378 research outputs found

    Dsrem Regulator in the Tcp/ip Network

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    The paper presents the main parameters and describes the behavior of the active queue management (AQM) algorithm which based on random exponential marking (REM) packets in TCP/IP network. It has presented the new AQM algorithm, which has been developed by author, which is based on REM and uses dynamically splitting marking characteristic (DSREM) of network packets. The basic parameters and functional principle of DSREM algorithm have been shown. Block diagram of linearized AQM system, which is based on DSREM management law and describes its main components, is shown. Transfer characteristic for DSREM, which is based on the Laplace transform and its basic parameters, are considered. Simulation of TCP/IP network, which contains congested link for small and large sources of incoming messages using REM and DSREM regulators, is done. Log-frequency characteristics for REM and DSREM methods are obtained and their comparative analysis is performed. It is concluded that the regulator based on DSREM algorithm has better performance and stability of the system can be used in the AQM system


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    The paper presents the main parameters and describes the behavior of the active queue management (AQM) algorithm which based on random exponential marking (REM) packets in TCP/IP network. It has presented the new AQM algorithm, which has been developed by author, which is based on REM and uses dynamically splitting marking characteristic (DSREM) of network packets. The basic parameters and functional principle of DSREM algorithm have been shown. Block diagram of linearized AQM system, which is based on DSREM management law and describes its main components, is shown. Transfer characteristic for DSREM, which is based on the Laplace transform and its basic parameters, are considered. Simulation of TCP/IP network, which contains congested link for small and large sources of incoming messages using REM and DSREM regulators, is done. Log-frequency characteristics for REM and DSREM methods are obtained and their comparative analysis is performed. It is concluded that the regulator based on DSREM algorithm has better performance and stability of the system can be used in the AQM system

    Resonance during seismic activity and city destruction

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    Systematic theoretical and experimental studies of the keyed joints of concrete and reinforced concrete elements have been carried out at PoltNTU over the recent thirty years that made it possible to formulate recommendations for their design and to improve the existing design solutions of joints. The keyed joints have higher bearing capacity. The method for calculating the strength of the joints is proposed. This method is based on the theory of concrete plasticity, the variational method and the principle of virtual velocities. It considers the stage of destruction and takes into account the full set of influence factors. The research takes into account the influence of the following factors on the joints strength: the ratio of the key depth to its height; compression level; the intensity of reinforcement and the nature of the reinforcement location. The keys of a rectangular profile of circular cross section are considered, which are formed in the voids of the slabs at their ends surface when girders concreting. For their reinforcement, a spatial cage in the form of a hollow cylinder is proposed. The results of experimental verification of the quantitative and qualitative influence on the joints strength of these factors are presented. The boundaries of the efficiency of reinforcement intensity, the degree of compression are determined, the optimal ratio of the depth of the key to its height is accepted. The design features of the joints of multi-hollow floor slabs (roofs) with a monolithic girder and between themselves in a precast-cast-in-place frame structural system, with wall panels in large-panel houses, as well as joints of wall panels on flexible loops in large-panel buildings, are taken into account. Examples of improved structural solutions for connecting elements of modern load-bearing systems based on the specifics of their work are given

    Nonadiabatic quantum control of a semiconductor charge qubit

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    We demonstrate multipulse quantum control of a single electron charge qubit. The qubit is manipulated by applying nonadiabatic voltage pulses to a surface depletion gate and readout is achieved using a quantum point contact charge sensor. We observe Ramsey fringes in the excited state occupation in response to a pi/2 - pi/2 pulse sequence and extract T2* ~ 60 ps away from the charge degeneracy point. Simulations suggest these results may be extended to implement a charge-echo by reducing the interdot tunnel coupling and pulse rise time, thereby increasing the nonadiabaticity of the pulses.Comment: Related papers at http://pettagroup.princeton.ed

    Formation of instrumental executive skills of student-bachelors in music pedagogical education

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    The article actualizes the problem of forming instrumental performing skills for bachelor students of music and pedagogical education. The notion «instrumental performing skills» is formulated, stages of their formation are offered. The possibilities of introduction of modern computer tools in the educational process are consideredВ статье актуализируется проблема формирования инструментальных исполнительских навыков у студентов-бакалавров музыкально-педагогического образования. Формулируется понятие «инструментальные исполнительские навыки», предлагаются этапы их формирования. Рассматриваются возможности внедрения современных компьютерных средств в учебный процес

    Single charge sensing and transport in double quantum dots fabricated from commercially grown Si/SiGe heterostructures

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    We perform quantum Hall measurements on three types of commercially available modulation doped Si/SiGe heterostructures to determine their suitability for depletion gate defined quantum dot devices. By adjusting the growth parameters, we are able to achieve electron gases with charge densities 1-3 X 10^{11}/cm^2 and mobilities in excess of 100,000 cm^2/Vs. Double quantum dot devices fabricated on these heterostructures show clear evidence of single charge transitions as measured in dc transport and charge sensing and exhibit electron temperatures of 100 mK in the single quantum dot regime.Comment: Related papers at http://pettagroup.princeton.ed

    The problem of performing skills’ formation of undergraduate students in the realities of the existing teaching methods

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    The article describes the main reasons for reducing the rate of performing skills’ development of undergraduate students within a modern education system. Possibilities of educational program’s reforming by applying the musical-computer technology as a part of a curriculum and teacher’s tool used to increase the level of student’s interest in a self-learning are concerned. The examples of the base used by the software to achieve the main objectives – good fundamental understanding of the subject and facilitation of the performance skills’ acquisition by increasing the personal interest of the student in this process are given. The author of the article does not aim to identify and list specific technological achievements which allow to accelerate the process of performing skills’ development, as well as to adapt them according to the current trends, since the technological possibilities are endless, but offers to evaluate and implement a fundamentally new approach in teachingВ статье раскрываются основные причины снижения скорости формирования исполнительских навыков у студентов-бакалавров в рамках современной системы образования. Рассматриваются возможности реформирования образовательной программы путем применения музыкально-компьютерных технологий, как составной части учебного плана и инструмента педагога, используемого для повышения уровня заинтересованности студента в самообучении. Приводятся примеры используемой программной базы для достижения основной задачи – качественного и глубокого понимания предмета и упрощения приобретения исполнительских навыков путем повышения личной заинтересованности студента в данном процессе. Автор статьи не ставит целью определить и перечислить конкретные технологические достижения, позволяющие ускорить процесс формирования исполнительских навыков, а также адаптировать их под современные тенденции, так как технологические возможности безграничны, но предлагает оценить и внедрить принципиально новый подход в обучени

    Висвітлення проблеми підготовки майбутніх учителів до педагогічної просвіти батьків у сучасних наукових джерелах

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    In this article the author presents the results of the analysis of the grade of the elucidation of the problems of the teachers training in Russian and Ukrainian scholars’ publications. It is stated that in modern scientific sources such aspects of the researching problem are revealed: the sources of pedagogical education in the history of Ukrainian pedagogical thought; the specific work of different types of pedagogical educational establishments of different accreditation levels in the system of continuous professional education; system analysis of the content, structure and tendencies of university pedagogical educational development (national and international contexts); multilevel training of pedagogical staff and philosophical grounding of the conceptions of professional pedagogical education renovation.У статті автор розкрив результати аналізу ступеня висвітлення проблеми підготовки педагогічних кадрів в публікаціях російських і українських науковців. Зазначено, що в сучасних наукових джерелах розкрито такі аспекти досліджуваної проблеми: витоки педагогічної освіти в історії педагогічної думки України; специфіка функціонування різних типів педагогічних навчальних закладів різних рівнів акредитації в системі неперервної професійної освіти; системний аналіз змісту, структури і тенденцій розвитку університетської педагогічної освіти (національний та міжнародний контексти); багаторівнева підготовка педагогічних працівників та філософське обґрунтування концепцій оновлення професійно-педагогічної освіти