96 research outputs found

    Plant Transcription Factors @ uni-potsdam.de

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    We present the Plant Transcription Factor Database (PlnTFDB), and the putative complete set of TFs in the algae _Chlamydomonas reinhardtii_, _Ostreococcus tauri_ and the vascular plants _Oryza sativa_ and _Arabidopsis thaliana_

    Potassium (K+) in plants.

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    Potassium (K+) is the most abundant inorganic cation in plant cells. This is an editorial for a compendium prepared by 34 authors that provides a stock-check of the current knowledge in the field and provides a first step toward a holistic view on ?Potassium (K+) in Plants?

    IMathAS & automated Assessment of mathematical Proof

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    IMathAS is a web-based math assessment tool for delivery and automatic grading of math homework. In IMathAS electronic proofs (e-proofs) are not included by default as deductive arguments for a mathematical statement. The article will show how learners can be supported in building the arguments on justifications and previously established statements by application of IMathAS. Furthermore requirements and constraints are discussed for an e-proof to trace back to established statements

    PlnTFDB: an integrative plant transcription factor database

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    BACKGROUND: Transcription factors (TFs) are key regulatory proteins that enhance or repress the transcriptional rate of their target genes by binding to specific promoter regions (i.e. cis-acting elements) upon activation or de-activation of upstream signaling cascades. TFs thus constitute master control elements of dynamic transcriptional networks. TFs have fundamental roles in almost all biological processes (development, growth and response to environmental factors) and it is assumed that they play immensely important functions in the evolution of species. In plants, TFs have been employed to manipulate various types of metabolic, developmental and stress response pathways. Cross-species comparison and identification of regulatory modules and hence TFs is thought to become increasingly important for the rational design of new plant biomass. Up to now, however, no computational repository is available that provides access to the largely complete sets of transcription factors of sequenced plant genomes. DESCRIPTION: PlnTFDB is an integrative plant transcription factor database that provides a web interface to access large (close to complete) sets of transcription factors of several plant species, currently encompassing Arabidopsis thaliana (thale cress), Populus trichocarpa (poplar), Oryza sativa (rice), Chlamydomonas reinhardtii and Ostreococcus tauri. It also provides an access point to its daughter databases of a species-centered representation of transcription factors (OstreoTFDB, ChlamyTFDB, ArabTFDB, PoplarTFDB and RiceTFDB). Information including protein sequences, coding regions, genomic sequences, expressed sequence tags (ESTs), domain architecture and scientific literature is provided for each family. CONCLUSION: We have created lists of putatively complete sets of transcription factors and other transcriptional regulators for five plant genomes. They are publicly available through . Further data will be included in the future when the sequences of other plant genomes become available

    Voltage-sensor transitions of the inward-rectifying K+ channel KAT1 indicate a latching mechanism biased by hydration within the voltage sensor

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    The Kv-like K+ channels at the plasma membrane, including the inward-rectifying KAT1 K+ channel of Arabidopsis, are important targets for manipulating K+ homeostasis in plants. Gating modification, especially, has been identified as a promising means by which to engineer plants with improved characteristics in mineral and water use. Understanding plant K+ channel gating poses several challenges, despite many similarities to that of mammalian Kv and Shaker channel models. We have used site-mutagenesis to explore residues that are thought to form two electrostatic counter-charge centers either side of a conserved Phe residue within the S2 and S3 α-helices of the voltage sensor domain (VSD) of Kv channels. Consistent with molecular dynamic simulations of KAT1, we show that the voltage dependence of the channel gate is highly sensitive to manipulations affecting these residues. Mutations of the central Phe residue favored the closed KAT1 channel, whereas mutations affecting the counter-charge centers favored the open channel. Modelling of the macroscopic current kinetics also highlighted a substantial difference between the two sets of mutations. We interpret these findings in context of the effects on hydration of amino-acid residues within the VSD and with an inherent bias of the VSD, when hydrated around a central Phe residue, to the closed state of the channel

    Two-dimensional plasmons in the random impedance network model of disordered thin-film nanocomposites

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    Random impedance networks are widely used as a model to describe plasmon resonances in disordered metal-dielectric nanocomposites. In order to study thin films, two-dimensional networks are often used despite the fact that such networks correspond to a two-dimensional electrodynamics [J.P. Clerc et al, J. Phys. A 29, 4781 (1996)]. In the present work, we propose a model of two-dimensional systems with three-dimensional Coulomb interaction and show that this model is equivalent to a planar network with long-range capacitive connections between sites. In a case of a metal film, we get a known dispersion ωk\omega \propto \sqrt{k} of plane-wave two-dimensional plasmons. In the framework of the proposed model, we study the evolution of resonances with decreasing of metal filling factor. In the subcritical region with metal filling pp lower than the percolation threshold pcp_c, we observe a gap with Lifshitz tails in the spectral density of states (DOS). In the supercritical region p>pcp>p_c, the DOS demonstrates a crossover between plane-wave two-dimensional plasmons and resonances associated with small clusters.Comment: 8 pages, 3 figures, revtex; references adde

    Genome-wide analysis of ABA-responsive elements ABRE and CE3 reveals divergent patterns in Arabidopsis and rice

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    Gomez-Porras J, Riano-Pachon DM, Dreyer I, Mayer JE, Mueller-Roeber B. Genome-wide analysis of ABA-responsive elements ABRE and CE3 reveals divergent patterns in Arabidopsis and rice. BMC GENOMICS. 2007;8(1): 260.Background: In plants, complex regulatory mechanisms are at the core of physiological and developmental processes. The phytohormone abscisic acid ( ABA) is involved in the regulation of various such processes, including stomatal closure, seed and bud dormancy, and physiological responses to cold, drought and salinity stress. The underlying tissue or plant-wide control circuits often include combinatorial gene regulatory mechanisms and networks that we are only beginning to unravel with the help of new molecular tools. The increasing availability of genomic sequences and gene expression data enables us to dissect ABA regulatory mechanisms at the individual gene expression level. In this paper we used an insilico-based approach directed towards genome-wide prediction and identification of specific features of ABA-responsive elements. In particular we analysed the genome-wide occurrence and positional arrangements of two well-described ABA-responsive cis-regulatory elements ( CREs), ABRE and CE3, in thale cress ( Arabidopsis thaliana) and rice ( Oryza sativa). Results: Our results show that Arabidopsis and rice use the ABA-responsive elements ABRE and CE3 distinctively. Earlier reports for various monocots have identified CE3 as a coupling element ( CE) associated with ABRE. Surprisingly, we found that while ABRE is equally abundant in both species, CE3 is practically absent in Arabidopsis. ABRE-ABRE pairs are common in both genomes, suggesting that these can form functional ABA-responsive complexes ( ABRCs) in Arabidopsis and rice. Furthermore, we detected distinct combinations, orientation patterns and DNA strand preferences of ABRE and CE3 motifs in rice gene promoters. Conclusion: Our computational analyses revealed distinct recruitment patterns of ABA-responsive CREs in upstream sequences of Arabidopsis and rice. The apparent absence of CE3s in Arabidopsis suggests that another CE pairs with ABRE to establish a functional ABRC capable of interacting with transcription factors. Further studies will be needed to test whether the observed differences are extrapolatable to monocots and dicots in general, and to understand how they contribute to the fine-tuning of the hormonal response. The outcome of our investigation can now be used to direct future experimentation designed to further dissect the ABA-dependent regulatory networks

    A Unique Voltage Sensor Sensitizes the Potassium Channel AKT2 to Phosphoregulation

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    Among all voltage-gated K+ channels from the model plant Arabidopsis thaliana, the weakly rectifying K+ channel (Kweak channel) AKT2 displays unique gating properties. AKT2 is exceptionally regulated by phosphorylation: when nonphosphorylated AKT2 behaves as an inward-rectifying potassium channel; phosphorylation of AKT2 abolishes inward rectification by shifting its activation threshold far positive (>200 mV) so that it closes only at voltages positive of +100 mV. In its phosphorylated form, AKT2 is thus locked in the open state in the entire physiological voltage range. To understand the molecular grounds of this unique gating behavior, we generated chimeras between AKT2 and the conventional inward-rectifying channel KAT1. The transfer of the pore from KAT1 to AKT2 altered the permeation properties of the channel. However, the gating properties were unaffected, suggesting that the pore region of AKT2 is not responsible for the unique Kweak gating. Instead, a lysine residue in S4, highly conserved among all Kweak channels but absent from other plant K+ channels, was pinpointed in a site-directed mutagenesis approach. Substitution of the lysine by serine or aspartate abolished the “open-lock” characteristic and converted AKT2 into an inward-rectifying channel. Interestingly, phosphoregulation of the mutant AKT2-K197S appeared to be similar to that of the Kin channel KAT1: as suggested by mimicking the phosphorylated and dephosphorylated states, phosphorylation induced a shift of the activation threshold of AKT2-K197S by about +50 mV. We conclude that the lysine residue K197 sensitizes AKT2 to phosphoregulation. The phosphorylation-induced reduction of the activation energy in AKT2 is ∼6 kT larger than in the K197S mutant. It is discussed that this hypersensitive response of AKT2 to phosphorylation equips a cell with the versatility to establish a potassium gradient and to make efficient use of it

    Antarctic root endophytes improve physiological performance and yield in crops under salt stress by enhanced energy production and Na+ sequestration

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    Molina Montenegro, Marco A. Universidad de Talca. Instituto de Ciencias Biológicas. Campus Talca, Chile.Acuña Rodríguez, Ian S. Universidad de Talca. Instituto de Ciencias Biológicas. Campus Talca, Chile.Torres Díaz, Cristian. Universidad del Bío-Bío. Departamento de Ciencias Básicas. Grupo de Biodiversidad y Cambio Global (BCG). Chillán, Chile.Gundel, Pedro Emilio. Universidad de Buenos Aires. Facultad de Agronomía. Instituto de Investigaciones Fisiológicas y Ecológicas Vinculadas a la Agricultura (IFEVA). Buenos Aires, Argentina.Dreyer, Ingo. Universidad de Talca. Facultad de Ingeniería. Centro de Bioinformática y Simulación Molecular (CBSM). Campus Talca, Chile.10Climatic change is pointed as one of the major challenges for global food security. Based on current models of climate change, reduction in precipitations and in turn, increase in the soil salinity will be a sharp constraint for crops productivity worldwide. In this context, root fungi appear as a new strategy to improve plant ecophysiological performance and crop yield under abiotic stress. In this study, we evaluated the impact of the two fungal endophytes Penicillium brevicompactum and P. chrysogenum isolated from Antarctic plants on nutrients and Na+ contents, net photosynthesis, water use efficiency, yield and survival in tomato and lettuce, facing salinity stress conditions. Inoculation of plant roots with fungal endophytes resulted in greater fresh and dry biomass production, and an enhanced survival rate under salt conditions. Inoculation of plants with the fungal endophytes was related with a higher up/down-regulation of ion homeostasis by enhanced expression of the NHX1 gene. The two endophytes diminished the effects of salt stress in tomato and lettuce, provoked a higher efficiency in photosynthetic energy production and an improved sequestration of Na+ in vacuoles is suggested by the upregulating of the expression of vacuolar NHX1 Na+/H+ antiporters. Promoting plant-beneficial interactions with root symbionts appears to be an environmentally friendly strategy to mitigate the impact of climate change variables on crop production

    Functional, structural and phylogenetic analysis of domains underlying the Al sensitivity of the aluminum-activated malate/anion transporter, TaALMT1.

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    Triticum aestivum aluminum-activated malate transporter (TaALMT1) is the founding member of a unique gene family of anion transporters (ALMTs) that mediate the efflux of organic acids. A small sub-group of root-localized ALMTs, including TaALMT1, is physiologically associated with in planta aluminum (Al) resistance. TaALMT1 exhibits significant enhancement of transport activity in response to extracellular Al. In this study, we integrated structure–function analyses of structurally altered TaALMT1 proteins expressed in Xenopus oocytes with phylogenic analyses of the ALMT family. Our aim is to re-examine the role of protein domains in terms of their potential involvement in the Al-dependent enhancement (i.e. Al-responsiveness) of TaALMT1 transport activity, as well as the roles of all its 43 negatively charged amino acid residues. Our results indicate that the N-domain, which is predicted to form the conductive pathway, mediates ion transport even in the absence of the C-domain. However, segments in both domains are involved in Al3+ sensing. We identified two regions, one at the N-terminus and a hydrophobic region at the C-terminus, that jointly contribute to the Al-response phenotype. Interestingly, the characteristic motif at the N-terminus appears to be specific for Al-responsive ALMTs. Our study highlights the need to include a comprehensive phylogenetic analysis when drawing inferences from structure–function analyses, as a significant proportion of the functional changes observed for TaALMT1 are most likely the result of alterations in the overall structural integrity of ALMT family proteins rather than modifications of specific sites involved in Al3+ sensing