1,169 research outputs found

    Measurement of airfoil heat transfer coefficients on a turbine stage

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    The primary basis for heat transfer analysis of turbine airfoils is experimental data obtained in linear cascades. A detailed set of heat transfer coefficients was obtained along the midspan of a stator and a rotor in a rotating turbine stage. The data are to be compared to standard analyses of blade boundary layer heat transfer. A detailed set of heat transfer coefficients was obtained along the midspan of a stator located in the wake of a full upstream turbine stage. Two levels of inlet turbulence (1 and 10 percent) were used. The analytical capability will be examined to improve prediction of the experimental data

    Subchapter S - Joint Committee Staff Recommendations

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    The Federal Tax Enactments of 1969

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    The effects of inlet turbulence and rotor/stator interactions on the aerodynamics and heat transfer of a large-scale rotating turbine model. Volume 3: Heat transfer data tabulation 65 percent axial spacing

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    This is Volume 3 - Heat Transfer Data Tabulation (65 percent Axial Spacing) of a combined experimental and analytical program which was conducted to examine the effects of inlet turbulence on airfoil heat transfer. The experimental portion of the study was conducted in a large-scale (approximately 5X engine), ambient temperature, rotating turbine model configured in both single stage and stage-and-a-half arrangements. Heat transfer measurements were obtained using low-conductivity airfoils with miniature thermocouples welded to a thin, electrically heated surface skin. Heat transfer data were acquired for various combinations of low or high inlet turbulence intensity, flow coefficient, first-stator/rotor axial spacing, Reynolds number and relative circumferential position of the first and second stators

    Ontological Awareness in Food Systems Education

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    We review efforts in Sustainable Food Systems Education and Critical Food Systems Education literature to employ education in ways that seek social and environmental transformation of food systems. Here, we argue that forms of food systems education that are disconnected from awareness of their ontological roots are destined to reproduce the same food systems with the same consequences for life on Earth. This theoretical paper invites discussions that unpack “habits of being” underpinning modern/colonial conceptualizations of food system issues, transformation efforts, and pedagogies. We note the risk of reinscribing, within food systems education, specific onto-epistemological norms and values that are the root of multiple crises facing food systems (separability, global capital, nation-states, humanism). Using the metaphor of the “house that modernity built,” we invite scholars, teachers, learners, and other practitioners to bring explicit attention to how the ontology of Western modernity arises in discourses on food systems and is reproduced through food systems education. We begin by describing this ontological position and its dominance, situating how contemporary transformations in food systems education neglect ontological foundations, and enumerating a set of harms arising from this disavowal. As a beginning, we suggest that fields related to food systems are a compelling place to interrupt a habit of being that denies and disavows even the presence of ontological positions. Food systems educators within postsecondary institutions are entreated to develop their analyses and pedagogical approaches toward a more just and sustainable future that denaturalizes harmful and falsely universalized

    In My View

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    I was very interested to read Dr. Scott Truver’s recent article “Mines and Under- water IEDs in U.S. Ports and Waterways” in the Winter 2008 edition of the Re- view. I was all the more interested because of my own involvement with this issue in the 1980s and early 1990s as part of the Navy’s previous Maritime Defense Zone program along the U.S. East Coast

    Measurement of airfoil heat transfer coefficients on a turbine stage

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    A turbulence generating grid was designed and installed in the turbine inlet which produced the target nominal value of 10 percent free stream turbulence. Aerodynamic documentation of the rotor and stator midspan surface pressure distributions were obtained. Midspan heat transfer data were obtained on the rotor and stator for variations in inlet turbulence, rotor-stator axial spacing, and rotor incidence

    Measurement of airfoil heat transfer coefficients on a turbine stage

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    The Primary basis for heat transfer analysis of turbine airfoils is experimental data obtained in linear cascades. These data were very valuable in identifying the major heat transfer and fluid flow features of a turbine airfoil. The first program objective is to obtain a detailed set of heat transfer coefficients along the midspan of a stator and a rotor in a rotating turbine stage. The data are to be compared to some standard analysis of blade boundary layer heat transfer which is in use today. A second program objective is to obtain a detailed set of heat transfer coefficients along the midspan of a stator located in the wake of an upstream turbine stage
