412 research outputs found

    “Lifelong Learning” in 6 Minutes and 40 Seconds

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    In the spirit of “anything worth doing is worth doing superficially,” the author provides, in classic “PechaKucha” style, a presentation on Lifelong Learning. Tasked with describing how Credo Reference can affect the quality of teaching and learning, the author presents examples of inspiration for this topic in a “shotgun” presentation, encouraging presentation attendees to learn more about MOOCs and the opportunities they present for education, educators, libraries, and students

    Op Ed--Overcoming Inertia in Green Open Access Adoption

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    Open Access: Getting on the Same Page: What if IR Managers and OA Policy Administrators Could Have Everything They Desire From Publishers?

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    Directors of scholarly communication and others responsible for institutional policies with regard to repositories and open access have an increasingly complex landscape to manage. University presses, even those with a strong support for open access, often have subscription journals. Are there areas where these subscription journals can follow OA-friendly practices that can help the IR managers and OA policy administrators? If so, maybe these can be practices that other journal publishers can be pressured to provide? We bring together three panelists from research universities with diverse responsibilities of administering an open access policy, managing an institutional repository, and managing journal publishing to discuss what features and terms can reasonably be expected of publishers to support open access. Topics at this Lively Lunch and discussion include: What can publishers do to simplify the administration of IRs? What terms could be clarified so that authors who share their submitted manuscripts can do so with confidence that they are not afoul of publisher restrictions? What terms should cover data so that universities can archive not just articles but sufficient data to allow independent review and evaluation of research results

    Op Ed-If Filter Failure is the Problem, Then What Is Filter Success?

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    Explicit wavefunction collapse and quantum measurement

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    In this thesis, we are concerned with models of explicit wavefunction collapse as a possible solution to the measurement problem of quantum mechanics. We examine the models where collapse is to near-position eigenstates, originally introduced by Ghirardi, Rimini and Weber in 1986, where the wavefunction is spontaneously localized at random times. Subsequent models where some of the problems of the GRW model are solved, are discussed, for both sudden localization and continuous localization processes. We comment briefly on the possible origins of collapse. The consequences of possible wavefunction collapse on the operation of quantum computers are described. Finally, we look at an attempt to describe the collapse process in a Lorentz-invariant manner


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    Aeronautical and marine casualty statistics indicate that the human being, when under stress or at times of peak load, can be a poor co-ordinator of the information available to him, particularly when that information is from a number of different source:, as is often the case in modern ships. Integration and co-ordination of information and its useful application in a closed loop feedback system can reduce the probability of accident as has already been demonstrated in the case of automatic landing systems for aircraft. This thesis describes the development of a digital filter/estimator for use in conjunction with an optimal controller in the automatic guidance of large ships in the approaches to a port. A non-linear mathematical model of a ship is developed and validated by comparison with data from an actual ship. The model is then used in digital computer simulations of the passage of a twin screw car ferry into the Port of Plymouth. The simulations show that the control and guidance system is capable of safely navigating the vessel along the predetermined track through noisy measurements of position, course and speed, A reduced non-linear digital simulation model is then used in the design of a minimum variance filter suitable for installation in a physical model of the car ferry. Tests with this physical model confirm the earlier full scale digital computer simulations, showing that a minimum variance filter is capable of giving very good estimates of the measured states, even though the measurement subsystems are unable to give accurate information because of noise. In the event of a malfunction of one or more of these measurement systems it is shown that the filter continues to give good estimates of all the states

    The Semantic Web and Online General Reference -- Are We There Yet, or Any Time Soon?

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    An economic examination of state legal regimes within the U.S. system of federalism

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    This dissertation is a collection of essays, each of which studies certain aspects of and differences between state legal frameworks within the U.S. Specifically, I analyze how even marginal differences between laws across the states can lead to radically different outcomes and incentives for both public and private actors. The first chapter explores state antitrust enforcement, as carried out by each state\u27s attorney general, to empirically test the potential policy business cycle that is created during elections for that office and for those sitting attorneys general that simultaneously pursue a gubernatorial position within their respective state. The second chapter applies Schumpeter\u27s (1942) process of creative destruction in the light of its impact on legal formation and creation. In particular, this chapter explores how the process of entrepreneurial creative destruction creates a gap in existing law and legal precedent, which simultaneously sets in motion a process of legal creative destruction. In this framework, entrepreneurs, at the margin, will shed the legal risks they face by shifting their activities to those jurisdictions that will most predictably create new law or legal precedent to cope with the new entrepreneurial processes or discoveries. The third chapter explores the sovereign debt crisis that swept the U.S. between 1839 and 1842, the aftermath of which caused eight states and one territory to default on their debt obligations, five of them eventually repudiating all or part of those obligations. This chapter further empirically analyzes the post default period when many states passed constitutional constraints meant to prevent future state governments from pursuing similar behavior through time. I test whether financial markets considered those constitutional constraints to be both binding and credible. Overall, the results suggest that markets did in fact react positively to these constitutional constraints, which allowed state governments to reenter capital markets relatively rapidly and on relatively favorable terms, even after defaulting

    Maximum Dissemination: A possible model for society journals in the humanities and social sciences to support Open while retaining their subscription revenue

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    It is well recognized that one of the hardest problems in the Open Access arena is how to ‘flip’ the flagship society journals in the humanities and social sciences. Their revenue from a flagship journal is critical to the scholarly society. On the one hand, it is true that the paywall which guards the subscription system from unauthorized access is marginalizing whole categories of scholars and learners. On the other hand, “flipping”to an APC based model simply marginalizes some of the same people and institutions on the authorship side. Various endowment or subsidy models of flipping create the idea of Samaritans and “freeloaders” which bring into question their sustainability. I propose re-thinking the relationship between publisher and author. The publisher should act as the experts in dissemination and should take on the responsibility of maximizing the dissemination of the author’s work by providing the author’s accepted manuscript (AAM) to an appropriate repository and taking down the paywall. When requests for an article come to the publisher instead of presenting non-subscribers with a paywall, they instead direct the request to the repository in which the AAM has been archived. This walk-through of Maximum Dissemination is followed by: A statement from Princeton’s Professor Stanley Katz, president emeritus of the American Council of Learned Societies A youtube video by Associate Professor of Sociology Smith Radhakrishnan which is attached to this submission, is available at http://youtu.be/sPO66vuTFJ0

    Navigating Challenges in a Non-Open and Affirming Practicum Placement: A Case of a Queer-Identifying Student in Education

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    This article presents a case focused on the experiences of a queer-identifying teacher candidate placed in an educational practicum setting lacking an open and affirming environment. The study examines the challenges faced by the student and explores strategies employed to navigate these difficulties. By analyzing the impact of a non-supportive practicum environment compared to a supportive practicum environment on the students’ well-being and professional development, this case sheds light on the classroom implications and broader discussions surrounding the inclusion of queer-identifying individuals in educational settings. This case underscores the significance of creating inclusive and supportive environments within teacher education programs. It emphasizes the need for classroom applications that foster diversity, cultivate brave spaces, and ensure equal opportunities for all students, irrespective of their sexual orientation or gender identity. By discussing the implications of this case, the article offers insights for educators, policymakers, and institutions in promoting inclusive educational practices that empower and support queer-identifying students in practicum placements and beyond
