186 research outputs found

    TV Series in a Big City: Geo-Poetics of Telenovelas 1980s—2020s

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    The article explores the influence of toponymic images on the aesthetics of popular foreign and Russian television Series. The television series is a specific artistic model, the transformation and functioning of which is the result of significant television influence on the audience. Its uniqueness lies in the fact that, being a key genre of contemporary mass culture on one hand, and a multimedia text on the other, the series allows visual content to displace verbal content and constructs a certain reality in the minds of viewers. Within the framework of the geopoetic approach, the authors of the article examine the image of the city in television projects from different years, analyze the functions of urban signs and symbols, and identify various artistic techniques used to characterize characters and represent national-cultural spaces. Special attention is given to the role of the city as a setting and a tool for plot development in TV shows. The result of the study is the identification of the dynamics of the city image in television projects from the 1980s to the 2020s, which allows us to characterize television Series not only as a source of entertainment, but also as a social and national project that claims one of the dominant positions in contemporary culture

    Представления ругательства в обществе: следствие социальных фактов

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    This paper presents swearing usually depicted as derogatory or a way of expressing frustration, resentment or any similar feelings not as the mere result of a permanent nonconformity to the rules of language by its users in their respective milieu be they politically, socially or culturally motivated, but the consequence of a phenomenon above their control, which are socials facts. I argue that social facts, viz., laws, language, religion, age or marriage, uncontrollable by individuals in nature, though produced collectively by them, influence the way individuals think, therefore, produce language according to social representations(beliefs, customs, systems). To elaborate on this assertion, a definition of social facts by Emile Durkheim and contexts in which swearing occurs are elaborated while discussing some implications for experts in language. Nevertheless, in order to limit the scope of the discussion, no distinction of swearing among gender or psychological views are debated, for example the language of men and women, or to attribute utterly, every swearing as introduced above, to social facts, because mental disorders such as Tourette syndrome, dementia, or juvenile gout as causes of coprolalia are also sources of swearing.В этой статье ругательства обычно изображаются как уничижительные или способ выражения разочарования, обиды или любых подобных чувств, а не просто как результат постоянного несоответствия правилам языка его пользователями в их соответствующей среде, будь то по политическим, социальным или культурным мотивам, но следствие феномена выше их контроля, которые являются социальными фактами. Я утверждаю, что социальные факты, а именно законы, язык, религия, возраст или брак, не поддающиеся контролю со стороны отдельных лиц в природе, хотя и производимые ими коллективно, влияют на то, как люди думают, следовательно, производят язык в соответствии с социальными представлениями (убеждениями, обычаями, системы). Чтобы развить это утверждение, было разработано определение социальных фактов Эмиля Дюркгейма и контекстов, в которых происходит ругательство, при обсуждении некоторых последствий для экспертов по языку. Тем не менее, чтобы ограничить сферу обсуждения, не обсуждается различие в клятве между гендерными или психологическими взглядами, например, язык мужчин и женщин, или, как указывалось выше, приписывают каждое ругательство социальным фактам, поскольку расстройства, такие как синдром Туретта, деменция или ювенильная подагра как причины копролалии, также являются источниками ругательства

    FE65 Binds Teashirt, Inhibiting Expression of the Primate-Specific Caspase-4

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    The Alzheimer disease (AD) amyloid protein precursor (APP) can bind the FE65 adaptor protein and this complex can regulate gene expression. We carried out yeast two-hybrid studies with a PTB domain of FE65, focusing on those genes that might be involved in nuclear signaling, and identified and validated Teashirt proteins as FE65 interacting proteins in neurons. Using reporter systems, we observed that FE65 could simultaneously recruit SET, a component of the inhibitor of acetyl transferase, and Teashirt, which in turn recruited histone deacetylases, to produce a powerful gene-silencing complex. We screened stable cell lines with a macroarray focusing on AD-related genes and identified CASP4, encoding caspase-4, as a target of this silencing complex. Chromatin immunoprecipitation showed a direct interaction of FE65 and Teashirt3 with the promoter region of CASP4. Expression studies in postmortem samples demonstrated decreasing expression of Teashirt and increasing expression of caspase-4 with progressive cognitive decline. Importantly, there were significant increases in caspase-4 expression associated with even the earliest neuritic plaque changes in AD. We evaluated a case-control cohort and observed evidence for a genetic association between the Teashirt genes TSHZ1 and TSHZ3 and AD, with the TSHZ3 SNP genotype correlating with expression of Teashirt3. The results were consistent with a model in which reduced expression of Teashirt3, mediated by genetic or other causes, increases caspase-4 expression, leading to progression of AD. Thus the cell biological, gene expression and genetic data support a role for Teashirt/caspase-4 in AD biology. As caspase-4 shows evidence of being a primate-specific gene, current models of AD and other neurodegenerative conditions may be incomplete because of the absence of this gene in the murine genome

    D1 Dopamine Receptor Regulation of Microtubule-Associated Protein-2 Phosphorylation in Developing Cerebral Cortical Neurons

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    This study addresses the hypothesis that the previously described capacity of D1 dopamine receptors (D1Rs) to regulate dendritic growth in developing cortical neurons may involve alterations in the phosphorylation state of microtubuleassociated protein-2 (MAP2). The changes in phosphorylation of this protein are known to affect its ability to stabilize the dendritic cytoskeleton. The study involved two systems: primary cultures of mouse cortical neurons grown in the presence of the D1R agonists, SKF82958 or A77636, and the cortex of neonatal transgenic mice overexpressing the D1A subtype of D1R. In both models, a decrease in dendritic extension corresponded with an elevation in MAP2 phosphorylation. This phosphorylation occurred on all three amino acid residues examined in this study: serine, threonine, and tyrosine. In cultured cortical neurons, D1R stimulation-induced increase in MAP2 phosphorylation was blocked by the protein kinase A (PKA) inhibitor, H-89, and mimicked by the PKA activator, Sp- cAMPS. This indicates that D1Rs modulate MAP2 phosphorylation through PKA-associated intracellular signaling pathways. We also observed that the elevations in MAP2 phosphorylation in neuronal cultures in the presence of D1R agonists (or Sp- cAMPS) were maintained for a prolonged time (up to at least 96 hr). Moreover, MAP2 phosphorylation underwent a substantial increase between 24 and 72 hr of exposure to these drugs. Our findings are consistent with the idea that D1Rs can modulate growth and maintenance of dendrites in developing cortical cells by regulating the phosphorylation of MAP2. In addition, our observations suggest that MAP2 phosphorylation by longterm activation of D1Rs (and PKA) can be divided into two phases the initial 24 hr long phase of a relatively weak elevation in phosphorylation and the delayed phase of a much more robust phosphorylation increase taking place during the next 48 hr

    GAD1 mRNA Expression and DNA Methylation in Prefrontal Cortex of Subjects with Schizophrenia

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    Dysfunction of prefrontal cortex in schizophrenia includes changes in GABAergic mRNAs, including decreased expression of GAD1, encoding the 67 kDa glutamate decarboxylase (GAD67) GABA synthesis enzyme. The underlying molecular mechanisms remain unclear. Alterations in DNA methylation as an epigenetic regulator of gene expression are thought to play a role but this hypothesis is difficult to test because no techniques are available to extract DNA from GAD1 expressing neurons efficiently from human postmortem brain. Here, we present an alternative approach that is based on immunoprecipitation of mononucleosomes with anti-methyl-histone antibodies differentiating between sites of potential gene expression as opposed to repressive or silenced chromatin. Methylation patterns of CpG dinucleotides at the GAD1 proximal promoter and intron 2 were determined for each of the two chromatin fractions separately, using a case-control design for 14 schizophrenia subjects affected by a decrease in prefrontal GAD1 mRNA levels. In controls, the methylation frequencies at CpG dinucleotides, while overall higher in repressive as compared to open chromatin, did not exceed 5% at the proximal GAD1 promoter and 30% within intron 2. Subjects with schizophrenia showed a significant, on average 8-fold deficit in repressive chromatin-associated DNA methylation at the promoter. These results suggest that chromatin remodeling mechanisms are involved in dysregulated GABAergic gene expression in schizophrenia


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    In recent years, in Russia we found growing number of mycobacteriosis caused by nontuberculous mycobacteria in patients with HIV infection. The aim of this study was to evaluate dynamics of the detection of MAC-infection in HIVinfected patients in St. Petersburg and conduct the clinical and laboratory characteristics of them. To accomplish the task, carried out a retrospective analysis of 94 patients with HIV and mycobacteriosis treated in City TB Hospital №2 of St. Petersburg in 2004–2015 years. Mycobacteriosis cases were recorded in patients with advanced HIV disease who were not receiving HAART. High level of social adaptation of patients with mycobacteriosis (HIV infection mainly through sexual contact, low frequency of the active drug using, high level of employment, low level of imprisonment history). The clinical features was symptoms of intoxication, diarrheal syndrome. X-ray examination of chest demonstrated an increase in mediastinal lymph nodes at the scarcity of dissemination in lung tissue. In the laboratory attracted attention the presence of severe anemia and increase markers of cholestasis (GGT and alkaline phosphatase).В последние годы в России у больных ВИЧ-инфекцией нарастает регистрация случаев микобактериоза, вызванного нетуберкулезными микобактериями. Целью настоящего исследования было оценить динамику выявления случаев микобактериоза у больных ВИЧ-инфекцией в Санкт-Петербурге и провести клинико-лабораторную их характеристику. Для реализации поставленной задачи проведен ретроспективный анализ 94 больных ВИЧ-инфекцией и микобактериозом, проходивших лечение в Городской туберкулезной больнице № 2 Санкт-Петербурга в период 2004–2015 гг. Установлено нарастание частоты регистрации микобактериоза у больных ВИЧ-инфекцией за последние годы. Случаи микобактериоза регистрировались у пациентов на поздних стадиях ВИЧ-инфекции, не получавших ВААРТ. Отмечен высокий уровень социальной адаптированности пациентов с микобактериозом (заражение ВИЧ преимущественно половым путем, низкая частота активного наркопотребления, высокий уровень занятости, отсутствие пенитенциарного анамнеза). Клиническая картина микобактериоза характеризовалась выраженными симптомами интоксикации, диарейного синдрома при скудности респираторной симптоматики. Рентгенологическая картина поражения органов грудной клетки проявлялась в увеличении лимфатических узлов средостения при скудности диссеминации в легочной ткани. В лабораторной картине обращали на себя внимание наличие тяжелой анемии и повышение уровня маркеров холестаза (ГГТ и ЩФ)

    Клинические особенности течения риновирусной инфекции у детей

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    Acute respiratory viral infections remain the most common diseases in the world, accounting for about 90% of all infectious diseases. The possibilities of etiological decoding of ARVI using modern examination methods made it possible to establish an increase in the proportion of rhinovirus infection in the structure of ARVI.The aim of the study in this regard was to study the features of the clinical course of rhinovirus infection in children of different ages in modern conditions. The study included 50 patients with rhinovirus infection of children, among whom 1 2 children (24%) were under 1 year old; 34 children (68%) — 1—3 years old, 4 children (8%) — 3—7 years old. To confirm rhinovirus infection, a study of mucus from the nasopharynx by PCR was carried out.A thorough analysis of the symptom complex of the infection showed that in 1 3 (26%) patients the infectious process was limited to lesions of the upper respiratory tract, in 14 (28%) there were symptoms of acute stenosinglaryngotracheitis, in 1 1 (22%) children developed pneumonia, in 1 2 (24%) — bronchitis, with obstructive syndrome in 1 0 (83.3%) patients in this group.Острые респираторные вирусные инфекции остаются наиболее распространенными заболеваниями в мире, составляя около 90% всей инфекционной патологии. Возможности этиологической расшифровки ОРВИ с применением современных методов обследования позволили установить увеличение доли риновирусной инфекции в структуре ОРВИ.Целью исследования явилось изучение особенностей клинического течения риновирусной инфекции у детей различного возраста в современных условиях.Под наблюдением находилось 50 детей с риновирусной инфекцией: 12 детей (24%) были в возрасте до 1 года; 34 ребенка (68%) — 1 —3 лет, 4 ребенка (8%) — 3—7 лет. Для подтверждения риновирусной инфекции проводилось исследование слизи из носоглотки методом ПЦР.Тщательный анализ симптомокомплекса инфекции показал, что только у 13 (26%) больных инфекционный процесс ограничивался поражениями верхних дыхательных путей, у 14 (28%) отмечались явления острого стенозирующего ларинготрахеита, у 1 1 (22%) детей развивались пневмонии, у 12 (24%) — бронхиты, причём с обструктивным синдромом у 1 0 (83,3%) пациентов в этой группе

    Quaking Regulates Hnrnpa1 Expression through Its 3′ UTR in Oligodendrocyte Precursor Cells

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    In mice, Quaking (Qk) is required for myelin formation; in humans, it has been associated with psychiatric disease. QK regulates the stability, subcellular localization, and alternative splicing of several myelin-related transcripts, yet little is known about how QK governs these activities. Here, we show that QK enhances Hnrnpa1 mRNA stability by binding a conserved 3′ UTR sequence with high affinity and specificity. A single nucleotide mutation in the binding site eliminates QK-dependent regulation, as does reduction of QK by RNAi. Analysis of exon expression across the transcriptome reveals that QK and hnRNP A1 regulate an overlapping subset of transcripts. Thus, a simple interpretation is that QK regulates a large set of oligodendrocyte precursor genes indirectly by increasing the intracellular concentration of hnRNP A1. Together, the data show that hnRNP A1 is an important QK target that contributes to its control of myelin gene expression


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    The article analyzes the differences in clinical and laboratory manifestations of tuberculosis and mycobacteriosis in HIV patients. It was found out that mycobacteriosis developed mostly in the socially well patients at the advanced stages of HIV infection. In case of mycobacteriosis, lesions were mostly located in the abdomen with limited inflammation in the chest, while in case of tuberculosis pulmonary lesions dominated. A negative result of sputum PCR assays for tuberculosis mycobacteria with a positive result of the test for AFB is an important sign for differential diagnostics. The obtained results allow performing differential diagnostics of these diseases in those HIV infected.Проведен анализ различий в клинико-лабораторных проявлениях туберкулеза и микобактериоза у больных ВИЧ-инфекцией. Установлено, что микобактериоз развивается преимущественно у социально-сохранных лиц с поздними стадиями ВИЧ-инфекции. При микобактериозе преимущественно поражаются органы брюшной полости при скудности воспалительного процесса в органах грудной клетки, тогда как при туберкулезе имеет место преимущественно легочный процесс. Важным дифференциально-диагностическим симптомом является негативный результат исследования ПЦР мокроты на микобактерии туберкулеза при наличии кислотоустойчивых бактерий в мокроте. Полученные данные позволяют проводить клиническую дифференциальную диагностику этих заболеваний у лиц с ВИЧ-инфекцией

    Evolution of regulatory signatures in primate cortical neurons at cell-type resolution

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    The human cerebral cortex contains many cell types that likely underwent independent functional changes during evolution. However, cell-type-specific regulatory landscapes in the cortex remain largely unexplored. Here we report epigenomic and transcriptomic analyses of the two main cortical neuronal subtypes, glutamatergic projection neurons and GABAergic interneurons, in human, chimpanzee, and rhesus macaque. Using genome-wide profiling of the H3K27ac histone modification, we identify neuron-subtype-specific regulatory elements that previously went undetected in bulk brain tissue samples. Human-specific regulatory changes are uncovered in multiple genes, including those associated with language, autism spectrum disorder, and drug addiction. We observe preferential evolutionary divergence in neuron subtype-specific regulatory elements and show that a substantial fraction of pan-neuronal regulatory elements undergoes subtype-specific evolutionary changes. This study sheds light on the interplay between regulatory evolution and cell-type-dependent gene-expression programs, and provides a resource for further exploration of human brain evolution and function