792 research outputs found

    Form factors of twist fields in the lattice Dirac theory

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    We study U(1) twist fields in a two-dimensional lattice theory of massive Dirac fermions. Factorized formulas for finite-lattice form factors of these fields are derived using elliptic parametrization of the spectral curve of the model, elliptic determinant identities and theta functional interpolation. We also investigate the thermodynamic and the infinite-volume scaling limit, where the corresponding expressions reduce to form factors of the exponential fields of the sine-Gordon model at the free-fermion point.Comment: 20 pages, 2 figure

    A near-IR [Fe II] line imaging survey of supernova remnants in M33

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    We report on the first near-IR [Fe II] line imaging survey of extragalactic SNRs. Observations of a sample of 42 objects drawn from an optically-selected catalogue of SNRs in M33 provide evidence for a wide range in the [Fe II] 1.644 microns luminosities. This can be understood as being primarily due to variations in the chemical abundances and density of the local ISM, although shock conditions may also play a significant role. We briefly discuss how these results may be used to better calibrate the supernova rate of star-forming galaxies.Comment: To be published in the proceedings of the conference: ``The Interstellar Medium in M31 and M33'' (E. M. Berkhuijsen and R. Beck eds.). 4 pages, 1 figur

    Characterization of the K2-18 multi-planetary system with HARPS: A habitable zone super-Earth and discovery of a second, warm super-Earth on a non-coplanar orbit

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    The bright M dwarf K2-18 at 34 pc is known to host a transiting super-Earth-sized planet orbiting within the star's habitable zone; K2-18b. Given the superlative nature of this system for studying an exoplanetary atmosphere receiving similar levels of insolation as the Earth, we aim to characterize the planet's mass which is required to interpret atmospheric properties and infer the planet's bulk composition. We obtain precision radial velocity measurements with the HARPS spectrograph and couple those measurements with the K2 photometry to jointly model the observed radial velocity variation with planetary signals and a radial velocity jitter model based on Gaussian process regression. We measure the mass of K2-18b to be 8.0±1.98.0 \pm 1.9 M_{\oplus} with a bulk density of 3.7±0.93.7 \pm 0.9 g/cm3^3 which may correspond to a predominantly rocky planet with a significant gaseous envelope or an ocean planet with a water mass fraction 50\gtrsim 50%. We also find strong evidence for a second, warm super-Earth K2-18c at 9\sim 9 days with a semi-major axis 2.4 times smaller than the transiting K2-18b. After re-analyzing the available light curves of K2-18 we conclude that K2-18c is not detected in transit and therefore likely has an orbit that is non-coplanar with K2-18b. A suite of dynamical integrations with varying simulated orbital eccentricities of the two planets are used to further constrain each planet's eccentricity posterior from which we measure eb<0.43e_b < 0.43 and ec<0.47e_c < 0.47 at 99% confidence. The discovery of the inner planet K2-18c further emphasizes the prevalence of multi-planet systems around M dwarfs. The characterization of the density of K2-18b reveals that the planet likely has a thick gaseous envelope which along with its proximity to the Solar system makes the K2-18 planetary system an interesting target for the atmospheric study of an exoplanet receiving Earth-like insolation.Comment: 13 pages, 8 figures including 4 interactive figures best viewed in Adobe Acrobat. Submitted to Astronomy & Astrophysics. Comments welcom

    Low-temperature transport in out-of-equilibrium XXZ chains

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    We study the low-temperature transport properties of out-of-equilibrium XXZ spin-1/2 chains. We consider the protocol where two semi-infinite chains are prepared in two thermal states at small but different temperatures and suddenly joined together. We focus on the qualitative and quantitative features of the profiles of local observables, which at large times t and distances x from the junction become functions of the ratio \u3b6=x/t. By means of the generalized hydrodynamic equations, we analyse the rich phenomenology arising by considering different regimes of the phase diagram. In the gapped phases, variations of the profiles are found to be exponentially small in the temperatures but described by non-trivial functions of \u3b6. We provide analytical formulae for the latter, which give accurate results also for small but finite temperatures. In the gapless regime, we show how the three-step conformal predictions for the profiles of energy density and energy current are naturally recovered from the hydrodynamic equations. Moreover, we also recover the recent non-linear Luttinger liquid predictions for low-temperature transport: universal peaks of width \u394\u3b6 1dT emerge at the edges of the light cone in the profiles of generic observables. Such peaks are described by the same function of \u3b6 for all local observables

    Strong quantum memory at resonant Fermi edges revealed by shot noise

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    Studies of non-equilibrium current fluctuations enable assessing correlations involved in quantum transport through nanoscale conductors. They provide additional information to the mean current on charge statistics and the presence of coherence, dissipation, disorder, or entanglement. Shot noise, being a temporal integral of the current autocorrelation function, reveals dynamical information. In particular, it detects presence of non-Markovian dynamics, i.e., memory, within open systems, which has been subject of many current theoretical studies. We report on low-temperature shot noise measurements of electronic transport through InAs quantum dots in the Fermi-edge singularity regime and show that it exhibits strong memory effects caused by quantum correlations between the dot and fermionic reservoirs. Our work, apart from addressing noise in archetypical strongly correlated system of prime interest, discloses generic quantum dynamical mechanism occurring at interacting resonant Fermi edges.Comment: 6 pages, 3 figure

    Generalized twisted modules associated to general automorphisms of a vertex operator algebra

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    We introduce a notion of strongly C^{\times}-graded, or equivalently, C/Z-graded generalized g-twisted V-module associated to an automorphism g, not necessarily of finite order, of a vertex operator algebra. We also introduce a notion of strongly C-graded generalized g-twisted V-module if V admits an additional C-grading compatible with g. Let V=\coprod_{n\in \Z}V_{(n)} be a vertex operator algebra such that V_{(0)}=\C\one and V_{(n)}=0 for n<0 and let u be an element of V of weight 1 such that L(1)u=0. Then the exponential of 2\pi \sqrt{-1} Res_{x} Y(u, x) is an automorphism g_{u} of V. In this case, a strongly C-graded generalized g_{u}-twisted V-module is constructed from a strongly C-graded generalized V-module with a compatible action of g_{u} by modifying the vertex operator map for the generalized V-module using the exponential of the negative-power part of the vertex operator Y(u, x). In particular, we give examples of such generalized twisted modules associated to the exponentials of some screening operators on certain vertex operator algebras related to the triplet W-algebras. An important feature is that we have to work with generalized (twisted) V-modules which are doubly graded by the group C/Z or C and by generalized eigenspaces (not just eigenspaces) for L(0), and the twisted vertex operators in general involve the logarithm of the formal variable.Comment: Final version to appear in Comm. Math. Phys. 38 pages. References on triplet W-algebras added, misprints corrected, and expositions revise

    Dynamic reconfiguration of human brain networks during learning

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    Human learning is a complex phenomenon requiring flexibility to adapt existing brain function and precision in selecting new neurophysiological activities to drive desired behavior. These two attributes -- flexibility and selection -- must operate over multiple temporal scales as performance of a skill changes from being slow and challenging to being fast and automatic. Such selective adaptability is naturally provided by modular structure, which plays a critical role in evolution, development, and optimal network function. Using functional connectivity measurements of brain activity acquired from initial training through mastery of a simple motor skill, we explore the role of modularity in human learning by identifying dynamic changes of modular organization spanning multiple temporal scales. Our results indicate that flexibility, which we measure by the allegiance of nodes to modules, in one experimental session predicts the relative amount of learning in a future session. We also develop a general statistical framework for the identification of modular architectures in evolving systems, which is broadly applicable to disciplines where network adaptability is crucial to the understanding of system performance.Comment: Main Text: 19 pages, 4 figures Supplementary Materials: 34 pages, 4 figures, 3 table

    Integral equations and large-time asymptotics for finite-temperature Ising chain correlation functions

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    This work concerns the dynamical two-point spin correlation functions of the transverse Ising quantum chain at finite (non-zero) temperature, in the universal region near the quantum critical point. They are correlation functions of twist fields in the massive Majorana fermion quantum field theory. At finite temperature, these are known to satisfy a set of integrable partial differential equations, including the sinh-Gordon equation. We apply the classical inverse scattering method to study them, finding that the ``initial scattering data'' corresponding to the correlation functions are simply related to the one-particle finite-temperature form factors calculated recently by one of the authors. The set of linear integral equations (Gelfand-Levitan-Marchenko equations) associated to the inverse scattering problem then gives, in principle, the two-point functions at all space and time separations, and all temperatures. From them, we evaluate the large-time asymptotic expansion ``near the light cone'', in the region where the difference between the space and time separations is of the order of the correlation length

    Almost-Hermitian Random Matrices: Crossover from Wigner-Dyson to Ginibre eigenvalue statistics

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    By using the method of orthogonal polynomials we analyze the statistical properties of complex eigenvalues of random matrices describing a crossover from Hermitian matrices characterized by the Wigner- Dyson statistics of real eigenvalues to strongly non-Hermitian ones whose complex eigenvalues were studied by Ginibre. Two-point statistical measures (as e.g. spectral form factor, number variance and small distance behavior of the nearest neighbor distance distribution p(s)p(s)) are studied in more detail. In particular, we found that the latter function may exhibit unusual behavior p(s)s5/2p(s)\propto s^{5/2} for some parameter values.Comment: 4 pages, RevTE

    World-leading science with SPIRou - the nIR spectropolarimeter / high-precision velocimeter for CFHT

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    SPIRou is a near-infrared (nIR) spectropolarimeter / velocimeter proposed as a new-generation instrument for CFHT. SPIRou aims in particular at becoming world-leader on two forefront science topics, (i) the quest for habitable Earth-like planets around very- low-mass stars, and (ii) the study of low-mass star and planet formation in the presence of magnetic fields. In addition to these two main goals, SPIRou will be able to tackle many key programs, from weather patterns on brown dwarf to solar-system planet atmospheres, to dynamo processes in fully-convective bodies and planet habitability. The science programs that SPIRou proposes to tackle are forefront (identified as first priorities by most research agencies worldwide), ambitious (competitive and complementary with science programs carried out on much larger facilities, such as ALMA and JWST) and timely (ideally phased with complementary space missions like TESS and CHEOPS). SPIRou is designed to carry out its science mission with maximum efficiency and optimum precision. More specifically, SPIRou will be able to cover a very wide single-shot nIR spectral domain (0.98-2.35 \mu m) at a resolving power of 73.5K, providing unpolarized and polarized spectra of low-mass stars with a ~15% average throughput and a radial velocity (RV) precision of 1 m/s.Comment: 12 pages, 5 figures, conference proceedings of the French Society of Astronomy and Astrophysics meeting 201