134 research outputs found

    A new approach for disclosure control in the IAB Establishment Panel : multiple imputation for a better data access

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    "For micro-datasets considered for release as scientific or public use files, statistical agencies have to face the dilemma of guaranteeing the confidentiality of survey respondents on the one hand and offering sufficiently detailed data on the other hand. For that reason a variety of methods to guarantee disclosure control is discussed in the literature. In this paper, we present an application of Rubin's (1993) idea to generate synthetic datasets from existing confidential survey data for public release. We use a set of variables from the 1997 wave of the German IAB Establishment Panel and evaluate the quality of the approach by comparing results from an analysis by Zwick (2005) with the original data with the results we achieve for the same analysis run on the dataset after the imputation procedure. The comparison shows that valid inferences can be obtained using the synthetic datasets in this context, while confidentiality is guaranteed for the survey participants." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))IAB-Betriebspanel, Datensicherheit, Datenschutz, Datenaufbereitung, Datenanonymisierung, Imputationsverfahren

    A new approach for disclosure control in the IAB Establishment Panel: multiple imputation for a better data access

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    Öffentliche Stellen, die Datensätze produzieren, müssen mit dem Dilemma umgehen, einerseits die Vertraulichkeit der personenbezogenen Daten zu schützen, andererseits für die Forschung hinreichend detaillierte Datensätze zur Verfügung zu stellen. Aus diesem Grund werden etliche Methoden der Offenlegungskontrolle in der Literatur diskutiert. Der Beitrag stellt zwei Ansätze vor, die auf multipler Imputation basieren, und die auf das IAB-Betriebspanel angewandt werden können. Beim ersten Ansatz, der auf Rubin (1993) zurückgeht, wird ein vollständig synthetischer Datensatz generiert, während beim zweiten Ansatz nur Werte für ausgewählte Variablen mit hohem Offenlegungsrisiko imputiert werden. Beide Ansätze werden auf eine Menge Variablen aus der Welle des IAB-Betriebspanels aus dem Jahr 1997 angewandt. Die Qualität der Ansätze wird bewertet, indem die Analyseergebnisse von Zwick (2005), die auf den Originaldaten basieren, mit den Ergebnissen derselben Analyse nach der Imputation verglichen werden. (IAB)"For micro-datasets considered for release as scientific or public use files, statistical agencies have to face the dilemma of guaranteeing the confidentiality of survey respondents on the one hand and offering sufficiently detailed data on the other hand. For that reason a variety of methods to guarantee disclosure control is discussed in the literature. In this paper, we present an application of Rubin's (1993) idea to generate synthetic datasets from existing confidential survey data for public release. We use a set of variables from the 1997 wave of the German IAB Establishment Panel and evaluate the quality of the approach by comparing results from an analysis by Zwick (2005) with the original data with the results we achieve for the same analysis run on the dataset after the imputation procedure. The comparison shows that valid inferences can be obtained using the synthetic datasets in this context, while confidentiality is guaranteed for the survey participants." (author's abstract

    Neuroimaging of cognitive brain function in paediatric obsessive compulsive disorder: a review of literature and preliminary meta-analysis

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    Obsessive compulsive disorder (OCD) is a frequent psychiatric disorder with a prevalence of 1-3%, and it places an enormous burden on patients and their relatives. Up to 50% of all cases suffer from onset in childhood or adolescence, and the disorder often takes a chronic course with a poor long-term prognosis. Paediatric OCD, with its high familiality, is often referred to as a distinct OCD subtype that coincides with a developmental period in which the prefrontal cortex exhibits extensive structural and functional maturation. In the present review, we included all studies examining cognitive brain activation in children and/or adolescents with OCD. We conducted extensive literature searches for relevant articles (Pubmed, ScienceDirect) and summarize, tabulate, and discuss their results. For the eight activation studies using functional magnetic resonance imaging, we also performed preliminary meta-analyses to assess the most consistent hypo- and hyperactivation in paediatric OCD patients during cognitive task performance. The review of literature as well as our preliminary meta-analyses of paediatric studies indicated altered functional activation in the same brain regions of affective and cognitive cortico-striatal-thalamic (CST) circuits as for adult OCD patients despite some variations in the direction of activation difference. The still small number of studies that examined brain activation in paediatric OCD patients thereby largely converged with previous findings in adult patients and with the established neurobiological models of CST circuit dysfunction in OC

    Das Schulkind mit ADHS

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    Die Aufmerksamkeitsdefizit- und Hyperaktivitätsstörung (ADHS) ist eine der häufigsten psychischen Störungen im Schulalter. Die Kernsymptome Hyperaktivität, Aufmerksamkeitsstörung und erhöhte Impulsivität treten vor dem 7. Lebensjahr auf und beeinträchtigen deutlich die Alltagsbewältigung (Schule, Familie, Freizeit) des Kindes. Bei 70 % aller Betroffenen treten zudem mindestens eine weitere psychische Störung bzw. Lern- und Leistungsstörungen auf. Die ADHS ist in der Kinder- und Jugendpsychiatrie eines der am meisten beforschten Störungsbilder. In einer Vielzahl genetischer Studien und Bildgebungsstudien (MRT) zeigen Unterschiede zwischen Kindern mit ADHS und gesunden Kindern deutlich, dass ADHS eine neurobiologisch begründete Funktionsstörung ist. Nichtsdestotrotz spielen Umweltbedingungen wie familiäre und schulische Faktoren eine bedeutende Rolle bei der Aufrechterhaltung und Verstärkung der Symptomatik. Die Behandlung erfolgt multimodal, kindzentriert, unter Einbezug der Eltern und wenn möglich der Lehrpersonen. Die Gesellschaft mit ihren spezifischen Anforderungen, auch in der Schule hat sich nicht eingestellt auf Kinder, die anders sind, sehr bewegt und leicht ablenkbar. Diese Kinder haben jedoch auch Ressourcen. Sind sie einmal von einer Sache fasziniert, können sie in diesem Bereich durchaus Durchhaltevermögen und hohe Leistungsbereitschaft zeigen

    Einfluss des Lockdowns auf Psyche und Mediengebrauch in der Kinder- und Jugendpsychiatrie

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    Die COVID-19-Pandemie stellte alle Familien vor noch nie dagewesene Herausforderungen: Kontaktverbote und das Fehlen von Alternativen der Freizeitgestaltung führten dazu, dass digitale Medien einen grösseren Stellenwert erhielten als je zuvor. Kinder und Jugendliche mit psychischen Vorerkrankungen waren von den Auswirkungen der Pandemie in ganz besonderer Weise betroffen und es bestand die Sorge, es könne gerade in einer Population mit Risiko für Sucht oder dysfunktionalem Verhalten zu einem Anstieg von problematischem Internetgebrauch kommen

    With mouse age comes wisdom : a review and suggestions of relevant mouse models for age-related conditions

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    Ageing is a complex multifactorial process that results in many changes in physiological changes processes that ultimately increase susceptibility to a wide range of diseases. As such an ageing population is resulting in a pressing need for more and improved treatments across an assortment of diseases. Such treatments can come from a better understanding of the pathogenic pathways which, in turn, can be derived from models of disease. Therefore the more closely the model resembles the disease situation the more likely relevant the data will be that is generated from them. Here we review the state of knowledge of mouse models of a range of diseases and aspects of an ageing physiology that are all germane to ageing. We also give recommendations on the most common mouse models on their relevance to the clinical situations occurring in aged patients and look forward as to how research in ageing models can be carried out. As we continue to elucidate the pathophysiology of disease, often through mouse models, we also learn what is needed to refine these models. Such factors can include better models, reflecting the ageing patient population, or a better phenotypic understanding of existing models

    Bending radius limits of different coated REBCO conductor tapes - an experimental investigation with regard to HTS undulators

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    Compact FELs require short-period, high-field undulators in combination with compact accelerator structures to produce coherent light up to X-rays. Likewise, for the production of low emittance positron beams for future lepton colliders, like CLIC or FCC-ee, high-field damping wigglers are required. Applying high-temperature superconductors (HTS) in form of coated REBCO tape conductors allows reaching higher magnetic fields and larger operating margins as compared to low-temperature superconductors (LTS) like Nb-Ti or Nb~3~Sn. However, short undulator periods like 13 mm may require bending radii of the conductor smaller than 5 mm which induce significant bending strain on the superconducting layer and may harm its conducting properties. In this contribution, we present our designed bending rig and experimental results for coated REBCO tape conductors from various manufacturers and with different properties. Investigated bending radii reach from 20 mm down to 1 mm and optionally include half of a helical twist. To represent magnet winding procedures, the samples were bent at room temperature and then cooled down to T = 77 K in the bent state to test for potential degradation of the superconducting properties

    The influence of substituents on gelation and stacking order of oligoaramid – based supramolecular networks

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    Self-assembly has proven to be a powerful tool for functional, smart materials such as hydrogels derived from low molecular weight compounds. However, the targeted design of functional gelators remains difficult. Here, we present a set of four Y-shaped aromatic amide tetramers with varying functionalities able to undergo different non- covalent interactions. These compounds were explored towards their self-assembly behavior and hydrogel formation by experimental methods such as UV-vis spectroscopy, rheology, small angle X-ray scattering (SAXS), scanning/transmission electron, and atomic force microscopy. Additionally, we investigated the main mechanisms behind oligomer aggregation and the structure of the resulting supramolecular chains through full atomistic molecular dynamics simulations

    The neurobiological link between OCD and ADHD

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    Obsessive compulsive disorder (OCD) and attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) are two of the most common neuropsychiatric diseases in paediatric populations. The high comorbidity of ADHD and OCD with each other, especially of ADHD in paediatric OCD, is well described. OCD and ADHD often follow a chronic course with persistent rates of at least 40-50%. Family studies showed high heritability in ADHD and OCD, and some genetic findings showed similar variants for both disorders of the same pathogenetic mechanisms, whereas other genetic findings may differentiate between ADHD and OCD. Neuropsychological and neuroimaging studies suggest that partly similar executive functions are affected in both disorders. The deficits in the corresponding brain networks may be responsible for the perseverative, compulsive symptoms in OCD but also for the disinhibited and impulsive symptoms characterizing ADHD. This article reviews the current literature of neuroimaging, neurochemical circuitry, neuropsychological and genetic findings considering similarities as well as differences between OCD and ADHD

    Facile synthesis of a high molecular weight amphiphilic aramid–ROMP block copolymer

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    Herein we report the facile synthesis of an amphiphilic rod–coil block copolymer obtained by the coupling of an amine-terminated poly(dimethylpropylamine norbornene imide) (PDMAPNI) and a pentafluorophenol ester-terminated poly(dimethoxybenzyl p-aminobenzoate) (PAram). Postpolymerization amide N- deprotection of the block copolymer yielded a strongly aggregating water-soluble rod– coil copolymer. Transmission electron microscopy revealed the formation of large ribbonlike aggregates with sizes up to 50 nm in thickness and 300 nm in length
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