolescents and a Conflict of Laws

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    According to the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission, sexual harassment of adolescents at work may constitute a serious, but to date largely undocumented, problem. Courts respond inconsistently to adolescent consent in sexual harassment employment cases. This Article reviews state criminal statutory rape law, federal civil law, and tort law to reveal the conflicting legal treatment of adolescent capacity to consent to sex. It highlights conflicts not only between the criminal and civil systems, but also between sister states\u27 laws and laws within states. For example, this Article finds that despite criminal sexual abuse laws, courts permitted employers to use adolescent consent as a defense to sexual harassment in approximately fifty percent of the surveyed common law tort cases across the nation. After exploring the public policy goals for these various laws, this Article concludes that these goals do not justify the blatant conflicts between tort and criminal laws. This Article recommends both administrative and statutory reform to protect minors from the predation of adult supervisors and employers. Particularly, it recommends a strict liability standard in an approach that makes an adolescent\u27s consent to sex with an adult at work voidable by the minor

    Wake Up and Smell the Starbucks Coffee: How \u3cem\u3eDoe v. Starbucks\u3c/em\u3e Confirms the End of the Age of Consent in California and Perhaps Beyond

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    Since 2005, California civil courts have effectively abandoned the “age of consent” set by former California statutory rape law and, arguably, encoded in current penal code sex crime provisions. In declaring that California civil law may credit a child’s consent to sex with an adult, courts conflate or confuse legal consent, capacity, and acquiescence. Given that California federal antidiscrimination cases have begun to treat minors like fully mature adults, other states may adopt these dangerous precedents. This Article analyzes both California and United States Supreme Court cases to conclude that a strict liability civil law approach to juvenile acquiescence to sex with an adult would better serve developing teenagers. Brief exploration of adolescent assent, a new mechanism based in traditional contract law for dealing with the decisions of maturing teenagers, also justifies review of the current approaches in California and across the nation

    Slow magnetic dynamics and hysteresis loops of a bulk ferromagnet

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    Magnetic dynamics of a bulk ferromagnet, a new single crystalline compound Co7(TeO3)4Br6, was studied by ac susceptibility and the related techniques. Very large Arrhenius activation energy of 17.2 meV (201 K) and long attempt time (2x10^(-4)s) span the full spectrum of magnetic dynamics inside a convenient frequency window, offering a rare opportunity for general studies of magnetic dynamics. Within the experimental window the ac susceptibility data build almost ideally semicircular Cole-Cole plots. Comprehensive study of experimental dynamic hysteresis loops of the compound is presented and interpreted within a simple thermal-activation-assisted spin lattice relaxation model for spin reversal. Quantitative agreement between the experimental results and the model's prediction for dynamic coercive field is achieved by assuming the central physical quantity, the Debye relaxation rate, to depend on frequency, as well as on the applied field strength and sample temperature. Cross-over between minor- to major hysteresis loops is carefully analyzed. Low-frequency limitations of the model, relying on domain wall pinning effects, are experimentally detected and appropriately discussed.Comment: A paragraph on dynamical-hysteresis assymetry added, text partially revised; Accepted in Physical Review

    Učitelj i specifičnosti njegovog rada na izvođenju inkluzivne nastave iz predmeta prirode i društva u redovnim odeljenjima

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    The main aim of this paper is to point out the specifics of teachers' work in teaching the subject Nature and Society, using different forms of teaching, learning and assessment, which ensure equal access to education for all children in accordance with developmental and personal educational affinities, and age. The paper focuses on a teachers' need for education, expertise, knowledge and the skills necessary for inclusive teaching of the subject Nature and Society in regular classes with students with disabilities. The importance of the teachers' role in the teaching process with students with disabilities has been emphasized, in relation to their integration and inclusion into normal life. The success of an education system is reflected in attracting, and choosing the right candidates, capable people for work in the classroom, which contributes to greater and better student achievement.Cilj rada je da se ukaže na specifičnosti rada učitelja u nastavi prirode i društva, primenom različitih oblika nastave, učenja i ocenjivanja, što obezbeđuje jednako pravo i dostupnost obrazovanju i vaspitanju za svu decu, a u skladu sa razvojnim, ličnim obrazovnim i starosnim afinitetima. Rad se bavi potrebom učitelja za obrazovanjem, stručnošću, posedovanjem znanja i sposobnostima za izvođenje inkluzivne nastave kroz predmet prirode i društva u redovnim odeljenjima sa učenicima sa posebnim potrebama. Istaknut je značaj uloge učitelja u nastavnom procesu sa učenicima sa posebnim potrebama, u odnosu na njihovu integraciju i inkluziju i normalan život. Uspešnost jednog obrazovnog sistema ogleda u privlačenju i u odabiru pravih kandidata, sposobnih ljudi za rad u nastavi, koji će doprineti većim i boljim postignućima učenika

    Alkoholna ovisnost u bolesnika s tumorom mozga

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    Alcoholism is accompanied by many physical, neurological, psychical and social complications. Relevant literature explains the etiologic association between alcoholism and upper gastrointestinal tract carcinoma; however, alcoholism may also be associated with tumors of other localizations. Presentation is made of a patient with alcohol dependence with development of meningioma. The patient was admitted to Department of Psychiatry, Bjelovar General Hospital, for the treatment of alcoholism. The history and hetero-history data showed prolonged intensive alcoholism associated with impaired family and occupational functioning. The immediate reason for presentation was his employer.s demand to undergo treatment due to severe impairment of occupational functioning. On admission, discrepancy between pronounced memorizing and recollection deficits, and relatively preserved somatic status, free from personality deterioration was observed. Mild dysarthria and coordination disturbances along with verified memorizing deficit indicated neuroradiological studies, which confirmed the suspected brain tumor. Although there are no literature reports suggesting an etiologic association of alcoholism and brain meningioma, the concurrence of alcoholism and many other diseases, with the possible overlooking either of them, was already indicated by Bleuler, noting that the comorbid groups of symptoms may assume an .alcoholic tinge.. The aim of the present report is to point to difficulties in the differential diagnosis of alcoholism and to the risk of independent pathologic conditions being masked by alcohol dependence.Alkoholizam je praćen brojnim tjelesnim, neurološkim, psihičkim i socijalnim komplikacijama. Stručna literatura objašnjava etiološku povezanost alkoholizma i karcinoma gornjeg probavnog sustava, ali je moguća povezanost i s tumorima drugih lokalizacija. Prikazuje se bolesnik ovisan o alkoholu kod kojega se je razvio meningeom. Bolesnik je primljen na Odjel za psihijatriju Opće bolnice Bjelovar radi liječenja alkoholizma. Anamneza i heteroanamneza su ukazale na intenzivni višegodišnji alkoholizam sa zakazivanjem u obitelji i na radnom mjestu. Neposredni razlog za upućivanje na liječenje bio je ultimatum poslodavca zbog zakazivanja na radnom mjestu. U statusu je već kod prijma uočen nesklad između izraženog mnestičnog deficita i relativno očuvanog somatskog statusa, bez pogoršanja ličnosti. Blaža dizartrija i smetnje koordinacije uz potvrđene mnestične smetnje ukazivale su na potrebu neurološke obrade, koja je potvrdila sumnju na tumor mozga. Literatura ne ukazuje na etiološku povezanost alkoholizma i meningeoma mozga, ali je još Bleuler pisao o istodobnoj pojavi alkoholizma i mnogih drugih bolesti, uz opasnost previda jedne od njih, navodeći kako komorbidne skupine simptoma mogu dobiti "alkoholnu boju". Cilj rada je ukazati na diferencijalno dijagnostičke teškoće pri obradi alkoholičara i opasnost prekrivanja nezavisnih patoloških stanja plaštem alkoholne ovisnosti

    Višenamjenski mjerni udređaj zasnovan na AC susceptometru

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    The measuring device based on an AC susceptometer is described and some advantages of particular design are given. The measurements of resistance and hysteresis with the device are described. Some results of AC susceptibility, resistance and hysteresis measurement are shown.Opisujemo mjerni uređaj zasnovan na AC susceptometru i prednosti njegove izvedbe. Opisujemo metode mjerenja otpora i histereze tim uređajem. Prikazujemo ishode nekih mjerenja AC susceptibilnosti, otpora i histereze

    Optical character recognition with neural networks and post-correction with finite state methods

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    The optical character recognition (OCR) quality of the historical part of the Finnish newspaper and journal corpus is rather low for reliable search and scientific research on the OCRed data. The estimated character error rate (CER) of the corpus, achieved with commercial software, is between 8 and 13%. There have been earlier attempts to train high-quality OCR models with open-source software, like Ocropy (https://github.com/tmbdev/ocropy) and Tesseract (https://github.com/tesseract-ocr/tesseract), but so far, none of the methods have managed to successfully train a mixed model that recognizes all of the data in the corpus, which would be essential for an efficient re-OCRing of the corpus. The difficulty lies in the fact that the corpus is printed in the two main languages of Finland (Finnish and Swedish) and in two font families (Blackletter and Antiqua). In this paper, we explore the training of a variety of OCR models with deep neural networks (DNN). First, we find an optimal DNN for our data and, with additional training data, successfully train high-quality mixed-language models. Furthermore, we revisit the effect of confidence voting on the OCR results with different model combinations. Finally, we perform post-correction on the new OCR results and perform error analysis. The results show a significant boost in accuracy, resulting in 1.7% CER on the Finnish and 2.7% CER on the Swedish test set. The greatest accomplishment of the study is the successful training of one mixed language model for the entire corpus and finding a voting setup that further improves the results.Peer reviewe

    A Uniform Domestic Partnership Act: Marrying Business Partnership and Family Law

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    For decades, Americans have argued about who may marry and what marriage actually means in legal, religious, and philosophical terms. For almost as long, two problems - the rising divorce rate and the poverty of some divorced children and their custodians - have fed concerns about the viability of marriage as an institution that promotes domestic stability and economic security. This Article explores the notion that domestic partnership based upon business partnership law would better serve more couples, their families, and society as a whole. It proposes a Uniform Domestic Partnership Act, loosely modeled after the UPA, as a substitute for marriage and recommends that marriage continue, without legal significance, under the exclusive control of religious institutions. By demonstrating that modern couples expect civil marriage to provide something different than couples did historically and by adapting business partnership law approaches to areas such as fiduciary duty, agency and transaction costs, and limited liability, this Article proposes a legal structure for domestic enterprises. Actually, it offers four new solutions: the Filial, the Enduring, the Caregiving, and the Provisional Domestic Partnerships