19 research outputs found

    Design of a sensor network for the quantitative analysis of sport climbing

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    We describe the design of a modular sensorized climbing wall for motion analysis in a naturalistic environment. The wall is equipped with force sensors to measure interaction forces between the athlete and the wall, which can be used by experienced instructors, athletes, or therapists, to gain insights into the quality of motion. A specifically designed triaxial load cell is integrated into each hold placement, invisible to the climber, and compatible with standard climbing holds. Data collected through the sensors is sent to an app running on a portable device. The wall can be adapted to different uses. To validate our design, we recorded a repeated climbing activity of eleven climbers with varying degrees of expertise. Analysis of the interaction forces during the exercise demonstrates that the sensor network design can provide valuable information to track and analyze exercise performance changes over time. Here we report the design process as well as the validation and testing of the sensorized climbing wall

    Arterial hypertension and dyslipidemia in a HIV-positive patient treated with antiretroviral therapy

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    The introduction of antiretroviral therapy (ART) has substantially modified the clinical history and epidemiology of HIV infection with an important decline in infective causes of death and an increase in non-infective comorbidities particularly in cardiovascular complications. HIV infection has been related to an increased cardiovascular risk due to the presence of three factors: classic cardiovascular risk factors (shared with the general population), HIV infection itself (indirectly due to the inflammation and directly due to viral molecule) and ART-related chronic metabolic alterations. We describe a peculiar case of metabolic alteration in an HIV infected patient on ART with particular attention to the diagnosis and therapeutic aspects. Giving the higher cardiovascular risk of this specific population it is advisable that the clinician performs a frequent re-assessment of risk factors and cardiovascular organ damage. An early detection of metabolic alteration must lead to an aggressive specific therapy; this must be done by taking care of the HIV-infected subject fragility and the interactions with ART

    Strontium Isotope Evidence for Neanderthal and Modern Human Mobility at the Upper and Middle Palaeolithic Site of Fumane Cave (Italy)

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    To investigate the mobility patterns of Neanderthals and modern humans in Europe during the Middle-to-Upper Palaeolithic transition period, we applied strontium isotope analysis to Neanderthal (n = 3) and modern human (n = 2) teeth recovered from the site of Fumane Cave in the Monti Lessini region of Northern Italy. We also measured a large number of environmental samples from the region, to establish a strontium ‘baseline’, and also micromammals (vole teeth) from the levels associated with the hominin teeth. We found that the modern humans and Neanderthals had similar strontium isotope values, and these values match the local baseline values we obtained for the site and the surrounding region. We conclude that both groups were utilizing the local mountainous region where Fumane Cave is situated, and likely the nearby Lessini highlands and Adige plains, and therefore the strontium evidence does not show differening mobility patterns between Neanderthals and modern humans at the Fumane site

    L'homme-dieu contre l'âme du monde ? : essai d'analyse culturelle de l'habitation occidentale de la Terre

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    S'appuyant sur une conception élargie de l'idée d'habitation, l'essai présente une lecture critique de notre condition d'hommes urbanisés. Il confronte deux attitudes qui animent nos comportements d'habitants, l'une portée par une disposition romantique, l'autre mue par la volonté de nous approprier le monde. Des éléments pour une géopoétique de l'habitation sont d'abord exposés. A l'aide de travauy épidémiologiques, l'essai tente ensuite de montrer comment la réduction des contenus ontologiques et phénoménologiques que nous attribuons aux éléments naturels de la Terre nous affecte. Eu égard aux principes du développement durable, le sens de ce nouveau paradigme est discuté pour observer que, malgré la médiatisation des préoccupations écologistes, nos pratiques d'habitation relèvent toujours d'une idéologie fortement anthropocentriste. Constatant les conséquences de l'étalement urbain, l'essai propose enfin que la réglementation aménagiste autorise à l'avenir l'élévation du profil vertical des villes suisses afin de contenir l'emprise urbaine

    Vailate (CR)

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    Calcul d'un indice des loyers par post-stratification

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    Cet article discute d'un certain nombre de difficultés théoriques et pratiques qui se présentent lorsqu'on calcule un indice des prix des loyers sur la base d'un échantillon post-stratifié

    Calcul d'un indice des loyers par post-stratification

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    The paper establishes the theoretical properties of a synthesized index number computed from an a posteriori stratified sample. The index number considered can be expressed as a weighted mean of the mean ratios computed for the subsamples. In the first part, we show that the index has a biais in 1 / n and that its variance can be expressed as the sum of two terms reflecting the uncertainty on the size of the subsamples and the uncertainty on the ratio in each stratum. In the second part, we apply the theoretical results to the data from the recent survey of housing rent prices in Lausanne.

    The Lower and Middle Palaeolithic settlements in the Baldo-Lessini mountains. Results from a GIS investigation

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    On the Monti Lessini and the Monte Baldo, two mountain areas of the Veneto Pre-Alps, studies grounded on human ecology, landscape use and site catchment analysis are still sparse or standing at a preliminary state. A factor of bias is the limitation of the archaeological record that was subject to many paleoenvironment processes, compromising its conservation, with substantial loss of information in the open-air sites. In order to shed light on the Lower and Middle Palaeolithic settlements in these sectors we apply GIS analysis of location features, as a support provided by the methodological innovation in archaeological research. The analysis is significant for the comprehension of territoriality and also provides tools available for the protection of archaeological and cultural heritage in these areas. Site location preferences are the result of a complex decision-making process. Using a methodology based on territorial and employment parameters, already successfully applied in other contributions, the results obtained are key issues in the understanding of subsistence strategies, territorial occupation and settlement patterns during the Lower and Middle Palaeolithic

    Un modèle de prévision des impôts sur le revenu : le cas de Lausanne et du canton de Vaud

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    Dans cet article, nous faisons état de la relation qui existe entre l'impôt sur le revenu, l'indice suisse des salaires et le niveau du chômage dans les unités territoriales étudiées. Nous présentons un modèle de régression et discutons de son application comme outil de prévision fiscale