131 research outputs found

    Основні напрямки маркетингу і менеджменту в архівній справі

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    Gondwana breakup since the Jurassic and the northward motion of India toward Eurasia were associated with formation of ocean basins and ophiolite obduction between and onto the Indian and Arabian margins. Here we reconcile marine geophysical data from preserved oceanic basins with the age and location of ophiolites in NW India and SE Arabia and seismic tomography of the mantle below the NW Indian Ocean. The North Somali and proto-Owen basins formed due to 160-133-Ma N-S extension between India and Somalia. Subsequent convergence destroyed part of this crust, simultaneous with the uplift of the Masirah ophiolites. Most of the preserved crust in the Owen Basin may have formed between 84 and 74-Ma, whereas the Mascarene and the Amirante basins accommodated motion between India and Madagascar/East Africa between 85 and circa 60-Ma and 75 and circa 66-Ma, respectively. Between circa 84 and 45-Ma, oblique Arabia-India convergence culminated in ophiolite obduction onto SE Arabia and NW India and formed the Carlsberg slab in the lower mantle below the NW Indian Ocean. The NNE-SSW oriented slab may explain the anomalous bathymetry in the NW Indian Ocean and may be considered a paleolongitudinal constraint for absolute plate motion. NW India-Asia collision occurred at circa 20-Ma deforming the Sulaiman ranges or at 30-Ma if the Hindu Kush slab north of the Afghan block reflects intra-Asian subduction. Our study highlights that the NW India ophiolites have no relationship with India-Asia motion or collision but result from relative India-Africa/Arabia motions instead. Key Points We present a new tectonic model for the evolution of NW Indian Ocean Subducted slab under the Carlsberg Ridge resulted from Arabia-India convergenc

    Palinspastic Reconstruction Versus Cross-Section Balancing: How Complete Is the Central Taurides Fold-Thrust Belt (Turkey)?

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    In many fold-thrust belts, cross section-derived shortening estimates are significantly lower than predicted based on plate convergence. This has led to controversial hypotheses that shortening may be largely underestimated due to wholesale underthrusting (convergence without shortening) below far-traveled continent or ocean-derived nappes. The Late Cretaceous-Eocene Taurides fold-thrust belt (southern Turkey) may contain a highly incomplete shortening record of convergence likely caused by wholesale underthrusting. To estimate this underthrusting, we calculate convergence across the belt using a map-view palinspastic reconstruction that takes into account major rotations of tectonic units during their accretion. We use paleomagnetic and fault kinematic analysis, timing of accretion, and Africa-Eurasia convergence to constrain our reconstruction. Our paleomagnetic results confirm an ~40 degrees clockwise vertical axis rotation of the Geyikda nappe that forms the core of the belt, which we interpret is accommodated by a lateral gradient in underthrusting on faults structurally above and below the Geyikda nappe. We reconstruct ~400-450km of convergence across the Taurides during their accretion. We compare this predicted convergence to shortening calculated from balanced cross sections, in which we reconstruct a minimum of 154-km shortening: 57km within far-traveled nappes, 70-km thrusting of far-traveled nappes over the Geyikda nappe, and 27-km shortening within the Geyikda nappe. Shortening in the Taurides created a significant nappe stack, but the majority of convergence was accommodated by wholesale underthrusting with barely a trace at the surface, including ~160km of convergence by rotation of the belt, and 90-130km related to missing Africa-Eurasia convergence

    Paleomagnetic Rotations in the Northeastern Caribbean Region Reveal Major Intraplate Deformation Since the Eocene

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    Relative Caribbean-North American plate motion is partitioned over the trench and intra-Caribbean plate faults that bound large scale tectonic blocks. Quantifying the kinematic evolution of this tectonic corridor is challenging because much of the region is submarine. We present an extensive regional paleomagnetic data set (1,330 cores from 136 sampling locations) from Eocene and younger rocks of the northern Lesser Antilles, the Virgin Islands, and Puerto Rico, and use a statistical bootstrapping approach to quantify vertical axis block rotations. Our results show that the Puerto Rico–Virgin Island (PRVI) block and the Northern Lesser Antilles (NoLA) block formed two coherently rotating domains that both underwent at least 45° counterclockwise rotation since the Eocene. The first ∼20° occurred in tandem in late Eocene and Oligocene time, after which the blocks were separated in the Miocene by the opening of the Anegada Passage. The last 25° of rotation of the PRVI block ended in the middle Miocene, whereas the NoLA block rotated slower, until the latest Miocene. The boundary between the NoLA block and a non-rotated Southern Lesser Antilles was likely the Monserrat-Harvers fault zone. These results require hundreds of kilometers of intra-Caribbean motions with oroclinal bending of the trench or forearc sliver motion along the curved plate boundary as endmembers. These data invite a critical re-evaluation of the kinematic reconstruction of Caribbean-North American plate motion. The consequent changes in paleogeography may provide a new view on the enigmatic eastern Caribbean paleo-biogeography and the Paleogene dispersal of South American mammals toward the Greater Antilles

    Музейна справа сучасної Франції на прикладі музею Бранлі

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    The article sums up the results of the first year of operation du quai Braniy. It also sheds light on multicultural image of modern France

    Formation of the Xigaze Metamorphic Sole under Tibetan continental lithosphere reveals generic characteristics of subduction initiation

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    Metamorphic soles found under allochthonous oceanic lithosphere, or ophiolites, are interpreted as derived from lower plate oceanic crust material accreted to upper plate mantle during intraoceanic subduction initiation. Their metamorphic evolution is inferred to reflect the thermal structure at the site of subduction nucleation, with granulite-bearing soles linked to initiation at hot spreading centers. Here we present garnet Lu-Hf geochronology for the granulite-bearing sole of the Xigaze ophiolite in South Tibet, whose oceanic crust formed ∼130 Ma through continental forearc extension. Our study shows that sole metamorphism was ongoing by 144 Ma, implying that north-directed subduction began at least 14 million years before oceanic forearc spreading. The upper plate at the time of subduction initiation was thus continental, not oceanic. Our results demonstrate that metamorphic characteristics of soles are independent of the specific tectonic setting at the subduction nucleation site and rather provide generic constraints on the subduction initiation process

    A critical reappraisal of paleomagnetic evidence for Philippine Sea Plate rotation

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    The kinematic history of the Philippine Sea Plate (PSP) is crucial for interpreting its geological record related to subduction initiation processes and the paleogeography of the junction between the Paleo-Pacific and Tethyan oceanic realms. However, reconstructing PSP's kinematic history is difficult because the plate has been surrounded by subduction zones for most of its history. In absence of marine magnetic anomalies to constrain PSP's motion relative to its neighboring plates, paleomagnetic data may be used as quantitative constraints on its motion. Previous paleomagnetic studies interpreted easterly deflected declinations to infer clockwise rotations of up to 90° since the Eocene. However, rotations inferred from these datasets may also reflect local block rotations related to plate margin deformation. We here re-evaluate to what extent paleomagnetic data from the PSP unequivocally demonstrate plate motion rather than local rotation. To this end, we provide new data from Guam, in the Mariana forearc, and reassess published paleomagnetic data. Our new data from Guam come from two localities in the Eocene, two in the Oligocene, and two in the Miocene. Our compilation assesses data quality against recently defined criteria. Our new results demonstrate that in Guam, declination differences of up to 35° exist in rocks of Eocene age, indicating local rotations. Our compilation identifies both clockwise and counterclockwise rotations from the plate margins, with little confidence which of these would reflect plate-wide rotation. We compiled paleolatitude data from igneous rocks, which we correct for microplate rotation constrained by intra-PSP marine magnetic anomalies and show a northward drift of the PSP of ∼15° since the Eocene, but without a paleomagnetic necessity for major vertical axis rotation. Hence, with the currently available data, rotations of the PSP may be permitted, but are not required. Plate motion is currently better reconstructed from geological constraints contained in circum-PSP orogenic belts

    Causes of Cretaceous subduction termination below South China and Borneo: Was the Proto-South China Sea underlain by an oceanic plateau?

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    The South China, Indochina, and Borneo margins surrounding the South China Sea contain long-lived arcs that became inactive at approximately 85 Ma, even though an embayment of oceanic crust (the ‘Proto-South China Sea’) remained in the intervening region. This oceanic crust eventually subducted in the Cenozoic below Borneo and the Cagayan arc, while the modern South China Sea opened in its wake. To investigate the enigmatic cessation of Mesozoic subduction below South China and Borneo, we studied a fragment of oceanic crust and overlying trench-fill sediments that accreted to NW Borneo during the final stages of Paleo-Pacific subduction. Based on radiolarian biostratigraphy of cherts overlying the pillow basalts and detrital zircon geochronology of the trench-fill, we constrained the minimum age of the oceanic crust during accretion to 40 Ma. This shows that subduction cessation was not related to ridge subduction. Geochemical analysis of pillow basalts revealed an enriched mid-ocean ridge basalt signature comparable to oceanic plateaus. Using paleomagnetism, we show that this fragment of oceanic crust was not part of the Izanagi Plate but was part of a plate (the ‘Pontus’ Plate) separated from the Izanagi Plate by a subduction zone. Based on the minimum 40 Ma age of the oceanic crust and its geochemistry, we suggest that Mesozoic subduction below South China and Borneo stopped when an oceanic plateau entered the trench, while the eastern plate margin with the Izanagi Plate remained active. We show how our findings offer opportunities to restore plate configurations of the Panthalassa-Tethys junction region

    The forearc ophiolites of California formed during trench-parallel spreading: Kinematic reconstruction of the western USA Cordillera since the Jurassic

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    Ophiolites, fragments of oceanic lithosphere exposed on land, are typically found as isolated klippen in intensely deformed fold-thrust belts spanning hundreds to thousands of kilometers along-strike. Ophiolites whose geochemistry indicates that they formed above subduction zones, may have been relics of larger, once-coherent, oceanic lithosphere tracts that formed the leading edge of an upper plate below which subduction occurred; such tracts were subsequently dismembered by deformation and erosion during orogenesis and uplift. However, to what extent the first-order original coherence is maintained between ophiolitic klippen is difficult to assess. Here, we aim to evaluate whether the Jurassic forearc ophiolites overlying subduction complex rocks in California, now scattered over 1000 km and dismembered by the wider San Andreas Fault Zone, still maintain their original lithospheric coherence. To this end we (i) compile available crustal ages from all ophiolite klippen exposed in the Jurassic ophiolite belt of the western United States; (ii) review and kinematically reconstruct post-middle Jurassic deformation that occurred between the modern western coast and the stable North American craton to restore the original positions of the ophiolite fragments relative to each other and to North America, and (iii) perform a paleomagnetic analysis of a sheeted dyke sections of the Mt. Diablo and Josephine ophiolites to estimate the orientation of the spreading axis at which the Jurassic Californian forearc ophiolites formed. The latter analysis reveals that the original ridge orientation likely trended ∼080–260°, near-perpendicular to the orientation of the trench along the western margin of the ophiolite belt. We show that with these constraints, a straightforward ridge-transform system can explain the age distributions of the ophiolites with spreading rates of 6–7 cm/a. Our analysis shows that the Jurassic ophiolites of California may be considered klippen of a single sheet of oceanic lithosphere that accreted at a supra-subduction zone spreading ridge. In addition, we show that kinematic and paleomagnetic analysis of ophiolite belts may provide novel constraints on the kinematic evolution of accretionary orogens and the plates now lost to subduction

    Tectonic evolution and paleogeography of the Kırşehir Block and the Central Anatolian Ophiolites, Turkey

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    In Central and Western Anatolia two continent-derived massifs simultaneously underthrusted an oceanic lithosphere in the Cretaceous and ended up with very contrasting metamorphic grades: high pressure, low temperature in the Tavsanli zone and the low pressure, high temperature in the Kirsehir Block. To assess why, we reconstruct the Cretaceous paleogeography and plate configuration of Central Anatolia using structural, metamorphic, and geochronological constraints and Africa-Europe plate reconstructions. We review and provide new Ar-40/Ar-39 and U/Pb ages from Central Anatolian metamorphic and magmatic rocks and ophiolites and show new paleomagnetic data on the paleo-ridge orientation in a Central Anatolian Ophiolite. Intraoceanic subduction that formed within the Neotethys around 100-90 Ma along connected N-S and E-W striking segments was followed by overriding oceanic plate extension. Already during suprasubduction zone ocean spreading, continental subduction started. We show that the complex geology of central and southern Turkey can at first order be explained by a foreland-propagating thrusting of upper crustal nappes derived from a downgoing, dominantly continental lithosphere: the Kirsehir Block and Tavsanli zone accreted around 85 Ma, the Afyon zone around 65 Ma, and Taurides accretion continued until after the middle Eocene. We find no argument for Late Cretaceous subduction initiation within a conceptual "Inner Tauride Ocean" between the Kirsehir Block and the Afyon zone as widely inferred. We propose that the major contrast in metamorphic grade between the Kirsehir Block and the Tavsanli zone primarily results from a major contrast in subduction obliquity and the associated burial rates, higher temperature being reached upon higher subduction obliquity.European Research Council ; Netherlands Organization for Scientific Research (NWO