1,584 research outputs found

    Mesoscopic Behavior Near a Two-Dimensional Metal-Insulator Transition

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    We study conductance fluctuations in a two-dimensional electron gas as a function of chemical potential (or gate voltage) from the strongly insulating to the metallic regime. Power spectra of the fluctuations decay with two distinct exponents (1/v_l and 1/v_h). For conductivity Ļƒāˆ¼0.1e2/h\sigma\sim 0.1 e^{2}/h, we find a third exponent (1/v_i) in the shortest samples, and non-monotonic dependence of v_i and v_l on \sigma. We study the dependence of v_i, v_l, v_h, and the variances of corresponding fluctuations on \sigma, sample size, and temperature. The anomalies near Ļƒā‰ƒ0.1e2/h\sigma\simeq 0.1 e^{2}/h indicate that the dielectric response and screening length are critically behaved, i.e. that Coulomb correlations dominate the physics.Comment: Revised according to referee remark

    Transfer of Cs-134 and Cs-137 from soils to plants in cultivated and uncultivated soils in different regions of Yugoslavia

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    10th international congress of the International Radiation Protection Association; May 14-19, 2000; Hiroshima, Japa

    Gastric adenomyoma

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    Bacground. Gastric adenomyoma is a rare, hamartomatous tumor localized most frequently in the gastric antrum. Review of the available literature shows only sporadic reports or smaller series. Case reports. We presented a 72-year-old woman admitted due to epigastric pain with dyspeptic difficulties. Biochemical parameters and tumor markers were within the referential limits. Diagnostic procedures (upper endoscopy, endoscopic ultrasonography and computerized tomography) revealed an intramural tumor prominence with intact mucosa on the posterior wall of gastric antrum, not accessible for biopsy. Surgical treatment was performed with total extirpation of the tumor. Histopathological examination verified adenomyoma with focal low grade epithelial dysplasia. Cytologic immunophenotype was consistent with smooth muscle stromal and epithelial tumor (CK7 and CK20 ++ immunophenotype). Stromal component revealed low proliferative index (Ki-67 protein immunoexpression level 3%), and p53 less than 0.1% in both epithelial and stromal components. Following the operation, the patient remained in good condition. Conclusion. Uncertain malignant potential of the gastric adenomyoma in the presented case indicates that timely diagnostics with adequate surgical treatment is crucial for an adequate treatment

    Migration of depleted uranium contamination through the soil

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    Military use of ammunition with depleted uranium at South Serbia, caused contamination of the environment. Surface soil and soil profile around projectile with depleted uranium were analyzed three years later by high resolution alpha/gamma spectrometry. It was found that activity levels in the soil layer next to the penetrator changes to 1% of initial value at 15 cm distance. This value is about double background uranium level of the soil at the Bratoselce location.Physical chemistry 2004 : 7th international conference on fundamental and applied aspects of physical chemistry; Belgrade (Serbia); 21-23 September 200

    Porast izdanaka inbred linija kukuruza (Zea mays L.) pod uticajem tretmana semena pesticidima

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    Seed treatment is a common way of fungicide and insecticide use nowadays, since this way of pesticide application can provide the best protection in the vicinity of the future plant. The aim of research was to evaluate the effects of different seed treatments on germination and seedling growth in three maize inbred lines. The research included the seed treatment with several combinations of a fungicide Maxim XL 035-FS (a.i. metalaxil-M + fludioxonil) and neonicotinoid insecticides Gaucho 600-FS (a.i. imidacloprid) and Cruiser 350-FS (a.i. thiamethoxam), as well as untreated seed (control). The results indicated that inbred lines 21202 x 21101 NS and 317659 NS had a highly vigourous seed which was not affected by the seed treatments. The seed treatments with Maxim XL 035- FS+Gaucho 600-FS and Maxim XL 035-FS+Cruiser 350-FS led to a decrease in germination (90.25% and 89.50%, respectively) of maize inbred line 306081 NS as well as a decrease in root length (126.75 mm and 125.25 mm, respectively) and dry root weight (0.135 g and 0.1875 g, respectively) of maize inbred line 21202 x 21101 NS. All seed treatments had positive effects on root growth, as well as on fresh root weight of maize inbred lines 306081 NS and 317659 NS.Tretiranje semena fungicidima i insekticidima je uobičajen način pripreme semena pre setve, s obzirom na to da ovaj način primene pesticida može da pruži najbolju zaŔtitu mlade biljke od patogena i Ŕtetočina u zemljiŔtu. Cilj ovog istraživanja bio je da se ispita uticaj različitih tretmana semena pesticidima na klijanje semena i početni porast izdanaka različitih inbred linija kukuruza. Istraživanje je obuhvatilo testiranje tretmana semena inbred linija kukuruza sa nekoliko kombinacija fungicida (Maxim XL 035-FS, fludioksonil, 25 g/l + metalaksil-M, 10 g/l) i insekticida (Gaucho 600-FS, imidakloprid 600 g/l i Cruiser 350-FS, tiametoksam, 350 g/l). Netretirano seme je uzeto za kontrolu. Rezultati istraživanja su pokazali da inbred linije 21202 x 21101 NS i 317659 NS imaju visoko vigorozno seme, na koje nisu uticali testirani preparati. Testirane kombinacije preparata pesticida Maxim XL 035-FS+Gaucho 600-FS i Maxim XL 035-FS+Cruiser 350-FS dovele su do smanjenja klijavosti semena inbred linije 306081 NS (90,25%, odnosno 89,50%), kao i do smanjenja dužine korena (126,75 mm, odnosno 125,25 mm) i mase suvog korena (0,135 g, odnosno 0,1875 g) izdanaka inbred linije 21202 x 21101 NS. Svi testirani tretmani imali su pozitivan uticaj na porast korena izdanaka, kao i na masu svežeg korena izdanaka inbred linija 306081 NS i 317659 NS

    Edem mozga kod zavisnika od droge

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    Background/Aim. The effect of drugs leaves permanent consequences on the brain, organic in type, followed by numerous manifestations, and it significantly affects the development of mental dysfunctions. The clinicians are often given a task to estimate a patient's personality during treatment or during experts estimate of a drug addict. The aim of this research was to determine the differences, if any, in characteristics of addicts experience and personality traits in drug addicts with or without cerebral edema. Methods. The research was conducted on a sample of 252 male drug addicts, the average age of 23.3 (SD = 4.3) years. Cerebral edema was confirmed on magnetic resonance (MR) images of the brain performed during the treatment of the addicts. The participants were tested by the psychologists using Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Inventory (MMPI-201) test, and the data were processed using canonical discriminate analysis within the SPSS program. The dependent variable in the study was cerebral edema. A block of independent variables, designed for the requirements of this study, consisted of two subgroups. The first one consisted of 12 variables describing the relevant characteristics of drug abuse. The second subgroup consisted of 8 psychopathological tendencies in the personality defined by the mentioned test. Results. Cerebral edema was confirmed in 52 (20.63%) of the drug addicts. The differences between the groups of drug addicts with and without cerebral edema were determined in the following: the time span of taking drugs (0.301), use of alcohol parallel with drugs (0.466), and treatment for addiction (0.603). In the drug addicts with a cerebral edema, MMPI-201 confirmed the increase in the scales for hypochondria, psychopathic deviations and psychastenia, and the decrease in the scales for schizophrenia and depression. Conclusion. Our study confirmed a possible connection between cerebral edema and personality traits in a number of the examined drug addicts. Considering the fact that practice often requires personality estimation, regardless whether it is about treatment or expert's estimate, it is necessary to further research in this direction.Uvod/Cilj. Dejstvo droge ostavlja trajne posledice organskog tipa, na mozak, praćene brojnim neuroloÅ”kim manifestacijama, i bitno utiče na razvoj psihičkih poremećaja. Kliničarima se često postavlja zadatak da procene ličnost tokom lečenja ili veÅ”tačenja zavisnika od droge. Cilj istraživanja bio je utvrđivanje karakteristika narkomanskog staža i osobina ličnosti kod zavisnika od droge sa i bez edema mozga. Metode. Istraživanje je sprovedeno u grupi od 252 zavisnika od droge muÅ”kog pola, prosečne starosti 23,3 (SD = 4,3) godine. Za vreme lečenja zavisnika od droge rađena je magnetna rezonanca mozga, a za procenu psihopatoloÅ”kih tendencija ličnosti koriŔćen je Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Inventory (MMPI-201) test. Za obradu podataka koriŔćena je kanonička diskriminativna analiza u sklopu SPSS programa. Zavisna varijabla u istraživanju bio je edem mozga. Blok nezavisnih varijabli, sačinjen za potrebe ovog istraživanja, sastojao se od dve podgrupe. Prvu je činilo 12 varijabli kojima se opisuju relevantna obeležja zavisnosti od droga. Drugu je činilo 8 psihopatoloÅ”kih tendencija ličnosti definisanih pomenutim testom. Rezultati. Edem mozga utvrđen je kod 52 (20,63%) zavisnika od droge. Razlike između grupa zavisnika od droge sa i bez edema mozga utvrđene su u dužini narkomanskog staža (0,301), koriŔćenju alkohola paralelno sa drogama (0,466) i lečenju zavisnosti (0,603). Kod zavisnika od droge sa cerebralnim edemom na MMPI-201 testu utvrđene su poviÅ”ene skale hipohondrije, psihopatske devijacije i psihastenije, a sniženje skala Å”izofrenije i depresije. Zaključak. Kod jednog broja ispitivanih zavisnika od droge potvrđena je sumnja u mogućnost povezanosti edema mozga i osobina ličnosti. S obzirom na to da praksa često iziskuje potrebu za procenom ličnosti, bilo da se radi o lečenju ili veÅ”tačenju, neophodno je nastaviti istraživanja u ovom pravcu

    Tuning from failed superconductor to failed insulator with magnetic field

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    Do charge modulations compete with electron pairing in high-temperature copper-oxide superconductors? We investigated this question by suppressing superconductivity in a stripe-ordered cuprate compound at low temperature with high magnetic fields. With increasing field, loss of three-dimensional superconducting order is followed by reentrant two-dimensional superconductivity and then an ultra-quantum metal phase. Circumstantial evidence suggests that the latter state is bosonic and associated with the charge stripes. These results provide experimental support to the theoretical perspective that local segregation of doped holes and antiferromagnetic spin correlations underlies the electron-pairing mechanism in cuprates.Comment: 20 pp, 4 figs.; accepted version; for open-access published version, click on DOI belo

    Structural properties and antisite defect formation in monoclinic Li2FeSiO4 ā€“ a DFT aspect

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    Properties of monoclinic Li2FeSiO4, which is a prominent candidate for future use as a cathode in lithium ion batteries, have been investigated by DFT+U method, using GGAPBE approximation, plane wave basis set and periodic boundary conditions. All calculations were performed in an antiferromagnetic state, which has been found to be energetically slightly more stable than ferromagnetic. Optimized lattice parameters and atomic coordinates have been compared to the literature data in order to verify the model. In addition, a particular attention was paid to the possibility of the formation of an antisite defect, which was introduced as the interchange between Fe and Li ions at both Li1 and Li2 crystallographic positions. The concentration of defect was varied from 0 to 25 molar per cent. Changes of structural, energetic, and magnetic properties of monoclinic Li2FeSiO4 upon increase of Li1-Fe and Li2-Fe antisite defect concentration have been analyzed and discussed in light of available experimental results
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