197 research outputs found

    707 Transvenous radiofrequency ablation of epicardial posterior-septal accessory pathways in children with WPW syndrome: can technology and imaging innovations improve the outcome?

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    Abstract Aims The aim of the study was to analyse our recent single-centre experience about epicardial posterior-septal accessory pathways transcatheter ablation in children and young patients using radiofrequency through the coronary sinus, in order to understand which mapping and ablation strategy is associated with higher success rate and safety. Methods and results We reviewed all the cases of ablation of overt accessory pathways (in Wolff–Parkinson–White syndrome) with epicardial posterior-septal localization performed in children or young patients at our institution in the last 5 years. Twenty-two paediatric patients (mean age: 13 ± 3 years) with epicardial posterior-septal accessory pathways (15 in coronary sinus and 7 in the Middle Cardiac Vein) underwent radiofrequency transcatheter ablation with CARTO 3TM. Acute success rate was 77%. No patient was lost to follow-up (mean time 14.4 ± 9 months). The recurrence rate was 18%. Two patients underwent a successful redo-procedure; the overall long-term success rate was 68%. NAVISTAR® catheter presented the highest acute success rate in the coronary sinus. NAVISTAR SMARTTOUCH® was the only catheter that did not present recurrences after the acute success and it was successfully used in two patients previously unsuccessfully treated with a NAVISTAR THERMOCOOL®. Integration with angio-CT of coronary sinus branches obtained with CARTOMERGE was associated with higher success rate in patients with a previous failed ablation attempt. Conclusions Epicardial posterior-septal accessory pathways can be successfully treated with transvenous radiofrequency ablation in more than half of the cases in children/young patients. Acute success rate does not seem to depend on catheters used but contact-force catheter seems to be useful in cases with recurrences. Image integration with cardiac-CT reconstruction of coronary sinus branches anatomy can be useful to better guide ablation in case of previously failed attempts

    3D transvenous radiofrequency ablation of manifest epicardial posterior-septal accessory pathways in children: Can technology innovations improve the outcome?

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    AbstractIntroduction:The aim of the study was to revise our more recent experience about epicardial posterior-septal accessory pathways radiofrequency transcatheter ablation in children and young patients using a transvenous approach through the coronary sinus, to understand if new mapping and ablation technologies can increase success rate and safety.Methods and results:Twenty children (mean age 13 ± 3 years) with epicardial posterior-septal accessory pathways (14 in coronary sinus and 6 in the middle cardiac vein) underwent radiofrequency transcatheter ablation with CARTO-3® system with help of the CARTO-Univu® module. Acute success rate was 73%. No patient was lost to follow-up (mean time 11.4 ± 9 months). The recurrence rate was 19%. Two patients underwent a successful redo-procedure; the overall long-term success rate was 65%. Navistar® catheter presented the highest acute success rate in the coronary sinus. Navistar SmartTouch® was the only catheter that did not present recurrences after the acute success, and it was successfully used in two patients previously unsuccessfully treated with a Navistar ThermoCool®. Acute success rate was 79% without image integration with angio-CT, while it was 63% after the introduction of CARTO-Merge®.Conclusion:Epicardial posterior-septal accessory pathways can be definitively eliminated by transvenous radiofrequency transcatheter ablation in more than half of the cases in children. Acute success rate does not seem to depend on catheters used, but contact-force catheter seems to be useful in cases with recurrences. Image integration with cardiac-CT does not increase success rate, but it is useful to detect coronary sinus alterations to better guide ablation strategy

    Microarray Analysis on Human Neuroblastoma Cells Exposed to Aluminum, β1–42-Amyloid or the β1–42-Amyloid Aluminum Complex

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    BACKGROUND: A typical pathological feature of Alzheimer's disease (AD) is the appearance in the brain of senile plaques made up of β-amyloid (Aβ) and neurofibrillary tangles. AD is also associated with an abnormal accumulation of some metal ions, and we have recently shown that one of these, aluminum (Al), plays a relevant role in affecting Aβ aggregation and neurotoxicity. METHODOLOGY: In this study, employing a microarray analysis of 35,129 genes, we investigated the effects induced by the exposure to the Aβ(1-42)-Al (Aβ-Al) complex on the gene expression profile of the neuronal-like cell line, SH-SY5Y. PRINCIPAL FINDINGS: The microarray assay indicated that, compared to Aβ or Al alone, exposure to Aβ-Al complex produced selective changes in gene expression. Some of the genes selectively over or underexpressed are directly related to AD. A further evaluation performed with Ingenuity Pathway analysis revealed that these genes are nodes of networks and pathways that are involved in the modulation of Ca(2+) homeostasis as well as in the regulation of glutamatergic transmission and synaptic plasticity. CONCLUSIONS AND SIGNIFICANCE: Aβ-Al appears to be largely involved in the molecular machinery that regulates neuronal as well as synaptic dysfunction and loss. Aβ-Al seems critical in modulating key AD-related pathways such as glutamatergic transmission, Ca(2+) homeostasis, oxidative stress, inflammation, and neuronal apoptosis

    Immediate versus delayed loading: comparison of primary stability loss after miniscrew placement in orthodontic patients-a single-centre blinded randomized clinical trial

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    Introduction: The aim of this randomized clinical trial was to compare torque recordings at insertion time and 1 week post-placement between immediately loaded orthodontic miniscrews and an unloaded control group. Trial design: This RCT was designed as parallel with an allocation ratio of 1:1. Methods: Eligibility criteria to enroll patients were: needs of fixed orthodontic treatment, no systemic disease, absence of using drugs altering bone metabolism. All patients were consecutively treated in a private practice and the miniscrews were placed by the same author. Patients received ORTHOImplant (3M Unitek) miniscrews and they were blindly divided in two groups: group 1 screws were unloaded between T0 and T1, group 2 received immediately loaded screws with NiTi coil. For each patient, maximum insertion torque (MIT) was evaluated at T0. After 1 week, without loading, the screw torque was measured again (T1) and at the end of the treatment maximal removal torque was evaluated (T2). Torque variation in the first week was considered as the primary outcome. Randomization: A randomization list was created for the group assignment, with an allocation ratio of 1:1. Blinding: The study was single blinded in regard of the statistical analysis. Results: Patients enrolled in the clinical trial were 51 for a total of 81 miniscrews. The recruitment started in November 2012 and the observation period ended in August 2014. Twenty-six and twenty-five patients were analysed in group 1 and 2, respectively. The MIT mean in each placement time was 18.25 Ncm (SD = 3.00), 11.41 Ncm (SD = 3.51) and 10.52 Ncm (SD = 5.14) at T0, T1, and T2 time, respectively. In group 1, the torque decrease between T1 and T0 was statistically higher compared to group 2 (P value = 0.003). Statistically significant effects of the placement times on MIT were found (P value <0.0001). No serious harm was observed. Limitations: This study was performed using only direct force on the miniscrew and not using the miniscrew as an indirect anchorage. It was not possible to obtain quantitative data on bone quality or root proximity to miniscrews. Conclusions: A significant stability loss was observed in the first week in both groups; Group 1 showed a statistically higher torque loss in the first week when compared to the immediately loaded group. There were statistically significant effects of the measurement times on MIT and of the miniscrew location on MIT. The overall failure rate was 7.4%. Trial registration: This trial was not registered. Protocol: The protocol was not published before trial commencement

    Antibacterial Bioactive Glass, S53P4, for Chronic Bone Infections - A Multinational Study

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    Correction: Volume: 971 Pages: 115-116 DOI: 10.1007/5584_2017_13 Published: 2017 WOS:000446017300010Osteomyelitis is an infectious process in bone that occasionally leads to bone destruction. Traditionally, the surgical treatment procedure is performed in combination with systemic and local antibiotics as a two-stage procedure that uses autograft or allograft bone for filling of the cavitary defect. Bioactive glass (BAG-S53P4) is a bone substitute with proven antibacterial and bone bonding properties. One hundred and sixteen patients who had verified chronic osteomyelitis was treated using BAG-S53P4 as part of the treatment. Most of the patients had previously undergone numerous procedures, sometimes for decades. A register of patient data obtained from 11 centers from Finland, Italy, the Netherlands, Germany, Azerbaijan and Poland was set-up and continuously maintained at Helsinki University Central Hospital. The location of the osteomyelitis was mainly in the tibia followed by the femur and then the calcaneus. The median age of the patients was 48 years (15-87). The patients were either treated according to a one-stage procedure without local antibiotics (85 %) or by a two-stage procedure using antibiotic beads in the first procedure (15 %). The minimum follow-up was 1 year (12-95 months, median 31). The cure rate was 104/116, the total success rate 90 % and most of the patients showed a rapid recovery. The study shows that (BAG-S53P4) can be used in a one-stage procedure in treatment of osteomyelitis with excellent results.Peer reviewe

    Metabolic determinants of the immune modulatory function of neural stem cells.

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    BACKGROUND: Neural stem cells (NSCs) display tissue trophic and immune modulatory therapeutic activities after transplantation in central nervous system disorders. The intercellular interplay between stem cells and target immune cells is increased in NSCs exposed to inflammatory cues. Here, we hypothesize that inflammatory cytokine signalling leads to metabolic reprogramming of NSCs regulating some of their immune modulatory effects. METHODS: NSC lines were prepared from the subventricular zone (SVZ) of 7-12-week-old mice. Whole secretome-based screening and analysis of intracellular small metabolites was performed in NSCs exposed to cocktails of either Th1-like (IFN-γ, 500 U/ml; TNF-α, 200 U/ml; IL-1β, 100 U/ml) or Th2-like (IL-4, IL-5 and IL-13; 10 ng/ml) inflammatory cytokines for 16 h in vitro. Isotopologues distribution of arginine and downstream metabolites was assessed by liquid chromatography/mass spectrometry in NSCs incubated with U-(13)C6 L-arginine in the presence or absence of Th1 or Th2 cocktails (Th1 NSCs or Th2 NSCs). The expression of arginase I and II was investigated in vitro in Th1 NSCs and Th2 NSCs and in vivo in the SVZ of mice with experimental autoimmune encephalomyelitis, as prototypical model of Th1 cell-driven brain inflammatory disease. The effects of the inflammatory cytokine signalling were studied in NSC-lymph node cells (LNC) co-cultures by flow cytometry-based analysis of cell proliferation following pan-arginase inhibition with N(ω)-hydroxy-nor-arginine (nor-NOHA). RESULTS: Cytokine-primed NSCs showed significantly higher anti-proliferative effect in co-cultures vs. control NSCs. Metabolomic analysis of intracellular metabolites revealed alteration of arginine metabolism and increased extracellular arginase I activity in cytokine-primed NSCs. Arginase inhibition by nor-NOHA partly rescued the anti-proliferative effects of cytokine-primed NSCs. CONCLUSIONS: Our work underlines the use of metabolic profiling as hypothesis-generating tools that helps unravelling how stem cell-mediated mechanisms of tissue restoration become affected by local inflammatory responses. Among different therapeutic candidates, we identify arginase signalling as novel metabolic determinant of the NSC-to-immune system communication.This work has received support from the National Multiple Sclerosis Society (NMSS, partial grants RG-4001-A1), the Italian Multiple Sclerosis Association (AISM, grant 2010/R/31 and grant 2014/PMS/4), the Italian Ministry of Health (GR08-7), the European Research Council (ERC) under the ERC-2010-StG Grant agreement n° 260511-SEM_SEM and the UK Regenerative Medicine Platform Acellular hub (Partnership award RG69889) and core support grant from the Wellcome Trust and MRC to the Wellcome Trust–Medical Research Council Cambridge Stem Cell Institute. LPJ was supported by a Wellcome Trust Research Training Fellowship (RG79423).This is the final version of the article. It first appeared from BioMed Central via http://dx.doi.org/10.1186/s12974-016-0667-

    Soluble Isoform of Suppression of Tumorigenicity 2 (ST2) Biomarker in a Large Cohort of Healthy Pediatric Population:Determination of Reference Intervals

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    Introduction: Only little data exists on ST2 reference intervals in healthy pediatric populations despite the high importance of this biomarker in adults with heart failure. The aim of the study was to assess the reference intervals of ST2 in a wide healthy pediatric cohort. Methods: We evaluated the serum concentrations of ST2 biomarker in 415 healthy pediatric subjects referred to our analysis laboratory. Subjects were categorized according to age (i.e., 0–6 (n = 79), 7–11 (n = 142) and 12–18 years (n = 191)) and sex. They were not suffering from any cardiac disorders, metabolic disorders, lung diseases, autoimmune disorders or malignancies. A written consent was obtained for each individual. No duplicate patients were included in the analysis and the presence of outliers was investigated. Reference intervals (Mean and central 95% confidence intervals) were determined. Results: Three outliers have been identified and removed from the analysis (60.0, 64.0 and 150.2 ng/mL). A total of 412 subjects were therefore included. The mean value for the whole population was 15.8 ng/mL (2.4–36.4 ng/mL). Males present a significantly higher mean concentration compared to females (17.2 versus 14.4 ng/mL, p = 0.001). A significant trend toward higher ST2 values with age was also observed, but for males only (r = 0.43, p < 0.0001). If considering age partitions, only males of 12–18 years (mean = 21.7 ng/mL) had significantly higher ST2 values compared to the other groups (ranging from 11.9 for males 0–6 years to 15.2 for females 12–18 years; p < 0.0001). Conclusions: We described age and sex-specific reference intervals for ST2 in a large healthy pediatric population. We found that ST2 values differ between sexes if considering all participants. A significant increase in ST2 with age was also observed, but only for males of 12–18 years
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