240 research outputs found

    Methods of evaluation of agricultural land

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    Основни циљ истраживања у раду представља утврђивање вредности пољопривредног земљишта у различитим производним подручјима на целокупној територији Војводине, применом различитих метода. Тежиште рада није на утврђивању тачних вредности пољопривредног земљишта за поједине локалитете већ долазак до општег, примењивог метода, односно превасходни циљ истраживања је да се изврши научна анализа постојећих метода процене вредности пољопривредног земљишта, да се ови методи критички сагледају, утврде слабости и предности и да се на основу тога предложе одговарајућа решења, пре свега у смислу избора одговарајућег метода за вредновање пољопривредног земљишта у зависности од његове намене, положаја и локалитета на ком се налази. Наведено истраживање представља квантитативну основу за доношење одлука, приликом избора метода вредновања земљишта. Полазне основе у истраживању представљају остварени производни и економски резултати у биљној производњи. Приликом валоризације земљишта поред остварених резултата у производњи анализирани су и други фактори који имају утицај на вредност овог ресурса, као што су густина насељености пољопривредним и непољопривредних становништвом, ниво инвестиција у пољопривреду и друге делатности, ниво подршке државе кроз субвенције и економска снага јединица локалне самоуправе. Узајамна веза добијених вредности земљишта применом метода приносне вредности која је утврђена на основу стварне и калкулативне земљишне ренте, као и фактора чији се утицај на вредност анализира и прикупљених података о прометној, односно тржишној вредности земљишта, утврђена је применом метода вишеструке линеарне регресије. На основу добијених резултата регресионе анализе за факторе на нивоу значајности од 0,05 и 0,01 установљено је да највећи допринос тржишној вредности даје приносна вредност земљишта, што указује на то да остварени економски резултати у пољопривредној производњи имају највећи утицај на тржишну вредност земљишта. Поред овог фактора значајан утицај у погледу повећања тржишне вредности земљишта имају државне субвенције по хектару обрадивих површина, као и густина насељености. Повећање удела државног земљишта у укупним земљишним површинама и густине насељености пољопривредним становништвом утиче на смањење тржишне вредности, при чему је израженији допринос смањењу вредности код учешћа државног земљишта у укупним земљишним површинама од аграрне насељености.Osnovni cilj istraživanja u radu predstavlja utvrđivanje vrednosti poljoprivrednog zemljišta u različitim proizvodnim područjima na celokupnoj teritoriji Vojvodine, primenom različitih metoda. Težište rada nije na utvrđivanju tačnih vrednosti poljoprivrednog zemljišta za pojedine lokalitete već dolazak do opšteg, primenjivog metoda, odnosno prevashodni cilj istraživanja je da se izvrši naučna analiza postojećih metoda procene vrednosti poljoprivrednog zemljišta, da se ovi metodi kritički sagledaju, utvrde slabosti i prednosti i da se na osnovu toga predlože odgovarajuća rešenja, pre svega u smislu izbora odgovarajućeg metoda za vrednovanje poljoprivrednog zemljišta u zavisnosti od njegove namene, položaja i lokaliteta na kom se nalazi. Navedeno istraživanje predstavlja kvantitativnu osnovu za donošenje odluka, prilikom izbora metoda vrednovanja zemljišta. Polazne osnove u istraživanju predstavljaju ostvareni proizvodni i ekonomski rezultati u biljnoj proizvodnji. Prilikom valorizacije zemljišta pored ostvarenih rezultata u proizvodnji analizirani su i drugi faktori koji imaju uticaj na vrednost ovog resursa, kao što su gustina naseljenosti poljoprivrednim i nepoljoprivrednih stanovništvom, nivo investicija u poljoprivredu i druge delatnosti, nivo podrške države kroz subvencije i ekonomska snaga jedinica lokalne samouprave. Uzajamna veza dobijenih vrednosti zemljišta primenom metoda prinosne vrednosti koja je utvrđena na osnovu stvarne i kalkulativne zemljišne rente, kao i faktora čiji se uticaj na vrednost analizira i prikupljenih podataka o prometnoj, odnosno tržišnoj vrednosti zemljišta, utvrđena je primenom metoda višestruke linearne regresije. Na osnovu dobijenih rezultata regresione analize za faktore na nivou značajnosti od 0,05 i 0,01 ustanovljeno je da najveći doprinos tržišnoj vrednosti daje prinosna vrednost zemljišta, što ukazuje na to da ostvareni ekonomski rezultati u poljoprivrednoj proizvodnji imaju najveći uticaj na tržišnu vrednost zemljišta. Pored ovog faktora značajan uticaj u pogledu povećanja tržišne vrednosti zemljišta imaju državne subvencije po hektaru obradivih površina, kao i gustina naseljenosti. Povećanje udela državnog zemljišta u ukupnim zemljišnim površinama i gustine naseljenosti poljoprivrednim stanovništvom utiče na smanjenje tržišne vrednosti, pri čemu je izraženiji doprinos smanjenju vrednosti kod učešća državnog zemljišta u ukupnim zemljišnim površinama od agrarne naseljenosti.The main objective of the research in this thesis is determination of the value of agricultural land in different production areas on the entire territory of Vojvodina, by applying different methods. The focus of the thesis is not on establishing the exact values of agricultural land for certain localities, but devising a general, applicable method; in other words, the primary aim of the research is to conduct scientific analysis of the existing methods for evaluation of agricultural land, to critically examine these methods, to identify their strengths and weaknesses, and accordingly, to propose suitable solutions, primarily in terms of selecting an appropriate method of evaluation of agricultural land depending on the purpose, position and locality of the land. This research is a quantitative basis for decision-making when selecting the methods of land evaluation. The starting points of this research are accomplished production and economic results in crop production. Apart from this, during valorisation of the land the research also included the analysis of other factors that influence the value of this resource. These factors include: population density of agricultural and non-agricultural population, the level of investments in agriculture and other industries, the level of governmental support through subsidies and economic power of the local self-government. The mutual relation of the obtained values of land, gained using the methods of yield value, is determined by applying the methods of multiple linear regression, while yield value is determined on the basis of the actual and calculative land rent, the analysed factors that influence the value, as well as the collected data on the market value of land. On the basis of the obtained results of the regression analysis for the factors at the level of significance from 0.05 to 0.01, it was found that the yield value makes the greatest contribution to the market value, which indicates that the achieved economic results in agricultural production have the greatest influence on the market value of land. In addition, factors that have significant impact on the increase of the market value of land are governmental subsidies per hectare of arable land, as well as population density. On the other hand, the market value is decreased when the share of state-owned land in the total land area is larger and the population density of agricultural population is higher, while the share of state-owned land contributes more substantially to the decrease of the value than agricultural population

    Practical research of the angle of thermodynamic losses when indicating pressure in the cylinder diesel engine

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    Vrlo važan literaturni izvor pri proučavanju radnih procesa u cilindrima motora, decenijama unazad, predstavlja članak Güntera Hohenberga 'Definition und Eigenschaften des termodinamischen Verlust-winkels von Kolbenmaschinen', objavljen 1976. godine u časopisu Automobil industrie, izdanje 4. Ovim člankom je teoretski i praktično (eksperimentalno) obrađena tema određivanja ugla termodinamičkih gubitaka na krivoj pritiska bez sagorevanja izmerenoj u cilindru motora. Posebna vrednost Hohenbergovih istraživanja je u eksperimentalnim rezultatima dobijenim osrednjavanjem izmerenih podataka na većem broju različitih motora. Pokazalo se da su ti eksperimentalni rezultati i te kako upotrebljivi za brzo, ali dosta tačno, određivanje ugla termodinamičkih gubitaka na krivoj pritiska bez sagorevanja,kod bilo kog motora. Dijagrami koje je predložio Hohenberg su od koristi i danas, bilo da se primenjuju direktno ili služe za poređenje sa rezultatima neke od savremenijih računskih metoda zasnovanih na termodinamičkoj analizi procesa u cilindru motora. Međutim, teoretski prilaz Hohenberga datom problemu kroz jednačine koje je postavio, daje dosta dobru predstavu o najuticajnijim faktorima na veličinu ugla termodinamičkih gubitaka, ali u sebi ima i dosta grešaka i grubih aproksimacija. Dobrim i lošim stranama ovog vrlo važnog literaturnog izvora kroz poređenje sa jednom od savremenih termodinamičkih metoda vezanim za problematiku određivanja ugla termodinamičkih gubitaka, posvećen je ovaj rad.Very important literary source for the study of work processes in the engine cylinders, for decades, has been an article by Günter Hohenberg 'Definition und Eigenschaften des termodinamischen Verlust-winkels von Kolbenmaschinen', published in 1976 in the magazine Automobil Industrie, Edition 4. This article theoretically and practically (experimentally) deals with the topic of determining the angle of thermodynamic losses on the pressure curve without combustion measured in the engine cylinder. The special value of this research is in the experimental results obtained by averaging the measured data on a large number of different engines. It has been shown that these experimental results are useful for a quick, but quite accurate, determining of the angle of thermodynamic losses on the pressure curve without combustion, with any engine. Diagrams proposed by Hohenberg are used today, whether they are applied directly or used for comparison with the results of some of the more modern computational methods based on thermodynamic analysis of the processes in the engine cylinder. However, the theoretical approach by Hohenberg to the given problem through the equations he set, gives a pretty good idea of the most influential factors on the size of the angle of thermodynamic losses, but it has a lot of mistakes and rough approximations. This work is dedicated to the good and bad sides of this very important literature source through a comparison with one of the modern thermodynamic methods related to the issue of determining the angle of thermodynamic losses

    Practical research of the angle of thermodynamic losses when indicating pressure in the cylinder diesel engine

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    Vrlo važan literaturni izvor pri proučavanju radnih procesa u cilindrima motora, decenijama unazad, predstavlja članak Güntera Hohenberga 'Definition und Eigenschaften des termodinamischen Verlust-winkels von Kolbenmaschinen', objavljen 1976. godine u časopisu Automobil industrie, izdanje 4. Ovim člankom je teoretski i praktično (eksperimentalno) obrađena tema određivanja ugla termodinamičkih gubitaka na krivoj pritiska bez sagorevanja izmerenoj u cilindru motora. Posebna vrednost Hohenbergovih istraživanja je u eksperimentalnim rezultatima dobijenim osrednjavanjem izmerenih podataka na većem broju različitih motora. Pokazalo se da su ti eksperimentalni rezultati i te kako upotrebljivi za brzo, ali dosta tačno, određivanje ugla termodinamičkih gubitaka na krivoj pritiska bez sagorevanja,kod bilo kog motora. Dijagrami koje je predložio Hohenberg su od koristi i danas, bilo da se primenjuju direktno ili služe za poređenje sa rezultatima neke od savremenijih računskih metoda zasnovanih na termodinamičkoj analizi procesa u cilindru motora. Međutim, teoretski prilaz Hohenberga datom problemu kroz jednačine koje je postavio, daje dosta dobru predstavu o najuticajnijim faktorima na veličinu ugla termodinamičkih gubitaka, ali u sebi ima i dosta grešaka i grubih aproksimacija. Dobrim i lošim stranama ovog vrlo važnog literaturnog izvora kroz poređenje sa jednom od savremenih termodinamičkih metoda vezanim za problematiku određivanja ugla termodinamičkih gubitaka, posvećen je ovaj rad.Very important literary source for the study of work processes in the engine cylinders, for decades, has been an article by Günter Hohenberg 'Definition und Eigenschaften des termodinamischen Verlust-winkels von Kolbenmaschinen', published in 1976 in the magazine Automobil Industrie, Edition 4. This article theoretically and practically (experimentally) deals with the topic of determining the angle of thermodynamic losses on the pressure curve without combustion measured in the engine cylinder. The special value of this research is in the experimental results obtained by averaging the measured data on a large number of different engines. It has been shown that these experimental results are useful for a quick, but quite accurate, determining of the angle of thermodynamic losses on the pressure curve without combustion, with any engine. Diagrams proposed by Hohenberg are used today, whether they are applied directly or used for comparison with the results of some of the more modern computational methods based on thermodynamic analysis of the processes in the engine cylinder. However, the theoretical approach by Hohenberg to the given problem through the equations he set, gives a pretty good idea of the most influential factors on the size of the angle of thermodynamic losses, but it has a lot of mistakes and rough approximations. This work is dedicated to the good and bad sides of this very important literature source through a comparison with one of the modern thermodynamic methods related to the issue of determining the angle of thermodynamic losses


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    The topic of piezoelectric active thin-walled structures has attracted a great deal of attention over the previous couple of decades. Lightweight structures with piezoelectric material based active elements, sensors and actuators, offer numerous advantages over their passive counterparts. This explains the motivation of authors to dedicate their work to this enticing research field. Accurate and reliable numerical tools for modeling and simulation of this type of structures is still a hot topic in the research community. This paper offers an isogeometric finite element formulation for shell type of structures made of composite laminates including piezoelectric layers characterized by the electro-mechanical coupling. The shell kinematics is based on the Mindlin-Reissner assumptions, thus including the transverse shear effects. A few examples selected from the available literature are considered to demonstrate the applicability of the developed numerical tool and assess its performance

    Influence of disturbances in the process of fuel injection on the working processes in the cylinder diesel engine

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    Neujednačenost radnih procesa u cilindrima dizel-motora se može desiti iz više razloga. Dva najuticajnija faktora na ovu pojavu, a koji se odnose na poremećaje u procesu ubrizgavanja goriva, su: poremećaji u pogledu trenutnog položaja (ugla obrtanja) kolenastog vratila kada započinje ubrizgavanje goriva u nekom od cilindara, tzv. ugao predubrizgavanja, i poremećaji u količini goriva koja se isporučuje pojedinim cilindrima tokom jednog radnog ciklusa, tzv. ciklusna količina goriva. Navedeni poremećaji su daleko izraženiji kod klasičnih, mehaničkih sistema za ubrizgavanje goriva (pumpa visokog pritiska, pumpa-brizgač, itd.), i vrlo često se ne mogu preduprediti pri vanmotorskim ispitivanjima i podešavanjima sistema ubrizgavanja goriva. Simulacija opisanih poremaćaja u realnim uslovima rada dizel-motora, i proširivanje saznanja o njihovom pojedinačnom i zajedničkom uticaju na radne procese u cilindrima, nije nimalo jednostavna. Međutim, danas postoje komercijalni programi koji imaju ugrađene module zasnovane na proverenim jednačinama termodinamike, teorije sagorevanja i teorije strujanja, koje omogućavaju da se ova simulacija izvrši primenom računara. Jedan od takvih programa je program BOOST AVL. Rezultati simulacija dobijeni primenom ovog i sličnih programa mogu biti i pouzdaniji od simulacija u realnim uslovima rada motora, pošto je kod mehaničkih sistema ubrizgavanja goriva, vrlo teško kvantifikovati stepen poremećaja koji se želi simulirati. Dobijeni rezultati mogu biti iskorišćeni za razvijanje metoda identifikacije uticaja opisanih poremećaja na srednji indikatorski pritisak svakog cilindra, pa i celog motora, tačniju procenu mehaničkih gubitaka (stepena mehaničke korisnosti), itd.Unevenness of working processes in diesel engine cylinders can happen for several reasons. The two most influential factors to this phenomenon, which are related to disturbances in the fuel injection process are: disturbances in terms of the current position (rotation angle) of the crankshaft when the fuel injection in one of the cylinders starts, so-called pre-injection angle, and disturbances in the quantity of fuel that is supplied to individual cylinders during one work cycle, the so-called cycle amounts of fuel. These disturbances are more prominent in classical, mechanical fuel injection systems (high-pressure pump, pump-injector, etc.), and very often can not be prevented during the out engine testing and the fuel injection system adjustments. The simulation of disturbances described under real operating conditions of diesel engines, and expanding the knowledge of their individual and joined impact on the working processes in cylinders, is not at all simple. However, today there are commercial software which have built-in modules based on the proven equations of thermodynamics, combustion theory and the theory of flow, which makes it possible to carry out these simulations by using a computer. One such software is AVL BOOST. The simulation results obtained using this and similar software can be more reliable than simulations in real conditions of the engine, because in the mechanical fuel injection system it is very difficult to quantify the degree of the disturbance which is to be simulated. The given results can be used to develop methods of identifying the impact of described disturbances on the mean indicated pressure of each cylinder, as well as the entire engine, a more accurate assessment of mechanical losses (degree of mechanical utility), etc

    Ostvareni finansijski rezultat u proizvodnji jagode kratkog dana

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    In South-western Ontario's continental climate (short days, hot summers and very cold winters) the matted-row system was the dominant production system to grow short-day strawberries. Varieties-staggered production (planting a combination of early, mid and late-season varieties) provides strawberry harvest from five to seven weeks. Short-day strawberries are vegetative grown in the first year, and harvested for two consecutive years. The total cost of short-day strawberry production was 54,370 CAD/ha.Theproductionandharvestcostsinthefirstandsecondyearswere20,812CAD/ha. The production and harvest costs in the first and second years were 20,812 CAD/ha and 16,930 CAD/ha,respectively,andaccountedfor69.42CAD/ ha, respectively, and accounted for 69.42% of the total. Pre-plans operations were the least expensive procedures costing 8.13%, while planting and care of young plants made up 22.45% of the total costs. The total income of growing short-day strawberries under a matted-row system was 76,671 CAD/ha (the first and second production years 41,330 CAD/haand35,341CAD/ha and 35,341 CAD/ha, respectively). The short-day strawberries in matted-row system, with average yield of 15,722 kg/ha, generated a net revenue of 22,300 CAD/ha.UuslovimakontinentalneklimejugozapadnogOntarijaukojimasuletakratkaivrucˊa,azimehladne,dominantnojegajenjejagodekratkogdanauredovimanaotvorenompolju.Ustrukturiproizvodnjeucˇestvujurane,srednjeikasnesorte,sˇtoomogucˊavaberbuod5do7nedelja.Ukupnaeksploatacijajagodnjakajedvegodine.Trosˇkovizasnivanjaiproizvodnjejagodekratkogdanauprvojidrugojgodiniposlesadnjeiznoseukupno54.370CAD/ha.U uslovima kontinentalne klime jugo-zapadnog Ontarija u kojima su leta kratka i vruća, a zime hladne, dominantno je gajenje jagode kratkog dana u redovima na otvorenom polju. U strukturi proizvodnje učestvuju rane, srednje i kasne sorte, što omogućava berbu od 5 do 7 nedelja. Ukupna eksploatacija jagodnjaka je dve godine. Troškovi zasnivanja i proizvodnje jagode kratkog dana u prvoj i drugoj godini posle sadnje iznose ukupno 54.370 CAD/ha. Troškovi nege i berbe u prvoj godini iznose 20.812 CAD/ha,atrosˇkovinegeiberbeudrugojgodinisu16.930CAD/ha, a troškovi nege i berbe u drugoj godini su 16.930 CAD/ha, pri čemu učestvuju sa 69,42 % u strukturi ukupnih troškova zasnivanja i redovne proizvodnje jagode. Najniža ulaganja su pri zasnivanju zasada sa učešćem od 8,13%, dok je udeo troškova sadnje i nege zasada u ukupnim ulaganjima 22,45%. Ukupan prihod u proizvodnji jagode kratkog dana je 76.671 CAD/ha(41.330CAD/ha (41.330 CAD u prvoj godini i 35.341 CAD/haudrugojgodini).Prematome,iporedvisokihulaganjapojedinicipovrsˇinekodjagodakratkogdana,uzprosecˇanprinosod15.772kg/ha,ostvarujeseprofitod22.301CAD/ha u drugoj godini). Prema tome, i pored visokih ulaganja po jedinici površine kod jagoda kratkog dana, uz prosečan prinos od 15.772 kg/ha, ostvaruje se profit od 22.301 CAD/ha

    Hemijska svojstva i poboljšanje kvaliteta krmnih leguminoza

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    Fresh, dried or preserved, forage legumes are highly suitable for use as roughage in the animal diet because of their richness in protein, vitamins, and mineral matter. Previous work on forage legumes breeding for improved quality has mostly focused on increasing the crude protein content of these crops. Another major parameter of forage legume quality, especially from the point of view of ruminant nutrition, is the in vitro digestibility of dry matter. Values of both these parameters decrease with age in all forage legumes due to a reduced leat to stem ratio and lignification. The decrease in digestibility after budding comes as a result of an increased lignin content and a rise in the proportion of starch polysaccharides. In the context of forage quality, especially important from the point of view of ruminant nutrition is the relation between structural and nonstructural carbohydrates. Structural carbohydrates include neutral detergent fiber (NDF) and acid detergent fiber (ADF), while non-structural ones are mostly starch. The latest efforts in forage legume breeding should encompass certain specific traits in order to completely fulfill the needs for safe feed in animal husbandry.Krmne leguminoze kao kabasta stočna hrana u svežem stanju, osušene ili konzervisane su izvanrednog kvaliteta za ishranu stoke jer su bogate proteinima, vitaminima i mineralnim materijama. Dosadašnji pravci u oplemenjivanju krmnih leguminoza na bolji kvalitet su prevashodno bili usmereni na veći sadržaj proteina. Drugi važan parametar kvaliteta krmnih leguminoza, naročito s aspekta ishrane preživara je in vitro svarljivost suve materije. Vrednost oba ova parametra kvaliteta opada sa starenjem kod svih krmnih leguminoza kao rezultat smanjenja udela lista u odnosu na stabljiku i procesa lignifikacije. Opadanje svarljivosti nakon faze butonizacije se javlja kao posledica povećanog sadržaja lignina i povećanog udela strukturnih polisaharida. Posebno mesto u ovom domenu kvaliteta krme, s aspekta ishrane preživara zauzima odnos strukturnih i nestrukturnih ugljenih hidrata. U strukturne spadaju neutralna deterdžentska vlakna (NDF - neutral detergent fiber) i kisela deterdžentska vlakna (ADF - acid detergent fiber), dok nestrukturne pretežno čini skrob. Novije pravce u oplemenjivanju krmnih leguminoza na kvalitet trebalo bi usmeriti i na neka specifična svojstva kako bi se u potpunosti za potrebe stočarstva obezbedila zdravstveno-bezbedna hrana

    Investigations of time and economic dimensions of the complex product production cycle

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    Obeležja savremene proizvodnje sa vrhunskom organizacijom i metodama upravljanja zasnivaju se na načelima ekonomije vremena i principima nove proizvodne filozofije-lean production. Proizvodnju treba organizovati po principu usisavanja, sa minimalnim zalihama, radeći samo ono što je stvarno potrebno, ni prerano ni prekasno. U radu je prikazan postupak projektovanja i rezultati istraživanja proizvodnog ciklusa složenog proizvoda koji se nalazi u proizvodnom programu kompanije 'Sloboda' Čačak.The features of contemporary production process of top organization and management methods are grounded on the principles of economies of times and the principles of lean production, a new philosophy of production. Production should be organized according to the push-pull principle, with minimum inventories, manufacturing only what is really necessary, neither too early, nor too late. The paper presents the design procedure and results of investigations on the production cycle of a complex product included in the production program of 'Sloboda' - Čačak Co


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    Isogeometric analysis, as a special field of the finite element method (FEM) which integrates geometric and finite element mesh modelling, is one of the promising directions of FEM development. The paper presents a concept of isogeometric FEM analysis of thin-walled structures based on the Kirchhoff-Love shell formulation and NURBS as basis functions. The basic properties of isogeometric shell model are briefly given by means of NURBS interpolation functions. The problem of setting up larger models that involve multiple patches and their interconnection is addressed. Academic models as well as practical models from the field of heavy construction equipment demonstrate the applicability of developed tools for static FEM analysis

    The possibilities and challenges of UAV implementation in Serbian police

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    Police officers are engaged daily on collection of the data necessary for carrying out tasks within their responsibilities. Sometimes this data has to be collected immediately (e.g., police intervention is in progress), while in other situations there will be more time available for data collection. In both cases an aerial perspective can be of great value in gathering critical information for law enforcement. For a long time aerial support to police operations was provided by manned aircraft (usually helicopters). Because of technology development during the last decade, law enforcement organizations are turning more and more to cheaper, smaller and stealthier unmanned aerial vehicles popularly called drones. They proved themselves as beneficial to various police branches – from traffic and border police, to tactical units and forensic units. At the same time, their implementation into policing raises significant privacy concerns. Hence their implementation must be followed by strict legal provisions which will regulate the way they can be used. Having this in mind this paper explains the most common ways UAV can complement or substitute existing helicopter unit in Serbia and legal challenges their implementation poses