13 research outputs found

    Epidemiology of hepatitis C virus infection in Split-Dalmatia County

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    Hepatitis C virus je rasprostranjen po cijelom svijetu, a najčeŔći uzrok visoke prevalencije uz intravensko uzimanje droga su nepravilnosti u postupanju pri parenteralnim zahvatima u zdravstvenim ustanovama. Hrvatska je zemlja niske prevalencije (manje od 2% stanovnika ima anti - HCV protutijela). EpidemioloÅ”ka situacija odabrane populacije određuje koji dio te populacije ima najveću korist od programa ranog otkrivanja i liječenja bolesti. Cilj: Cilj istraživanja bio je utvrditi prevalenciju, rizične čimbenike, način inficiranja i distribuciju HCV genotipova kod različitih dobnih i spolnih grupa populacije Splitsko dalmatinske županije u usporedbi sa drugim županijama u Hrvatskoj. Materijali i metode: Radi se o retrospektivnom istraživanju anketiranjem kroničnih vironoÅ”a o načinu infekcije i dobi otkrivanja infekcije. Podaci o pacijentima su dobiveni iz nekoliko različitih izvora: Registar kroničnih vironoÅ”a HCV u Nastavnom zavodu za javno zdravstvo (NZZJZ) županije Splitsko-dalmatinske, registar Odjela infektologije KBC Split, registar Odjela transfuzije KBC Split, Registar HCV inficiranih u Službi za zarazne bolesti Hrvatskog Zavoda za javno zdravstvo te Hrvatski zdravstveno statistički ljetopis. U istraživanje su uključeni svi registrirani anti-HCV pozitivni pacijenti od 1993-2015. Plazma uzorci za molekularnu dijagnostiku HCV infekcije su prikupljeni kao dio rutinskog dijagnostičkog praćenja pacijenta s kroničnim hepatitisom C s ciljem određivanja i učinka terapije. Statistička analiza je izvrÅ”ena programom SPSS 17.0. Rezultati: U Splitsko-dalmatinskoj županiji predominantan uzrok infekcije hepatitisom C je genotip 3 (49%) koji se javlja kod intravenskih korisnika droga. Postotci za žene i muÅ”karce inficirane hepatitisom C u Splitsko-dalmatinskoj županiji bili su za žene (22%) te za muÅ”karce (78%). NajčeŔća dobna skupina u kojoj su pacijenti prijavljivali infekciju hepatitisom C bila je od 20-39 godina. Zaključak: Povezanost između rizičnih čimbenika za infekciju i distribucije genotipova u podskupini pacijenata iz Splitsko-dalmatinske županije potvrđuje korelaciju između intravenskih korisnika droga i visoke prevalencije genotipa 3 hepatitisa C.Hepatitis C virus is widespread around the world, and the most common cause of high prevalence with intravenous drug use are irregularities in dealing with parenteral interventions in health care institutions. Croatia is the country of low prevalence (less than 2% of the population has an anti - HCV antibodies). The epidemiological situation of selected population determines which part of that population has the greatest benefit from the program of early detection and treatment of disease. Goal: The goal of this study was to determine the prevalence, risk factors, way of the infection and distribution of HCV genotypes within different age and sex groups of the population of Split-Dalmatia County compared to other counties in Croatia. Materials and methods: This retrospective study was guided by interviewing of chronic virus hosts about the way of infection and their age when infection was detected. Patients data were obtained from several different sources: the Register of chronic HCV Vironos of Teaching Institute for Public Health (NZZJZ) of Split-Dalmatia County, register of Infectious diseases department of KBC Split, register of Department of transfusion KBC Split, register of HCV infected patients in the Department of Infectious Diseases from Croatian Institute for Public Health and Croatian statistical year book. The study includes all registered anti-HCV positive patients from 1993 to 2015. Plasma samples for molecular diagnosis of HCV infection have been collected as a part of routine diagnostic monitoring of the patients with chronic hepatitis C with the aim of determining the effect of therapy. Statistical analysis was performed using the SPSS 17.0. Results: In Split-Dalmatia County predominant cause of the hepatitis C infection is genotype 3 (49%) that occurs within intravenous drug users. The percentages of women and men infected with hepatitis C in SDC were women (22%) and men (78%). The most common age group in which patients were reporting to be infected with hepatitis C was 20-39 years old. Conclusion: The relationship between risk factors for infection and distribution of genotypes in a subset of patients from the Split-Dalmatia County confirms the correlation between injecting drug users and the high prevalence of genotype 3 hepatitis C

    Epidemiology of hepatitis C virus infection in Split-Dalmatia County

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    Hepatitis C virus je rasprostranjen po cijelom svijetu, a najčeŔći uzrok visoke prevalencije uz intravensko uzimanje droga su nepravilnosti u postupanju pri parenteralnim zahvatima u zdravstvenim ustanovama. Hrvatska je zemlja niske prevalencije (manje od 2% stanovnika ima anti - HCV protutijela). EpidemioloÅ”ka situacija odabrane populacije određuje koji dio te populacije ima najveću korist od programa ranog otkrivanja i liječenja bolesti. Cilj: Cilj istraživanja bio je utvrditi prevalenciju, rizične čimbenike, način inficiranja i distribuciju HCV genotipova kod različitih dobnih i spolnih grupa populacije Splitsko dalmatinske županije u usporedbi sa drugim županijama u Hrvatskoj. Materijali i metode: Radi se o retrospektivnom istraživanju anketiranjem kroničnih vironoÅ”a o načinu infekcije i dobi otkrivanja infekcije. Podaci o pacijentima su dobiveni iz nekoliko različitih izvora: Registar kroničnih vironoÅ”a HCV u Nastavnom zavodu za javno zdravstvo (NZZJZ) županije Splitsko-dalmatinske, registar Odjela infektologije KBC Split, registar Odjela transfuzije KBC Split, Registar HCV inficiranih u Službi za zarazne bolesti Hrvatskog Zavoda za javno zdravstvo te Hrvatski zdravstveno statistički ljetopis. U istraživanje su uključeni svi registrirani anti-HCV pozitivni pacijenti od 1993-2015. Plazma uzorci za molekularnu dijagnostiku HCV infekcije su prikupljeni kao dio rutinskog dijagnostičkog praćenja pacijenta s kroničnim hepatitisom C s ciljem određivanja i učinka terapije. Statistička analiza je izvrÅ”ena programom SPSS 17.0. Rezultati: U Splitsko-dalmatinskoj županiji predominantan uzrok infekcije hepatitisom C je genotip 3 (49%) koji se javlja kod intravenskih korisnika droga. Postotci za žene i muÅ”karce inficirane hepatitisom C u Splitsko-dalmatinskoj županiji bili su za žene (22%) te za muÅ”karce (78%). NajčeŔća dobna skupina u kojoj su pacijenti prijavljivali infekciju hepatitisom C bila je od 20-39 godina. Zaključak: Povezanost između rizičnih čimbenika za infekciju i distribucije genotipova u podskupini pacijenata iz Splitsko-dalmatinske županije potvrđuje korelaciju između intravenskih korisnika droga i visoke prevalencije genotipa 3 hepatitisa C.Hepatitis C virus is widespread around the world, and the most common cause of high prevalence with intravenous drug use are irregularities in dealing with parenteral interventions in health care institutions. Croatia is the country of low prevalence (less than 2% of the population has an anti - HCV antibodies). The epidemiological situation of selected population determines which part of that population has the greatest benefit from the program of early detection and treatment of disease. Goal: The goal of this study was to determine the prevalence, risk factors, way of the infection and distribution of HCV genotypes within different age and sex groups of the population of Split-Dalmatia County compared to other counties in Croatia. Materials and methods: This retrospective study was guided by interviewing of chronic virus hosts about the way of infection and their age when infection was detected. Patients data were obtained from several different sources: the Register of chronic HCV Vironos of Teaching Institute for Public Health (NZZJZ) of Split-Dalmatia County, register of Infectious diseases department of KBC Split, register of Department of transfusion KBC Split, register of HCV infected patients in the Department of Infectious Diseases from Croatian Institute for Public Health and Croatian statistical year book. The study includes all registered anti-HCV positive patients from 1993 to 2015. Plasma samples for molecular diagnosis of HCV infection have been collected as a part of routine diagnostic monitoring of the patients with chronic hepatitis C with the aim of determining the effect of therapy. Statistical analysis was performed using the SPSS 17.0. Results: In Split-Dalmatia County predominant cause of the hepatitis C infection is genotype 3 (49%) that occurs within intravenous drug users. The percentages of women and men infected with hepatitis C in SDC were women (22%) and men (78%). The most common age group in which patients were reporting to be infected with hepatitis C was 20-39 years old. Conclusion: The relationship between risk factors for infection and distribution of genotypes in a subset of patients from the Split-Dalmatia County confirms the correlation between injecting drug users and the high prevalence of genotype 3 hepatitis C

    The acute effect of aerobic and anaerobic exercise on emotional affect among rowers

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    Cilj ovog istraživanja bio je ispitati utjecaj aerobnog i anaerobnog treninga na pozitivni i negativni afekt kod veslača. U istraživanju je sudjelovalo 40 veslača u dobi između 15 i 26 godina, a istraživanje je provođeno u prirodnim uvjetima ā€žna suhomā€œ, u veslačkom klubu TreÅ”njevka. Veslači su procjenjivali svoj pozitivni i negativni afekt, prije i poslije aerobnog i anaerobnog treninga, kao i zadovoljstvo postignućem na tim treninzima. Rezultati su pokazali kako je pozitivni afekt veslača jednak u svim eksperimentalnim situacijama, a negativni afekt kod veslača bio je niži poslije, u odnosu na prije aerobnog i anaerobnog treninga. Također, pokazalo se kako je negativni afekt niži prije i poslije aerobnih treninga, u odnosu na anaerobne. Konačno, pokazano je kako je zadovoljstvo postignućem poslije anaerobnog treninga pozitivno povezano s pozitivnim te negativno povezno s negativnim afektom, dok je zadovoljstvo postignućem poslije aerobnog treninga negativno povezano s negativnim afektom, a s pozitivnim afektom nije značajno povezano.The purpose of this research was to examine the effect of acute aerobic and anaerobic exercise on positive and negative affect among rowers. The sample included 40 rowers aged 15-26. It was a field research conducted in the rowing club TreÅ”njevka. Rowers were asked to self-report their positive and negative affect before and after, both aerobic and anaerobic exercise. Also, they were asked to self-report their satisfaction with achieved result in the practice. Results have shown that neither aerobic, nor anaerobic exercise, have significant effect on positive affect. On the other hand, both aerobic and anaerobic exercise have resulted in lowered scores of negative affects among rowers after the exercises. Furthermore, negative affect was lower for the aerobic exercise than that it was for anaerobic exercise. Finally, self-reported satisfaction with achieved result in the anaerobic exercise was correlated with both positive and negative affect after the anaerobic exercise, while self-reported satisfaction with achieved result in the aerobic exercise was correlated only with negative affect, and not correlated with positive affect, after the aerobic exercise

    Analasys of Digital Communication on Social Networks of Selected Sustainable Brands

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    Ubrzani industrijski razvoj i druÅ”tvene promjene koje donosi globalna proizvodnja često seoslanjajuna ekoloÅ”ki neprihvatljive prakse. Ne čudi stoga da dolazi do porastaposljedica klimatskih promjena, zbog čega ekoloÅ”ka održivost postaje sve važnija tema u javnom diskursu. Među globalnim industrijama, modna se industrija, koja je pripada velikim ekoloÅ”kim zagađivačima, pokuÅ”avaistaknutiprimjenomidejeodrživosti u svojimproizvodnimprocesimai komunikacijskimstrategijamate na taj način pokuÅ”ava približitiodrživost Å”iroj javnosti. Komunikacija održivih praksi i njihovih prednosti uglavnom se odvija prekodigitalnih medija, posebno druÅ”tvenih mreža koje su postale neizostavan alat za promociju proizvoda, usluga i brendiranjana tržiÅ”tu. Unatoč sve većoj svijesti o održivosti, udio održivih proizvoda na tržiÅ”tu i dalje je nizak. Rad istražujenačinepomoću kojihodrživi brendovi koriste druÅ”tvene mreže tekoje komunikacijske strategije primjenjuju kako bi utjecali na svoju ciljnu skupinu. Za istraživanje su odabrani održivi brendovi Pangaia i Lunilou, a analiziran je njihov sadržaj na druÅ”tvenim mrežama Instagram i TikTok. Za istraživanje ove teme koriÅ”tene sukvalitativne metode analize sadržaja i dubinskog intervjua. Rezultati istraživanja pokazali su da Lunilou i Pangaia imaju potpuno različite strategije komunikacije na druÅ”tvenim mrežama prema ciljnim skupinama, također, kroz istraživanje je utvrđeno da održivost nije primarna asocijacija vodilja pri kreiranju sadržaja u digitalnim komunikacijama oba istraživana brenda.The rapid industrial development and social changes brought about by global production often rely on environmentally unacceptable practices. It is therefore not surprising that there is an increase in the consequences of climate change, which is why environmental sustainability is becoming an increasingly important topic in public discourse. Among global industries, the fashion industry, which is one of the major environmental polluters, is trying to stand out by applying the idea of sustainability in itsproduction processes and communication strategies, and in this way tries to bring sustainability closer to the public. The communication of sustainable practices and their benefits mainly takes place through digital media, especially social networks, which have become an indispensable tool for the promotion of products, services and branding in the market. Despite the growing awareness of sustainability, the market share of sustainable products is still low. The paper explores the ways in which sustainablebrands use social networks and which communication strategies they apply to influence their target group. The sustainable brands Pangaia and Lunilou were selected for the research, and their content on the social networks Instagram and TikTok was analyzed. Qualitative methods of content analysis and in-depth interviews were used to research this topic.The results of the research showed that Lunilou and Pangaia have completely different communication strategies on social networks according to the target groups, also, through the research it was determined that sustainability is not the primary guiding association when creating content in digital communications of both researched brands

    Epidemiology of hepatitis C virus infection in Split-Dalmatia County

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    Hepatitis C virus je rasprostranjen po cijelom svijetu, a najčeŔći uzrok visoke prevalencije uz intravensko uzimanje droga su nepravilnosti u postupanju pri parenteralnim zahvatima u zdravstvenim ustanovama. Hrvatska je zemlja niske prevalencije (manje od 2% stanovnika ima anti - HCV protutijela). EpidemioloÅ”ka situacija odabrane populacije određuje koji dio te populacije ima najveću korist od programa ranog otkrivanja i liječenja bolesti. Cilj: Cilj istraživanja bio je utvrditi prevalenciju, rizične čimbenike, način inficiranja i distribuciju HCV genotipova kod različitih dobnih i spolnih grupa populacije Splitsko dalmatinske županije u usporedbi sa drugim županijama u Hrvatskoj. Materijali i metode: Radi se o retrospektivnom istraživanju anketiranjem kroničnih vironoÅ”a o načinu infekcije i dobi otkrivanja infekcije. Podaci o pacijentima su dobiveni iz nekoliko različitih izvora: Registar kroničnih vironoÅ”a HCV u Nastavnom zavodu za javno zdravstvo (NZZJZ) županije Splitsko-dalmatinske, registar Odjela infektologije KBC Split, registar Odjela transfuzije KBC Split, Registar HCV inficiranih u Službi za zarazne bolesti Hrvatskog Zavoda za javno zdravstvo te Hrvatski zdravstveno statistički ljetopis. U istraživanje su uključeni svi registrirani anti-HCV pozitivni pacijenti od 1993-2015. Plazma uzorci za molekularnu dijagnostiku HCV infekcije su prikupljeni kao dio rutinskog dijagnostičkog praćenja pacijenta s kroničnim hepatitisom C s ciljem određivanja i učinka terapije. Statistička analiza je izvrÅ”ena programom SPSS 17.0. Rezultati: U Splitsko-dalmatinskoj županiji predominantan uzrok infekcije hepatitisom C je genotip 3 (49%) koji se javlja kod intravenskih korisnika droga. Postotci za žene i muÅ”karce inficirane hepatitisom C u Splitsko-dalmatinskoj županiji bili su za žene (22%) te za muÅ”karce (78%). NajčeŔća dobna skupina u kojoj su pacijenti prijavljivali infekciju hepatitisom C bila je od 20-39 godina. Zaključak: Povezanost između rizičnih čimbenika za infekciju i distribucije genotipova u podskupini pacijenata iz Splitsko-dalmatinske županije potvrđuje korelaciju između intravenskih korisnika droga i visoke prevalencije genotipa 3 hepatitisa C.Hepatitis C virus is widespread around the world, and the most common cause of high prevalence with intravenous drug use are irregularities in dealing with parenteral interventions in health care institutions. Croatia is the country of low prevalence (less than 2% of the population has an anti - HCV antibodies). The epidemiological situation of selected population determines which part of that population has the greatest benefit from the program of early detection and treatment of disease. Goal: The goal of this study was to determine the prevalence, risk factors, way of the infection and distribution of HCV genotypes within different age and sex groups of the population of Split-Dalmatia County compared to other counties in Croatia. Materials and methods: This retrospective study was guided by interviewing of chronic virus hosts about the way of infection and their age when infection was detected. Patients data were obtained from several different sources: the Register of chronic HCV Vironos of Teaching Institute for Public Health (NZZJZ) of Split-Dalmatia County, register of Infectious diseases department of KBC Split, register of Department of transfusion KBC Split, register of HCV infected patients in the Department of Infectious Diseases from Croatian Institute for Public Health and Croatian statistical year book. The study includes all registered anti-HCV positive patients from 1993 to 2015. Plasma samples for molecular diagnosis of HCV infection have been collected as a part of routine diagnostic monitoring of the patients with chronic hepatitis C with the aim of determining the effect of therapy. Statistical analysis was performed using the SPSS 17.0. Results: In Split-Dalmatia County predominant cause of the hepatitis C infection is genotype 3 (49%) that occurs within intravenous drug users. The percentages of women and men infected with hepatitis C in SDC were women (22%) and men (78%). The most common age group in which patients were reporting to be infected with hepatitis C was 20-39 years old. Conclusion: The relationship between risk factors for infection and distribution of genotypes in a subset of patients from the Split-Dalmatia County confirms the correlation between injecting drug users and the high prevalence of genotype 3 hepatitis C

    Analasys of Digital Communication on Social Networks of Selected Sustainable Brands

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    Ubrzani industrijski razvoj i druÅ”tvene promjene koje donosi globalna proizvodnja često seoslanjajuna ekoloÅ”ki neprihvatljive prakse. Ne čudi stoga da dolazi do porastaposljedica klimatskih promjena, zbog čega ekoloÅ”ka održivost postaje sve važnija tema u javnom diskursu. Među globalnim industrijama, modna se industrija, koja je pripada velikim ekoloÅ”kim zagađivačima, pokuÅ”avaistaknutiprimjenomidejeodrživosti u svojimproizvodnimprocesimai komunikacijskimstrategijamate na taj način pokuÅ”ava približitiodrživost Å”iroj javnosti. Komunikacija održivih praksi i njihovih prednosti uglavnom se odvija prekodigitalnih medija, posebno druÅ”tvenih mreža koje su postale neizostavan alat za promociju proizvoda, usluga i brendiranjana tržiÅ”tu. Unatoč sve većoj svijesti o održivosti, udio održivih proizvoda na tržiÅ”tu i dalje je nizak. Rad istražujenačinepomoću kojihodrživi brendovi koriste druÅ”tvene mreže tekoje komunikacijske strategije primjenjuju kako bi utjecali na svoju ciljnu skupinu. Za istraživanje su odabrani održivi brendovi Pangaia i Lunilou, a analiziran je njihov sadržaj na druÅ”tvenim mrežama Instagram i TikTok. Za istraživanje ove teme koriÅ”tene sukvalitativne metode analize sadržaja i dubinskog intervjua. Rezultati istraživanja pokazali su da Lunilou i Pangaia imaju potpuno različite strategije komunikacije na druÅ”tvenim mrežama prema ciljnim skupinama, također, kroz istraživanje je utvrđeno da održivost nije primarna asocijacija vodilja pri kreiranju sadržaja u digitalnim komunikacijama oba istraživana brenda.The rapid industrial development and social changes brought about by global production often rely on environmentally unacceptable practices. It is therefore not surprising that there is an increase in the consequences of climate change, which is why environmental sustainability is becoming an increasingly important topic in public discourse. Among global industries, the fashion industry, which is one of the major environmental polluters, is trying to stand out by applying the idea of sustainability in itsproduction processes and communication strategies, and in this way tries to bring sustainability closer to the public. The communication of sustainable practices and their benefits mainly takes place through digital media, especially social networks, which have become an indispensable tool for the promotion of products, services and branding in the market. Despite the growing awareness of sustainability, the market share of sustainable products is still low. The paper explores the ways in which sustainablebrands use social networks and which communication strategies they apply to influence their target group. The sustainable brands Pangaia and Lunilou were selected for the research, and their content on the social networks Instagram and TikTok was analyzed. Qualitative methods of content analysis and in-depth interviews were used to research this topic.The results of the research showed that Lunilou and Pangaia have completely different communication strategies on social networks according to the target groups, also, through the research it was determined that sustainability is not the primary guiding association when creating content in digital communications of both researched brands

    The acute effect of aerobic and anaerobic exercise on emotional affect among rowers

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    Cilj ovog istraživanja bio je ispitati utjecaj aerobnog i anaerobnog treninga na pozitivni i negativni afekt kod veslača. U istraživanju je sudjelovalo 40 veslača u dobi između 15 i 26 godina, a istraživanje je provođeno u prirodnim uvjetima ā€žna suhomā€œ, u veslačkom klubu TreÅ”njevka. Veslači su procjenjivali svoj pozitivni i negativni afekt, prije i poslije aerobnog i anaerobnog treninga, kao i zadovoljstvo postignućem na tim treninzima. Rezultati su pokazali kako je pozitivni afekt veslača jednak u svim eksperimentalnim situacijama, a negativni afekt kod veslača bio je niži poslije, u odnosu na prije aerobnog i anaerobnog treninga. Također, pokazalo se kako je negativni afekt niži prije i poslije aerobnih treninga, u odnosu na anaerobne. Konačno, pokazano je kako je zadovoljstvo postignućem poslije anaerobnog treninga pozitivno povezano s pozitivnim te negativno povezno s negativnim afektom, dok je zadovoljstvo postignućem poslije aerobnog treninga negativno povezano s negativnim afektom, a s pozitivnim afektom nije značajno povezano.The purpose of this research was to examine the effect of acute aerobic and anaerobic exercise on positive and negative affect among rowers. The sample included 40 rowers aged 15-26. It was a field research conducted in the rowing club TreÅ”njevka. Rowers were asked to self-report their positive and negative affect before and after, both aerobic and anaerobic exercise. Also, they were asked to self-report their satisfaction with achieved result in the practice. Results have shown that neither aerobic, nor anaerobic exercise, have significant effect on positive affect. On the other hand, both aerobic and anaerobic exercise have resulted in lowered scores of negative affects among rowers after the exercises. Furthermore, negative affect was lower for the aerobic exercise than that it was for anaerobic exercise. Finally, self-reported satisfaction with achieved result in the anaerobic exercise was correlated with both positive and negative affect after the anaerobic exercise, while self-reported satisfaction with achieved result in the aerobic exercise was correlated only with negative affect, and not correlated with positive affect, after the aerobic exercise

    Pre-prosthetic Treatment o of a 35-Year-Old Patient with Poor Oral Health: A Case Report

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    This is a case of a 35-year-old patient who was selected to participate in the humanitarian project of a complete oral rehabilitation and quality of life improvement. The project was carried out by the dean, professors, teaching assistants and students at the Faculty of Dental Medicine and Health in Osijek. Patientā€™s oral cavity status was incongruent with his age due to the extensive inflammatory disease and active caries on multiple teeth. Further progression of dental disease in this patient would have led to a complete loss of function, alveolar ridge resorption and edentulousness of the both laws. Clinical examination revealed the following: decay of the teeth 18, 13, 12, 23, 33, 43 (FDI system), dental attrition of teeth 32, 31, 41, 42, root remnants 15, 14, 11, 24, 26, 27, 38, 37, 36, 35 and 34, periodontitis and periapical periodontitis. Extensive dental reparative work has been done in this patient and he was prepared for the upcoming prosthetic work

    Bennett Angle, Condylar and Jaw Movements in Asymptomatic Athletes with a History of a Blow to One Side of the Mandibula

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    Sports activities may induce long-lasting changes in mandibular trajectories. The aim was to compare condylar and mandibular movements in athletes with orofacial injuries with values measured in non-injured athletes. The group of 132 athletes without mandibular injury included asymptomatic athletes with a history of a blow to the right side (N = 43) and the group included asymptomatic athletes with a history of a blow to the left side (N = 41) of the mandible. The injured athletes suffered from stiffness/pain and/or limitation of jaw movements. The symptoms disappeared shortly after the injury. Athletes with a history of injury have smaller mean values of Bennett angle on the side of impact, and Bennett angle on the opposite side is greater than the mean found in non-injured athletes. Significantly smaller Bennett angle values in athletes with a history of a blow to one side of the mandible are due to the adaptability of the orofacial system. The larger Bennett angle on the opposite side of the injury is also due to the adaptive mechanism of the TMJ. Clinical Relevance: An individualized approach to TMJ values is mandatory in restorative procedures in every patient, especially in patients with a history of trauma to the orofacial system