10 research outputs found

    Die Näherung lokaler Elementarstrukturen in Analyse und Design optischer Elemente

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    In der Analyse und dem Design optischer Elemente werden eine Vielzahl von Näherungsmethoden angewendet, da eine rigorose Behandlung der Problemdarstellungen wegen des zu hohen Rechenaufwandes oftmals nicht möglich ist. Die Arbeit untersucht verschiedene Näherungen auf ihre Anwendungsmöglichkeiten. Anschließend wird eine neue Näherung auf der Basis lokaler Elementarstrukturen (LESA) entwickelt, welche die Grenzen der anderen Näherungen überwindet und so eine sehr effektive Analyse optischer Elemente mit sehr kleinen Strukturgrößen erlaubt. Eine Designeralgorithmus auf der Basis von LESA wird vorgestellt und experimentell demonstriert

    Electro-mechanical Lung Simulator Using Polymer and Organic Human Lung Equivalents for Realistic Breathing Simulation

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    Simulation models in respiratory research are increasingly used for medical product development and testing, especially because in-vivo models are coupled with a high degree of complexity and ethical concerns. This work introduces a respiratory simulation system, which is bridging the gap between the complex, real anatomical environment and the safe, cost-effective simulation methods. The presented electro-mechanical lung simulator, xPULM, combines in-silico, ex-vivo and mechanical respiratory approaches by realistically replicating an actively breathing human lung. The reproducibility of sinusoidal breathing simulations with xPULM was verified for selected breathing frequencies (10-18 bpm) and tidal volumes (400-600 ml) physiologically occurring during human breathing at rest. Human lung anatomy was modelled using latex bags and primed porcine lungs. High reproducibility of flow and pressure characteristics was shown by evaluating breathing cycles (n(Total) = 3273) with highest standard deviation vertical bar 3 sigma vertical bar for both, simplified lung equivalents (mu(V) = 23.98 +/- 1.04 l/min, mu(P) = -0.78 +/- 0.63 hPa) and primed porcine lungs (mu(V) = 18.87 +/- 2.49 l/min, mu(P) = -21.13 +/- 1.47 hPa). The adaptability of the breathing simulation parameters, coupled with the use of porcine lungs salvaged from a slaughterhouse process, represents an advancement towards anatomically and physiologically realistic modelling of human respiration

    Stable Isotope Probing-nanoFTIR for Quantitation of Cellular Metabolism and Observation of Growth-Dependent Spectral Features

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    This study utilizes nanoscale Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy (nanoFTIR) to perform stable isotope probing (SIP) on individual bacteria cells cultured in the presence of 13C-labelled glucose. SIP-nanoFTIR simultaneously quantifies single-cell metabolism through infrared spectroscopy and acquires cellular morphological information via atomic force microscopy. The redshift of the amide I peak corresponds to the isotopic enrichment of newly synthesized proteins. These observations of single-cell translational activity are comparable to those of conventional methods, examining bulk cell numbers. Observing cells cultured under conditions of limited carbon, SIP- nanoFTIR is used to identify environmentally-induced changes in metabolic heterogeneity and cellular morphology. Individuals outcompeting their neighboring cells will likely play a disproportionately large role in shaping population dynamics during adverse conditions or environmental fluctuations. Additionally, SIP-nanoFTIR enables the spectroscopic differentiation of specific cellular growth phases. During cellular replication, subcellular isotope distribution becomes more homogenous, which is reflected in the spectroscopic features dependent on the extent of 13C-13C mode coupling or to specific isotopic symmetries within protein secondary structures. As SIP-nanoFTIR captures single-cell metabolism, environmentally-induced cellular processes, and subcellular isotope localization, this technique offers widespread applications across a variety of disciplines including microbial ecology, biophysics, biopharmaceuticals, medicinal science, and cancer research

    Whole-Day Schools - Management and Education

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    Ganztagsschulen haben durch ihr Mehr an Zeit einen größeren Spielraum, die Schulgestaltung an den Bedürfnissen der Beteiligten zu orientieren. In einer Auseinandersetzung mit anderen Perspektiven kann es gelingen, die Ausrichtung der eigenen Schule zu diskutieren, zu festigen und zu schärfen. Pädagogische Fortbildungsveranstaltungen bieten dazu eine Möglichkeit. Der zweite bayerische Ganztagsschulkongress Ganztagsschule gestalten – ganztags Unterricht organisieren am 3. und 4. März 2010 in Forchheim bot den Teilnehmerinnen und Teilnehmern anhand vielfältiger Vorträge und Workshops ein Forum zur Diskussion mit Perspektiven aus Wissenschaft, Schulpraxis und Bildungspolitik. Die Dokumentation der Veranstaltung liegt hiermit vor.All-day schools stand out against other types of schools due to the extended availability of time and therewith a wider range of possibilities to adjust the orientation of the school to the needs of the persons involved. Schools can evolve and strengthen their orientation by a discursive examination and discussion of different approaches. A good opportunity for advancing this discussion are events in pedagogical further education. During the second Bavarian all-day school congress "Modelling All-Day School - Organizing All-Day Tuition", held on the 3rd and 4th of March 2010 in Forchheim/Germany, participants had the opportunity to attend numerous workshops and presentations as well as a panel discussion featuring experts from the fields of educational science, educational policy and teaching. The documentation of the congress is now available

    The adolescence of electronic health records: Status and perspectives for large scale implementation

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    Health informatics started to evolve decades ago with the intention to support healthcare using computers. Since then Electronic health records (EHRs) and personal health records (PHRs) have become available but widespread adoption was limited by lack of interoperability and security issues. This paper discusses the feasibility of interoperable standards based EHRs and PHRs drawing on experience from implementation projects. It outlines challenges and goals in education and implementation for the next years

    Entwicklung der sozialistischen Lebensweise in der Hauptstadt der DDR, Berlin

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    IZ Sozialwissenschaften, Berlin, B 2211- GL 303 / FIZ - Fachinformationszzentrum Karlsruhe / TIB - Technische InformationsbibliothekSIGLEDEGerman

    From single autonomous robots toward cooperative robotic interactions for future planetary exploration missions

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    Mobile robotics will play a key role in future space, ocean and deep sea exploration activities. Besides the actual development of the robotic systems, the different ways of commanding those systems, using technologies varying from teleoperation with the human in the loop, through shared autonomy towards highly autonomous systems, will be the main challenges of these missions. This paper describes the robotic activities of the DLR institutions within the Helmholtz projects ROBEX and ARCHES, dealing with robots for autonomous space and ocean exploration applications. Furthermore, it describes the challenges, the overlap and the synergies of those domains, the different approaches of operating robots from far distances in extreme environments and gives an outlook on future mission possibilities

    Bibliographie der Händel-Literatur 2010/2011

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