8 research outputs found

    Solvated Interaction Energy (SIE) for Scoring Protein-Ligand Binding Affinities. 1. Exploring the Parameter Space

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    We present a binding free energy function that consists of force field terms supplemented by solvation terms. We used this function to calibrate the solvation model along with the binding interaction terms in a self-consistent manner. The motivation for this approach was that the solute dielectric-constant dependence of calculated hydration gas-to-water transfer free energies is markedly different from that of binding free energies (J. Comput. Chem. 2003, 24, 954). Hence, we sought to calibrate directly the solvation terms in the context of a binding calculation. The five parameters of the model were systematically scanned to best reproduce the absolute binding free energies for a set of 99 protein-ligand complexes. We obtained a mean unsigned error of 1.29 kcal/mol for the predicted absolute binding affinity in a parameter space that was fairly shallow near the optimum. The lowest errors were obtained with solute dielectric values of Din = 20 or higher and scaling of the intermolecular van der Waals interaction energy by factors ranging from 0.03 to 0.15. The high apparent Din and strong van der Waals scaling may reflect the anticorrelation of the change in solvated potential energy and configurational entropy, that is, enthalpy-entropy compensation in ligand binding (Biophys. J. 2004, 87, 3035-3049). Five variations of preparing the protein-ligand data set were explored in order to examine the effect of energy refinement and the presence of bound water on the calculated results. We find that retaining water in the final protein structure used for calculating the binding free energy is not necessary to obtain good results; that is the continuum solvation model is sufficient. Virtual screening enrichment studies on estrogen receptor and thymidine kinase showed a good ability of the binding free energy function to recover true hits in a collection of decoysNRC publication: Ye

    Oral PEG 15–20 protects the intestine against radiation: role of lipid rafts

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    Intestinal injury following abdominal radiation therapy or accidental exposure remains a significant clinical problem that can result in varying degrees of mucosal destruction such as ulceration, vascular sclerosis, intestinal wall fibrosis, loss of barrier function, and even lethal gut-derived sepsis. We determined the ability of a high-molecular-weight polyethylene glycol-based copolymer, PEG 15–20, to protect the intestine against the early and late effects of radiation in mice and rats and to determine its mechanism of action by examining cultured rat intestinal epithelia. Rats were exposed to fractionated radiation in an established model of intestinal injury, whereby an intestinal segment is surgically placed into the scrotum and radiated daily. Radiation injury score was decreased in a dose-dependent manner in rats gavaged with 0.5 or 2.0 g/kg per day of PEG 15–20 (n = 9–13/group, P < 0.005). Complementary studies were performed in a novel mouse model of abdominal radiation followed by intestinal inoculation with Pseudomonas aeruginosa (P. aeruginosa), a common pathogen that causes lethal gut-derived sepsis following radiation. Mice mortality was decreased by 40% in mice drinking 1% PEG 15–20 (n = 10/group, P < 0.001). Parallel studies were performed in cultured rat intestinal epithelial cells treated with PEG 15–20 before radiation. Results demonstrated that PEG 15–20 prevented radiation-induced intestinal injury in rats, prevented apoptosis and lethal sepsis attributable to P. aeruginosa in mice, and protected cultured intestinal epithelial cells from apoptosis and microbial adherence and possible invasion. PEG 15–20 appeared to exert its protective effect via its binding to lipid rafts by preventing their coalescence, a hallmark feature in intestinal epithelial cells exposed to radiation

    Association Thermodynamics and Conformational Stability of β-Sheet Amyloid β(17-42) Oligomers: Effects of E22Q (Dutch) Mutation and Charge Neutralization

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    Amyloid fibrils are associated with many neurodegenerative diseases. It was found that amyloidogenic oligomers, not mature fibrils, are neurotoxic agents related to these diseases. Molecular mechanisms of infectivity, pathways of aggregation, and molecular structure of these oligomers remain elusive. Here, we use all-atom molecular dynamics, molecular mechanics combined with solvation analysis by statistical-mechanical, three-dimensional molecular theory of solvation (also known as 3D-RISM-KH) in a new MM-3D-RISM-KH method to study conformational stability, and association thermodynamics of small wild-type Aβ17–42 oligomers with different protonation states of Glu22, as well the E22Q (Dutch) mutants. The association free energy of small β-sheet oligomers shows near-linear trend with the dimers being thermodynamically more stable relative to the larger constructs. The linear (within statistical uncertainty) dependence of the association free energy on complex size is a consequence of the unilateral stacking of monomers in the β-sheet oligomers. The charge reduction of the wild-type Aβ17–42 oligomers upon protonation of the solvent-exposed Glu22 at acidic conditions results in lowering the association free energy compared to the wild-type oligomers at neutral pH and the E22Q mutants. The neutralization of the peptides because of the E22Q mutation only marginally affects the association free energy, with the reduction of the direct electrostatic interactions mostly compensated by the unfavorable electrostatic solvation effects. For the wild-type oligomers at acidic conditions such compensation is not complete, and the electrostatic interactions, along with the gas-phase nonpolar energetic and the overall entropic effects, contribute to the lowering of the association free energy. The differences in the association thermodynamics between the wild-type Aβ17–42 oligomers at neutral pH and the Dutch mutants, on the one hand, and the Aβ17–42 oligomers with protonated Glu22, on the other, may be explained by destabilization of the inter- and intrapeptide salt bridges between Asp23 and Lys28. Peculiarities in the conformational stability and the association thermodynamics for the different models of the Aβ17–42 oligomers are rationalized based on the analysis of the local physical interactions and the microscopic solvation structure