7 research outputs found

    A four-organ-chip for interconnected long-term co-culture of human intestine, liver, skin and kidney equivalents

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    Systemic absorption and metabolism of drugs in the small intestine, metabolism by the liver as well as excretion by the kidney are key determinants of efficacy and safety for therapeutic candidates. However, these systemic responses of applied substances lack in most in vitro assays. In this study, a microphysiological system maintaining the functionality of four organs over 28 days in co-culture has been established at a minute but standardized microsystem scale. Preformed human intestine and skin models have been integrated into the four-organ-chip on standard cell culture inserts at a size 100000-fold smaller than their human counterpart organs. A 3D-based spheroid, equivalent to ten liver lobules, mimics liver function. Finally, a barrier segregating the media flow through the organs from fluids excreted by the kidney has been generated by a polymeric membrane covered by a monolayer of human proximal tubule epithelial cells. A peristaltic on-chip micropump ensures pulsatile media flow interconnecting the four tissue culture compartments through microfluidic channels. A second microfluidic circuit ensures drainage of the fluid excreted through the kidney epithelial cell layer. This four-organ-chip system assures near to physiological fluid-to-tissue ratios. In-depth metabolic and gene analysis revealed the establishment of reproducible homeostasis among the co-cultures within two to four days, sustainable over at least 28 days independent of the individual human cell line or tissue donor background used for each organ equivalent. Lastly, 3D imaging two-photon microscopy visualised details of spatiotemporal segregation of the two microfluidic flows by proximal tubule epithelia. To our knowledge, this study is the first approach to establish a system for in vitro microfluidic ADME profiling and repeated dose systemic toxicity testing of drug candidates over 28 days.BMBF, 0315569, GO-Bio 3: Multi-Organ-Bioreaktoren fĆ¼r die prƤdiktive Substanztestung im Chipforma

    The Igf2/H19 imprinting control region exhibits sequence-specific and cell-type-dependent DNA methylation-mediated repression

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    Methylation of CpGs is generally thought to repress transcription without significant influence from the sequence surrounding the methylated dinucleotides. Using the mouse Igf2/H19 imprinting control region (ICR), Igf2r differentially methylated region 2 (DMR2) and bacterial sequences, we addressed how methylation-dependent repression (MDR) from a distance varies with CpG number, density and surrounding sequence. In stably transfected F9 cells, the methylated ICR repressed expression from a CpG-free reporter plasmid more than 1000-fold compared with its unmethylated control. A segment of pBluescript, with a CpG number equal to the ICR's but with a higher density, repressed expression only 70-fold when methylated. A bacteriophage lambda fragment and the Igf2r DMR2 showed minimal MDR activity, despite having CpG numbers and densities similar to or greater than the ICR. By rearranging or deleting CpGs, we identified CpGs associated with three CTCF sites in the ICR that are necessary and sufficient for sequence-specific MDR. In contrast to F9 cells, the methylated ICR and pBS fragments exhibited only 3-fold reporter repression in Hela cells and none in Cos7. Our results show that the strength of MDR from a distance can vary a 1000-fold between different cell types and depends on the sequence surrounding the methylated CpGs, but does not necessarily increase with CpG number or density

    Automated substance testing for lab-on-chip devices : From 23rd European Society for Animal Cell Technology (ESACT) Meeting: Better Cells for Better Health Lille, France. 23-26 June 2013

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    First published by BioMed Central: Kloke, Lutz ; Schimek, Katharina ; Brincker, Sven ; Lorenz, Alexandra ; JƤnicke, Annika ; Drewell, Christopher ; Hoffmann, Silke ; Busek, Mathias ; Sonntag, Frank ; Danz, Norbert ; Polk, Christoph ; Schmieder, Florian ; Borchanikov, Alexey ; Artyushenko, Viacheslav ; Baudisch, Frank ; BĆ¼rger, Mario ; Horland, Reyk ; Lauster, Roland ; Marx, Uwe : Automated substance testing for lab-on-chip devices : From 23rd European Society for Animal Cell Technology (ESACT) Meeting: Better Cells for Better Health Lille, France. 23-26 June 2013. - In: BMC Proceedings. - ISSN 1753-6561 (online). - 7 (2013), suppl. 6, P28. - doi:10.1186/1753-6561-7-S6-P28

    Autologous induced pluripotent stem cell-derived four-organ-chip

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    Microphysiological systems play a pivotal role in progressing toward a global paradigm shift in drug development. Here, we designed a four-organ-chip interconnecting miniaturized human intestine, liver, brain and kidney equivalents. All four organ models were predifferentiated from induced pluripotent stem cells from the same healthy donor and integrated into the microphysiological system. The coculture of the four autologous tissue models in one common medium deprived of tissue specific growth factors was successful over 14-days. Although there were no added growth factors present in the coculture medium, the intestine, liver and neuronal model maintained defined marker expression. Only the renal model was overgrown by coexisting cells and did not further differentiate. This model platform will pave the way for autologous coculture cross-talk assays, disease induction and subsequent drug testing